9 research outputs found

    Pterostichus (Petrophilus) tuberifer Sasakawa, sp. nov.

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    Pterostichus (Petrophilus) tuberifer Sasakawa, sp. nov. Figs 12 –13, 17– 21 Pterostichus thunbergi (part): Tanaka, 1985: 110. Pterostichus thunbergi (part): Kimoto & Yasuda, 1995: 280. Diagnosis. Externally similar to small individuals of P. thunbergi, but easily distinguished from them by less punctate laterobasal impressions of the pronotum and the presence of a lobe on the middle dorsal surface of the endophallus. Description. Length of body: ɗ, 11.4–13.9 mm (mean ± SD: 12.3 ± 0.51 mm) n= 20; Ψ, 11.9–14.2 mm (mean ± SD: 12.6 ± 0.79 mm) n= 12. Dorsal surface of the body black and shiny without metallic luster (Figs 17–18). Legs reddish to dark brown. Head of normal size; mandible with surface grooved; submentum with 2 pairs of setae. Pronotum cordate; surface smooth except for laterobasal impressions; laterobasal impressions weakly wrinkled and sometimes slightly punctuate; hind angle obtuse, without a denticulate tooth. Elytra oblong; shoulders distinct but not denticulate; scutellar stria present but not connected to stria 1; 1 dorsal pore at the anterior end of stria 1; 3 dorsal pores on interval 3; apices of elytra simple, not denticulate. Ventral side almost smooth. Aedeagus without a conspicuous tubercle, bent at about 90 degrees at the basal third (Fig. 19); apical part narrowly rounded on dorsal view (Fig. 20); membranous part near the ostium not lobate, but slightly sclerotized around the left dorsolateral surface near the ostium. Right paramere slender, bent at about 90 degrees at almost the basal half (Fig. 21); left paramere wide, square. Endophallus (Figs 12–13) large, strongly bent ventrally, but not in touch with the ventral surface of the aedeagus; middle dorsal surface lobate; 3 lobes on the left side near the gonopore, one on the ventrolateral surface, one on the lateral surface, and one on the dorsolateral surface; right ventrolateral surface near gonopore with a small and weakly sclerotized lobe; transverse pigmentation on the ventral surface; gonopore weakly sclerotized, without a gonoporal piece. Vagina without conspicuous pigmentation; spermatheca elongate, with the basal part distinctly pigmented; apical part of the spermatheca strongly bent at the part connected with the spermathecal gland; stylomere long and stout, with 1 seta on the medial side; lateral side of the stylomere with 2 setae; stylomere apex with 2 nematiform setae. Holotype. ɗ, Mt. Hirayama, Shirataki-mura, Hokkaido, Japan, 6–14. vii. 2003, H. Matsumoto leg., (FZUT 0013) [FZUT]. Paratypes. 16 ɗɗ 9 ΨΨ, same data as holotype; 3 ɗɗ 3 ΨΨ, Akisato-ikku, Okoppe-chô, Hokkaido, 1–2. viii. 2004, K. Sasakawa leg. [FZUT and NHML]. Etymology. The specific name derives from the Latin noun tuber, -eris, n (a swelling, protuberance) and the Latin adjectival suffix -fer, -fera, -ferum (bearing). It refers to the lobe on the middle dorsal surface of the endophallus.Published as part of Sasakawa, Kôji & Kubota, Kôhei, 2006, Phylogenetic studies of the subgenus Petrophilus Chaudoir (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichus), with description of a new species sympatric with P. thunbergi Morawitz, pp. 31-43 in Zootaxa 1357 on pages 36-37, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17460


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    Petrophilus Chaudoir 1838

