15 research outputs found

    Effect of varying recovery duration on postactivation potentiation of explosive jump and short sprint in elite young soccer players

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of postactivation potentiation (PAP) on vertical jump and sprint performances with different recovery durations. Twelve elite young soccer players (average age: 17.0 ± 0.6 years; body mass: 67.0 ± 5.4 kg; height: 175.0 ± 3.5 cm) voluntarily performed countermovement jump (CMJ) and 30-m sprints (with 10-m split times) under unloaded and 4 different recovery duration conditions (R1: 1 minute, R2: 2 minutes, R3: 3 minutes, and R4: 4 minutes) after a set of 3 repetitions of half-squat exercises at 90% of 1-repetition maximum. Electromyographic assessments of both limbs' vastus lateralis (VL) and semitendinosus (ST) muscle activity were also made during the tests. Vertical jump height, sprint time, and VL and ST muscle activity root mean square (RMS) values were analyzed. The results show that players demonstrated significantly better CMJ, 10-, and 30-m sprint performances in the R4 condition compared with the unloaded condition (p < 0.05). The players also showed significantly higher RMS values for VL and ST muscle activity in the CMJ and 30-m test performances for both legs in the R4 condition compared with the unloaded, R1, R2, and R3 conditions (p < 0.05). According to these results, if sports scientists and coaches desire to increase the PAP effect after heavy resistance training, 4 minutes of recovery time instead of 1, 2, or 3 minutes for CMJ, 10-, and 30-m sprint performances is recommended

    Comparison of Various Devices Used in the Evaluation of Vertical Jump Height

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    This study aimed to compare force plate, motion analysis, and mobile application methods for calculating vertical jump height. Twenty-nine male college students (age: 22.4 ± 1.0 years; height: 178.1 ± 6.2cm; body weight: 71.2 ± 8.0 kg) voluntarily participated in the study. Two countermovement jumps (CMJ) with 1-minute intervals on a force platform (BERTEC 4060-10) were performed. The countermovement jump performances were captured using an iPhone 11 (Apple Inc., USA). The experimental setup involved using three high-speed cameras, specifically the My Jump 2 and SIMI Motion 7.5. Obtained results from hip displacement (HD) data with motion analysis system showed that participants had significantly lower vertical jump height calculated from motion capture (p = 0.01; -8.3 ± 3.86, 95%CI; MyJump2-SIMI_HD = 1.24/3.30). It was also found that calculations from left and right foot displacement were higher than My Jump 2 results (95%CI; MyJump2-SIMI_RF = 0.66/2.93) and 95%CI (MyJump2-SIMI_LF) = (-0.63/2.65). In contrast, force plate calculations, known as the gold standard in the literature, were very similar to My Jump (95%CI; MyJumpII-FP) = (2.38/4.01). The findings indicate that the My Jump 2, used for assessing vertical jump height, may be a reliable alternative for determining vertical jump height instead of setting up gold standard methods. Individuals' athletic performance abilities and birth, gender, and sports preferences should be considered. Finally, when coaches or sports scientists intend to measure CMJ, My Jump 2 application can be recommended as a laboratory application as well as a practical and valid measurement method, especially for field applications

    Türkiye'de Oyuncuların Sahne Sanatlarında Cİnsel Tacizle İlişkili Görüşleri

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    ÖZAraştırma Türkiye’de oyuncuların sahne sanatlarında cinsel tacize ilişkin algı ve deneyimlerini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır.Bu noktada araştırma Türkiye’de oyuncuların tiyatro dünyasında cinsel taciz yaşantılarına dair düşüncelerini ortaya koymakve cinsel taciz gibi istenmeyen durumların ne zaman, nerede ve daha çok kimler arasında yaşandığını belirlemek üzerine inşaedilmiştir. Araştırmanın merkezinde yer alan “cinsel tacizin” deneyimlenen bir olgu niteliği taşıması nedeniyle araştırmadanitel araştırma yöntemi olan fenomenoloji deseni kullanılmıştır. Pilot ve uygulama olmak üzere iki aşamada tasarlananaraştırmada doküman inceleme ve derinlemesine görüşme olmak üzere iki veri toplama yönteminden yararlanılmıştır. 4araştırmacı tarafından gerçekleştirilen 27 görüşmeye ait 26 saat 15 dakika süren kayıtlar, görüşmeyi yapan araştırmacılartarafından deşifre edilerek toplam 637 sayfalık veri oluşturulmuştur. Katılımcılar, tiyatro dünyasındaki cinsel taciz davranışlarıkonusunda dört farklı yönde görüş belirtmişlerdir. İlk grup böyle bir deneyim yaşamadığını, ikinci grup cinsel tacizin her yerdeolabileceğini, üçüncü grup cinsel tacizi kendisinin de deneyimlediğini ve bu tür istenmeyen durumların tiyatro dünyasında dayaşandığını açıkça ifade etmiş; dördüncü grup ise tiyatro dünyasında durumun diğer sektörlere göre daha iyi olduğunudüşündüğünü belirtmiştir. Katılımcılar hiyerarşi, enformel ilişki ağı ve rekabetçi çalışma ortamı ile cinsel tacizin üretilmesiarasında girift ilişki bulunduğuna da işaret etmişlerdir.Anahtar Kelimeler: Sahne sanatları, tiyatro, cinsel taciz, toplumsal cinsiyetABSTRACTThis research aims to reveal the performer perception and encounters in regards to sexual harassment in the field of performingarts in Turkey. The basis of the study is to unearth the thoughts of the performers about the sexual harassment exposures andto capture when, where and by whom the unwanted situations such as sexual harassment are experienced. The phenomenologydesign of qualitative research method is at the center of this study since 'sexual harassment and sexist attitude' is a phenomenonwhich is literally experienced. Document review and in-depth interviews were employed as data collection methods. Fourresearchers conducted 27 interviews, capturing more than 26 hours long recording that transcripted into 637 pages of data.After analyzing the data, it was found that the performers expressed their opinions in four different categories on sexualharassment behaviors in the theatre world. The first group stated that they did not encounter such experience; the second groupgeneralized the issue and emphasized that the sexual harassment can happen anywhere; the third group openly stated that theyhave been exposed to sexual harassment themselves; the fourth group stated that in comparison to other sectors they think thatthe situation in the theater world is better. In addition, the performers emphasized on intricate relationships caused by hierarchy,informal networking and competitiveness prepared environements for harassment.Keywords: Performing Arts, Theatre, Sexual Harassment, Gender</p

