11 research outputs found

    Amplified John? Kristologiske tekster i Johannesevangeliet og Bibelselskapets NT05-oversettelse

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    Author's version of an article published in the journal: Tidsskrift for teologi og kirke. Also available from the publisher at: http://www.idunn.no/ts/ttk/2011/02/art03The article argues that the latest translation of the New Testament (NT05) by the Norwegian Bible Society has a tendency to amplify several Christological texts in the Gospel of John. It consists of two parts: Part 1 discusses the translation of John 1:1–5, 1:14, 1:15 and 1:18, and offers a new general interpretation of the prologue. Part 2 treats the translation of ekserkjomai in Joh 8:42, 13:3, 16:27–30, and 17:8

    Jesus fra Nikea? Tre merknader til Oskar Skarsaunes visdomskristologi

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    Author's version of an article in the journal: Teologisk tidsskrift. Also available from the publisher at: http://www.idunn.no/ts/tt/2014/03/jesus_fra_nikea_-_tre_merknader_til_oskar_skarsaunes_visdoThis article discusses three key aspects of the wisdom Christology of Oskar Skarsaune, as it is portrayed in his influential book Inkarnasjonen – myte eller faktum? (1988; Incarnation – myth or fact?, 1991): (1) The claim that Jesus through his “first-person speech” speaks with divine authority that makes an identification with the wisdom figure inevitable. (2) The emphasis that the messiah category is insufficient to describe the person of Jesus. (3) The emphasis that wisdom is begotten – and not created – in Jewish texts

    Forfalskninger av dødehavsruller

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    De seneste femten årene har mer enn 70 nye dødehavsrullfragmenter kommet på antikvitetsmarkedet. Fragmentene kommer med storslåtte opphavshistorier, men er alle av usikker opprinnelse. Over 90 % av dem er trolig forfalskninger. Denne artikkelen følger særlig ett av fragmentene, DSS F.154 (5 Mos 27,4–6, også kalt «Har Garizim-fragmentet»), for å vise hvordan en forfalskning lanseres, aksepteres og etter hvert blir en del av datasettet

    Tales of saviours and iconoclasts. On the provenance of "the Dead Sea Scrolls of Buddhism"

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    Academic research on newly discovered ancient Buddhist manuscripts is largely based on objects that come from the antiquities market and to a much lesser degree on objects coming from documented and controlled archaeological excavations. Despite their being unprovenanced, collectors and scholars often present such objects with narratives mimicking provenance. The use of the label "Dead Sea Scrolls" attached to archaeological material without connections to Judaism or early Christianity is a prevalent example of this scholarly praxis. In this article, we deconstruct provenance narratives associated with the undocumented Buddhist manuscripts in the Schøyen Collection and discuss their implications for research on these manuscripts and beyond.   On cover:ANNIBALE CARRACCI (BOLOGNA 1560 - ROME 1609), An Allegory of Truth and Time c. 1584-1585.Oil on canvas | 130,0 x 169,6 cm. (support, canvas/panel/str external) | RCIN 404770Royal Collection Trust / © Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2021

    Jesus fra Nikea? Tre merknader til Oskar Skarsaunes visdomskristologi

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    Author's version of an article in the journal: Teologisk tidsskrift. Also available from the publisher at: http://www.idunn.no/ts/tt/2014/03/jesus_fra_nikea_-_tre_merknader_til_oskar_skarsaunes_visdoThis article discusses three key aspects of the wisdom Christology of Oskar Skarsaune, as it is portrayed in his influential book Inkarnasjonen – myte eller faktum? (1988; Incarnation – myth or fact?, 1991): (1) The claim that Jesus through his “first-person speech” speaks with divine authority that makes an identification with the wisdom figure inevitable. (2) The emphasis that the messiah category is insufficient to describe the person of Jesus. (3) The emphasis that wisdom is begotten – and not created – in Jewish texts