43 research outputs found

    Die proto-konstitutionelle Etablierung der europäischen Innenpolitik, Rückblick und Ausblick auf Bedingungen föderaler Ordnung in Europa = The proto-constitutional establishment of European domestic policy. Review and outlook on conditions of federal order in Europe. ZEI Discussion Paper C225, 2014

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    ZEI Director Prof. Ludger Kühnhardt recalls the leading ideas of federalism as territorial equivalent for political pluralism. Celebrating the 80th anniversary of Bonn historian and political scientist Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Schwarz, he reflects on the emerging EU domestic policies in ZEI Discussion Paper C 225

    Weltfähig werden. Die Europäische Union nach dem Biedermeier = Becoming world-savvy. The European Union after the Biedermeier. ZEI Discussion Paper C 242/2017

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    The multiple crises of the European Union demand rigorous honesty in the analysis of structural deficits. The Need to overcome the set of current crises with more Long-term and substantial perspectives is all-pervasive. In order to renew the EU it is essential to recognize the external pressure which is rooted in fundamental changes around the world. It is time to make the EU fit for a comprehensive global role as the Global Strategy 2016 is suggesting

    Gibt es eine politische Philosophie der Europäischen Union? = Is there a political philosophy of the European Union?. ZEI Discussion Paper C223, 2014

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    In a theoretical context, the European Union is generally interpreted through the prism of integration theories, which in turn reflect the ever changing empirical reality of the integration process. ZEI Director Ludger Kühnhardt asks if and to what extent the process of European integration has begun to generate a specific political philosophy which uses the EU - and not the classical notion of the state – as the starting and reference point for its reasoning. Kühnhardt examines examples – such as the European notion of civil rights and the notion of the Union itself, but also critical categories such as euroskepticism – which indicate that the EU itself is beginning to be the starting point and frame of reference for a reflection on the common good. For now, a political philosophy in the context of the European Union exists only in an embryonic stage, but the topic may generate intellectual insights through further and deeper research

    Neighbors and other realities: The Atlantic civilization and its enemies. ZEI Discussion Paper C228, 2015

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    2014 was a watershed year for the geopolitical positioning of the European Union. For the first time since the end of the Cold War, Europe is no longer exporting stability but has begun to import instability in an unprecedented way. The neighborhood policy needs a fundamental review as non-European actors pursue policy concepts and strategies that run counter to EU norms and interests. ZEI Director Prof. Dr. Ludger Kühnhardt argues that the values of the Atlantic civilization have come under pressure in a world which tends to be influenced by new conflicts or a secular nature

    The New Silk Road: The European Union, China and Lessons Learned. ZEI Discussion Paper C 245/2018

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    China’s "Belt and Road Initiative" challenges the European Union: The EU needs to proactively respond to and engage with China in order to advance the „Belt and Road Initiative“ in a mutually beneficial way. In order to better define the EU position and the space for common ground with China, the Discussion Paper by ZEI Director Ludger Kühnhardt looks at experiences with the historic "Silk Road". The paper is a plea for lessons learned in order to advance commonalities and reduce mistrust

    European Union - The Second Founding

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    Prof. Dr. Ludger Kühnhardt, Director at the renowned Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI) at the University of Bonn is presenting a broadly structured study about the first fifty years of European integration, its geopolitical context and academic reflection. His study is based on the two-fold thesis that since a few years, the European Union is going through a process of its Second Founding while simultaneously changing its rationale. The original founding of European integration in 1957 was based on the notion of internal reconciliation among European states and societies. Since the 1990""s European integration has become, increasingly, a political project with implications for the internal structure of its member states and their societies. At the same time, with the end of the Cold War, the rational of European integration has begun to change: European integration is about a new global role of Europe, its contribution to the management of global affairs and its ability to cope with the effects of globalization on Europe. Inside the EU, the Second Founding is about a new contract between political elites and the people of Europe in order to solidify legitimacy and effectiveness for this unique experiment in European history. Prof. Dr. Ludger Kühnhardt has been Director at the Center for European Integration Studies (ZEI) since 1997. He is author of thirty books and edits the volumes of ZEI at Nomos

