41 research outputs found

    PET/CT of the Spleen with Gallium-Oxine-Labeled, Heat-Damaged Red Blood Cells: Clinical Experience and Technical Aspects

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    Several scintigraphic techniques have been supplemented or replaced by PET/CT methods because of their superior sensitivity, high resolution, and absolute activity quantification capability. The purpose of this project was the development of a PET tracer for splenic imaging, its radiopharmaceutical validation, and its application in selected patients in whom unclear constellations of findings could not be resolved with established imaging methods. Heat-damaged red blood cells (RBCs) were labeled with [ 68 Ga]gallium-oxine, which was produced from [ 68 Ga]gallium and 8-Hydroxyquinoline (oxine) on an automated synthesizer. Ten patients underwent [ 68 Ga]gallium-oxine-RBC-PET/CT for the classification of eleven unclear lesions (3 intra-, 8 extrapancreatic). [ 68 Ga]gallium-oxine and [68Ga]gallium-oxine-labeled RBCs could be synthesized reproducibly and reliably. The products met GMP quality standards. The tracer showed high accumulation in splenic tissue. Of the 11 lesions evaluated by PET/CT, 3 were correctly classified as non-splenic, 6 as splenic, 1 as equivocal, and 1 lesion as a splenic hypoplasia. All lesions classified as non-splenic were malignant, and all lesions classified as splenic did not show malignant features during follow-up. PET/CT imaging of the spleen with [ 68 Ga]gallium-oxine-labeled, heat-damaged RBCs is feasible and allowed differentiation of splenic from non-splenic tissues, and the diagnosis of splenic anomalies

    DASC-PM v1.0 : ein Vorgehensmodell für Data-Science-Projekte

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    Das Thema Data Science hat in den letzten Jahren in vielen Organisationen stark an Aufmerksamkeit gewonnen. Häufig herrscht jedoch weiterhin große Unklarheit darüber, wie diese Disziplin von anderen abzugrenzen ist, welche Besonderheiten der Ablauf eines Data-Science-Projekts besitzt und welche Kompetenzen vorhanden sein müssen, um ein solches Projekt durchzuführen. In der Hoffnung, einen kleinen Beitrag zur Beseitigung dieser Unklarheiten leisten zu können, haben wir von April 2019 bis Februar 2020 in einer offenen und virtuellen Arbeitsgruppe mit Vertretern aus Theorie und Praxis das vorliegende Dokument erarbeitet, in dem ein Vorgehensmodell für Data-Science-Projekte beschrieben wird – das Data Science Process Model (DASC-PM). Ziel war es dabei nicht, neue Herangehensweisen zu entwickeln, sondern viel-mehr, vorhandenes Wissen zusammenzutragen und in geeigneter Form zu strukturieren. Die Ausarbeitung ist als Zusammenführung der Erfahrung sämtlicher Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer dieser Arbeitsgruppe zu verstehen

    Reconstruction method to combine high temporal resolution with appropriate image quality in dynamic PET angiography

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    Introduction!#![!##!Methods!#!A total number of 110 patients form the Departments of Nuclear Medicine Münster and Essen were included in this retrospective analysis. Baseline PSMA PET-CT was available for all patients. Employing a previously published approach, all tumor lesions were semi-automatically delineated in PSMA PET-CT acquisitions. Total lesion number, total tumor volume (PSMA-TV), total lesion uptake (PSMA-TLU = PSMA-TV * SUV!##!Results!#!Lesion number, PSMA-TV, and PSMA-TLQ were prognosticators of overall survival (HR = 1.255, p = 0.009; HR = 1.299, p = 0.005; HR = 1.326, p = 0.002). In a stepwise backward Cox regression including lesion number, PSMA-TV, PSA, LDH, and PSMA-TLQ, only the latter two remained independent and statistically significant negative prognosticators of overall survival (HR = 1.632, p = 0.011; HR = 1.239, p = 0.024). PSMA-TLQ and LDH were significant negative prognosticators in multivariate Cox regression in contrast to PSA value.!##!Conclusion!#!PSMA-TV was a statistically significant negative prognosticator of overall survival in patients receiving Lu-PSMA therapy. PSMA-TLQ was an independent and superior prognosticator of overall survival compared with PSMA-TV

    Transarterial Radioembolization Planning and Treatment with Microspheres Containing Holmium-166: Determination of Renal and Intestinal Radionuclide Elimination, Effective Half-Life, and Regulatory Aspects

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    After transarterial radioembolization (TARE) with microspheres loaded with holmium-166, radioactivity is excreted from the body. The aim of this study was to evaluate radioactive renal and intestinal excretions after TARE planning and treatment procedures with holmium-166-loaded microspheres and to correlate the findings with the intratherapeutic effective half-life. Urinary and intestinal excretions of patients who underwent TARE procedures were collected during postinterventional intervals of 24 h (TARE planning) and 48 h (TARE treatment). Whole-body effective half-life measurements were performed. Calibrations of the 166Ho measuring system showed evidence of long-living nuclides. For excretion determination, 22 TARE planning procedures and 29 TARE treatment procedures were evaluated. Mean/maximum total excretion proportions of the injected 166Ho were 0.0038%/0.0096% for TARE planning procedures and 0.0061%/0.0184% for TARE treatment procedures. The mean renal fractions of all measured excretions were 97.1% and 98.1%, respectively. Weak correlations were apparent between the injected and excreted activities (R2 planning/treatment: 0.11/0.32). Mean effective 166Ho half-lives of 24.03 h (planning) and 25.62 h (treatment) confirmed low excretions. Radioactive waste disposal regulations of selected jurisdictions can be met but must be reviewed before implementing this method into clinical practice. Inherent long-living nuclide impurities should be considered

