26 research outputs found

    Silmien liikkeiden simulointi etäläsnäolorobotissa

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    Tiivistelmä. Koronaviruspandemian takia etätyöskentely on lisääntynyt valtavasti. Opiskelijat katsovat luentoja kotoaan ja työkaverit näkevät toisiaan vain videokuvan välityksellä. Kysymykseksi jää, voiko läsnäoloa parantaa etätyöskentelyssä äänen ja videokuvan lisäksi. Tässä työssä esitellään järjestelmä, joka kopioi käyttäjän silmien liikettä robotin silmien liikkeiksi reaaliajassa. Käyttäjän kasvoja kuvaamalla saadaan tietoon käyttäjän silmien asento tunnistamalla kuvasta kasvot ja sitten rajaamalla silmät. Silmien asentojen tieto lähetetään UDP (User Datagram Protocol) tiedonsiirtoprotokollan avulla toiselle tietokoneelle. Siellä tieto otetaan vastaan ja lähetetään virtuaalikoneelle, jolla käytetään ROS2 (Robot Operating System 2) käyttöjärjestelmää. ROS2-järjestelmässä käytetään action client ja data publisher -osaohjelmia. Data publisher lähettää action clientille paikkatietoa, jonka avulla robotin liikkuminen tapahtuu. Action client antaa käskyjä robotin XL-320 -servoille, jotka liikuttavat robotin silmiä samaan asentoon käyttäjän kanssa. Järjestelmän viivettä testattiin pyytämällä käyttäjää katsomaan puolelta toiselle ja mittaamalla viivettä videokuvasta. Aikaväli valittiin käyttäjän silmien liikkeiden ja robotin silmien liikkeiden pysähtymisen välillä. Viivettä syntyi tietokoneen laskiessa tunnistusalgorimejä ja robotin liikuttaessa servoja. Tuloksena saatu viive on liian pitkä luomaan luonnollista etäläsnäolokokemusta.Simulation of eye movement in a telepresence robot. Abstract. Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, remote working has been increasing significantly. Students watch lectures from home and coworkers see each other only through video. Question remains whether presence can be improved with remote working in addition to voice and video. In this project a system was developed that copies user’s eye movements to robot’s eye movements in real time. Filming the user’s face will give the user’s eyes position by recognizing their face and then cropping their eyes. The eyes position is sent with UDP (User Datagram Protocol) data transfer protocol to another computer. There information is received and sent to virtual machine, which uses ROS2 (Robot Operating System) operating system. ROS2 system uses action client and data publisher nodes. Data publisher sends position information to action client which controls the robot. Action client gives commands to robot’s XL-320 servo motors, which move robot’s eyes to same position as the user’s. System’s delay was tested by asking user to look from side to side and measuring the delay from video. Time interval was chosen between the end of user’s eye movement and the end of robots eye movement. Delay was produced with computer calculating recognition algorithms and robot moving the servos. Resulting delay is too long to create natural telepresence experience

    Familial central precocious puberty : two novel MKRN3 mutations

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    Background Paternally inherited loss-of-function mutations in MKRN3 underlie central precocious puberty (CPP). We describe clinical and genetic features of CPP patients with paternally inherited MKRN3 mutations in two independent families. Methods The single coding exon of MKRN3 was analyzed in three patients with CPP and their family members, followed by segregation analyses. Additionally, we report the patients' responses to GnRH analog treatment. Results A paternally inherited novel heterozygous c.939C>G, p.(Ile313Met) missense mutation affecting the RING finger domain of MKRN3 was found in a Finnish girl with CPP (age at presentation 6 years). Two Polish siblings (a girl presenting with B2 at the age of 4 years and a boy with adult size testes at the age of 9 years) had inherited a novel heterozygous MKRN3 mutation c.1237_1252delGGAGACACATGCTTTT p.(Gly413Thrfs*63) from their father. The girls were treated with GnRH analogs, which exhibited suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. In contrast, the male patient was not treated, yet he reached his target height. Conclusions We describe two novel MKRN3 mutations in three CPP patients. The first long-term data on a boy with CPP due to an MKRN3 mutation questions the role of GnRH analog treatment in augmenting adult height in males with this condition. Impact We describe the genetic cause for central precocious puberty (CPP) in two families. This report adds two novel mutations to the existing literature. One of the mutations, p.(Ile313Met) affects the RING finger domain of MKRN3, which has been shown to be important for repressing the promoter activity of and . MKRN3KISS1TAC3We describe the first long-term observation of a male patient with CPP due to a paternally inherited MKRN3 loss-of-function mutation. Without GnRH analog treatment, he achieved an adult height that was in accordance with his mid-parental target height.Peer reviewe

    The role of KCNQ1 mutations and maternal beta blocker use during pregnancy in the growth of children with long QT syndrome