    Ocena średniej objętości płytek krwi i szerokości rozkładu objętości płytek krwi u chorych z blaszką miażdżycową tętnicy szyjnej powodującą bezobjawowe zwężenie pośredniego stopnia

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    Background: Platelets play a significant role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. In atherosclerotic plaques, the risk of plaque rupture is more crucial than the severity of the stenosis they cause. Non-calcified carotid artery plaques are more unstable than calcified plaques, and they are associated with a higher risk of rupture, thromboembolism, and consequently, stroke.   Aim: The purpose of the present study is to compare calcified and non-calcified plaques that cause intermediate carotid artery stenosis, with respect to mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet distribution width (PDW).   Methods: A total of 139 asymptomatic patients with 50–70% stenosis of the carotid artery were included in this study. Carotid Doppler ultrasound imaging and computed tomography angiography were performed to divide the carotid artery plaques into two groups as calcified and non-calcified. Patients included in the calcified (n = 73) and non-calcified (n = 66) plaque groups were compared with respect to MPV and PDW.   Results: Mean platelet volume was statistically significantly higher in the non-calcified plaque group compared to the cal­cified plaque group (MPV in non-calcified/calcified plaque groups [fL]: 10.0/9.0, respectively) (p &lt; 0.01). PDW was not significantly different between the two groups (p = 0.09). Platelet count was statistically significantly higher in the calcified plaque group compared to the non-calcified plaque group (platelet count in calcified/non-calcified plaque groups [103/mm3]: 250 ± 63/226 ± 56, respectively) (p = 0.019). Multivariate regression analysis showed that MPV was independently associ­ated with non-calcified carotid artery plaque (odds ratio 5.95, 95% confidence interval 2.63–13.45, p &lt; 0.001).   Conclusions: Mean platelet volume is increased in the presence of non-calcified carotid artery plaques that cause asymp­tomatic intermediate stenosis. Increased MPV can be used as a marker to predict the risk of rupture of the non-calcified carotid artery plaques.   Wstęp: Płytki krwi odgrywają istotną rolę w patogenezie miażdżycy. Ważniejsze znaczenie ma ryzyko pęknięcia blaszki miażdżycowej niż powodowane przez nią zwężenie. Nieuwapnione blaszki miażdżycowe są bardziej niestabilne niż blaszki uwapnione i wiążą się z większym ryzykiem pęknięcia, powikłań zakrzepowo-zatorowych i, w konsekwencji, udaru mózgu.   Cel: Przedstawione badanie przeprowadzono w celu porównania uwapnionych i nieuwapnionych blaszek miażdżycowych powodujących zwężenie tętnic szyjnych pośredniego stopnia w odniesieniu do średniej objętości płytek krwi (MPV) i szerokości rozkładu objętości płytek krwi (PDW).   Metody: Do badania włączono 139 chorych z 50–70-procentowym zwężeniem tętnicy szyjnej bez objawów klinicznych. Wykonano ultrasonografię doplerowską i angiografię metodą tomografii komputerowej w celu podzielenia blaszek na dwie grupy w zależności od uwapnienia. Grupy pacjentów z blaszkami uwapnionymi (n = 73) i nieuwapnionymi (n = 60) porównano pod względem MPV i PDW.   Wyniki: W grupie chorych z nieuwapnionymi blaszkami MPV była statystycznie istotnie większa niż w grupie z blaszkami uwapnionymi (MPV w grupie z blaszkami nieuwapnionymi i w grupie z blaszkami uwapnionymi wynosiła odpowiednio 10,0 fl i 9,0 fl; p &lt; 0,01). Wartości PDW nie różniły się znamiennie między grupami (p = 0,09). Liczba płytek krwi była statystycznie istotnie wyższa w grupie z uwapnionymi blaszkami niż w grupie z blaszkami nieuwapnionymi (liczba płytek krwi w grupie z blasz­kami nieuwapnionymi i w grupie z blaszkami uwapnionymi wynosiła odpowiednio 250 ± 63 103/mm3 i 226 ± 56 103/mm3; p = 0,019). W wieloczynnikowej analizie regresji wykazano, że MPV była niezależnie związana z występowaniem blaszek nieuwapnionych w tętnicy szyjnej (iloraz szans 5,95; 95% przedział ufności 2,63–13,45; p &lt; 0,001).   Wnioski: Stwierdzono zwiększone wartości MPV w przypadku obecności w tętnicy szyjnej nieuwapnionych blaszek miażdżycowych powodujących bezobjawowe zwężenie pośrednie tętnicy szyjnej. Zwiększona MPV może być stosowana jako wskaźnik ryzyka pęknięcia nieuwapnionych blaszek miażdżycowych.  