45 research outputs found

    Sequence-specific Solution Structures of the Four Isosequential Pairs of Single-stranded DNAs and RNAs

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    The role of the sequence-context in the self-organization of four single-stranded (ss) isosequential pairs of DNAs (1 – 4) and RNAs (5 – 8), [d/r-(5'C^1^A^2^X^3^G^4^Y^5^A^6^C^7^): X^3^ = A or C, Y^5^ = A or C; sequence variations: 2^2^ = 4], has been elucidated by NMR-constrained Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations (2 ns). Following sequence-specific observations have been made from the solution NMR and the NMR constrained MD simulation study: (i) Analysis of the NOESY footprints, mainly (H8/H6)~n~ to (H1' and H3')~n-1~ contacts, of ssDNAs (1 - 4) and ssRNAs (5 – 8) in the aqueous medium have shown that all ssDNAs (1 - 4) and ssRNAs (5 - 8) adopt right handed stacked helical structures in the NMR time scale. (ii) Intra-residual cross-peak intensities for the H(8/6)~n-~ H(1'/2'/2''/H3')~n~ contacts in ssDNAs and ssRNAs are stronger at the 3'-ends in comparison with those at the 5'-ends, suggesting that the dynamics of the nucleobases at the 3'-end are more restricted, whereas those at the 5'-end are more flexible. (iii) This relative NMR found mobility is consistent with the final RMSd calculations of the final NMR-MD structures of ssDNAs and ssRNAs. They show that the 5'-end nucleobases have higher RMSd values compared to those at the 3'-end, except for the sequence d/r(5'C^1^A^2^A^3^G^4^A^5^A^6^C^7^). (iv) Relative nOe intensities of inter-residual H(8/6)~n~ - H(1')~n-1~ and H(8/6)~n~ - H(3')~n-1~ contacts, as well as NMR observed fluctuations in the sugar conformations, for ssDNAs (1 – 4) and ssRNAs (5 – 8) show that no ssDNA or ssRNA adopts either a typical B-type DNA or A-type RNA form. (v) In the final NMR-MD structures all the [H8/6N~(n)~ -- H1'N~(n-1)~/ H3'N~(n-1)~, N = A, G, C] distances in different isosequential pairs of ssDNA (1 – 4) and ssRNA (5 – 8) change depending upon the sequence context of the single-stranded nucleic acids. Both in the deoxy and ribo series, it is the purine-rich sequences [d/r-(5'C^1^A^2^A^3^G^4^A^5^A^6^C^7^) which form the most stable self-organized right-handed helical structures because of the favorable purine-purine stacking interactions. (vi) Stacking pattern at each of the dinucleotide steps show that the base-base nearest neighbor stacking interactions depend solely upon the sequence contexts of the respective ssDNAs (1 – 4) and ssRNAs (5 – 8). See pages 47 – 145 for Supplementary Information for detailed spectroscopic data

    A screen of chemical modifications identifies position-specific modification by UNA to most potently reduce siRNA off-target effects

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    Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are now established as the preferred tool to inhibit gene function in mammalian cells yet trigger unintended gene silencing due to their inherent miRNA-like behavior. Such off-target effects are primarily mediated by the sequence-specific interaction between the siRNA seed regions (position 2–8 of either siRNA strand counting from the 5′-end) and complementary sequences in the 3′UTR of (off-) targets. It was previously shown that chemical modification of siRNAs can reduce off-targeting but only very few modifications have been tested leaving more to be identified. Here we developed a luciferase reporter-based assay suitable to monitor siRNA off-targeting in a high throughput manner using stable cell lines. We investigated the impact of chemically modifying single nucleotide positions within the siRNA seed on siRNA function and off-targeting using 10 different types of chemical modifications, three different target sequences and three siRNA concentrations. We found several differently modified siRNAs to exercise reduced off-targeting yet incorporation of the strongly destabilizing unlocked nucleic acid (UNA) modification into position 7 of the siRNA most potently reduced off-targeting for all tested sequences. Notably, such position-specific destabilization of siRNA–target interactions did not significantly reduce siRNA potency and is therefore well suited for future siRNA designs especially for applications in vivo where siRNA concentrations, expectedly, will be low

    Synthesis and structure of azole-fused indeno[2,1-c]quinolines and their anti-mycobacterial properties †

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    Prompted by our discovery of a new class of conformationally-locked indeno[2,1-c]quinolines as anti-mycobacterials, compounds 2a and 3a

    A large-scale chemical modification screen identifies design rules to generate siRNAs with high activity, high stability and low toxicity

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    The use of chemically synthesized short interfering RNAs (siRNAs) is currently the method of choice to manipulate gene expression in mammalian cell culture, yet improvements of siRNA design is expectably required for successful application in vivo. Several studies have aimed at improving siRNA performance through the introduction of chemical modifications but a direct comparison of these results is difficult. We have directly compared the effect of 21 types of chemical modifications on siRNA activity and toxicity in a total of 2160 siRNA duplexes. We demonstrate that siRNA activity is primarily enhanced by favouring the incorporation of the intended antisense strand during RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) loading by modulation of siRNA thermodynamic asymmetry and engineering of siRNA 3′-overhangs. Collectively, our results provide unique insights into the tolerance for chemical modifications and provide a simple guide to successful chemical modification of siRNAs with improved activity, stability and low toxicity

    The Strength of the Anomeric Effect in Adenosine, Guanosine, and in Their 2′-Deoxy Counterparts is Medium-Dependent

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    In nucleosides, the anomeric effect (AE) (i.e. stereoelectronic n(O4′)fσ* C1′-N9 interactions) places the aglycon in the pseudoaxial orientation in the N-type conformation (2′-exo-3′-endo), whereas the inherent steric effect of the nucleobase opposes the AE by its tendency to take up pseudoequatorial orientation in the S-type conformation (2′-endo-3′-exo). This means that the actual energetic contribution of the AE of an N-or a C-aglycon in a nucleoside can be determined by subtracting the steric effect of the N-or C-aglycon from the total effect of the aglycon on the drive of N a S pseudorotational equilibrium. The ∆G°of N a S pseudorotational equilibrium among a set of various neutral C-and N-nucleosides showed that the relatively most thermodynamically stabilized S-type conformer is found in 9-deazaadenosine in which 9-deazaadenin-9-yl at C1′ takes up the relatively most favored pseudoequatorial orientation between pH 8.8-12.0 (∆H°) -14.2 kJ/mol) as a result of the exclusive steric control for the drive (∆H°) of N a S pseudorotational equilibrium. 9-Deazaadenin-9-yl at C1′ therefore serves as the best reference point for subtraction of the steric effect of the adenin-9-yl or guanin-9-yl in adenosine (A), guanosine (G), and in their 2′-deoxy counterparts (dA and dG). Since the electronic character of adenin-9-yl or guanin-9-yl changes from the neutral to the protonated (or deprotonated in case of guanin-9-yl) state as the pH of the medium changes (refs 1p, 1s), the work reported here shows for the first time that the intrinsic AE of A, G, dA, and dG are indeed pD-dependent. The tunable strength of the AE can vary from 23.4 to 17.7 kJ/mol in A from pD 1.2 to 7.0, 37.5 to 15.6 kJ/mol in G from pD 0.6 to 11.6, 18.0 to 14.8 kJ/mol in dA from pD 0.9 to 7.0, 20.7 to 13.8 kJ/mol in dG from pD 0.9 to 11.6