12 research outputs found

    Challenges and Progress in Ensuring the Right to Be Heard and the Best Interests of Children Seeking International Protection

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    Societal attitudes towards children significantly limit the extent to which they are able to realize their rights and can contribute to discrimination against children. Fortunately, legislative reform as well as changes in policies and practices are slowly leading to progress for children, in line with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Child-sensitive procedures for children seeking international protection are being developed and implemented. It is crucial that these systems be strengthened so that durable solutions for children and families are secured without discrimination and in line with the best interests of the children concerned.Les attitudes d’une société envers les enfants peuvent limiter considérablement leur capacité de faire valoir leurs droits et peuvent contribuer à la discrimination contre les enfants. Toutefois, des initiatives de réforme législative ainsi que des changements en matière de politiques et pratiques sont heureusement en voie d’aboutir à des progrès pour les enfants conformément à la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant. Des procédés sensibles aux besoins des enfants cherchant la protection internationale sont en processus d’élaboration et de mise en œuvre. Il est essentiel de renforcer ces systèmes afin que des solutions durables pour les enfants et les familles soient assurées sans discrimination et selon l’intérêt supérieur des enfants concernés

    Los menores separados de sus familias y no acompañados en la UE

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    Cada vez hay más leyes, políticas y medidas prácticas europeas que abordan la situación de los menores no acompañados y separados de sus familias que llegan a la UE. Sin embargo, en medio del delicado clima político actual hay peligro de que se desvíen la atención y los recursos de aquello en lo que ya se está trabajando

    Preventing and Addressing Statelessness: In the Context of International Surrogacy Arrangements

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    Everyone has the right to acquire a nationality. However, situations of statelessness persist. International commercial surrogacy presents a very specific contemporary challenge because in such cases it may be difficult for the child’s legal parentage to be established or recognised. This may result in serious consequences for the child including statelessness. Recognising this lack of harmonisation and potential child rights violations, a variety of actors are currently mapping State approaches to surrogacy. Furthermore, the Secretariat of the Hague Conference on International Law has also been analysing legislation in order to identify existing gaps and to consider possible reforms. There is a need to continue research in this field and to propose practical and feasible solutions. As with individual cases, any measures adopted and implemented to address the challenges presented by international surrogacy should make the best interests of the child a primary consideration and leave no child stateless

    The forgotten victims of war: Ukraine’s stateless

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    War has exacerbated the severe difficulties faced by stateless people in Ukraine. Barriers to accessing humanitarian aid, safe passage and protection need to be addressed

    Note on Unaccompanied Children Fleeing from Ukraine

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    It is evident that the scale and pace, and potentially long lasting nature, of the situation leads to huge difficulties in organising comprehensive responses from a legal, policy and practical perspective. Clearly, lack of shared information, and lack of connection between the different actors, could cause additional problems and place already vulnerable children at further risk.This joint report, by Child Circle and KIND, aims to serve the efforts of the many stakeholders who are working together under a common EU framework of measures, by providing an overview of key issues to consider in particular from the perspective of procedural safeguards and access to protection and safety

    Separated and unaccompanied children in the EU

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    A growing body of EU law, policy and practical measures address the situation of separated and unaccompanied children who arrive in the EU. However, in the current sensitive political climate, there is a risk of attention and resources being diverted from building on progress

    Los menores separados de sus familias y no acompañados en la UE

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    Cada vez hay más leyes, políticas y medidas prácticas europeas que abordan la situación de los menores no acompañados y separados de sus familias que llegan a la UE. Sin embargo, en medio del delicado clima político actual hay peligro de que se desvíen la atención y los recursos de aquello en lo que ya se está trabajando

    Stateless children

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