6 research outputs found

    Leukodepleted red blood cell concentrates frozen and thawed in ACP 215 system; evaluation study

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    Wstęp: Kriokonserwacja umożliwia długoterminowe przechowywanie koncentratów krwinek czerwonych (KKCz). Zastosowanie automatycznego systemu ACP 215 (Haemonetics) pozwala na przeprowadzenie procedury zamrażania i rozmrażania KKCz w układzie zamkniętym. Zawieszenie KKCz w roztworze wzbogacającym pozwala na wydłużenie okresu ważności rozmrożonego składnika. Automatyzacja zapewnia powtarzalność i standaryzację procesu. Celem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie możliwości rutynowego wykorzystywania systemu ACP 215 do zamrażania i rozmrażania ubogoleukocytarnego koncentratu krwinek czerwonych (UKKCz). Materiał i metody: Ocenie poddano dwie procedury przygotowania KKCz do glicerolizacji w systemie ACP 215: przy wykorzystaniu filtrów do usuwania leukocytów z KKCz oraz przy wykorzystaniu filtrów do usuwania leukocytów z krwi pełnej (KP) (in-line). Do badań wykorzystano 30 jednostek UKKCz. Oznaczano: stężenie hemoglobiny, hematokryt (Ht), stopień hemolizy, pH, stężenie jonów potasu, stężenie glukozy, aktywność dehydrogenazy mleczanowej oraz oporność osmotyczną krwinek czerwonych. Badania prowadzono w ciągu 7 dni przechowywania w zamrożonych, a następnie rozmrożonych UKKCz (grupy badane) i w UKKCz przechowywanym w temperaturze 2–6°C (grupy kontrolne). Wyniki: W pierwszym etapie badań (zamrażanie i rozmrażanie UKKCz otrzymanych po filtracji KKCz) stwierdzono znamiennie niższe, niezgodne z zakresem normy, wartości Ht w grupie badanej (w porównaniu z grupą kontrolną). W drugim etapie badań (zamrażanie i rozmrażanie UKKCz otrzymanych po filtracji KP) wyniki badań zarówno w badanej grupie, jak kontrolnej mieściły się w zakresie normy. Wnioski: Sposób przygotowania KKCz do procesu glicerolizacji w znaczący sposób wpływa na jakość rozmrożonego składnika, w związku z czym do rutynowej pracy w Wojskowym Centrum Krwiodawstwa i Krwiolecznictwa zostanie wdrożona metoda mrożenia UKKCz uzyskanego po usunięciu KP w procedurze filtracji in-line. J. Transf. Med. 2011; 1: 32–44Background: Cryopreservation extends storage time of red blood cell concentrates (RBC). In the automatic ACP 215 (Haemonetics) system the unintentional bioburden risk during freezing/ thawing is reduced as the procedure is performed within a closed system. Suspension of RBC in additive solution extends storage time of RBC. Automation assures procedure consistency and standardization. The aim of the study was to assess the routine use of ACP 215 system for freezing and thawing of leuko-depleted RBCs. Two procedures of RBC preparation for glycerolization in the ACP 215 system were evaluated: filters for removal of leukocytes from RBC and in-line filters for removal of leukocytes from whole blood (WB). Material and methods: In the study we used 30 leuko-depleted RBC units. The following parameters were determined: Hb concentration, Ht, haemolysis, pH, K+ concentration, glucose concentration, LDH activity and osmotic resistance of red blood cells. The study was performed during 7-day storage of leuko-depleted RBCs after thawing. Results: In the first study-stage (freezing and thawing of leuko-depleted RBCs after RBC filtration) the Ht and Hb values were significantly higher in the leuko-depleted RBCs control group than in the study group. In the second study-stage (freezing and thawing of leukodepleted RBCs obtained after WB filtration) the parameters were within normal quality control range. Conclusions: How RBCs are prepared for glycerolization has significant impact on the quality of the component after thawing, the Military Blood Transfusion Center is therefore planning to implement the method of freezing leuko-depleted RBCs obtained in the procedure of in-line filtration. J. Transf. Med. 2011; 1: 32–4

    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts

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    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts. June 4-7, 2019, Szczyrk, Polan

    The Influence of Time and Storage Conditions on the Antioxidant Potential and Total Phenolic Content in Homemade Grape Vinegars

