73 research outputs found

    Lapatinib-Loaded Nanocapsules Enhances Antitumoral Effect in Human Bladder Cancer Cell

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    Transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) represents the most frequent type of bladder cancer. Recently, studies have focused on molecular tumor classifications in order to diagnose tumor subtypes and predict future clinical behavior. Increased expression of HER1 and HER2 receptors in TTC is related to advanced stage tumors. Lapatinib is an important alternative to treat tumors that presents this phenotype due to its ability to inhibit tyrosine kinase residues associated with HER1 and HER2 receptors. This study evaluated the cytotoxicity induced by LAP-loaded nanocapsules (NC-LAP) compared to LAP in HER-positive bladder cancer cell. The cytotoxicity induced by NC-LAP was evaluated through flow cytometry, clonogenic assay and RT-PCR. NC-LAP at 5 μM reduced the cell viability and was able to induce G0/G1 cell cycle arrest with up-regulation of p21. Moreover, NC-LAP treatment presented significantly higher apoptotic rates than untreated cells and cells incubated with drug-unloaded nanocapsules (NC) and an increase in Bax/Bcl-2 ratio was observed in T24 cell line. Furthermore, clonogenic assay demonstrated that NC-LAP treatment eliminated almost all cells with clonogenic capacity. In conclusion, NC-LAP demonstrate antitumoral effect in HER-positive bladder cells by inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis exhibiting better effects compared to the non-encapsulated lapatinib. Our work suggests that the LAP loaded in nanoformulations could be a promising approach to treat tumors that presents EGFR overexpression phenotype


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    Fatores proteicos tem sido indentificados no plasma seminal de peixes e mamíferos e, em algumas situações, associados com indicadores de qualidade espermática. Entretanto, para o jundiá (Rhamdia quelen), tais fatores como aqueles com potenciais associações ainda não foram descritos. Os objetivos deste estudo foram de identificar alguns fatores proteicos presentes no plasma seminal do jundiá e avaliar suas associações com a motilidade espermática. Através de eletroforese do tipo SDS-PAGE foram identificadas 14 bandas proteicas com peso molecular entre 217.1 e 7.1 kDa.  A motilidade espermática foi avaliada em 21 machos. Quatro bandas proteicas (81.5; 60.4; 33.6 e 25.5 kDa) foram detectadas em todas as amostras de plasma seminal analisadas. Uma banda proteica com peso molecular de 38.3 kDa foi associada com a baixa motilidade espermática no jundiá (P< 0,01), uma vez que foi detectada em 91.4% das amostras com motilidade menor que 80%. Estes resultados sugerem que esta banda proteica seminal associada com a baixa motilidade espermática poderá ser considerada como um potencial marcador bioquímico de qualidade seminal. Palavras-chaveS: Motilidade espermática, plasma seminal, proteínas, Rhamdia quelen, SDS-PAGE

    Revitalizing the AZT Through of the Selenium: An Approach in Human Triple Negative Breast Cancer Cell Line

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    Triple-negative breast cancer represents about 15% of all cases of breast cancer, and still represents a therapeutic challenge. 3′-Azido-3′-deoxythymidine (AZT) is a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor with antitumor activity. Chalcogenides compounds, such as selenium, are very important intermediates applied in organic synthesis. Our objective was to investigate the effect and the underlying cell death mechanisms of AZT and its derivatives, in human breast cancer cell lines. The inhibitory effect of AZT and derivatives (1072, 1073, and 1079) was determined by MTT assay (0.1, 1, 10, 50, and 100 μM for concentrations and times 4, 24, 48, and 72 h) and Live/Dead in tumor cell lines MCF-7, MDA-MB 231 and also in non-tumor cell line CHO. Gene expression profiles related to apoptosis were investigated by qRT-PCR and induction of apoptosis was investigated by flow cytometry. MTT and Live/Dead assays showed that AZT derivatives decreased the rate of cell proliferation at concentrations of 50 and 100 μM in tumor cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB 231 while the commercial AZT presented a low antitumoral potential in all strains tested. In flow cytometry analysis we demonstrated that derivatives of AZT induced apoptosis, with an increase in both initial and late stages in both tumor cell lines evaluated, especially in MDA-MB 231. Our data show that the AZT derivative 1072 increased the expression of transcripts of the genes caspase 3 and 8 in MDA-MB 231 cell line when compared to control, suggesting that the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis was activated. In conclusion, derivatives of AZT, especially 1072, induce cytotoxicity in vitro in the triple negative breast cancer cell line through activation of the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis. These compounds containing selenium in its formulation are potential therapeutic agents for breast cancer

    Cytotoxic Activity of Fatty Acids From Antarctic Macroalgae on the Growth of Human Breast Cancer Cells

