446 research outputs found

    Barriers to communication in tale and short book which are prepared for preschool children

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    Bu araştırmanın genel amacı "okulöncesi çocuklarına yönelik hazırlanan masal ve öykü kitaplarında geçen iletişim engelleri nasıl ele alınmıştır?" sorusuna yanıt aramaktır. Bu araştırmanın evrenini; okulöncesi çocuklarına yönelik hazırlanan masal ve öykü kitapları oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın örneklemini seçkisiz (rastgele) örnekleme yöntemi ile seçilmiş kırk dört masal, elli altı öykü kitabı oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmada veri toplama aracı olarak doküman incelemesi kullanılmış, incelenen dökümanlar betimsel analiz yöntemiyle açıklanmış ve yorumlanmıştır. Araştırmanın başında çocuk edebiyatı ve iletişim ile ilgili alanyazın taraması yapılmıştır. Araştırılacak olan iletişim engelleri 1)emir vermek, 2)alay etmek-küçümsemek, 3)ad takmak, 4)eleştirmek-suçlamak, 5)tehdit etmek- gözdağı vermek başlıkları altında kategorilere ayrılmıştır. Çalışmanın başında örnekleme alınan yüz kitaptan otuz tanesi iki uzman ve araştırmacı tarafından ayrı yerlerde ve zamanlarda oluşturulan kategorilere göre incelenmiştir. Uzmanlar bu başlıklara uygun buldukları tanımları değerlendirip araştırmacıya geri bildirimde bulunmuşlardır. Uzmanlar ve araştırmacı tarafından elde edilen tanımlar karşılaştırılmış; aralarındaki korelasyon SPSS paket programında hesaplanmıştır. İncelemenin sonunda okulöncesi çocuklarına yönelik hazırlanan masal ve öykü kitaplarında geçen iletişim engelleri, kitaplardan doğrudan alıntı yapılarak listelenip, bu ifadelerin çocukların içinde bulunduğu dönemin gelişim özelliklerine uygun olup olmadığı yorumlanmıştır.There are some barriers to communication in tale and short story books which are prepared for preschool children. The cosmos of this study is these books and aim of this study is finding an answer to the question of "how was the barriers to communication written down in these books are treated". The samples of the study are chosen randomly among the forty four tale and sixty six short story books. In this study, documentary investigation is used as data collection tool, and the documents examined are explained and commented by descriptive analysis method. In the beginning of study, literature about `fictitious books for children" and `communication" are scanned through. The barriers to communication examined are classified through the titles of: 1- ordering, 2- persiflage 3-name-calling 4- criticizing and blaming 5- threatening. Thirty of the hundred books in the beginning of the study is examined by two expert researchers according to the categories built during two different locations and time. The researchers gave feedbacks to the student by evaluating the definitions suitable for these titles. The definitions obtained by the student and experts are compared and the corelation between is calculated by the help of SPSS packaged software. At the end of the investigation, the barriers to communication written down in tale and short story books for preschool children are listed by directly quotations from the books, and commentary made on if these statements are suitable for the development of the children in this period

    Trade volume and return volatility in Istanbul Stock Exchange

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    Bu çalışmada, işlem hacmi ve İstanbul Menkul Kıymetler Borsası bileşik endeks (İMKB-100) getiri volatilitesi arasındaki ilişki, 1990-2008 dönemleri için GARCH, EGARCH ve TGARCH modellerine işlem hacmi ve haftanın günleri etkileri ilave edilerek araştırılmaktadır. Bulgular, getiri volatilitesinde haftanın günleri ve kaldıraç etkisinin var olduğuna işaret etmektedir. GARCH ve TGARCH modellerin tahmin sonuçları, işlem hacminin getiri volatilitesi üzerindeki etkisinin anlamlı olduğunu fakat pozitif olmadığını göstermektedir. Bu bulgular, İMKB’de “Ardışık Bilgi Akışı” ve “Karışık Dağılımlar” hipotezlerinin geçerliliğine aykırı kanıtlar sağlamaktadır.This paper examines the relationship between trade volume and Istanbul Stock Exchange composite index (ISE-100) return volatility for the period 1990-2008 by including the trade volume and the day of the week effect in to the GARCH, EGARCH and TGARCH models. The findings indicate the presence of the day of the week effect and leverage effect on return volatility. The estimation results of the GARCH and TGARCH models show that the effect of trade volume on return volatility is significant in the statistical sense but not positive. These findings provide strong evidence against the validity of Sequential Arrival Information and Mixed Distribution hypothesis in ISE

    The solution of some differential equations by nonstandard finite difference method

