34 research outputs found

    Verbal Encouragement and Between-Day Reliability During High-Intensity Functional Strength and Endurance Performance Testing

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    As verbal encouragement (VE) is used in high intensity functional exercise testing, this randomized controlled crossover study aimed at investigating whether VE affects high intensity functional strength and endurance performance testing. We further examined between-day variability of high intensity functional strength and endurance performance testing with and without VE. Nineteen experienced athletes (seven females and 12 males, age: 23.7 ± 4.3 years) performed a standardized one repetition maximum (1 RM) squat test and a 12-min high-intensity functional training (HIFT) workout [as many repetitions as possible (AMRAP)] on four different days over a 2-week period. Athletes randomly performed each test twice, either with VE or without (CON), with a minimum of 72 h rest between tests. Very good to excellent relative between-day reliability with slightly better values for strength testing (ICC: 0.99; CV: 3.5–4.1%) compared to endurance testing (ICC 0.87–0.95; CV: 3.9–7.3%) were observed. Interestingly, VE led to higher reliability during endurance testing. Mean squat strength depicted higher strength values with VE (107 ± 33 kg) compared to CON (105 ± 33 kg; p = 0.009, Cohen’s d: 0.06). AMRAP in the endurance test showed negligible differences between VE (182 ± 33 AMRAP) and CON (181 ± 35 AMRAP; p = 0.71, Cohen’s d: 0.03). In conclusion, the effects of VE do not notably exceed day-to-day variability during high intensity functional strength (CV: 3.5–4.1%) and endurance (CV: 3.9–7.3%) testing. However, high intensity functional strength and endurance testing with VE seems to be slightly more reliable, particularly during endurance testing

    Comparative single-cell genomics of Atribacterota JS1 in the Japan Trench hadal sedimentary biosphere

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    Deep-sea and subseafloor sedimentary environments host heterotrophic microbial communities that contribute to Earth’s carbon cycling. However, the potential metabolic functions of individual microorganisms and their biogeographical distributions in hadal ocean sediments remain largely unexplored. In this study, we conducted single-cell genome sequencing on sediment samples collected from six sites (7,445–8,023 m water depth) along an approximately 500 km transect of the Japan Trench during the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 386. A total of 1,886 single-cell amplified genomes (SAGs) were obtained, offering comprehensive genetic insights into sedimentary microbial communities in surface sediments (<1 m depth) above the sulfate-methane transition zone along the Japan Trench. Our genome data set included 269 SAGs from Atribacterota JS1, the predominant bacterial clade in these hadal environments. Phylogenetic analysis classified SAGs into nine distinct phylotypes, whereas metagenome-assembled genomes were categorized into only two phylotypes, advancing JS1 diversity coverage through a single cell-based approach. Comparative genomic analysis of JS1 lineages from different habitats revealed frequent detection of genes related to organic carbon utilization, such as extracellular enzymes like clostripain and α-amylase, and ABC transporters of oligopeptide from Japan Trench members. Furthermore, specific JS1 phylotypes exhibited a strong correlation with in situ methane concentrations and contained genes involved in glycine betaine metabolism. These findings suggest that the phylogenomically diverse and novel Atribacterota JS1 is widely distributed in Japan Trench sediment, playing crucial roles in carbon cycling within the hadal sedimentary biosphere

    Schlaf im Sport

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    Diese Dissertation behandelt diverse Aspekte von Schlaf und Sport. In der ersten Studie wurden objektive und subjektive Erfassungsmethoden gegenüber gestellt. Da Aktigraphie und Schlafprotokoll verschiedene Facetten des Schlafes betrachten, sollten beide Verfahren eingesetzt werden. In einer weiteren Studie kamen diese Methoden zum Einsatz, um den Einfluss eines intensiven Mikrozyklus im Kraft- und Intervalltraining auf Schlaf- und Erholungs-Beanspruchungsparameter zu untersuchen. Zuletzt wurde das Schlafverhalten im Trainingslager der U19-Nationalmannschaft des Deutschen Ruderverbandes analysiert. Der negative Effekt einer zufällig um 1.5 Stunden verkürzten Nacht und der positive Effekt einer um etwa zwei Stunden verlängerten Nacht demonstrieren die Bedeutung des Schlafes für das subjektive Wohlbefinden. Korrelationsberechnungen zeigen zudem, dass der Schlaf umso erholsamer bewertet wurde, je kürzer die Einschlaflatenz wahrgenommen und je seltener die Teilnehmer nachts wach wurden.This dissertation deals with different aspects of sleep and sports. The first study compared objective and subjective assessment methods. As actigraphy and sleep protocols measure different facets of sleep, both methods should be used. These instruments were applied in another study to investigate the effect of intensive microcycles in strength and high-intensity training on sleep as well as recovery and stress parameters. Recently, sleep habits in a training camp of the German Junior National Rowing team were analysed. The negative effect of an occasionally reduced night (1.5 h) and the positive effect of an extended night (2 h) demonstrate the importance of sleep for subjective well-being. Correlational analyses revealed that sleep was rated more restful when shorter sleep onset latency and less nightly awakenings were perceived

    Current considerations and future directions of psychometric training monitoring of recovery-stress states Aktuelle überlegungen und hinweise zum psychometrischen trainingsmonitoring von erholungs-beanspruchungs-zuständen

