502 research outputs found

    Mesoporosity in doped silicon nanowires from metal assisted chemical etching monitored by phonon scattering

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    Si nanowires (NWs) are shown to develop internal mesoporosity during metal assisted chemical etching from Si wafers. The onset of internal porosity in n+-Si(100) compared to p-Si(100) is examined through a systematic investigation of etching parameters (etching time, AgNO3 concentration, HF % and temperature). Electron microscopy and Raman scattering show that specific etching conditions reduce the size of the internal Si nanocrystallites in the internal mesoporous structure to 3–5 nm. Mesoporous NWs are found to have diameters as large as 500 nm, compared to ~100 nm for p-NWs that develop surface roughness. Etching of Si (100) wafers results in (100)-oriented NWs forming a three-fold symmetrical surface texture, without internal NW mesoporosity. The vertical etching rate is shown to depend on carrier concentration and degree of internal mesoporosity formation. Raman scattering of the transverse optical phonon and photoluminescence measurements confirm quantum size effects, phonon scattering and visible intense red light emission between 685 and 720 nm in internally mesoporous NWs associated with the etching conditions. Laser power heating of NWs confirms phonon confinement and scattering, which is demonstrated to be a function of the internal mesoporosity development. We also demonstrate the limitation of mesoporosity formation in n+-Si NWs and development of porosity within p-Si NWs by controlling the etching conditions. Lastly, the data confirm that phonon confinement and scattering often reported for Si NWs is due to surface-bound and internal nanostructure, rather than simply a diameter reduction in NW materials

    On the origin of the asymmetric dwarf galaxy distribution around Andromeda

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    The dwarf galaxy distribution surrounding M31 is significantly anisotropic in nature. Of the 30 dwarf galaxies in this distribution, 15 form a disc-like structure and 23 are contained within the hemisphere facing the Milky Way. Using a realistic local potential, we analyse the conditions required to produce and maintain these asymmetries. We find that some dwarf galaxies are required to have highly eccentric orbits in order to preserve the presence of the hemispherical asymmetry with an appropriately large radial dispersion. Under the assumption that the dwarf galaxies originate from a single association or accretion event, we find that the initial size and specific energy of that association must both be relatively large in order to produce the observed hemispherical asymmetry. However if the association was large in physical size, the very high-energy required would enable several dwarf galaxies to escape from the M31 and be captured by the Milky Way. Furthermore, we find that associations that result in this structure have total specific energies concentrated around E=Vesc2Vinit22002E = V_{esc}^{2} - V_{init}^{2} \sim 200^2 -- 3002 km2 s2300^2\ \rm{km^2\ s^{-2}}, implying that the initial velocity and initial position needed to produce the structure are strongly correlated. The overlap of initial conditions required to produce the radial dispersion, angular dispersion, and the planar structure is small and suggests that either they did not originate from a single accretion event, or that these asymmetric structures are short-lived.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Lithospheric shear velocity structure of South Island, New Zealand, from amphibious Rayleigh wave tomography

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2016. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (2016): 3686–3702, doi:10.1002/2015JB012726.We present a crust and mantle 3-D shear velocity model extending well offshore of New Zealand's South Island, imaging the lithosphere beneath the South Island as well as the Campbell and Challenger Plateaus. Our model is constructed via linearized inversion of both teleseismic (18–70 s period) and ambient noise-based (8–25 s period) Rayleigh wave dispersion measurements. We augment an array of 4 land-based and 29 ocean bottom instruments deployed off the South Island's east and west coasts in 2009–2010 by the Marine Observations of Anisotropy Near Aotearoa experiment with 28 land-based seismometers from New Zealand's permanent GeoNet array. Major features of our shear wave velocity (Vs) model include a low-velocity (Vs 50 km) beneath the central South Island exhibits strong spatial correlation with upper mantle earthquake hypocenters beneath the Alpine Fault. The ~400 km long low-velocity zone we image beneath eastern South Island and the inner Bounty Trough underlies Cenozoic volcanics and the locations of mantle-derived helium measurements, consistent with asthenospheric upwelling in the region.National Science Foundation Grant Number: EAR-0409564, EAR-0409609, and EAR-04098352016-11-2

    Simulated Fire Behavior and Fine-Scale Forest Structure Following Conifer Removal in Aspen-Conifer Forests in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA