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    Macroalgae are a natural source of clinically relevant molecules such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. The Antarctic environment, due to its cold climate, leads to high production of these bioactive molecules. Adenocystis utricularis, Curdiea racovitzae, and Georgiella confluens from three distinct islands in the Antarctic Peninsula were collected and analyzed for their fatty acid content by gas chromatography flame ionization detection. Results revealed that the algal extracts consisted of 22 fatty acids, of which 9 were saturated, 4 were monounsaturated, and 9 were polyunsaturated (PUFA). In addition, fucosterol was identified within the lipidic extracts. The cytotoxic activity of these fatty acids was evaluated in human breast cancer cell lines MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231. The most notable result was the effect of PUFA on the growth inhibition of cancer cells ranging from 61.04 to 69.78% in comparison to control cells. Significant cytotoxic activity of fatty acids from A. utricularis was observed at 48 h, resulting in an inhibition of growth of more than 50% for breast cancer cells at a concentration of 100 μg/mL. A cell viability assay showed that the fatty acids from A. utricularis significantly reduced cell viability (68.7% in MCF-7 and 89% in MDA-MB-231 after 72 h of exposure). At the same time, DAPI staining demonstrated chromatin condensation, and apoptotic bodies formed in cells that were cultured with fatty acids from A. utricularis. These data indicate that fatty acids from Antarctic macroalgae have the potential to reduce the proliferation of and induce apoptosis in breast cancer cells

    Aging and lifetime prediction of O-ring seals

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    In some applications, elastomer seals have to remain leak tight over extended time periods (up to several decades) as an exchange of the seals is not practical. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to predict the lifetime of such seals reliably. For this reason, ageing experiments with O-rings and sheets based on hydrogenated acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (HNBR), ethylene propylene diene rubber (EPDM) and fluorocarbon rubber (FKM) were performed over up to two years at different temperatures. For investigating the changes of material properties during ageing, measurements of i.a. hardness and tensile behaviour as well as dynamic-mechanical and thermogravimetric analyses were conducted. For assessing the relaxation and recovery behaviour of the ageing seals, compression stress relaxation and compression set experiments were performed. Furthermore, leakage rate was measured to detect seal failure. By examining the aged samples, both the property changes and the responsible degradation mechanisms were characterised. Additionally, the most suitable approach for lifetime predictions should be determined using the large database of results from different test methods performed at several ageing times and temperatures. This included identifying an end-of-lifetime criterion that correlates with leakage and thus seal failure. Regarding the property changes and degradation mechanisms of HNBR, a pronounced embrittlement was observed due to dominant crosslinking reactions during ageing. These also resulted in a decrease of oxygen permeability, leading to a reduction of the oxygen transport into the interior sample (mainly of the thicker O-rings). This resulted in diffusion-limited oxidation effects (DLO effects), meaning that the interior of the sample aged less strongly than regions close to the surface. During ageing of EPDM, both chain scission and crosslinking occurred, which became noticeable in deteriorated tensile properties and decreased compression force as well as an increase of compression set. For strongly aged samples, crosslinking dominated as well and also led to pronounced DLO effects. Due to its excellent heat and oxidative stability, FKM exhibited comparatively minor degradation effects. Only compression stress relaxation and compression set showed notable changes. Measurements of static leakage rate revealed that O-rings became untight only after advanced degradation and that no gradual increase of leakage rate could be observed before failure. For this reason, additional leakage measurements were performed using a modified experiment that enabled a small decompression of the seal during the measurement. As this test requires a dynamic recovery of the seal and is thus more demanding, the tested EPDM O-ring failed earlier compared to the purely static test. The corresponding ageing state was defined as the point of failure and correlated to data from other test methods, corresponding e.g. to a compression set of 80 %. Based on this criterion, the lifetimes could be determined using the time-temperature superposition approach. During this work, a number of findings regarding the best way to conduct accelerated ageing experiments and lifetime predictions of O-rings, and how to avoid possible error sources, were collected and are discussed in detail.Für Anwendungen, bei denen Elastomerdichtungen ihre Dichtheit über sehr lange Zeiträume (z. B. Jahrzehnte) behalten müssen, ohne dass ein Austausch praktikabel wäre, ist es nötig, die Lebensdauer solcher Dichtungen zuverlässig bestimmen zu können. Aus diesem Grund wurden Alterungsversuche an O-Ring-Dichtungen sowie Flachproben auf Basis von hydriertem Acrylnitril-Butadien-Kautschuk (HNBR), Ethylen-Propylen-Dien-Kautschuk (EPDM) und Fluorkautschuk (FKM) über bis zu zwei Jahre bei mehreren Temperaturen durchgeführt. Zur Untersuchung der auftretenden Eigenschaftsveränderungen wurden u. a. Härtemessungen, Zugversuche, dynamisch-mechanische und thermogravimetrische Analysen durchgeführt. Zur Beurteilung des Relaxations- und Rückstellverhaltens der alternden Dichtungen wurden außerdem Druckspannungsrelaxations- und Druckverformungsrestmessungen durchgeführt. Darüber hinaus wurde die Leckagerate gemessen, um ein Versagen der Dichtung zu detektieren. Durch die Untersuchung der gealterten Proben wurden sowohl die auftretenden Eigenschaftsveränderungen charakterisiert wie auch die damit zusammenhängenden Alterungsmechanismen diskutiert. Anhand der großen Datenmenge aus Ergebnissen von verschiedenen Untersuchungsmethoden, die für mehrere Alterungszeiten und -temperaturen durchgeführt wurden, sollte zusätzlich die günstigste Vorgehensweise für Lebensdauervorhersagen ermittelt werden. Dies beinhaltete auch die Bestimmung eines Lebensdauerkriteriums, das mit dem Auftreten von Leckage und damit dem Versagen der Dichtung zusammenhängt. Hinsichtlich der Eigenschaftsänderungen und Alterungsmechanismen wurde beim HNBR eine starke Versprödung aufgrund dominanter Vernetzungsreaktionen während der Alterung festgestellt. Diese resultierten auch darin, dass die Sauerstoffpermeabilität abnahm, so dass der Sauerstofftransport ins Innere der Probe (hauptsächlich bei den dickeren O-Ringen) behindert wurde. Dies führte dazu, dass diffusionsbegrenzte Oxidationseffekte (DLO-Effekte) auftraten, d. h. dass das Probeninnere weniger stark alterte als oberflächennahe Bereiche. Während der Alterung von EPDM traten sowohl Kettenspaltungen wie auch Vernetzungsreaktionen auf, was sich vor allem in einer Verschlechterung der Zugeigenschaften und einer Abnahme der Druckkraft sowie in einem steigenden Druckverformungsrest äußerte. Bei sehr stark gealterten Proben dominierten ebenfalls Vernetzungsreaktionen, was sich auch in deutlichen DLO-Effekten äußerte. Aufgrund seiner ausgeprägten Oxidations- und Hochtemperaturbeständigkeit wies FKM vergleichsweise geringe Degradationserscheinungen auf. Nur mit Druckspannungsrelaxation und Druckverformungsrest waren nennenswerte Änderungen ersichtlich. Messungen der statischen Leckagerate ergaben, dass die O-Ringe erst bei sehr weit fortgeschrittener Degradation undicht wurden und bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt kein allmählicher Anstieg der Leckagerate beobachtet werden konnte. Aus diesem Grund wurden Leckagemessungen mit einem modifizierten Versuchsaufbau durchgeführt, bei dem die Dichtung während der Messung leicht entlastet wird. Da dieser Test eine dynamische Rückstellung der Dichtung erfordert und damit höhere Ansprüche an die Dichtung stellt, wurde am geprüften EPDM-O-Ring ein früheres Versagen beobachtet. Der entsprechende Alterungszeitpunkt wurde als Versagenszeitpunkt definiert. Dieser wurde anhand der Daten verschiedener Messmethoden mit dem Degradationszustand korreliert und entspricht beispielsweise einem Druckverformungsrest von 80 %. Auf der Grundlage dieses Kriteriums konnten Lebensdauern mittels Zeit-Temperatur-Verschiebung bestimmt werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden zahlreiche Erkenntnisse darüber gewonnen, worauf bei beschleunigten Alterungsversuchen und Lebensdauerprognosen von O-Ringen zu achten ist und welche Fehlerquellen vermieden werden sollten. Dies wird zusammen mit Empfehlungen für eine bestmögliche Versuchsdurchführung ausführlich diskutiert

