637 research outputs found

    Modulation of DMBA- induced biochemical and histopathological changes by Syzygium cumini seed extract during skin carcinogenesis

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    Aim & Method: The current study was designed to elucidate the protective effect of Syzygium cumini seed extract (SCE) on skin carcinogenesis induced by a single topical application of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (100 ÎĽg/100 ÎĽl of acetone) and 2 weeks later promoted by repeated application of croton oil (1% in acetone/three times a week) till the end of the experiment (16 weeks). Result: Oral administration of SCE at a dose of 125 mg/kg b.wt./day for 15 days at the peri-initiational stage (i.e., 7 days before & 7 days after DMBA application) and for 14 weeks at the promotional stage (i.e., from the time of croton oil application), revealed a significant reduction in lipid peroxidation (p<0.05-0.001) along with an elevation in the activities of enzymatic antioxidants (superoxide dismutase, p<0.05-0.001 & catalase, p<0.05-0.001), non-enzymatic antioxidant (reduced glutathione, p<0.05-0.01 & vitamin-C, p<0.01-0.001) and total proteins levels (p<0.01-0.001) when compared to the carcinogen treated control animals. Histopathological study revealed that dyskeratosis of the epidermis, deposition of keratinous pearl and epidermal hyperplasia in skin tumors of DMBA treated control and the same were found to be of lesser degree in both the SCE treated experimental animals. Conclusions: These results demonstrate that SCE ameliorate the DMBA/croton oil induced adverse biochemical and histopathological alterations during skin carcinogenesis in mice

    Protective Effect of Phyllanthus niruri on DMBA/Croton Oil Mediated Carcinogenic Response and Oxidative Damage in Accordance to Histopathological Studies in Skin of Mice

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    The current study has been designed to unveil the preventive effect of Phyllanthus niruri extract (PNE) on two stage skin carcinogenesis and oxidative damage in Swiss albino mice. Single topical application of 7, 12-dimethylbenz (a) anthracene (DMBA), followed by croton oil thrice weekly produced 100% incidence of tumors in carcinogen control animals (Gr. III) by 16 weeks. On the other hand, oral administration of animals with PNE (1 week before of DMBA application &amp; continued until the end of experiment, Gr. IV), significantly reduced the tumor incidence, tumor burden, tumor volume and weight and the number of tumors but  prolong the latent period of tumor occurrence, as compared with carcinogen control animals. Furthermore, administration of PNE protected against the losses provoked in levels of glutathione, Vit.C, total proteins and activity of catalase and superoxide dismutase in skin and liver of animals by the application of DMBA/croton oil, concomitantly, the levels of lipid peroxidation were also reduced significantly. P. niruri administration profoundly reverted back the pathological changes observed in skin and liver of cancerous animals. From the results, P. niruri extract proves to scavenge free radical and found to be a potent chemopreventive agent against chemical induced skin carcinogenesis. Keywords: carcinogenesis, Phyllanthus niruri, cancer chemoprevention, tumor incidence, reactive oxygen species (ROS), antioxidant enzyme

    Unilateral high division of brachial artery and its clinical significance

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    Upper limb arterial variations are commonly encountered and have been reported in many articles. The present study showed a high division of brachial artery in the middle third of arm into its terminal branches, the radial artery laterally and the ulnar artery medially. This study is an attempt to discuss the anatomy, embryological basis and clinical implications of such variations. Knowledge of such anomalous vessels is significant from clinical point of view

    Torrential bleed from lingual thyroid: an unusual cause of IUD

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    Lingual thyroid is rare anomaly which results from failure of descent of thyroid gland to normal position in neck. The common mode of presentation is foreign body sensation, dyspnoea, dysphagia or rarely haemrrhage. Acute severe haemorrhage causes hypotensive shock which may lead to intra-uterine foetal distress or foetal death. We hereby present, a case of 22 year old primigravida who presented with massive oral haemorrhage secondary to hypertrophied lingual thyroid. Patient was successfully managed conservatively with oral thyroxine.

    Trabeculectomy Augmented with Limited Deep Sclerectomy and Cyclodialysis with Use of Scleral Tissue as a Spacer

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    Trabeculectomy remains the most commonly performed surgery for medically uncontrolled glaucoma. Its success in primary open angle glaucoma is approximately 82% in the initial year after surgery and 64% at the end of five years. Lower success rates have been found in secondary glaucomas like neovascular glucoma, uvietic glaucoma, post-traumatic glaucoma, and for repeat surgeries. To illustrate improvement of the efficacy of trabeculectomy, enhancement with cyclodialysis has been introduced. This involves the creation of a cyclodialysis cleft in a controlled manner to allow additional suprachoroidal drainage of the aqueous. Cyclodialysis is the result of the separation of the longitudinal ciliary muscle fibers from the scleral spur, which creates an additional pathway for aqueous humor drainage. However, such a cleft often closes on its own due to associated inflammation caused by the filtration surgery. Deep sclerectomy is a non-penetrating surgery that involves dissection of a scleral patch and excision of a block of scleral tissue, retaining a thin membrane for aqueous drainage. In this study, we introduce a novel surgical technique of combining trabeculectomy with a limited deep sclerectomy and a cyclodialysis in two pseudophakic patients who developed secondary glaucoma after vitreo-retinal surgery with silicone oil insertion. In this technique the excised scleral tissue obtained after deep sclerectomy was utilized as a spacer to maintain the patency of the cyclodialysis cleft

