6 research outputs found
New tramp ant species for Turkey: Tetramorium lanuginosum mayr (hymenoptera: formicidae)
Human activities such as tourism, developed transportation and increased trade lead to the introduction of faunal
elements into non-native habitats and consequently affect native fauna. These introduced species are called as non-native,
exotic, invasive or tramp species. Here we record the well-known tramp species Tetramorium lanuginosum Mayr, for the first
time from Turkey (Antalya-Alanya), and present first locality records for Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille) from AntalyaAlanya and Adana. Thus, the number of tramp ant species of Turkey is increased to 19.Turizm, gelişmiş ulaşım ve artan ticaret gibi insan faaliyetleri faunal elemanların dağılım alanları dışındaki habitatlara
taşınmasına neden olmakta ve dolayısıyla yerli faunayı etkilemektedir. Bu faaliyetlerle taşınan organizmalar yerli olmayan,
egzotik, istilacı veya tramp türler olarak adlandırılır. Bu çalışmada, çok iyi bilinen tramp karınca türü olan Tetramorium
lanuginosum Mayr’u Türkiye’den (Antalya-Alanya) ilk defa kayıt edilmekte ve Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille)’e ait ilk
lokalite kayıtları ise Antalya-Alanya ve Adana’dan verilmektedir. Böylece, Türkiye’de tramp karınca tür sayısı 19’a
Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nden strumigenys smith, 1860 (hymenoptera, formicidae) cinsi için yeni kayıtlar
Strumigenys is one of the most speciose genera in the world. Although the genus is speciose, still they are recorded occasionally because of their small size, cryptic lifestyle and slow movements of its members which also stand still when disturbed. We report here two species of the genus, S. argiola and S. baudueri, from Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey, which, until now, were only recorded from İstanbul in the first half of the 20th century. Diagnostic characteristics, details of the localities, photographs of both species, and an identification key for Turkish Strumigenys species are given.Tüm Dünya’da en fazla tür içeren cinslerden biri olan Strumigenys cinsi çok tür ile temsil ediliyor olmasına rağmen, çok küçük vücutlu, yavaş hareketli olmaları, kriptik yaşam tarzları ve rahatsız edildiklerinde hareketsiz kalmaları nedeni ile çok nadiren kayıt edilirler. Bu çalışmada 20. yüzyılın ilk yarısında İstanbul’dan kayıt edilmiş, cinse ait iki tür, S. argiola ve S. baudueri, Türkiye’nin Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nden kayıt edilmiştir. Saptanan iki türe ait diagnostik karakterler, detaylı lokalite bilgileri ve fotoğraflar ile Türkiye’den bilinen Strumigenys türlerine ait tür tayin anahtarı verilmişti
Role of Language Criteria in the Sustainability of Scientific Journals: Analysis of Psychiatry Journals in Türkiye
The dominance of English in scientific papers and the use of English in locally funded research may hinder local comprehension and raise concerns about transitioning from vernacular languages to a universal language in scholarly journals. Additionally, the impact of publication language on journal sustainability is an intriguing area requiring further investigation. This study investigated how the publication languages of 42 Turkish psychiatric journals published between 2010-2023 impact journal sustainability. It examined the effect of publication languages and language changes on sustainability by analyzing information from the DergiPark platform, TR Index, and journal websites. Among the analyzed journals, 8 have ceased publication, while 34 continue. The terminated journals include 3 with Turkish articles, 2 with English articles, and 3 with both Turkish and English articles. Among the 34 ongoing journals in 2023, 3 only accepts Turkish publications, 8 only accept English publications, 22 accept both Turkish and English publications, and 1 accepts both Turkish and English versions of each article. The Turkish-only journal is not indexed by any major indexes. Of the eight English-only journals, one is SCI-Expanded and TR Index, three are indexed by TR Index and DOAJ, three are indexed by TR Index and one is not indexed by any major index. Among the 22 journals publishing in both languages, one is indexed by all the major indexes, four by TR Index and DOAJ, two by DOAJ and six by TR Index only, nine are not indexed by any major index. The use of the local language in journal publications may adversely affect the journal's sustainability, but it is not solely determined by indexing and citation in major index. Furthermore, publishing in English does not guarantee citations from international journals or ensure the long-term viability of the journal