13 research outputs found

    Effects of a probiotic soy product and physical exercise on formation of pre-neoplastic lesions in rat colons in a short-term model of carcinogenic

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    Purpose: In this study the influence of moderate or intense physical exercise, alone or in combination with the consumption of a soya product fermented with Enterococcus faecium, on the development of colon cancer induced chemically in rats with 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH), was investigated.Methods: Eighty male Wistar SPF rats were randomly allocated to 8 groups (n = 10). One week after the start of the program of product ingestion and/or physical activity, all animals except the controls (group I) were injected subcutaneously with 50 mg/kg b.w. of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine (DMH). This procedure was repeated at the end of the second week. At the end of the 6-week experiment, all the animals were euthanized; the colons were removed and numbers of ACF was estimated.Results: Twenty-four days after the induction of pre-neoplastic lesions, it was evident that the formation of ACF was not significantly reduced by the ingestion of the fermented product, by intense or moderate physical activity or by a combination of these factors, in comparison with the positive control group of rats (p < 0.05). on the other hand, the performance of intense exercise, on its own, increased the number of ACF.Conclusion: The results reported in this article show that consumption of the fermented soy product described here and the practice of physical exercise (intense or moderate) were incapable, separately or combined, of inhibiting the formation of ACF in DMH-induced rats. The intense physical exercise led to an increased number of foci in the colons of these rats and, probably, to greater susceptibility to colorectal cancer

    Technological aspects of functional foods containing probiotics

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    Os alimentos funcionais constituem hoje prioridade de pesquisa em todo mundo com a finalidade de elucidar as propriedades e os efeitos que estes produtos podem apresentar na promoção da saúde. As bactérias probióticas são microrganismos vivos que, quando consumidos, exercem efeitos benéficos sobre o hospedeiro conferindo propriedades à microbiota endógena. Algumas propriedades benéficas atribuídas às culturas probióticas necessitam de estudos mais controlados para serem definitivamente esclarecidas. Neste artigo são enfocados os aspectos tecnológicos dos probióticos, os efeitos associados ao consumo de produtos contendo probióticos e as principais cepas empregadas. São apresentados resultados experimentais originais para ilustrar os aspectos tecnológicos da fabricação de alimentos contendo probióticos buscando descrever suas limitações e alternativas.Functional food science is being considered priority of research nowadays and studies are directed towards attempts to elucidate their proprieties and effects in promoting health. Probiotics are viable microbial dietary supplements that have beneficial effects over the health of the host by means of modulation of the intestinal microflora. Some beneficial properties attributed to probiotic microorganisms still need more controlled studies to be definitely established. This article deals with technology aspects related to probiotics, the effects associated with the consumption of food products containing these microorganisms and the main strains employed for that purpose. Experimental data are also presented in order to illustrate technological aspects of the manufacture of food products containing probiotics, intending to describe their limitations and alternatives

    An improved folate stable isotope dilution assay of unexploited food sources from Brazil

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    Brazil has a diverse plant community, including underutilized non-conventional food crops (PANCs), which have the potential to be a rich source of food and contribute to food security. For assessing the folate content in a range of Brazilian PANCs, we extended the validation of an existing stable isotope dilution assay (SIDA) for the stably 13C-labelled 10-formyl-Pte[13C5]Glu (10-CHO-Pte[13C5]Glu). The SIDA method with an enzymatic treatment, purification step, and an LC–MS/MS measurement was validated regarding linearity, precision, LoD/LoQ, and recovery for 10-CHO-PteGlu. After successful validation, the study of some underutilized Brazilian non-conventional fruits and leaves from the São Paulo State University campus revealed them as an important source of folates. It provided the first insights into the folate content of unexploited food sources from Brazil. Pequi had the highest folate content among the fruits studied, with mean values of 333 μg/100 g based on fresh weight (FW). The analysis also shows that different cultivars of fruit or fruits from different growing locations have a high variability in folate content or other nutritional factors. In most fruits, the main vitamer was 5-CH3-H4folate, but jenipapo and taioba showed the highest content of 10-CHO-PteGlu with 28.22 μg/100 g (FW) in jenipapo peel and 75.64 μg/100 g (FW) in the taioba leaves. Thus, this study also provides results on the importance of the folate vitamer 10-CHO-PteGlu contributing to the total folate content

    Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) as a Food Supplement: Health-Promoting Benefits of Fructooligosaccharides

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    Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius), a perennial plant of the family Asteraceae native to the Andean regions of South America, is an abundant source of fructooligosaccharides (FOS). This comprehensive review of the literature addressed the role of yacon supplementation in promoting health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. According to several preclinical and clinical trials, FOS intake favors the growth of health-promoting bacteria while reducing pathogenic bacteria populations. Moreover, the endproducts of FOS fermentation by the intestinal microbiota, short chain fatty acids (SCFA), act as substrates or signaling molecules in the regulation of the immune response, glucose homeostasis and lipid metabolism. As a result, glycemic levels, body weight and colon cancer risk can be reduced. Based on these findings, most studies reviewed concluded that due to their functional properties, yacon roots may be effectively used as a dietary supplement to prevent and treat chronic diseases

    Utilização do resíduo líquido de indústria de processamento de suco de laranja como meio de cultura de Penicillium citrinum: depuração biológica do resíduo e produção de enzima

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    Penicillium citrinum grown in orange juice processing wastes medium under continuous agitation was studied in order to establish optimal conditions (incubation period, incubation temperature, initial pH and nitrogen addition) for biomass and ribonuclease production, as well as, biological depuration of the wastes. Nitrogen addition to wastes medium increased the biomass and ribonuclease production and provides COD reduction. The soy meal shows to be the best nitrogen source. The conditions for a more favorable enzyme and biomass production and COD reduction were initial pH 6.0 and temperature of 27°C. The maximum value obtained for these parameters on optimal conditions of cultivation was 11 U/mL of enzyme, 4 mg/mL of biomass (dry matter) and 55% of COD reduction, in 96 hours of incubation

    Qualidade físico-química e microbiológica do leite pasteurizado tipo C da Região Metropolitana

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    A legislação brasileira define parâmetros físico-químicos e microbiológicos de identidade e qualidade do leite pasteurizado, o qual pode ser classificado em A, B e C, e ainda em integral, padronizado, semi-desnatado e desnatado. A qualidade e a classificação do leite pasteurizado estão diretamente relacionadas à sua forma de produção, contaminação microbiana e características físico-químicas. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as características físico-químicas e microbiológicas do leite pasteurizado tipo C padronizado comercializado na região de Londrina-PR e compará-las com os padrões definidos pela legislação brasileira em vigor. Duas marcas de leite foram avaliadas, sendo três lotes de cada marca e quatro amostras de cada lote, quanto suas características físico-químicas (atividades de fosfatase alcalina e de peroxidase, pH, acidez titulável, densidade, estabilidade ao alizarol, extrato seco total, extrato seco desengordurado, teor de gordura e teor de proteínas) e microbiológicas (detecção de Salmonella sp., determinação do número mais provável (NMP) de coliformes a 35 e a 45 °C, e contagem total de bactérias aeróbias mesófilas. De acordo com os limites estabelecidos pela Instrução Normativa n.51 de 2002, todas as amostras analisadas foram consideradas aprovadas. Esses resultados mostraram que as marcas avaliadas apresentaram as características exigidas para o produto, garantindo para população da região um alimento de boa qualidade