    A rare case of successful pregnancy outcome with giant paraovarian cyst: a case report and review of literature

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    A successful outcome of a pregnancy with huge paraovarian cyst in a 29 year old female who presented with 16 weeks of gestation with ultra-sonography suggestive of huge mesenteric cyst. Pregnancy was carried till 35 weeks of gestation. Exploratory laparotomy was done where a giant paraovariancyst of size 35cm x 20 cm x 15 cm, weighing 2kg was found. Baby was delivered by lower segment caesarean section and cystectomy was performed

    The epidemiological and neurological risk factors of Japanese encephalitis virus in the population of Assam, Northeast India

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    Japanese encephalitis is one of the world's most common public health issues, particularly it is prevalent in the north-eastern Indian states of Assam. This study aimed to find out the risk factors linked to clinical and epidemiological characteristics. A total of 245 cases were found as PCR-positive in Assam. The most common clinical symptoms were fever (87%), seizure (65%), altered sensorium (60%), cold with shivering (74%), vomiting (68%), throat irritation (31%), cough (67%), chest pain (10%), joint pain (18%), mouth ulcer (18%), diarrhea (29%), pain in the abdomen (42.9%), runny nose (64%), redness in eyes (78%), jaundice (25%), and blood in the sputum (25%).   Further, the neurological symptoms included vision problems (66.5%), hearing difficulties (55 %), neck stiffness (62%), limb numbness (65%), dizziness (77%), headaches (75.5%), speaking difficulties (63%), hydrophobia (47%), and abnormal behavior (66%). The epidemiological risk factors included contact with pigs (57%), bats (21%), cattle (32%), and rates (66%). In addition, 24.5% of patients observed the death of animals/birds. The protection measure included window screening, sleeping under a mosquito net, and use of insect repellent while sleeping in open compounds (29%) and floods (63%) are considered important risk factors. JE-positive cases include daily habits like working in agriculture fields (28%), in standing water (16%), swimming in nearby lakes (24%), traveling outside their village (40%), and wearing shirts while working in the field (20%), storing water in open containers in or outside the house (62%). These were the epidemiological factors that affected the abundance of the potential mosquito vectors of the JE infection

    Management Of Breast Cancer Through Ayurveda

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    Breast cancer is the second most common cancer among women. Initial signs of cancer start in the lymph nodes located under the arm, within the breast, and near the collarbone. Many promising remedies for breast cancer are included in Ayurveda, the Indian system of medicine. Nowadays, multi-targeted herbal drugs are used as an adjuvant therapy alongside conventional medicine in the management of this type of cancer. The information for the present study was obtained from various internet sources like research articles and paper presentation documents and research book publications. The present review concentrates on the available literature found in Ayurveda regarding plants, poly-herbal and herbo mineral ayurvedic remedies available for management of breast cancer

    Predictors and symptomatic burden of uterine fibroids among women in South-Eastern India: a cross-sectional survey analysis

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    Background: Uterine fibroid is the most common pelvic tumor in women of reproductive age and are asymptomatic in at least 50% of affected women. Various risk factors are associated with development of uterine fibroids during this reproductive age. The present study established various associated risk factors increases the prevalence of uterine fibroid among reproductive age group and clinical symptoms burden of diagnosed case.Methods: A cross sectional study design was used to collect samples for a period of six months in an OPD basis. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the 362 sample of reproductive age group (15-45 years) women in a tertiary care hospital, Southeastern India. Women diagnosed with uterine fibroid by ultrasonography were included as cases. Symptomatic features and associated risk factors of UF were collected through structure interview schedule.Results: Point prevalence of uterine fibroid among women in reproductive age group during the period of six months was 20%. Majority of them were in the age group of 30-39 years. Demographic factor such as overweight and obesity and consume dairy products daily has increased the prevalence of UF, whereas use of oral contraceptive pills and normal BMI had inverse relationship with UF risk. Most of the cases reported of having menstrual disturbances like heavy bleeding, passes blood clots during menstruation, prolonged period, urinary symptoms and pressure symptoms were considered independent predicting factors for the occurrence of uterine fibroid.Conclusions: Uterine fibroid is more prevalent among women of reproductive age causing various bleeding and renal symptoms that can have negative impact on quality of women’s life
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