220 research outputs found

    Improved approximation for Fr\'echet distance on c-packed curves matching conditional lower bounds

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    The Fr\'echet distance is a well-studied and very popular measure of similarity of two curves. The best known algorithms have quadratic time complexity, which has recently been shown to be optimal assuming the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) [Bringmann FOCS'14]. To overcome the worst-case quadratic time barrier, restricted classes of curves have been studied that attempt to capture realistic input curves. The most popular such class are c-packed curves, for which the Fr\'echet distance has a (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation in time O~(cn/ϵ)\tilde{O}(c n /\epsilon) [Driemel et al. DCG'12]. In dimension d5d \ge 5 this cannot be improved to O((cn/ϵ)1δ)O((cn/\sqrt{\epsilon})^{1-\delta}) for any δ>0\delta > 0 unless SETH fails [Bringmann FOCS'14]. In this paper, exploiting properties that prevent stronger lower bounds, we present an improved algorithm with runtime O~(cn/ϵ)\tilde{O}(cn/\sqrt{\epsilon}). This is optimal in high dimensions apart from lower order factors unless SETH fails. Our main new ingredients are as follows: For filling the classical free-space diagram we project short subcurves onto a line, which yields one-dimensional separated curves with roughly the same pairwise distances between vertices. Then we tackle this special case in near-linear time by carefully extending a greedy algorithm for the Fr\'echet distance of one-dimensional separated curves

    Improved Protocols and Hardness Results for the Two-Player Cryptogenography Problem

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    The cryptogenography problem, introduced by Brody, Jakobsen, Scheder, and Winkler (ITCS 2014), is to collaboratively leak a piece of information known to only one member of a group (i)~without revealing who was the origin of this information and (ii)~without any private communication, neither during the process nor before. Despite several deep structural results, even the smallest case of leaking one bit of information present at one of two players is not well understood. Brody et al.\ gave a 2-round protocol enabling the two players to succeed with probability 1/31/3 and showed the hardness result that no protocol can give a success probability of more than~3/83/8. In this work, we show that neither bound is tight. Our new hardness result, obtained by a different application of the concavity method used also in the previous work, states that a success probability better than 0.3672 is not possible. Using both theoretical and numerical approaches, we improve the lower bound to 0.33840.3384, that is, give a protocol leading to this success probability. To ease the design of new protocols, we prove an equivalent formulation of the cryptogenography problem as solitaire vector splitting game. Via an automated game tree search, we find good strategies for this game. We then translate the splits that occurred in this strategy into inequalities relating position values and use an LP solver to find an optimal solution for these inequalities. This gives slightly better game values, but more importantly, it gives a more compact representation of the protocol and a way to easily verify the claimed quality of the protocol. These improved bounds, as well as the large sizes and depths of the improved protocols we find, suggests that finding good protocols for the cryptogenography problem as well as understanding their structure are harder than what the simple problem formulation suggests

    Multivariate Fine-Grained Complexity of Longest Common Subsequence

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    We revisit the classic combinatorial pattern matching problem of finding a longest common subsequence (LCS). For strings xx and yy of length nn, a textbook algorithm solves LCS in time O(n2)O(n^2), but although much effort has been spent, no O(n2ε)O(n^{2-\varepsilon})-time algorithm is known. Recent work indeed shows that such an algorithm would refute the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) [Abboud, Backurs, Vassilevska Williams + Bringmann, K\"unnemann FOCS'15]. Despite the quadratic-time barrier, for over 40 years an enduring scientific interest continued to produce fast algorithms for LCS and its variations. Particular attention was put into identifying and exploiting input parameters that yield strongly subquadratic time algorithms for special cases of interest, e.g., differential file comparison. This line of research was successfully pursued until 1990, at which time significant improvements came to a halt. In this paper, using the lens of fine-grained complexity, our goal is to (1) justify the lack of further improvements and (2) determine whether some special cases of LCS admit faster algorithms than currently known. To this end, we provide a systematic study of the multivariate complexity of LCS, taking into account all parameters previously discussed in the literature: the input size n:=max{x,y}n:=\max\{|x|,|y|\}, the length of the shorter string m:=min{x,y}m:=\min\{|x|,|y|\}, the length LL of an LCS of xx and yy, the numbers of deletions δ:=mL\delta := m-L and Δ:=nL\Delta := n-L, the alphabet size, as well as the numbers of matching pairs MM and dominant pairs dd. For any class of instances defined by fixing each parameter individually to a polynomial in terms of the input size, we prove a SETH-based lower bound matching one of three known algorithms. Specifically, we determine the optimal running time for LCS under SETH as (n+min{d,δΔ,δm})1±o(1)(n+\min\{d, \delta \Delta, \delta m\})^{1\pm o(1)}. [...]Comment: Presented at SODA'18. Full Version. 66 page