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Mathematics, Izmir, 2005Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 55-57)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishix, 66 leavesIn this thesis, the nonstandard finite difference method is applied to construct thenew finite difference equations for the first order nonlinear dynamic equation, second order singularly perturbed convection diffusion equation and nonlinear reaction diffusion partial differential equation The new discrete representation for the first order nonlinear dynamic equation allows us to obtain stable solutions for all step-sizes.For singularly perturbed convection diffusion equation, the error analysis reveals that the nonstandard finite difference representation gives the better results for any values of the perturbation parameters. Finally, the new discretization for the last equation is obtained.The lemma related to the positivity and boundedness conditions required for the nonstandard finite difference scheme is stated. Numerical simulations for all differential equarions are illustrated based on the parameters we considered

    Research of Social Skills of Children Who Attend to Kindergarten According to the Attitudes of Their Mothers

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    In this study, 5-6-year-old children who attend to kindergarten were researched if there is a difference in their level of social skills according to their mothers’ attitudes, their gender, mother’s employment status, the number of the children in the family, and to the caretaker. The study group was formed of 354 children who attend to kindergarten in the city centre of Mersin, Turkey and their mothers. “Social skills evaluation scale on children” developed by Ataş, Efe- Cinar and Tatar (2016) was used to evaluate social skills of the children and “parents’ attitude scale” developed by Karabulut, Demir and Sendil (2008) was used to evaluate mothers’ child bringing-up attitudes. Dual variance analyse was used to understand if children’s social skill level becomes different or not according to their mothers’ attitudes, their gender, employment status, the number of the children in the family, and to the caretaker. The source of the meaningful difference among groups as a result of the variance analyse was examined via Tukey HSD test. Level of significance in the research was accepted as 0,05. According to research result, general social skills become different according to mothers’ attitudes. The children whose mothers are democratic and permissive seem to have higher social skills than the children whose mothers are authoritative and protective

    Analysis of the factors determining the type of surgical procedure in mature cystic teratomas

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    Objectives: It was aimed to evaluate which factors determine the surgical procedure selected by surgeons for cases with mature cystic teratoma (MCT). Material and methods: This study included 50 cases with histopathologically proven MCT between January 2011 and August 2016 at a tertiary reference hospital. Data related to demographic and clinical characteristics were retrieved from medical records. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to evaluate the independent factors determining the type of surgical procedure to be applied. Results: A higher rate of patients with large cyst size and elevated CA 19-9 was determined in the postmenopausal patients compared to the premenopausal patients (p = 0.033, p = 0.035). Cystectomy and oopherectomy were applied to 72.55% and 27.5% of the cases respectively. No recurrence in the operated ovary was observed in the 1-year follow-up period in any of the cystectomy cases. The major and only independent variable for the preference of cystectomy over oopherectomy was found to be a younger age (≤ 40 years). There was no independent variable which predicted the selection of laparoscopy or laparotomy by surgeons. Conclusions: Cystectomy was seen to be preferred by surgeons in the majority of MCT patients aged ≤ 40 years regardless of the size of the cyst. This is plausible since these patients have greater concerns about future fertility compared to patients > 40 years old. No recurrence was detected in any of the cystectomy cases, which strengthens the feasibility of this procedure. No serious complications developed in laparoscopy which could render it a safe option for undertaking cystectomy/oopherectomy in MCT cases

    New tramp ant species for Turkey: Tetramorium lanuginosum mayr (hymenoptera: formicidae)

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    Human activities such as tourism, developed transportation and increased trade lead to the introduction of faunal elements into non-native habitats and consequently affect native fauna. These introduced species are called as non-native, exotic, invasive or tramp species. Here we record the well-known tramp species Tetramorium lanuginosum Mayr, for the first time from Turkey (Antalya-Alanya), and present first locality records for Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille) from AntalyaAlanya and Adana. Thus, the number of tramp ant species of Turkey is increased to 19.Turizm, gelişmiş ulaşım ve artan ticaret gibi insan faaliyetleri faunal elemanların dağılım alanları dışındaki habitatlara taşınmasına neden olmakta ve dolayısıyla yerli faunayı etkilemektedir. Bu faaliyetlerle taşınan organizmalar yerli olmayan, egzotik, istilacı veya tramp türler olarak adlandırılır. Bu çalışmada, çok iyi bilinen tramp karınca türü olan Tetramorium lanuginosum Mayr’u Türkiye’den (Antalya-Alanya) ilk defa kayıt edilmekte ve Paratrechina longicornis (Latreille)’e ait ilk lokalite kayıtları ise Antalya-Alanya ve Adana’dan verilmektedir. Böylece, Türkiye’de tramp karınca tür sayısı 19’a yükselmiştir