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    Subgenus Petrophilus Chaudoir, 1838 Petrophilus Chaudoir, 1838: 9, type species: Feronia findeli Dejean, by original designation. Jedliċka 1962: 260. Hůrka 1996: 278. Bousquet 2003: 505. Euryperis Motschulsky, 1850: ix, type species: Euryperis uralensis Motschulsky, by original designation. Jedliċka 1962: 255. Synonymy established by Kryzhanovskij et al. (1995). Morphnosoma Lutshnik, 1915: 424, type species: Carabus vulgaris Linné (= Carabus melanarius Illiger), by original designation. Kryzhanovskij et al. 1995: 105. Hůrka 1996: 276. Bousquet 1999: 133. Arnett & Thomas 2001: 88. Bousquet 2003: 499. Sasakawa & Kubota 2005: 390. Syn. nov. Euferonia Casey, 1918: 365, type species: Feronia stygica Say, by original designation. Bousquet 1999: 135. Arnett & Thomas 2001: 88. Bousquet 2003: 494. Synonymy established, under the subgenus Morphnosoma, by Kryzhanovskij et al. (1995). Feroperis Lafer, 1979: 5, type species: Feronia jungens Tschitschérine, by original designation. Kryzhanovskij et al. 1995: 106. Bousquet 2003: 495. Synonymy established by Kryzhanovskij et al. (1995). Moritapterus Berlov, 2000: 4, type species: Pterostichus thunbergi Morawitz, by original designation. Synonymy established, under the subgenus Morphnosoma, by Sasakawa & Kubota (2005). Description. Body medium to large (minimum 10.0 mm: P. findeli [see Hùrka 1996]; maximum 20.0 mm: P. melanarius [see Bousquet 1999]). Head normal-sized. Pronotum wide and convex; laterobasal impressions single. Elytra oblong and convex; shoulders distinct. Male sternum 7 without sexual characteristics. Aedeagus stout, bent at approximately 90 degrees at the basal third. Endophallus large and strongly bent ventrally; gonopore weakly sclerotized, without a gonoporal piece; 3 lobes present in all species, one on the left ventrolateral surface near the gonopore, one on the left lateral surface near the gonopore, and one on the right ventrolateral surface near the gonopore; the surface of the lobe on the right ventrolateral surface near the gonopore sclerotized; the ventral surface with transverse pigmentation, except for P. l a c h r y m o s u s.Published as part of Sasakawa, Kôji & Kubota, Kôhei, 2006, Phylogenetic studies of the subgenus Petrophilus Chaudoir (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Pterostichus), with description of a new species sympatric with P. thunbergi Morawitz, pp. 31-43 in Zootaxa 1357 on page 35, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17460

    Nebria (Sadonebria) tenuicaulis Sasakawa & Kubota, 2006, sp. nov.