    Automated analysis of security protocols with global state

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    Security APIs, key servers and protocols that need to keep the status of transactions, require to maintain a global, non-monotonic state, e.g., in the form of a database or register. However, most existing automated verification tools do not support the analysis of such stateful security protocols - sometimes because of fundamental reasons, such as the encoding of the protocol as Horn clauses, which are inherently monotonic. A notable exception is the recent tamarin prover which allows specifying protocols as multiset rewrite (msr) rules, a formalism expressive enough to encode state. As multiset rewriting is a "low-level" specification language with no direct support for concurrent message passing, encoding protocols correctly is a difficult and error-prone process. We propose a process calculus which is a variant of the applied pi calculus with constructs for manipulation of a global state by processes running in parallel. We show that this language can be translated to msr rules whilst preserving all security properties expressible in a dedicated first-order logic for security properties. The translation has been implemented in a prototype tool which uses the tamarin prover as a backend. We apply the tool to several case studies among which a simplified fragment of PKCS\#11, the Yubikey security token, and an optimistic contract signing protocol

    Quasirandom Rumor Spreading: An Experimental Analysis

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    We empirically analyze two versions of the well-known "randomized rumor spreading" protocol to disseminate a piece of information in networks. In the classical model, in each round each informed node informs a random neighbor. In the recently proposed quasirandom variant, each node has a (cyclic) list of its neighbors. Once informed, it starts at a random position of the list, but from then on informs its neighbors in the order of the list. While for sparse random graphs a better performance of the quasirandom model could be proven, all other results show that, independent of the structure of the lists, the same asymptotic performance guarantees hold as for the classical model. In this work, we compare the two models experimentally. This not only shows that the quasirandom model generally is faster, but also that the runtime is more concentrated around the mean. This is surprising given that much fewer random bits are used in the quasirandom process. These advantages are also observed in a lossy communication model, where each transmission does not reach its target with a certain probability, and in an asynchronous model, where nodes send at random times drawn from an exponential distribution. We also show that typically the particular structure of the lists has little influence on the efficiency.Comment: 14 pages, appeared in ALENEX'0

    On Nondeterministic Derandomization of {F}reivalds' Algorithm: {C}onsequences, Avenues and Algorithmic Progress

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    Motivated by studying the power of randomness, certifying algorithms and barriers for fine-grained reductions, we investigate the question whether the multiplication of two n×nn\times n matrices can be performed in near-optimal nondeterministic time O~(n2)\tilde{O}(n^2). Since a classic algorithm due to Freivalds verifies correctness of matrix products probabilistically in time O(n2)O(n^2), our question is a relaxation of the open problem of derandomizing Freivalds' algorithm. We discuss consequences of a positive or negative resolution of this problem and provide potential avenues towards resolving it. Particularly, we show that sufficiently fast deterministic verifiers for 3SUM or univariate polynomial identity testing yield faster deterministic verifiers for matrix multiplication. Furthermore, we present the partial algorithmic progress that distinguishing whether an integer matrix product is correct or contains between 1 and nn erroneous entries can be performed in time O~(n2)\tilde{O}(n^2) -- interestingly, the difficult case of deterministic matrix product verification is not a problem of "finding a needle in the haystack", but rather cancellation effects in the presence of many errors. Our main technical contribution is a deterministic algorithm that corrects an integer matrix product containing at most tt errors in time O~(tn2+t2)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{t} n^2 + t^2). To obtain this result, we show how to compute an integer matrix product with at most tt nonzeroes in the same running time. This improves upon known deterministic output-sensitive integer matrix multiplication algorithms for t=Ω(n2/3)t = \Omega(n^{2/3}) nonzeroes, which is of independent interest