    Europa en transición – Lecciones a aprender

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    La Unión Europea ha experimentado una experiencia reciente, similar a la de una montaña rusa, durante los últimos tres años. A primera vista, cuando Lehmann Brothers quebró en 2008, se atribuyeron las causas originales de esta debacle a la crisis hipotecaria (la burbuja subprime) en los Estados Unidos. Demasiadas hipotecas demasiado baratas hicieron a demasiados estadounidenses propietarios de una vivienda que de repente no pudieron seguir pagando. Parecía ser un problema estrictamente estadounidense por haber vivido por encima de sus posibilidades. El reto de Europa parecía limitarse a evitar un contagio de la crisis financiera de los Estados Unidos. Tres años más tarde, las mareas de la fortuna cambiaron. La crisis de la deuda soberana en Grecia, Portugal e Irlanda y tal vez también en España e Italia se ha transformado en una crisis del euro, o incluso del conjunto de la Unión Europea. No hay que olvidar que también Francia y Alemania tienen enormes deudas públicas. Bajo la ola de sensaciones de temor, no solo se confundieron causas y efectos, sino también los contextos e implicaciones. Ha llegado el momento de poner las cosas de nuevo en perspectiva para entender cada uno de ellos. Yo voy a intentarlo ofreciendo diez puntos de reflexión

    Maturing beyond Cotonou: An EU-ACP Association Treaty for Development A proposal for reinventing EU relations with the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States. ZEI Discussion Paper C235 2016

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    The relationship between the European Union (EU) and the African, Caribbean, Pacific Group of States (ACP) is one of the most unknown, underperforming and underrated legal arrangements in the world. However, all things considered, the EU-ACP relationship has the potential to be of great value. It can be of growing importance if it is properly placed in the context of foreseeable global trends. For this, the European Union and its ACP partners need to be bold and forward looking, strategic and geopolitical. The EU-ACP relationship can become much more relevant for coping with a rising number of global issues. So much so, that it would need to be invented if it did not already exist today. Taken together, the 28 EU member states 1 and 79 ACP countries 2 constitute more than fifty percent of the 193 UN member states. They represent a wide range of states – from some of the strongest economies to some of the weakest; from some of the biggest states demographically to some of the smallest states on earth; from highly complex and resilient democracies and technologically advanced societies to some of the most vulnerable societies and residual states

    The European Archipelago: Rebranding the Strategic Significance of EU Overseas Countries and Territories. ZEI Discussion Paper C255 2019

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    On June 28, 2018, the morning before he attended yet another European Council meeting dealing with the highly complex and extensively divisive migration agenda and launching an EU intervention initiative, French President Emmanuel Macron outlined his view of France as a global archipelago. Without really being noticed by German (or outside of France any other European) media, he presented the “Overseas Blue Book” (“livre bleu outre-mer“) in which the overseas policy of his government is outlined. After several months of consultation with contributions of 26,000 of the more than 2.7 million citizens in the French overseas territories and hundreds of public workshops, the “Overseas Blue Book” mentions 28 topics constituting the French government’s road map on overseas matters

    Die Gestaltung der Globalität. Schlüsselwörter der sozialen Ordnung (I) = The design of globality. Keywords of the social order (I). ZEI Discussion Paper C211, 2012

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    Since 2009, ZEI is engaged in a research project titled "Shaping Globality". Following methodological and conceptual work, the scholars engaged in this project have begun to reflect the consequences of the "global turn" on key notions of social order. The new ZEI Discussion Paper brings together several scholarly papers on key notions of social order under the conditions of globality, written by academics of Bonn University: space (Ruth Knoblich/Robert Meyer), norm (Andreas Marchetti), world government (Christian Schwermann) and knowledge (Maximilian Mayer). The ZEI Discussion Paper is edited by Ludger Kühnhardt and Tilman Mayer