201 research outputs found

    Analytical Result for Dimensionally Regularized Massless Master Double Box with One Leg off Shell

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    The dimensionally regularized massless double box Feynman diagram with powers of propagators equal to one, one leg off the mass shell, i.e. with non-zero q^2=p_1^2, and three legs on shell, p_i^2=0, i=2,3,4, is analytically calculated for general values of q^2 and the Mandelstam variables s and t. An explicit result is expressed through (generalized) polylogarithms, up to the fourth order, dependent on rational combinations of q^2,s and t, and a one-dimensional integral with a simple integrand consisting of logarithms and dilogarithms.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX with axodraw.sty, one reference is correcte

    An infinite integral of Bessel functions

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    Numerical Evaluation of Two-Dimensional Harmonic Polylogarithms

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    The two-dimensional harmonic polylogarithms \G(\vec{a}(z);y), a generalization of the harmonic polylogarithms, themselves a generalization of Nielsen's polylogarithms, appear in analytic calculations of multi-loop radiative corrections in quantum field theory. We present an algorithm for the numerical evaluation of two-dimensional harmonic polylogarithms, with the two arguments y,zy,z varying in the triangle 0y10\le y \le 1, 0z1 0\le z \le 1, $\ 0\le (y+z) \le 1$. This algorithm is implemented into a {\tt FORTRAN} subroutine {\tt tdhpl} to compute two-dimensional harmonic polylogarithms up to weight 4.Comment: 22 pages, LaTe

    Harmonic Sums and Mellin Transforms

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    The finite and infinite harmonic sums form the general basis for the Mellin transforms of all individual functions fi(x)f_i(x) describing inclusive quantities such as coefficient and splitting functions which emerge in massless field theories. We discuss the mathematical structure of these quantities.Comment: Contribution to the Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Deep Inelastic Scattering and QCD, DIS99, DESY-Zeuthen, April 1999; Nucl. Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.

    Numerical Evaluation of Harmonic Polylogarithms

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    Harmonic polylogarithms (˝a;x)\H(\vec{a};x), a generalization of Nielsen's polylogarithms Sn,p(x){S}_{n,p}(x), appear frequently in analytic calculations of radiative corrections in quantum field theory. We present an algorithm for the numerical evaluation of harmonic polylogarithms of arbitrary real argument. This algorithm is implemented into a {\tt FORTRAN} subroutine {\tt hplog} to compute harmonic polylogarithms up to weight 4.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX, minor changes, to appear in Comp. Phys. Com

    The two-loop scalar and tensor pentabox graph with light-like legs

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    We study the scalar and tensor integrals associated with the pentabox topology: the class of two-loop box integrals with seven propagators - five in one loop and three in the other. We focus on the case where the external legs are light-like and use integration-by-parts identities to express the scalar integral in terms of two master-topology integrals and present an explicit analytic expression for the pentabox scalar integral as a series expansion in ep = (4-D)/2. We also give an algorithm based on integration by parts for relating the generic tensor integrals to the same two master integrals and provide general formulae describing the master integrals in arbitrary dimension and with general powers of propagators.Comment: Detailed expansions of intermediate results adde

    Precise Coulomb wave functions for a wide range of complex l, eta and z

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    A new algorithm to calculate Coulomb wave functions with all of its arguments complex is proposed. For that purpose, standard methods such as continued fractions and power/asymptotic series are combined with direct integrations of the Schrodinger equation in order to provide very stable calculations, even for large values of |eta| or |Im(l)|. Moreover, a simple analytic continuation for Re(z) < 0 is introduced, so that this zone of the complex z-plane does not pose any problem. This code is particularly well suited for low-energy calculations and the calculation of resonances with extremely small widths. Numerical instabilities appear, however, when both |eta| and |Im(l)| are large and |Re(l)| comparable or smaller than |Im(l)|

    Analytic Continuation of Massless Two-Loop Four-Point Functions

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    We describe the analytic continuation of two-loop four-point functions with one off-shell external leg and internal massless propagators from the Euclidean region of space-like 131\to 3 decay to Minkowskian regions relevant to all 131\to 3 and 222\to 2 reactions with one space-like or time-like off-shell external leg. Our results can be used to derive two-loop master integrals and unrenormalized matrix elements for hadronic vector-boson-plus-jet production and deep inelastic two-plus-one-jet production, from results previously obtained for three-jet production in electron--positron annihilation.Comment: 26 pages, LaTe

    The tensor reduction and master integrals of the two-loop massless crossed box with light-like legs

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    The class of the two-loop massless crossed boxes, with light-like external legs, is the final unresolved issue in the program of computing the scattering amplitudes of 2 --> 2 massless particles at next-to-next-to-leading order. In this paper, we describe an algorithm for the tensor reduction of such diagrams. After connecting tensor integrals to scalar ones with arbitrary powers of propagators in higher dimensions, we derive recurrence relations from integration-by-parts and Lorentz-invariance identities, that allow us to write the scalar integrals as a combination of two master crossed boxes plus simpler-topology diagrams. We derive the system of differential equations that the two master integrals satisfy using two different methods, and we use one of these equations to express the second master integral as a function of the first one, already known in the literature. We then give the analytic expansion of the second master integral as a function of epsilon=(4-D)/2, where D is the space-time dimension, up to order O(epsilon^0).Comment: 30 pages, 5 figure