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    Nebria (Sadonebria) tenuicaulis sp. nov. Figs 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 11 Diagnosis. Externally similar to the sympatric species Nebria sadona ohdaiensis, but easily distinguished from it by squared and less convex elytra (Figs 1–4). Description. Length of body (measured from the apices of the mandible to the elytral end): ♂, 11.0– 13.7 mm (mean±SD: 12.3 ± 0.77 mm) n= 11; Ψ, 12.6–14.2 mm (mean±SD: 13.5 ± 0.52 mm) n= 19. Dorsal surface of body black and shiny; pronotal and elytral margins dark brown; appendages reddish to dark brown; femora blackish brown (Figs 1–2). Head widest at mid­eye level, slightly longer than wide, with length from mandible apex to neck base 1.04 times longer than width between eyes; mandible stout, sharply arcuate at apex, with smooth surface; labrum 6 ­setose, with apical margin slightly emarginate; frontal impressions large and shallow, with surface markedly wrinkled; eyes large and fairly convex, with hind posterior margin behind a pair of supraorbital seta; tempora short and not swollen; mentum tooth bifid; mentum with three pairs of setae: one at apices of mentum tooth, one at middle part of mentum, and one at posterolateral margins; submentum with four pairs of setae. Antennae long, with apices reaching apical 1 / 3 of elytra in males, 1 / 2 in female; segments 1–8 without pubescence; one seta on apical 1 / 5 of segment 1 and longer than the segment; segment 2 short, with length 1 / 2 that of segment 1 and 1 / 3 that of segment 3; one seta on ventrolateral side of segment 2. Pronotum (Fig. 5) cordate, widest at apical 1 / 3, with length 0.75 times longer than wide; anterior margin bisinuate, 1.14 times wider than posterior margin; posterior margin almost straight; lateral margins arcuate anteriorly at apical 1 / 3, almost straight at basal 2 / 3, slightly sinuate right before hind angle; anterior angles notably produced, with corner rounded; hind angle right­ to acute angled, with tip narrowly rounded; marginal setae two pairs, anterior one at apical 1 / 3 and posterior one slightly before hind angle; lateral margins wrinkled between marginal setae, fairly reflexed at basal 2 / 3, weakly reflexed at apical 1 / 3; surface with punctations at anterior and posterior margins and laterobasal impressions; laterobasal impressions large and fairly deep at posterior part, with the anterior part shallow and almost reaching apical half of the pronotum; laterobasal impressions on both sides connected by deep transverse line; median line impressed at middle part, absent near the anterior and posterior margins. FIGURES 5–10. Pronotum (5, 6), and male (7, 8) and female (9, 10) genitalia. 5. N. (S.) tenuicaulis (holotype); 6. N. (S.) sadona ohdaiensis (holotype); 7. N. (S.) tenuicaulis (“Mt. Ohdaigahara” in NSMT); 8. N. (S.) sadona ohdaiensis (holotype); 9. N. (S.) tenuicaulis (Yama­no­ie­kita); 10. N. (S.) sadona ohdaiensis (Motokidani Valley). a. aedeagus (right lateral view); b. right paramere (right lateral view); c. left paramere (left lateral view); d. apex of aedeagus (left lateral view); e, female genitalia (ventral view); f, spermatheca (dorsal view); va. vagina; sp. spermatheca; mo. median oviduct. Scales: 0.5 mm. Elytra convex, 1.7 times longer than wide, widest behind middle; shoulders rounded; apices rounded; intervals convex, with microsculpture forming isodiametric meshes; scutellar stria present, not connected to stria 1; interval 1 usually with one dorsal pore at level of basal 1 / 5 of scutellar stria; some specimens with additional irregularly located pores; five to six dorsal pores on interval 3; hind wings reduced. Gula smooth; prosternum sparsely and shallowly punctate; episternum and lateral sides of meta­sternum densely and deeply punctate; sterna 2–7 almost smooth except for lateral sides; lateral sides of sterna 2–7 with irregular small concavities, rugae, and punctations. Legs slender; hind tarsomeres with four to six setae on ventrolateral margins. Aedeagus (Fig. 7 a) slender and strongly arcuate; apical part spatulate, twice longer than broad. Right paramere (Fig. 7 b) bent almost to basal half, spatulate, with apical part narrow. Left paramere (Fig. 7 c) spatulate, shorter than right one, with apical part broad. Endophallus (Fig. 11) straight, cylindrical, directed almost dorsally, with gonopore opening dorsally; with a pair of small, convex lobes on laterobasal sides; with small lobe on dorsobasal surface; apex of dorsobasal lobe narrow; dorsal surface near gonopore broadly swollen. Vagina (Fig. 9) without conspicuous pigmentation; with two pairs of appendices on middle part of ventral surface; spermatheca elongated. Holotype. ♂, Mt. Tomoedake, Mt. Ohdaigahara, Kamikitayama­mura, Nara, Japan, 16–18. viii. 2004, K. Kubota, N. Kubota & H. Ikeda leg., (FZUT 0012) [FZUT]. Paratypes. 1 ♂ 1 Ψ, “Mt. Ohdaigahara 1600 m. Nara Pref. 6 –IX– 1977 S. Kasahara leg.” [NSMT]; 9 ♂ ɗ 18 ΨΨ, Mt. Ohdaigahara (3 ♂ ɗ 4 ΨΨ, Mt. Tomoedake; 3 ♂ 3 Ψ, Motokidani Valley; 3 ♂ ɗ 11 ΨΨ, Yama­no­ie­kita), Kamikitayama­mura, Nara, Japan, same date and collectors as holotype [FZUT, HUM, NIAES, NMSM and NHM]. Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition and derives from the Latin adjective tenuis, ­e (thin, slender) and the Latin noun caulis, ­is, m (a penis). It refers to the slender shape of the male genitalia.Published as part of Sasakawa, Kôji & Kubota, Kôhei, 2006, Nebria tenuicaulis sp. nov., a sympatric species with Nebria sadona ohdaiensis Nakane, with studies on the phylogeny of the subgenus Sadonebria Ledoux & Roux (Coleoptera: Carabidae), pp. 41-50 in Zootaxa 1306 on pages 43-47, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.17372