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    Synnynnäinen ionikanavasairaus pitkä QT -oireyhtymä (long QT syndrome, LQTS) on perinnöllinen hengen-vaarallisia rytmihäiriöitä aiheuttava sairaus. LQTS johtuu sydänlihassolujen ionikanavien rakenteita koodaa-vien geenien mutaatioista. Yleisimmät mutaatiot ovat KCNQ1-geenissä, ja ne aiheuttavat sairauden alamuo-don LQT1. KCNQ1 sijaitsee kromosomin 11p15.5 leimautuneella alueella, ja se koodittaa jänniteriippuvaista kaliumkanavaa, Kv7.1:a. Kaksi KCNQ1:n aktivoivaa mutaatiota aiheuttavat autosomaalisesti dominantisti periytyvän kasvuhormonin vajauksen ja äidiltä perittynä ienfibromatoosin. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli analysoida LQTS -potilaiden, joilla on toiminnan hävittävä mutaatio (loss-of-function mutaatio) KCNQ1-geenissä, kasvua ja endokriinisia ominaisuuksia. Keskityimme erityisesti varhaisen kasvun ja parent-of-origin -mutaation suhteeseen. Tutkimuksessa analysoitiin LQT1-potilaiden (n=104) syntymäpituutta ja -painoa, syntymän jälkeistä kasvua ensimmäisen vuoden osalta sekä potilaiden endokriinisia ominaisuuksia. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että poti-laat, jotka olivat perineet KCNQ1-mutaation äidiltään, olivat syntymässä lyhyempiä kuin potilaat, jotka olivat perineet mutaation isältään. Jatkoanalyysit osoittivat, että vain potilaat, joiden äidit olivat saaneet beetasal-paajaa raskaana ollessaan, olivat lyhyempiä ja kevyempiä kuin ne potilaat, jotka olivat perineet mutaation isältään. Äidin beetasalpaajan käyttö raskauden aikana oli myös yhteydessä matalampiin napa-TSH-pitoisuuksiin sekä merkittävään saavutuskasvuun ensimmäisen elinvuoden aikana. Myöhemmin eroa ei ha-vaittu. Tutkimuksemme mukaan KCNQ1:n loss-of-function -mutaatiot eivät ole yhteydessä epänormaaliin kasvuun. Sen sijaan analyysiemme mukaan äidin raskauden aikainen beetasalpaajan käyttö näyttää rajoittavan ras-kaudenaikaista LQT1-potilaiden kasvua, mitä seuraa nopea saavutuskasvu ensimmäisen elinvuoden aikaan

    Human pluripotent stem cell-derived cells endogenously expressing follicle-stimulating hormone receptors : modeling the function of an inactivating receptor mutation

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    Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is crucial in the development and regulation of reproductive functions. The actions of human FSH and its receptor (FSHR) and mutations therein have mainly been studied using in vivo models, primary cells, cancer cells and cell lines ectopically expressing the FSHR. To allow studies of endogenous FSHR function in vitro, we differentiated FSHR-expressing cells from human pluripotent stem cells. FSH stimulation of the wild-type (WT), but not the inactivating Finnish founder mutant (A189V) receptor, activated the canonical cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent signaling pathway and downstream mediators. To investigate protein-protein interaction partners of FSHR at resting state and upon FSH stimulation, we expressed FSHR in HEK293 cells followed by affinity purification mass spectrometry analyses. We found 19 specific high-confidence interacting proteins for WT FSHR and 14 for A189V FSHR, several of which have been linked to infertility. Interestingly, while only WT FSHR interacted with FSH, insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R), for example, interacted with both WT and A189V FSHR upon FSH stimulation. In conclusion, our protocol allows detailed studies of FSH action and disease modeling in human cells endogenously expressing FSHR.Peer reviewe

    Human pluripotent stem cell-derived cells endogenously expressing follicle-stimulating hormone receptors : modeling the function of an inactivating receptor mutation

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    Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is crucial in the development and regulation of reproductive functions. The actions of human FSH and its receptor (FSHR) and mutations therein have mainly been studied using in vivo models, primary cells, cancer cells and cell lines ectopically expressing the FSHR. To allow studies of endogenous FSHR function in vitro, we differentiated FSHR-expressing cells from human pluripotent stem cells. FSH stimulation of the wild-type (WT), but not the inactivating Finnish founder mutant (A189V) receptor, activated the canonical cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent signaling pathway and downstream mediators. To investigate protein-protein interaction partners of FSHR at resting state and upon FSH stimulation, we expressed FSHR in HEK293 cells followed by affinity purification mass spectrometry analyses. We found 19 specific high-confidence interacting proteins for WT FSHR and 14 for A189V FSHR, several of which have been linked to infertility. Interestingly, while only WT FSHR interacted with FSH, insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R), for example, interacted with both WT and A189V FSHR upon FSH stimulation. In conclusion, our protocol allows detailed studies of FSH action and disease modeling in human cells endogenously expressing FSHR.Peer reviewe