    Scission, Cross-Linking, and Physical Relaxation during Thermal Degradation of Elastomers

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    Elastomers are susceptible to chemical ageing, i.e., scission and cross-linking, at high temperatures. This thermally driven ageing process affects their mechanical properties and leads to limited operating time. Continuous and intermittent stress relaxation measurements were conducted on ethylene propylene diene rubber (EPDM) and hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber (HNBR) samples for different ageing times and an ageing temperature of 125 &deg;C. The contributions of chain scission and cross-linking were analysed for both materials at different ageing states, elucidating the respective ageing mechanisms. Furthermore, compression set experiments were performed under various test conditions. Adopting the two-network model, compression set values were calculated and compared to the measured data. The additional effect of physical processes to scission and cross-linking during a long-term thermal exposure is quantified through the compression set analysis. The characteristic times relative to the degradation processes are also determined

    Erroneous or Arrhenius: A Degradation Rate-Based Model for EPDM during Homogeneous Ageing

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    To improve the predictive capability of long-term stress relaxation of elastomers during thermo-oxidative ageing, a method to separate reversible and irreversible processes was adopted. The separation is performed through the analysis of compression set after tempering. On the basis of this separation, a numerical model for long-term stress relaxation during homogeneous ageing is proposed. The model consists of an additive contribution of physical and chemical relaxation. Computer simulations of compression stress relaxation were performed for long ageing times and the results were validated with the Arrhenius treatment, the kinetic study and the time-temperature superposition technique based on experimental data. For chemical relaxation, two decay functions are introduced each with an activation energy and a degradative process. The first process with the lower activation energy dominates at lower ageing times, while the second one with the higher activation energy at longer ageing times. A degradation-rate based model for the evolution of each process and its contribution to the total system during homogeneous ageing is proposed. The main advantage of the model is the possibility to quickly validate the interpolation at lower temperatures within the range of slower chemical processes without forcing a straight-line extrapolation