6 research outputs found

    Biodegradasi Seresah Acacia mangium WiIld Oleh Jamur Lignocellulolitik = Biodegradation Of Acacia mangium Wiltd. Leaf Litter By Lignocellulolytic Fungi

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    ABSTRACT Research on biodegradation of Acacia mangium Wild. leaf litter by soil fungi was carried out. The aims of the research were to study the pattern of colonies of fungi grew on Acacia leaf litter and their abilities on degradation of litter. The study was commenced by the observation on fungal colonies grow on forest floor at shaded and unshaded places at Wanagama I with, light intensity 10-30 lux and 35-60 lux, respectively. The types of fungi grow on those litters were isolated with selective media. The fungi were cultivated on media containing xylan, cellulose (CMC), or lignin. The fungal growth was monitored by measuring mycelium dry weight. The enzyme activity was elucidated using cell free extract against xylan, CMC, and lignin. The fungal ability on degradation of leaf litter was observed. The enzyme profil was visualized using SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The result showed that fungal colonies more spreadly and densely at shaded places than unshaded places with radius 20-50 cm and 12-25 cm, respectively. Three isolat were identified as Curvularia sp (T2), Alternaria sp (TT2), and Trichoderma sp (T4) had the higest lignolitic ability. These isolates were able to grow on medium containing xylan, CMC, or lignin as sole carbon sources. Trichoderma sp grew better with spesific growth (h-1): on xylan 0.128on CMC 0.103and on lignin 0.095 than others. The ability of litter degradation showed that Tricoderma sp was able to release higest xylose, glukose, vanilin than Curvularia sp and Altemaria sp. Enzymes profile from free cell extract of Trichoderma sp showed that this fungi had cellulase constitutive and xylanase and ligninase were inducible depend on their substrat. Key Words : Biodegradation - litter - lignocellulocic material lignocelluiolytic fung

    Association of Fibrinogen Level and Index of Microcirculatory Resistance In Acute ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction Patient Undergoing Primary Percutaneus Coronary Intervention

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    Background: Primary percutaneus coronary intervention (PPCI) is a first of choice to return patients blood flow and perfusion with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), however reperfusion in macrocirculation level is not always accompanied by a sufficient microcirculation reflow due to Microvascular Obstruction (MVO). Previous study demonstrated thathigh fibrinogen concentration may affect rheological parameters of the blood and play an important role in the pathomechanism of myocardial non-reperfusion phenomenon following successful mechanical recanalisation of the infarct-related coronary artery. Another study show eda more compact, lysis-resistant fibrin network in no reflow group, but without significant relation to fibrinogen level. However, there is a lack of data regarding fibrinogen and MVO. The aim of this study is to evaluate association between fibrinogen and MVO by index of microcirculatory resistance (IMR). Methods. 55 STEMI patients undergoing primary PCI were consecutively included. The fibrinogen was evaluated using clauss method and IMR was done right after PPCI to evaluate MVO. Results. From fifty-five patients included in the study, there were 87,3% men, with mean age 53,18.9 years old, and smoker show the biggest proportion compare with risk factor for coronary artery disease. All the patient undergo primary percutaneus coronary intervention with mean door-to-ballon time of 89.04+37.114 minute and ischemia time of 458,69+170,709 minute. Mean IMR was 55,2 + 47,454 and mean fibrinogen level was 350,8+103,19. From the scaterred plot fibrinogen prone to had a weak negative correlation with IMR and statistically non-significant(r = -0,137; p=0,319). Conclusion. There is no correlation between fibrinogen level and IMR value in STEMIpatients undergoing PPC

    Risk Stratification of Short Term Sudden Death after Acute Coronary Syndrome

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    Sudden cardiac death is the leading cause of cardiovascular mortality in acute coronary syndrome. Risk stratification scoring tools are available to better identify patients at risk after acute myocardial infarction. In addition plenty of factors and treatment modalities modulate the risk of sudden cardiac death. A case of in-hospital SCD in a young woman with acute anterior STEMI is presented as a trigger to the importance of risk stratification and treatment according to guidelines in preventing SCD