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    Quaking aspen is found in western forests of the United States and is currently at risk of loss due to conifer competition at within-stand scales. Wildfires in these forests are impactful owing to conifer infilling during prolonged fire suppression post-Euro-American settlement. Here, restoration cuttings seek to impact wildfire behavior and aspen growing conditions. In this study, we explored how actual and hypothetical cuttings with a range of conifer removal intensity altered surface fuel and overstory structure at stand and fine scales. We then simulated wildfires, examining fire behavior and effects on post-fire forest structures around aspen trees. We found that conifer removal constrained by lower upper diameter limits (\u3c56 cm) had marginal effects on surface fuel and overstory structure, likely failing to enhance resource conditions sufficiently to sustain aspen. Increasing the diameter limit also led to a higher likelihood of fire spread and a higher rate of spread, owing to greater within-canopy wind speed, though crown fire activity decreased. Our simulations suggest heavier treatments could facilitate reintroduction of fire while also dampening the effects of wildfires on forest structure. Cutting specifications that relax diameter limits and remove a substantial portion of conifer overstory could better promote aspen restoration and mitigate fire hazard

    Virtual classroom proficiency-based progression for robotic surgery training (VROBOT): a randomised, prospective, cross-over, effectiveness study

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    Robotic surgery training has lacked evidence-based standardisation. We aimed to determine the effectiveness of adjunctive interactive virtual classroom training (VCT) in concordance with the self-directed Fundamentals of Robotic Surgery (FRS) curriculum. The virtual classroom is comprised of a studio with multiple audio-visual inputs to which participants can connect remotely via the BARCO weConnect platform. Eleven novice surgical trainees were randomly allocated to two training groups (A and B). In week 1, both groups completed a robotic skills induction. In week 2, Group A received training with the FRS curriculum and adjunctive VCT; Group B only received access to the FRS curriculum. In week 3, the groups received the alternate intervention. The primary outcome was measured using the validated robotic-objective structured assessment of technical skills (R-OSAT) at the end of week 2 (time-point 1) and 3 (time-point 2). All participants completed the training curriculum and were included in the final analyses. At time-point 1, Group A achieved a statistically significant greater mean proficiency score compared to Group B (44.80 vs 35.33 points, p = 0.006). At time-point 2, there was no significant difference in mean proficiency score in Group A from time-point 1. In contrast, Group B, who received further adjunctive VCT showed significant improvement in mean proficiency by 9.67 points from time-point 1 (95% CI 5.18-14.15, p = 0.003). VCT is an effective, accessible training adjunct to self-directed robotic skills training. With the steep learning curve in robotic surgery training, VCT offers interactive, expert-led learning and can increase training effectiveness and accessibility

    Generating Operative Workflows for Vestibular Schwannoma Resection: A Two-Stage Delphi's Consensus in Collaboration with the British Skull Base Society. Part 2: The Translabyrinthine Approach

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    Objective An operative workflow systematically compartmentalizes operations into hierarchal components of phases, steps, instrument, technique errors, and event errors. Operative workflow provides a foundation for education, training, and understanding of surgical variation. In this Part 2, we present a codified operative workflow for the translabyrinthine approach to vestibular schwannoma resection. Methods A mixed-method consensus process of literature review, small-group Delphi's consensus, followed by a national Delphi's consensus was performed in collaboration with British Skull Base Society (BSBS). Each Delphi's round was repeated until data saturation and over 90% consensus was reached. Results Seventeen consultant skull base surgeons (nine neurosurgeons and eight ENT [ear, nose, and throat]) with median of 13.9 years of experience (interquartile range: 18.1 years) of independent practice participated. There was a 100% response rate across both the Delphi rounds. The translabyrinthine approach had the following five phases and 57 unique steps: Phase 1, approach and exposure; Phase 2, mastoidectomy; Phase 3, internal auditory canal and dural opening; Phase 4, tumor debulking and excision; and Phase 5, closure. Conclusion We present Part 2 of a national, multicenter, consensus-derived, codified operative workflow for the translabyrinthine approach to vestibular schwannomas. The five phases contain the operative, steps, instruments, technique errors, and event errors. The codified translabyrinthine approach presented in this manuscript can serve as foundational research for future work, such as the application of artificial intelligence to vestibular schwannoma resection and comparative surgical research

    Barriers and facilitators associated with implementing interventions to support oral anticancer agent adherence in academic and community cancer center settings

