107 research outputs found

    Digital Wheel Barrows In Local Government

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    E-indkøb i de danske kommuner 2004

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    Sammenfatning af undersøgelsen En netop gennemført spørgeskemaundersøgelse afdækker et betydeligt skift i kommunernes anvendelse af Internettet til indkøb i 2004 i forhold til to og fem år tidligere, hvor tilsvarende undersøgelser blev gennemført. Hvor det i 2002 var de mindre kommuner der var bedre til at søge information om vareindkøb på nettet, er dette billede dramatisk ændret i 2004. De mellemstore kommuner og store kommuner har distanceret de mindre kommuner. Det er overvejende de store kommuner der anvender e-indkøb og udnytter en stor del af de muligheder e-indkøb giver. De danske kommuner har i betydeligt omfang taget Internettet til sig på indkøbsområdet. Fra for fem år siden at være stort set uberørt af Internettet, er det i dag mindre end 2 procent der ikke køber ind via Internettet dagligt, ugentligt eller månedligt. De danske kommuner klarer sig ikke bare godt vurderet ud fra tidligere års præstationer, men også sammenlignet med norske kommuner som har indgået i undersøgelsen. De norske kommuner der medvirkede i undersøgelsen, er således på samme niveau, som de danske var for godt to år siden. Undersøgelsen viser, at den væsentligste drivkraft for implementering er forbedring af arbejdsrutiner, mens økonomiske besparelser kommer længere nede af listen. Trods den positive vurdering af mulighederne for bedre arbejdsrutiner og økonomiske besparelser, er kun 3% af kommunernes leverandører e-indkøbs leverandører, mindre end 1% af kommunernes indkøbsbudget anvendes online og blot 3% af kommunernes fakturaer modtages som e-fakturaer

    A randomized placebo-controlled phase II study of clarithromycin or placebo combined with VCD induction therapy prior to high-dose melphalan with stem cell support in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma

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    Abstract Background The objective of this randomized placebo-controlled study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of clarithromycin in combination with bortezomib–cyclophosphamide–dexamethasone (VCD) in patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma eligible for high-dose therapy. Methods Patients were randomized to receive tablet clarithromycin 500 mg or matching placebo tablet twice daily during the first 3 cycles of VCD induction therapy. Primary endpoint was to compare the rate of very good partial response (VGPR) or better response after three cycles of VCD combined with clarithromycin or placebo. Results The study was prematurely stopped for safety reasons after the inclusion of 58 patients (36% of the planned study population). The patients were randomly assigned to clarithromycin (n = 27) or placebo (n = 31). VGPR or better response after the VCD induction therapy was obtained in 12 patients (44.4%, 95% CI 25.5–64.7) and in 16 patients (51.6%, 33.1–69.8) (p = 0.59) in the clarithromycin group and the placebo group, respectively. Seven patients (25.9%) in the clarithromycin group developed severe gastrointestinal complications (≥ grade 3) comprising pain, neutropenic enterocolitis, paralytic ileus or peptic ulcer. These complications occurred in only one patient in the placebo group. Septicemia with Gram negative bacteria was observed in 5 patients in the clarithromycin group in contrast to one case of pneumococcal septicemia in the placebo group. Patient-reported QoL were negatively affected in the clarithromycin group compared to the placebo group. Conclusion The study was prematurely stopped due to serious adverse events, in particular serious gastrointestinal complications and septicemia. The response data do not suggest any effect of clarithromycin when added to the VCD regimen. The combination of clarithromycin and bortezomib containing regimens is toxic and do not seem to offer extra anti-myeloma efficacy. Trial registration EudraCT (no. 2014-002187-32, registered 7 October 2014, https://www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu/ctr-search/trial/2014-002187-32/DK) and ClinicalTrials.gov (no NCT02573935, retrospectively registered 12 October 2015, https://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT02573935?term=Gregersen&cntry=DK&rank=9

    Klinefelter syndrome comorbidities linked to increased X chromosome gene dosage and altered protein interactome activity