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    Implantasi stent telah menjadi kemajuan besar dalam intervensi koroner perkutan (PCI), mengurangi  frekuensi penutupan akut dan restenosis dari stent. Stent, bagaimanapun juga merupakan bahan logam, dan implantasi mereka dalam arteri koroner memicu aktivasi platelet, yang dapat menyebabkan pembentukan trombus dan trombosis stent berikutnya. Kejadian trombosis stent telah dilaporkan dalam sejumlah studi yang sebagian besar telah menemukan angka kejadiannya sebesar  0,5-2% dan kematian akibat trombosis stent telah dilaporkan setinggi 45%. Laporan kasus ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan riwayat klinis dan analisis kasus sub akut stent trombosis yang terjadi setelah penggunaan NSAID dan untuk meninjau prediktor yang menyebabkan stent thrombosis ini. Pasien usia 57 tahun dilakukan PTCA dengan menggunakan 2 stent DES overlapped pada daerah LAD. Paska tindakan pasien mengkonsumsi NSAID ibuprofen dan na diklofenak. Dalam 3 hari pasien masuk ke ruang gawat darurat RS PJNHK dengan diagnosa akut anterior STEMI onset 2 jam killip 1 TIMI 4/14 e.c dd/ sub akut stent thrombosis. Pasien dilakukan tindakan primary PCI. Selama perawatan pasien dengan klinis dan haemodinamik stabil dilakukan ekokardiografi didapatkan fungsi ventrikel kiri 30%


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    Latar Belakang : Penyakit jantung koroner merupakan gangguan fungsi jantung akibat otot jantung mengalami kekurangan darah karena adanya penyempitan atau penumpukan plak di dinding arteri. Merokok telah dimasukkan sebagai salah satu faktor risiko utama penyakit jantung koroner. Efek rokok adalah menyebabkan beban miokard bertambah karena rangsangan oleh katekolamin dan menurunnya konsumsi oksigen akibat inhalasi CO sehingga menyebabkan vasokonstriksi pembuluh darah dan merubah permeabilitas dinding pembuluh darah. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain cross sectional. Sampel sebanyak 81 orang diambil dengan metode total sampling pada pasien rawat inap di Intensive Cardiovascular Care Unit (ICCU) RSUD dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu bulan Januari-Maret tahun 2016 yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Data Lama merokok dan jumlah konsumsi rokok diambil menggunakan kuesioner, kemudian data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square. Hasil Penelitian : Hubungan lama merokok dengan penyakit jantung koroner tidak signifikan (p=0,355) dan hubungan jumlah konsumsi rokok dengan penyakit jantung koroner juga tidak signifikan (p=0,849). Kesimpulan : Lama merokok dan jumlah konsumsi rokok tidak berhubungan dengan penyakit jantung koroner. Kata Kunci : Lama merokok, Jumlah konsumsi rokok, Penyakit Jantung Koroner, ICCU, RSUD dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu


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    Latar Belakang: Sindroma metabolik (SM) adalah masalah kesehatan di Indonesia. Sindrom metabolik merupakan kumpulan kelainan metabolik yang sering dikaitkan dengan penyakit jantung koroner (PJK). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran sindroma metabolik pada penderita penyakit jantung koroner di Intensive Cardiovascular Care Unit (ICCU) RSUD Dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu. Metode: Penelitian cross-sectional ini dilakukan pada 65 pasien PJK di ICCU RSUD Dr. M. Yunus Bengkulu. Dilakukan pemeriksaan fisik untuk mengetahui ukuran lingkar perut dan tekanan darah. Sampel darah diperoleh untuk mengetahui profil glukosa dan lipid. Kriteria SM digunakan adalah kriteria Joint Interim Statement tahun 2009. Hasil: Proporsi sindroma metabolik pada pasien PJK sebesar 49,2% (perempuan: 21,9%; laki-laki: 78,1%). Proporsi SM paling banyak berusia 45-59 tahun (68,8%). Karakteristik sindroma metabolik yang dialami setiap pasien PJK berbeda-beda. Paling banyak (25%) subjek SM mengalami 3 komponen terganggu yaitu kombinasi dari peningkatan tekanan darah, peningkatan lingkar perut, dan peningkatan gula darah puasa. Mayoritas subjek SM yang mengalami 3 komponen terganggu 65,6%, 4 komponen terganggu 31,2%, dan 5 komponen terganggu 3,1%. Kesimpulan: Proporsi sindroma metabolik pada pasien PJK sebesar 49,2%. Paling banyak (25%) subjek SM mengalami 3 komponen terganggu yaitu kombinasi dari peningkatan tekanan darah, peningkatan lingkar perut, dan peningkatan gula darah puasa. Kata kunci: Penyakit Jantung koroner (PJK), sindroma metabolik (SM