345 research outputs found

    Vom Umbau der Lebenswelt: Entstehungsgeschichten kultureller Topoi.

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    Vortrag, gehalten im Rahmen des Kongresses "Konstruktion und Umwelt", der am 28./29. November 2001 im Kleinen Festsaal der Universtität Wien stattfand. Innerhalt der Kulturwissenschaften ist es selbstverständlich geworden, sich auf den Terminus Konstruktivismus zu beziehen. Doch die Referenzsysteme der unterschiedlichen Konstruktivismus-Ansätze sind zumeist kaum bekannt. Dieser mögliche Mangel an Theoriestringenz bringt es mit sich, dass es zu einer Freiheit der Theoriesubstitute kommt. Die Volkskunde (Europäischen Ethnologie) und andere verwandte Kulturwissenschaften haben jedoch trotz dieser Probleme in einer möglichst wenig idyllisierenden konstruktivistischen Theorie der Lebenswelt (Janich) einen idealen Partner gefunden. Dies wird an einigen Beispielen gezeigt

    Behandlung der eitrigen Klauengelenkentzündung beim Rind durch Gelenkresektion

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    Die eitrige Arthritis des distalen Interphalangealgelenkes ist eine relativ häufige, schwerwiegende Erkrankung der Rinderklaue. In vielen Fällen gelingt es, eine Amputation zu vermeiden und die Zehe durch Resektion des Gelenkes funktionstüchtig zu erhalten. Es wird über die Operationstechnik und über die Ergebnisse nach Gelenkresektion bei 281 Rindern verschiedenen Alters berichtet. Von diesen konnten 71 Tiere über Zeiträume zwischen drei Monaten und sechs Jahren postoperativ klinisch und röntgenologisch nachuntersucht werden. Der knöcherne Durchbau erfolgte zwischen dem 7. und 12. Monat nach der Operat i o n ; bei 41 Tieren (£58%) wurde eine vollständige Ankylosierung festgestellt. Von den 71 nachuntersuchten Rindern waren 59 Tiere (= 83%) an der operierten Gliedmaße beschwerdefrei. Die operierte Klaue unterstützte die Partnerklaue bei der Tragefunktion. Haltung auf Spaltenboden oder Weidegang waren weiterhin möglich. Im Vergleich zur Klauenamputation ist die postoperative Nutzungsdauer länger

    Der klinische Fall

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    Autor propituje odnos regionalizma i globalizacije, iznoseći tezu da se suvremeni regionalizam pojavljuje kao posljedica globalizacije. Isticanje regionalnog identiteta autor locira na nekoliko razina: razini sela, etničke skupine, regije i nacije. U tekstu se razmatra i uloga etnologa u nastajanju regionalizama i izgradnji regionalnih identiteta.Region and culture are both constructions, which today result in a new reality of its own. The region is today filled up with a set of cultural images which have been selected in a more or less public discourse, created by the media and supported with material from the folklore and ethnological archives. While the pre-modern region was defined and shaped by legal norms, the legal regularities of pre-modern jurisdiction, concerning for instance dress, wedding ceremonies, access to musical instruments, food and rituals in general, have been transformed and interpreted anew as "cultural" and described as a regional colouring. This regional colouring functions as an opposition to the interpretation of the big cities and the world as "uniformed", "grey" and "too complex", as dangerous and as a place of crime and the mafia. Ethnology becomes a part of that game by a practising exotism at home, by describing the self-evident which has not been discussed before in its new function as being something very special and distinctive. So the self-evident which, by the way, was produced in a historically formed process, now has to be regarded as very special, as clearly different from others, and subsequently can be investigated like the exotics from abroad. It can be talked about as "history" or as story. We refer to the differences mainly as to "culture". So the connection between the region and its culture is a man made one — and also, for example, the idea of "belonging" (Jonas Frykman) to a localisable community as a counter-strategy towards Europeanisation, globalisation or whatever. Europeanisation again argues mainly with a history which has been declared as the cultural capital of Europe. It functions as counteridea against the fear of the Americanisation of Europe and the world. In France, for example, this is done by laws which very seriously forbid the new language called the "Franglais", that mixture of English and French, and govermental authorities have created French words for those items which came from across the ocean in connection with new words as, for example, the word computer, mouse-click, e-mail, internet or the language of the New Economy

    Schiffsschenkungen in protestantischen Kirchen: von ständischer Repräsentation zum Symbol lokaler Identität

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    Autor propituje odnos regionalizma i globalizacije, iznoseći tezu da se suvremeni regionalizam pojavljuje kao posljedica globalizacije. Isticanje regionalnog identiteta autor locira na nekoliko razina: razini sela, etničke skupine, regije i nacije. U tekstu se razmatra i uloga etnologa u nastajanju regionalizama i izgradnji regionalnih identiteta.Region and culture are both constructions, which today result in a new reality of its own. The region is today filled up with a set of cultural images which have been selected in a more or less public discourse, created by the media and supported with material from the folklore and ethnological archives. While the pre-modern region was defined and shaped by legal norms, the legal regularities of pre-modern jurisdiction, concerning for instance dress, wedding ceremonies, access to musical instruments, food and rituals in general, have been transformed and interpreted anew as "cultural" and described as a regional colouring. This regional colouring functions as an opposition to the interpretation of the big cities and the world as "uniformed", "grey" and "too complex", as dangerous and as a place of crime and the mafia. Ethnology becomes a part of that game by a practising exotism at home, by describing the self-evident which has not been discussed before in its new function as being something very special and distinctive. So the self-evident which, by the way, was produced in a historically formed process, now has to be regarded as very special, as clearly different from others, and subsequently can be investigated like the exotics from abroad. It can be talked about as "history" or as story. We refer to the differences mainly as to "culture". So the connection between the region and its culture is a man made one — and also, for example, the idea of "belonging" (Jonas Frykman) to a localisable community as a counter-strategy towards Europeanisation, globalisation or whatever. Europeanisation again argues mainly with a history which has been declared as the cultural capital of Europe. It functions as counteridea against the fear of the Americanisation of Europe and the world. In France, for example, this is done by laws which very seriously forbid the new language called the "Franglais", that mixture of English and French, and govermental authorities have created French words for those items which came from across the ocean in connection with new words as, for example, the word computer, mouse-click, e-mail, internet or the language of the New Economy