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    Purpose The goal of this study is to determine barriers and facilitators to the implementation of medication adherence interventions to support cancer patients taking novel, targeted oral anticancer agents (OAAs). Methods We conducted qualitative interviews using a semi-structured guide from the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR). We used purposive sampling to identify clinicians (physicians, pharmacists, nurse practitioners, nurses) and administrators (leadership from medicine, pharmacy, and nursing) who delivered care and/or oversee care delivery for patients with chronic leukemia prescribed an OAA. Results A total of 19 individuals participated in an interview (12 clinicians and 7 administrators), with 10 primarily employed by an academic cancer center; 5 employed by the community cancer center; and 4 employed by the integrated health-system specialty pharmacy. Barriers identified included low awareness of adherence interventions, difficulty in adherence measurement, complexity of designing and implementing a structured adherence intervention, and competing priorities. Facilitators identified included support of hospital administrators, value for pharmacists, and willingness to embrace change. Participants also made recommendations moving forward including standardizing workflow, designating champions, iterating implementation strategies, and improving communication between clinicians and with patients. Conclusion Individual and system level factors were identified as determinants of implementation effectiveness of medication adherence interventions. A multidisciplinary advisory panel will be assembled to design comprehensive and actionable strategies to refine and implement a structured intervention to improve medication adherence in cancer patients

    KELT-21b: A Hot Jupiter Transiting the Rapidly Rotating Metal-poor Late-A Primary of a Likely Hierarchical Triple System

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    We present the discovery of KELT-21b, a hot Jupiter transiting the V = 10.5 A8V star HD 332124. The planet has an orbital period of P = 3.6127647 ± 0.0000033 days and a radius of 1.586-0.040+0.039 RJ. We set an upper limit on the planetary mass of at confidence. We confirmed the planetary nature of the transiting companion using this mass limit and Doppler tomographic observations to verify that the companion transits HD 332124. These data also demonstrate that the planetary orbit is well-aligned with the stellar spin, with a sky-projected spin-orbit misalignment of λ = -5.6-1.91.7. The star has Teff = 7598-8481 K, Mz.ast; = 1.458-0.028+0.029 M⊙, Rz.ast; = 1.638 ± 0.034 R⊙ and v sin I∗ = 146 km s-1, the highest projected rotation velocity of any star known to host a transiting hot Jupiter. The star also appears to be somewhat metal poor and α-enhanced, with [Fe/H] = -405-0.033+0.032 and [α/Fe] = 0.145 ± 0.053; these abundances are unusual, but not extraordinary, for a young star with thin-disk kinematics like KELT-21. High-resolution imaging observations revealed the presence of a pair of stellar companions to KELT-21, located at a separation of 1.″2 and with a combined contrast of ΔKs = 6.39 ± 0.06 with respect to the primary. Although these companions are most likely physically associated with KELT-21, we cannot confirm this with our current data. If associated, the candidate companions KELT-21 B and C would each have masses of ∼0.12 M⊙, a projected mutual separation of ∼20 au, and a projected separation of ∼500 au from KELT-21. KELT-21b may be one of only a handful of known transiting planets in hierarchical triple stellar systems

    Pituitary society expert Delphi consensus: operative workflow in endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary adenoma resection

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    Abstract: Purpose: Surgical workflow analysis seeks to systematically break down operations into hierarchal components. It facilitates education, training, and understanding of surgical variations. There are known educational demands and variations in surgical practice in endoscopic transsphenoidal approaches to pituitary adenomas. Through an iterative consensus process, we generated a surgical workflow reflective of contemporary surgical practice. Methods: A mixed-methods consensus process composed of a literature review and iterative Delphi surveys was carried out within the Pituitary Society. Each round of the survey was repeated until data saturation and > 90% consensus was reached. Results: There was a 100% response rate and no attrition across both Delphi rounds. Eighteen international expert panel members participated. An extensive workflow of 4 phases (nasal, sphenoid, sellar and closure) and 40 steps, with associated technical errors and adverse events, were agreed upon by 100% of panel members across rounds. Both core and case-specific or surgeon-specific variations in operative steps were captured. Conclusions: Through an international expert panel consensus, a workflow for the performance of endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary adenoma resection has been generated. This workflow captures a wide range of contemporary operative practice. The agreed “core” steps will serve as a foundation for education, training, assessment and technological development (e.g. models and simulators). The “optional” steps highlight areas of heterogeneity of practice that will benefit from further research (e.g. methods of skull base repair). Further adjustments could be made to increase applicability around the world