309 research outputs found

    Financially advantageous products for nonprofit sector in the Czech Republic

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    In the Czech Republic (CR) there are about 60 100 nonprofit nongovernmental organisations (NPO). They present quite big amount of potential customers, making use of various services which are needed for their function. In this paper offers of various kinds of services for NPO in the Czech Republic were analysed. Special offers of banks, insurance companies, post, phone and others were looked for. Mostly all services are offered with some discount for NPO. EBanka, a. s. offers transparent account without monthly fees. Postovni sporitelna and its mother bank Ceskoslovenska obchodni banka, a .s. offer account without monthly fees as well. Some companies have no special offers for NPO. Their offers are included in overture for companies and firms. They are not special financially advantageous for NPO. In case of Czech Post this can be caused by it’s monopol in the CR. On the other hand there are several telephone providers and none does offer anything special for NPO. It is possible to find some websites and internet domain providers, who offer their services with discount for NPO. They provide it without any tax allowance only for acquisition of more customers.nongovernmental nonprofit organisations; bank accounts; special products

    Cyclone Codes

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    We introduce Cyclone codes which are rateless erasure resilient codes. They combine Pair codes with Luby Transform (LT) codes by computing a code symbol from a random set of data symbols using bitwise XOR and cyclic shift operations. The number of data symbols is chosen according to the Robust Soliton distribution. XOR and cyclic shift operations establish a unitary commutative ring if data symbols have a length of p1p-1 bits, for some prime number pp. We consider the graph given by code symbols combining two data symbols. If n/2n/2 such random pairs are given for nn data symbols, then a giant component appears, which can be resolved in linear time. We can extend Cyclone codes to data symbols of arbitrary even length, provided the Goldbach conjecture holds. Applying results for this giant component, it follows that Cyclone codes have the same encoding and decoding time complexity as LT codes, while the overhead is upper-bounded by those of LT codes. Simulations indicate that Cyclone codes significantly decreases the overhead of extra coding symbols

    Polynomial Silent Self-Stabilizing p-Star Decomposition

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    We present a silent self-stabilizing distributed algorithm computing a maximal p-star decomposition of the underlying communication network. Under the unfair distributed scheduler, the most general scheduler model, the algorithm converges in at most 12∆m + O(m + n) moves, where m is the number of edges, n is the number of nodes, and ∆ is the maximum node degree. Regarding the move complexity, our algorithm outperforms the previously known best algorithm by a factor of ∆. While the round complexity for the previous algorithm was unknown, we show a 5 [n/(p+1)] + 5 bound for our algorithm

    Two-Staged Acoustic Modeling Adaption for Robust Speech Recognition by the Example of German Oral History Interviews

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    In automatic speech recognition, often little training data is available for specific challenging tasks, but training of state-of-the-art automatic speech recognition systems requires large amounts of annotated speech. To address this issue, we propose a two-staged approach to acoustic modeling that combines noise and reverberation data augmentation with transfer learning to robustly address challenges such as difficult acoustic recording conditions, spontaneous speech, and speech of elderly people. We evaluate our approach using the example of German oral history interviews, where a relative average reduction of the word error rate by 19.3% is achieved.Comment: Accepted for IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Shanghai, China, July 201

    Schülerbiografien in einer dokumentarischen Längsschnittperspektive: eine Typologie zum Wandel schulbezogener Orientierungen

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    "In der empirischen Bildungsforschung sind qualitative Längsschnittstudien zu den Erfahrungen und Praxen im Verlauf der Schulkarriere bislang eine Ausnahme. Der Beitrag stellt Ergebnisse aus zwei DFG Längsschnittstudien zur Stabilität bzw. Transformation von schulischen Orientierungen und der subjektiven Wahrnehmung der Schullaufbahn von der 5. bis zur 7. Klasse vor. Die empirische Basis bilden Interviews mit Schülerinnen und Schülern maximal kontrastierender Schulformen und Regionen. Im Beitrag werden dabei methodische Fragen zur Realisierung qualitativer Längsschnittdesigns und ihrer Auswertung mit der dokumentarischen Methode diskutiert." (Autorenreferat)"In the field of educational research qualitative longitudinal studies referring the student careers and perspectives are as so far an exception. The article depicts results for the stability and transformation of educational student careers from 5th to 7th grade, which were investigated in two studies. In both studies the empirical data are narrative interviews, which were collected in different types of school forms and in different regions. In addition, we discuss methodical issues of the realization of qualitative longitudinal designs and the documentary analysis." (author's abstract

    Financially advantageous products for nonprofit sector in the Czech Republic

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    In the Czech Republic (CR) there are about 60 100 nonprofit nongovernmental organisations (NPO). They present quite big amount of potential customers, making use of various services which are needed for their function. In this paper offers of various kinds of services for NPO in the Czech Republic were analysed. Special offers of banks, insurance companies, post, phone and others were looked for. Mostly all services are offered with some discount for NPO. EBanka, a. s. offers transparent account without monthly fees. Postovni sporitelna and its mother bank Ceskoslovenska obchodni banka, a .s. offer account without monthly fees as well. Some companies have no special offers for NPO. Their offers are included in overture for companies and firms. They are not special financially advantageous for NPO. In case of Czech Post this can be caused by it’s monopol in the CR. On the other hand there are several telephone providers and none does offer anything special for NPO. It is possible to find some websites and internet domain providers, who offer their services with discount for NPO. They provide it without any tax allowance only for acquisition of more customers

    Einflussfaktoren auf das Patientenaufkommen in Notfallstationen

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