    Ultrasound Cine Loop Standard Operating Procedure for Benign Thyroid Diseases—Evaluation of Non-Physician Application

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    Conventional ultrasound (US) is time-consuming, and results are subjected to high interobserver variability. In this study, the reliability of a novel thyroid US cine loop standard operating procedure (SOP) applied by non-physicians (Medical Technical Assistant, MTA) is investigated. Thirty-three consecutive patients (22 females, 11 males) were enrolled. Patients underwent conventional thyroid US performed by a nuclear medicine physician and additional MTA US cine loop according to a local SOP that includes transversal and sagittal cine loops covering the entire thyroid. The video sequences were transferred to the Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) for second reading purposes. MTA US data were not considered for medical reports but for blinded second reading review of the PACS images. The results of conventional physician US reports and reviewed MTA US cine loops were compared regarding size determinations of the thyroid and its nodules, as well as Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data Systems (TIRADS) classification of all identified lesions. The results revealed very high concordance between conventional physician US and MTA US cine loop review for both size measurements and TIRADS classifications (r(s) = 0.84–0.99, p < 0.0001 each). Minor technical impairments were identified. The evaluated thyroid US cine loop SOP enables reliable second reading results and can be applied by non-physicians

    Optimization of Thyroid Volume Determination by Stitched 3D-Ultrasound Data Sets in Patients with Structural Thyroid Disease

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    Ultrasound (US) is the most important imaging method for the assessment of structural disorders of the thyroid. A precise volume determination is relevant for therapy planning and outcome monitoring. However, the accuracy of 2D-US is limited, especially in cases of organ enlargements and deformations. Software-based “stitching” of separately acquired 3D-US data revealed precise volume determination in thyroid phantoms. The purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility and accuracy of 3D-US stitching in patients with structural thyroid disease. A total of 31 patients from the clinical routine were involved, receiving conventional 2D-US (conUS), sensor-navigated 3D-US (3DsnUS), mechanically-swept 3D-US (3DmsUS), and I-124-PET/CT as reference standard. Regarding 3DsnUS and 3DmsUS, separately acquired 3D-US images (per thyroid lobe) were merged to one comprehensive data set. Subsequently, anatomical correctness of the stitching process was analysed via secondary image fusion with the I-124-PET images. Volumetric determinations were conducted by the ellipsoid model (EM) on conUS and CT, and manually drawn segmental contouring (MC) on 3DsnUS, 3DmsUS, CT, and I-124-PET/CT. Mean volume of the thyroid glands was 44.1 ± 25.8 mL (I-124-PET-MC = reference). Highly significant correlations (all p < 0.0001) were observed for conUS-EM (r = 0.892), 3DsnUS-MC (r = 0.988), 3DmsUS-MC (r = 0.978), CT-EM (0.956), and CT-MC (0.986), respectively. The mean volume differences (standard deviations, limits of agreement) in comparison with the reference were −10.50 mL (±11.56 mL, −33.62 to 12.24), −3.74 mL (±3.74 mL, −11.39 to 3.78), and 0.62 mL (±4.79 mL, −8.78 to 10.01) for conUS-EM, 3DsnUS-MC, and 3DmsUS-MC, respectively. Stitched 3D-US data sets of the thyroid enable accurate volumetric determination even in enlarged and deformed organs. The main limitation of high time expenditure may be overcome by artificial intelligence approaches

    Optimization of Thyroid Volume Determination by Stitched 3D-Ultrasound Data Sets in Patients with Structural Thyroid Disease

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    Ultrasound (US) is the most important imaging method for the assessment of structural disorders of the thyroid. A precise volume determination is relevant for therapy planning and outcome monitoring. However, the accuracy of 2D-US is limited, especially in cases of organ enlargements and deformations. Software-based &ldquo;stitching&rdquo; of separately acquired 3D-US data revealed precise volume determination in thyroid phantoms. The purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility and accuracy of 3D-US stitching in patients with structural thyroid disease. A total of 31 patients from the clinical routine were involved, receiving conventional 2D-US (conUS), sensor-navigated 3D-US (3DsnUS), mechanically-swept 3D-US (3DmsUS), and I-124-PET/CT as reference standard. Regarding 3DsnUS and 3DmsUS, separately acquired 3D-US images (per thyroid lobe) were merged to one comprehensive data set. Subsequently, anatomical correctness of the stitching process was analysed via secondary image fusion with the I-124-PET images. Volumetric determinations were conducted by the ellipsoid model (EM) on conUS and CT, and manually drawn segmental contouring (MC) on 3DsnUS, 3DmsUS, CT, and I-124-PET/CT. Mean volume of the thyroid glands was 44.1 &plusmn; 25.8 mL (I-124-PET-MC = reference). Highly significant correlations (all p &lt; 0.0001) were observed for conUS-EM (r = 0.892), 3DsnUS-MC (r = 0.988), 3DmsUS-MC (r = 0.978), CT-EM (0.956), and CT-MC (0.986), respectively. The mean volume differences (standard deviations, limits of agreement) in comparison with the reference were &minus;10.50 mL (&plusmn;11.56 mL, &minus;33.62 to 12.24), &minus;3.74 mL (&plusmn;3.74 mL, &minus;11.39 to 3.78), and 0.62 mL (&plusmn;4.79 mL, &minus;8.78 to 10.01) for conUS-EM, 3DsnUS-MC, and 3DmsUS-MC, respectively. Stitched 3D-US data sets of the thyroid enable accurate volumetric determination even in enlarged and deformed organs. The main limitation of high time expenditure may be overcome by artificial intelligence approaches