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    Klinefelter syndrome (KS) (47,XXY) is the most common male sex chromosome aneuploidy. Diagnosis and clinical supervision remain a challenge due to varying phenotypic presentation and insufficient characterization of the syndrome. Here we combine health data-driven epidemiology and molecular level systems biology to improve the understanding of KS and the molecular interplay influencing its comorbidities. In total, 78 overrepresented KS comorbidities were identified using in- and out-patient registry data from the entire Danish population covering 6.8 million individuals. The comorbidities extracted included both clinically well-known (e.g. infertility and osteoporosis) and still less established KS comorbidities (e.g. pituitary gland hypofunction and dental caries). Several systems biology approaches were applied to identify key molecular players underlying KS comorbidities: Identification of co-expressed modules as well as central hubs and gene dosage perturbed protein complexes in a KS comorbidity network build from known disease proteins and their protein–protein interactions. The systems biology approaches together pointed to novel aspects of KS disease phenotypes including perturbed Jak-STAT pathway, dysregulated genes important for disturbed immune system (IL4), energy balance (POMC and LEP) and erythropoietin signalling in KS. We present an extended epidemiological study that links KS comorbidities to the molecular level and identify potential causal players in the disease biology underlying the identified comorbidities

    Characterisation and localisation of the endocannabinoid system components in the adult human testis

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    International audienceHeavy use of cannabis (marijuana) has been associated with decreased semen quality, which may reflect disruption of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the male reproductive tract by exogenous cannabinoids. Components of ECS have been previously described in human spermatozoa and in the rodent testis but there is little information on the ECS expression within the human testis. In this study we characterised the main components of the ECS by immunohistochemistry (IHC) on archived testis tissue samples from 15 patients, and by in silico analysis of existing transcriptome datasets from testicular cell populations. The presence of 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) in the human testis was confirmed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization imaging analysis. Endocannabinoid-synthesising enzymes; diacylglycerol lipase (DAGL) and N-acyl-phosphatidylethanolamine-specific phospholipase D (NAPE-PLD), were detected in germ cells and somatic cells, respectively. The cannabinoid receptors, CNR1 and CNR2 were detected at a low level in post-meiotic germ cells and Leydig- and peritubular cells. Different transcripts encoding distinct receptor isoforms (CB1, CB1A, CB1B and CB2A) were also differentially distributed, mainly in germ cells. The cannabinoid-metabolising enzymes were abundantly present; the α/β-hydrolase domain-containing protein 2 (ABHD2) in all germ cell types, except early spermatocytes, the monoacylglycerol lipase (MGLL) in Sertoli cells, and the fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) in late spermatocytes and post-meiotic germ cells. Our findings are consistent with a direct involvement of the ECS in regulation of human testicular physiology, including spermatogenesis and Leydig cell function. The study provides new evidence supporting observations that recreational cannabis can have possible deleterious effects on human testicular function. Author Correction:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-58153-

    Carfilzomib and dexamethasone maintenance following salvage ASCT in multiple myeloma: A randomised phase 2 trial by the Nordic Myeloma Study Group

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    Objective: We investigated the efficacy and safety of carfilzomib-containing induction before salvage high-dose melphalan with autologous stem-cell transplantation (salvage ASCT) and maintenance with carfilzomib and dexamethasone after salvage ASCT in multiple myeloma.Methods: This randomised, open-label, phase 2 trial included patients with first relapse of multiple myeloma after upfront ASCT who were re-induced with four cycles of carfilzomib, cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone. Two months after salvage, ASCT patients were randomised to either observation or maintenance therapy with iv carfilzomib 27 -> 56 mg/sqm and p.o. dexamethasone 20 mg every second week. The study enrolled 200 patients of which 168 were randomised to either maintenance with carfilzomib and dexamethasone (n = 82) or observation (n = 86).Results: Median time to progression (TTP) after randomisation was 25.1 months (22.5-NR) in the carfilzomib-dexamethasone maintenance group and 16.7 months (14.4-21.8) in the control group (HR 0.46, 95% CI 0.30-0.71; P = .0004). The most common adverse events during maintenance were thrombocytopenia, anaemia, hypertension, dyspnoea and bacterial infections.Conclusion: In summary, maintenance therapy with carfilzomib and dexamethasone after salvage ASCT prolonged TTP with 8 months. The maintenance treatment was in general well-tolerated with manageable toxicity.</p