    Epidemics Eroding Public Life: An Analysis on the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Epidemics have several impacts on different dimensions of the social structure. First of all, epidemicsbring people to change many routines in their daily life and to rearrange their lives. Discussing theimpact of epidemics on social life in the context of COVID-19 will allow us to understand that thisprocess, which seems only a medical process, actually has many social effects. This study focuses on theCovid-19 pandemic as an inducement of the rising individuality of modern man under the light ofSennett’s affirmation regarding the fall of public man. To this end, changes in consumption of goodsand spaces, medicalization of daily life, the effect of the experience of lockdown during the pandemic onthe self and consequently the disruption of the interaction order were analyzed. During the pandemic,the issue of individuals' retreat into their own private sphere and the growth of private life and privatesphere asymmetrically in the face of public sphere and public life were addressed. As a result, thelockdowns experienced during the pandemic negatively affected the social self and the interaction order,accelerating the collapse of the public man which is a process that has been going on for a long time

    Effects of Incumbent’s Commitment in Family Businesses on Succession Planning

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    As many of the researchers agree succession planning is one of the key factors on the sustainability and survival of family businesses over generations. Nevertheless, majority of the family businesses all over the world does not consider succession planning as it is required. This situation has multiple reasons. One of the most mentioned reason is that the leaders of the family businesses are not willing to start the transfer process as they are supposed to do. In this regard, the target of this research is to analyse the reasons behind leaders’ intentions for succession planning under the construct of organizational commitment perspective. When it comes to the family business literature review it is well known that leader’s commitment to the family business impacts the succession planning. Particularly, as affective and continuance commitment has been perceived as effecting succession planning negatively, normative commitment has positive effects on succession planning

    Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nden strumigenys smith, 1860 (hymenoptera, formicidae) cinsi için yeni kayıtlar

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    Strumigenys is one of the most speciose genera in the world. Although the genus is speciose, still they are recorded occasionally because of their small size, cryptic lifestyle and slow movements of its members which also stand still when disturbed. We report here two species of the genus, S. argiola and S. baudueri, from Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey, which, until now, were only recorded from İstanbul in the first half of the 20th century. Diagnostic characteristics, details of the localities, photographs of both species, and an identification key for Turkish Strumigenys species are given.Tüm Dünya’da en fazla tür içeren cinslerden biri olan Strumigenys cinsi çok tür ile temsil ediliyor olmasına rağmen, çok küçük vücutlu, yavaş hareketli olmaları, kriptik yaşam tarzları ve rahatsız edildiklerinde hareketsiz kalmaları nedeni ile çok nadiren kayıt edilirler. Bu çalışmada 20. yüzyılın ilk yarısında İstanbul’dan kayıt edilmiş, cinse ait iki tür, S. argiola ve S. baudueri, Türkiye’nin Doğu Karadeniz Bölgesi’nden kayıt edilmiştir. Saptanan iki türe ait diagnostik karakterler, detaylı lokalite bilgileri ve fotoğraflar ile Türkiye’den bilinen Strumigenys türlerine ait tür tayin anahtarı verilmişti

    The orbital elements and physical properties of the eclipsing binary BD+36 3317, a probable member of δ\delta Lyr cluster

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    Context. The fact that eclipsing binaries belong to a stellar group is useful, because the former can be used to estimate distance and additional properties of the latter, and vice versa. Aims. Our goal is to analyse new spectroscopic observations of BD+363317+36^\circ3317 along with the photometric observations from the literature and, for the first time, to derive all basic physical properties of this binary. We aim to find out whether the binary is indeed a member of the δ\delta Lyr open cluster. Methods. The spectra were reduced using the IRAF program and the radial velocities were measured with the program SPEFO. The line spectra of both components were disentangled with the program KOREL and compared to a grid of synthetic spectra. The final combined radial-velocity and photometric solution was obtained with the program PHOEBE. Results. We obtained the following physical elements of BD+363317+36^\circ3317: M1=2.24±0.07MM_1 = 2.24\pm0.07 M_{\odot}, M2=1.52±0.03MM_2 = 1.52\pm0.03 M_{\odot}, R1=1.76±0.01RR_1 = 1.76\pm0.01 R_{\odot}, R2=1.46±0.01RR_2 = 1.46\pm0.01 R_{\odot}, logL1=1.52±0.08Llog L_1 = 1.52\pm0.08 L_{\odot}, logL2=0.81±0.07Llog L_2 = 0.81\pm0.07 L_{\odot}. We derived the effective temperatures Teff,1=10450±420T_{eff,1} = 10450 \pm 420 K, Teff,2=7623±328T_{eff,2} = 7623 \pm 328 K. Both components are located close to ZAMS in the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram and their masses and radii are consistent with the predictions of stellar evolutionary models. Our results imply the average distance to the system d = 330±29330\pm29 pc. We re-investigated the membership of BD+363317+36^\circ3317 in the δ\delta Lyr cluster and confirmed it. The distance to BD+363317+36^\circ3317, given above, therefore represents an accurate estimate of the true distance for δ\delta Lyr cluster. Conclusions. The reality of the δ\delta Lyr cluster and the cluster membership of BD+363317+36^\circ3317 have been reinforced.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in A&