    Loss-of-Function Variants in TBC1D32 Underlie Syndromic Hypopituitarism

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    Context: Congenital pituitary hormone deficiencies with syndromic phenotypes and/or familial occurrence suggest genetic hypopituitarism; however, in many such patients the underlying molecular basis of the disease remains unknown. Objective: To describe patients with syndromic hypopituitarism due to biallelic loss-of-function variants in TBC1D32, a gene implicated in Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) signaling. Setting: Referral center. Patients: A Finnish family of 2 siblings with panhypopituitarism, absent anterior pituitary, and mild craniofacial dysmorphism, and a Pakistani family with a proband with growth hormone deficiency, anterior pituitary hypoplasia, and developmental delay. Interventions: The patients were investigated by whole genome sequencing. Expression profiling of TBC1D32 in human fetal brain was performed through in situ hybridization. Stable and dynamic protein-protein interaction partners of TBC1D32 were investigated in HEK cells followed by mass spectrometry analyses. Main Outcome Measures: Genetic and phenotypic features of patients with biallelic loss-offunction mutations in TBC1D32. Results: The Finnish patients harboured compound heterozygous loss-of-function variants (c.1165_1166dup p.(Gln390Phefs*32) and c.2151del p.(Lys717Asnfs*29)) in TBC1D32; the Pakistani proband carried a known pathogenic homozygous TBC1D32 splice-site variant c.1372 + 1G > A p.(Arg411_Gly458del), as did a fetus with a cleft lip and partial intestinal malrotation from a terminated pregnancy within the same pedigree. TBC1D32 was expressed in the developing hypothalamus, Rathke's pouch, and areas of the hindbrain. TBC1D32 interacted with proteins implicated in cilium assembly, Shh signaling, and brain development. Conclusions: Biallelic TBC1D32 variants underlie syndromic hypopituitarism, and the underlying mechanism may be via disrupted Shh signaling.Peer reviewe

    Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome caused by a deep intronic pseudoexon-activating mutation in the androgen receptor gene

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    Mutations in the X-linked androgen receptor (AR) gene underlie complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS), the most common cause of 46, XY sex reversal. Molecular genetic diagnosis of CAIS, however, remains uncertain in patients who show normal coding region of AR. Here, we describe a novel mechanism of AR disruption leading to CAIS in two 46, XY sisters. We analyzed whole-genome sequencing data of the patients for pathogenic variants outside the AR coding region. Patient fibroblasts from the genital area were used for AR cDNA analysis and protein quantification. Analysis of the cDNA revealed aberrant splicing of the mRNA caused by a deep intronic mutation (c.2450-118A>G) in the intron 6 of AR. The mutation creates a de novo 5' splice site and a putative exonic splicing enhancer motif, which leads to the preferential formation of two aberrantly spliced mRNAs (predicted to include a premature stop codon). Patient fibroblasts contained no detectable AR protein. Our results show that patients with CAIS and normal AR coding region need to be examined for deep intronic mutations that can lead to pseudoexon activation.Peer reviewe

    Human pluripotent stem cell-derived cells endogenously expressing follicle-stimulating hormone receptors: modeling the function of an inactivating receptor mutation

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    Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is crucial in the development and regulation of reproductive functions. The actions of human FSH and its receptor (FSHR) and mutations therein have mainly been studied using in vivo models, primary cells, cancer cells and cell lines ectopically expressing the FSHR. To allow studies of endogenous FSHR function in vitro, we differentiated FSHR-expressing cells from human pluripotent stem cells. FSH stimulation of the wild-type (WT), but not the inactivating Finnish founder mutant (A189V) receptor, activated the canonical cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)-dependent signaling pathway and downstream mediators. To investigate protein-protein interaction partners of FSHR at resting state and upon FSH stimulation, we expressed FSHR in HEK293 cells followed by affinity purification mass spectrometry analyses. We found 19 specific high-confidence interacting proteins for WT FSHR and 14 for A189V FSHR, several of which have been linked to infertility. Interestingly, while only WT FSHR interacted with FSH, insulin-like growth factor 1 receptor (IGF1R), for example, interacted with both WT and A189V FSHR upon FSH stimulation. In conclusion, our protocol allows detailed studies of FSH action and disease modeling in human cells endogenously expressing FSHR

    Mutation screening of SEMA3A and SEMA7A in patients with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.

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    Background:Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH), a rare disorder characterized by absent, partial, or delayed puberty, can be caused by the lack or deficient number of hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons. SEMA3A was recently implicated in the etiology of the disorder, and Sema7A-deficient mice have a reduced number of GnRH neurons in their brains.Methods:SEMA3A and SEMA7A were screened by Sanger sequencing in altogether 50 Finnish HH patients (34 with Kallmann syndrome (KS; HH with hyposmia/anosmia) and 16 with normosmic HH (nHH)). In 20 patients, mutation(s) had already been found in genes known to be implicated in congenital HH.Results:Three heterozygous variants (c.458A>G (p.Asn153Ser), c.1253A>G (p.Asn418Ser), and c.1303G>A (p.Val435Ile)) were found in SEMA3A in three KS patients, two of which also had a mutation in FGFR1. Two rare heterozygous variants (c.442C>T (p.Arg148Trp) and c.1421G>A (p.Arg474Gln)) in SEMA7A were found in one male nHH patient with a previously identified KISS1R nonsense variant and one male KS patient with a previously identified mutation in KAL1, respectively.Conclusion:Our results suggest that heterozygous missense variants in SEMA3A and SEMA7A may modify the phenotype of KS but most likely are not alone sufficient to cause the disorder