506 research outputs found

    Hamiltonian submanifolds of regular polytopes

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    We investigate polyhedral 2k2k-manifolds as subcomplexes of the boundary complex of a regular polytope. We call such a subcomplex {\it kk-Hamiltonian} if it contains the full kk-skeleton of the polytope. Since the case of the cube is well known and since the case of a simplex was also previously studied (these are so-called {\it super-neighborly triangulations}) we focus on the case of the cross polytope and the sporadic regular 4-polytopes. By our results the existence of 1-Hamiltonian surfaces is now decided for all regular polytopes. Furthermore we investigate 2-Hamiltonian 4-manifolds in the dd-dimensional cross polytope. These are the "regular cases" satisfying equality in Sparla's inequality. In particular, we present a new example with 16 vertices which is highly symmetric with an automorphism group of order 128. Topologically it is homeomorphic to a connected sum of 7 copies of S2×S2S^2 \times S^2. By this example all regular cases of nn vertices with n<20n < 20 or, equivalently, all cases of regular dd-polytopes with d9d\leq 9 are now decided.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure

    Partitioning the triangles of the cross polytope into surfaces

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    We present a constructive proof that there exists a decomposition of the 2-skeleton of the k-dimensional cross polytope βk\beta^k into closed surfaces of genus g1g \leq 1, each with a transitive automorphism group given by the vertex transitive Z2k\mathbb{Z}_{2k}-action on βk\beta^k. Furthermore we show that for each k1,5(6)k \equiv 1,5(6) the 2-skeleton of the (k-1)-simplex is a union of highly symmetric tori and M\"obius strips.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure. Minor update. Journal-ref: Beitr. Algebra Geom. / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, 53(2):473-486, 201

    Combinatorial 3-manifolds with transitive cyclic symmetry

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    In this article we give combinatorial criteria to decide whether a transitive cyclic combinatorial d-manifold can be generalized to an infinite family of such complexes, together with an explicit construction in the case that such a family exists. In addition, we substantially extend the classification of combinatorial 3-manifolds with transitive cyclic symmetry up to 22 vertices. Finally, a combination of these results is used to describe new infinite families of transitive cyclic combinatorial manifolds and in particular a family of neighborly combinatorial lens spaces of infinitely many distinct topological types.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures. Journal-ref: Discrete and Computational Geometry, 51(2):394-426, 201

    Perturbative behaviour of a vortex in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We derive a set of equations that describe the shape and behaviour of a single perturbed vortex line in a Bose-Einstein condensate. Through the use of a matched asymptotic expansion and a unique coordinate transform a relation for a vortex's velocity, anywhere along the line, is found in terms of the trapping, rotation, and distortion of the line at that location. This relation is then used to find a set of differential equations that give the line's specific shape and motion. This work corrects a previous similar derivation by Anatoly A. Svidzinsky and Alexander L. Fetter [Phys. Rev. A \textbf{62}, 063617 (2000)], and enables a comparison with recent numerical results.Comment: 12 pages with 3 figure

    Coupled CFD-CAA approach for rotating systems

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    We present a recently developed computational scheme for the numerical simulation of flow induced sound for rotating systems. Thereby, the flow is fully resolved in time by utilizing a DES (Detached Eddy Simulation) turbulance model and using an arbitrary mesh interface scheme for connecting rotating and stationary domains. The acoustic field is modeled by a perturbation ansatz resulting in a convective wave equation based on the acoustic scalar potential and the substational time derivative of the incompressible flow pressure as a source term. We use the Finite-Element (FE) method for solving the convective wave equation and apply a Nitsche type mortaring at the interface between rotating and stationary domains. The whole scheme is applied to the numerical computation of a side channel blower

    Topological Modes in Dual Lattice Models

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    Lattice gauge theory with gauge group ZPZ_{P} is reconsidered in four dimensions on a simplicial complex KK. One finds that the dual theory, formulated on the dual block complex K^\hat{K}, contains topological modes which are in correspondence with the cohomology group H2(K^,ZP)H^{2}(\hat{K},Z_{P}), in addition to the usual dynamical link variables. This is a general phenomenon in all models with single plaquette based actions; the action of the dual theory becomes twisted with a field representing the above cohomology class. A similar observation is made about the dual version of the three dimensional Ising model. The importance of distinct topological sectors is confirmed numerically in the two dimensional Ising model where they are parameterized by H1(K^,Z2)H^{1}(\hat{K},Z_{2}).Comment: 10 pages, DIAS 94-3

    From Golden Spirals to Constant Slope Surfaces

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    In this paper, we find all constant slope surfaces in the Euclidean 3-space, namely those surfaces for which the position vector of a point of the surface makes constant angle with the normal at the surface in that point. These surfaces could be thought as the bi-dimensional analogue of the generalized helices. Some pictures are drawn by using the parametric equations we found.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    A Closed Contour of Integration in Regge Calculus

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    The analytic structure of the Regge action on a cone in dd dimensions over a boundary of arbitrary topology is determined in simplicial minisuperspace. The minisuperspace is defined by the assignment of a single internal edge length to all 1-simplices emanating from the cone vertex, and a single boundary edge length to all 1-simplices lying on the boundary. The Regge action is analyzed in the space of complex edge lengths, and it is shown that there are three finite branch points in this complex plane. A closed contour of integration encircling the branch points is shown to yield a convergent real wave function. This closed contour can be deformed to a steepest descent contour for all sizes of the bounding universe. In general, the contour yields an oscillating wave function for universes of size greater than a critical value which depends on the topology of the bounding universe. For values less than the critical value the wave function exhibits exponential behaviour. It is shown that the critical value is positive for spherical topology in arbitrary dimensions. In three dimensions we compute the critical value for a boundary universe of arbitrary genus, while in four and five dimensions we study examples of product manifolds and connected sums.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, To appear in Gen. Rel. Gra

    Formation of phase lags at the cyclotron energies in the pulse profiles of magnetized, accreting neutron stars

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    Context: Accretion-powered X-ray pulsars show highly energy-dependent and complex pulse-profile morphologies. Significant deviations from the average pulse profile can appear, in particular close to the cyclotron line energies. These deviations can be described as energy-dependent phase lags, that is, as energy-dependent shifts of main features in the pulse profile. Aims: Using a numerical study we explore the effect of cyclotron resonant scattering on observable, energy-resolved pulse profiles. Methods: We generated the observable emission as a function of spin phase, using Monte Carlo simulations for cyclotron resonant scattering and a numerical ray-tracing routine accounting for general relativistic light-bending effects on the intrinsic emission from the accretion columns. Results: We find strong changes in the pulse profile coincident with the cyclotron line energies. Features in the pulse profile vary strongly with respect to the average pulse profile with the observing geometry and shift and smear out in energy additionally when assuming a non-static plasma. Conclusions: We demonstrate how phase lags at the cyclotron energies arise as a consequence of the effects of angular redistribution of X-rays by cyclotron resonance scattering in a strong magnetic field combined with relativistic effects. We also show that phase lags are strongly dependent on the accretion geometry. These intrinsic effects will in principle allow us to constrain a system's accretion geometry.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; updated reference lis