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    Fermented foods have been an integral part of the cuisines of almost all cultures in the world. In recent years, they have gained ground again, mainly due to their potential health benefits. One such product is grape vinegar, which apart from characteristic taste, is also a source of compounds with antioxidant activity. The aim of the study was to determine the changes in the antioxidant potential and the content of polyphenols that occur during the storage of grape vinegar obtained by spontaneous fermentation. The research material consisted of vinegar made from different white grape varieties grown in Poland. For each variety, two variants were prepared: with and without the addition of sugar in the fermentation process. The antioxidant potential, polyphenol content, soluble solids content and pH were monitored both during the two-month fermentation process and the subsequent 6-months storage under various conditions. Storage conditions and time of the storage affected the antioxidant activity and polyphenol content. The content of these compounds was also influenced by the variety of grapes used as well as the method of vinegar preparation

    Health Benefits and Chemical Composition of Matcha Green Tea: A Review

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    Japanese matcha is a type of powdered green tea, grown in a traditional way. Shading of the plants during the growth period enhances the processes of synthesis and accumulation of biologically active compounds, including theanine, caffeine, chlorophyll and various types of catechins. Green tea contains four main catechins, i.e., (−)-epicatechin (EC), (−)-epicatechin-3-gallate (ECG), (−)-epigallocatechin (EGC) and (−)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), of which the latter is the most active and abundant and matcha is their best condensed source. Due to its unique chemical composition and prized flavour, which sets it apart from other tea beverages, it is considered the highest quality tea. Its health-promoting properties are attributed to the high content of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory substances. Studies confirming the high antioxidant potential of tea beverages claim that it originates from the considerable content of catechins, a type of phenolic compound with beneficial effects on human health. Due to its potential for preventing many diseases and supporting cognitive function, regular consumption of matcha may have a positive effect on both physical and mental health. The aim of this review was to compile the health benefits of matcha tea. It is the first such review to be undertaken, and presents its main bioactive compounds in a systematic manner

    Passiflora incarnata in Neuropsychiatric Disorders—A Systematic Review

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    Background: Stress is a natural response of the body, induced by factors of a physical (hunger, thirst, and infection) and/or psychological (perceived threat, anxiety, or concern) nature. Chronic, long-term stress may cause problems with sleep, concentration, and memory, as well as affective disorders. The passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) is a perennial plant with documented therapeutic properties. The literature data suggest that the passionflower itself, as well as its preparations, helps reduce stress and can therefore be helpful in the treatment of insomnia, anxiety, and depression. The objective of this systematic review was to evaluate Passiflora incarnata in terms of its neuropsychiatric effects. Methods: The scientific databases PubMed, ClinTrials.gov, and Embase were searched up to 22 October 2019. The search identified randomized clinical trials describing the effects of Passiflora incarnata in neuropsychiatric disorders. Results: The systematic review included nine clinical trials. The duration of the studies included in the analysis varied widely, from one day up to 30 days. Study participants were no less than 18 years old. In each of the papers, the effects of passionflower were measured by using a number of different tests and scales. The majority of studies reported reduced anxiety levels following the administration of Passiflora incarnata preparations, with the effect less evident in people with mild anxiety symptoms. No adverse effects, including memory loss or collapse of psychometric functions, were observed. Conclusion: Passiflora incarnata may be helpful in treating some symptoms in neuropsychiatric patients

    Risk Factors for Early Dialysis Dependency in Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease

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    © 2018 Elsevier Inc.Objective: To identify prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal risk factors for dialysis within the first year of life in children with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD) as a basis for parental counseling after prenatal and perinatal diagnosis. Study design: A dataset comprising 385 patients from the ARegPKD international registry study was analyzed for potential risk markers for dialysis during the first year of life. Results: Thirty-six out of 385 children (9.4%) commenced dialysis in the first year of life. According to multivariable Cox regression analysis, the presence of oligohydramnios or anhydramnios, prenatal kidney enlargement, a low Apgar score, and the need for postnatal breathing support were independently associated with an increased hazard ratio for requiring dialysis within the first year of life. The increased risk associated with Apgar score and perinatal assisted breathing was time-dependent and vanished after 5 and 8 months of life, respectively. The predicted probabilities for early dialysis varied from 1.5% (95% CI, 0.5%-4.1%) for patients with ARPKD with no prenatal sonographic abnormalities to 32.3% (95% CI, 22.2%-44.5%) in cases of documented oligohydramnios or anhydramnios, renal cysts, and enlarged kidneys. Conclusions: This study, which identified risk factors associated with onset of dialysis in ARPKD in the first year of life, may be helpful in prenatal parental counseling in cases of suspected ARPKD