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    The present article aims at providing an overview of basic requirements and considerations in the area of psychometric training monitoring in elite sports. Theoretical foundations and practical demands on the selection and implementation of psychometric instruments are summarized and exemplified by the assessment of recovery-stress states. Most importantly, validated and evidence-based questionnaires should be preferred over self-built scales to obtain meaningful data. › Additionally, current trends and approaches of individualized data analyses to guide an informed decision are discussed. Further research on the applicability of statistical strategies for psychometric data is required. Digital and automatic processing of the data may reduce participant burden, while control over the algorithm and inferences should be maintained by human beings. › In essence, psychometric monitoring of the recovery-stress state may serve as supplement to training and regeneration management, provided that the aims and procedures are made transparent, proportionate and reasonable

    Recovery and stress in sport: a manual for testing and assessment

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    Balancing training, stress, and recovery is essential for achieving optimal performance. The performance of professional athletes can be severely compromised by overtraining, injuries, prolonged periods of competition, or even life events outside their sporting lives. The current recovery-stress state depends on preceding stress and recovery activities, but through simultaneous assessment of stress and recovery, a differentiated picture can be provided. This manual includes two measurement instruments to gauge individual recovery, enabling both athletes and coaches to better understand the often-unconscious processes that impinge upon peak performance, and to monitor the physical, mental, emotional, mental, and overall recovery-stress state before and after training. The Acute Recovery and Stress Scale (ARSS) and the Short Recovery and Stress Scale (SRSS) are instruments that systematically enlighten the recovery-stress states of athletes. Through utilization of the ARSS and the SRSS, athletes and coaches can better understand the importance of daily activities, including how they can relate to stress/recovery and the direct impact on athletic performance. In addition to the instruments themselves, both of which are simple and easy to use, the manual also discusses their development, their basis in theory, and case studies showcasing their usage. The ARSS and the SRSS provide important information regarding the current recovery-stress state during the process of training, and are essential tools for coaches, sport scientists, sport psychologists, and athletes alike

    Erholung und Belastung im Leistungssport

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    Mentale Ermüdung und Erholung

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    Current considerations and future directions of psychometric training monitoring of recovery-stress states

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    The present article\textbf {The present article} aims at providing an overview of basic requirements and considerations in the area of psychometric training monitoring in elite sports. Theoretical foundations and practical demands on the selection and implementation of psychometric instruments are summarized and exemplified by the assessment of recovery-stress states. Most importantly, validated and evidence-based questionnaires should be preferred over self-built scales to obtain meaningful data. Additionally\textbf {Additionally}, current trends and approaches of individualized data analyses to guide an informed decision are discussed. Further research on the applicability of statistical strategies for psychometric data is required. Digital and automatic processing of the data may reduce participant burden, while control over the algorithm and inferences should be maintained by human beings. In essence\textbf {In essence}, psychometric monitoring of the recovery-stress state may serve as supplement to training and regeneration management, provided that the aims and procedures are made transparent, proportionate and reasonable.Dieser Artikel\textbf {Dieser Artikel} gibt einen kurzen Überblick über grundlegende Voraussetzungen und Überlegungen zur Anwendung psychometrischer Verfahren im Trainingsmonitoring im Leistungssport. Sowohl theoretische Grundlagen als auch praxisrelevante Anforderungen sind bei der Auswahl geeigneter Verfahren sowie bei deren Implementierung zu berücksichtigen. Dies wird beispielhaft anhand der Erfassung des Erholungs-BeanspruchungsZustands skizziert. Zu betonen ist, dass wissenschaftlich validierte und evidenzbasierte Fragebögen gegenüber selbstentwickelten Skalen vorzuziehen sind, um aussagekräftige Daten zu erhalten. Aktuelle Trends und Mo¨glichkeiten\textbf {Aktuelle Trends und Möglichkeiten} statistischer Methoden zur individualisierten Analyse und Interpretation werden aufgezeigt. In Bezug auf deren Anwendung bei psychometrischen Daten besteht allerdings noch weiterer Forschungsbedarf. Eine digitalisierte und automatisierte Datenverarbeitung kann zu einer besseren Akzeptanz der Beteiligten beitragen, wobei zu beachten ist, dass die spezifischen Algorithmen sowie die Schlussfolgerungen nach wie vor unter menschlicher Kontrolle bleiben sollten. Grundsa¨tzlich\textbf {Grundsätzlich} kann ein psychometrisches Monitoring des Erholungs-Beanspruchungs-Zustands eine nützliche Unterstützung im Trainings- und Regenerationsmanagement darstellen, sofern dessen Ziele und Verfahrensweisen transparent, verhältnismäßig und nachvollziehbar sind

    Zur Studiensituation des Bachelors „Soziale Arbeit“ an der Fachhochschule Köln. Ergebnisse der Repräsentativbefragung 2009

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    Im Wintersemester 2005/2006 startete der Bachelor-Studiengang „Soziale Arbeit“ an der Fachhochschule Köln und integrierte die bisherigen Diplomstudiengänge „Sozialpädagogik“ und „Soziale Arbeit“. Nach dem Sommersemester 2008 verließen die ersten Absolventen die Hochschule. Bundesweit gibt es bislang nur wenige Untersuchungen über die Studiensituation in den neuen Bachelorstudiengängen und insbesondere über die Einschätzung der Studierenden ihres eigenen Studiums. So entstand die Idee, drei Jahre nach der Einführung des neuen Bachelor-Studiengangs „Soziale Arbeit“ an der Fachhochschule Köln, die Studierenden zu ihren Erfahrungen bezüglich (1) des Studiums im Allgemeinen, (2) ihrer schulischen und beruflichen Vorerfahrungen, (3) den Rahmenbedingungen des Studiums, (4) der Struktur des Studiums, (5) den Inhalten des Studiums, (6) den Netzwerken und der Kommunikation im Studium, (7) der Persönlichkeitsbildung sowie (8) der Etablierung eines professionellen Selbstbildes durch das Studium und der beruflichen Orientierung während des Studiums zu befragen