186 research outputs found

    Plant-Level Responses to Antidumping Duties: Evidence from U.S. Manufacturers

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    A Concordance Between Ten-Digit U.S. Harmonized System Codes and SIC/NAICS Product Classes and Industries

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    This paper provides and describes concordances between the ten-digit Harmonized System (HS) categories used to classify products in U.S. international trade and the four-digit SIC and six-digit NAICS industries that cover the years 1989 to 2006. We also provide concordances between ten-digit HS codes and the five-digit SIC and seven-digit NAICS product classes used to classify U.S. manufacturing production. Finally, we briefly describe how these concordances might be applied in current empirical international trade research.

    Concording U.S. Harmonized System Categories Over Time

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    This paper: outlines an algorithm for concording U.S. ten-digit Harmonized System export and import codes over time; describes the concordances we construct for 1989 to 2004; and provides Stata code that can be used to construct similar concordances for arbitrary beginning and ending years from 1989 to 2007.

    Diesel particulate matter emission factors and air quality implications from in–service rail in Washington State, USA

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    AbstractWe sought to evaluate the air quality implications of rail traffic at two sites in Washington State. Our goals were to quantify the exposure to diesel particulate matter (DPM) and airborne coal dust from current trains for residents living near the rail lines and to measure the DPM and black carbon emission factors (EFs). We chose two sites in Washington State, one at a residence along the rail lines in the city of Seattle and one near the town of Lyle in the Columbia River Gorge (CRG). At each site, we made measurements of size–segregated particulate matter (PM1, PM2.5 and PM10), CO2 and meteorology, and used a motion–activated camera to capture video of each train for identification. We measured an average DPM EF of 0.94g/kg diesel fuel, with an uncertainty of 20%, based on PM1 and CO2 measurements from more than 450 diesel trains. We found no significant difference in the average DPM EFs measured at the two sites. Open coal trains have a significantly higher concentration of particles greater than 1ÎŒm diameter, likely coal dust. Measurements of black carbon (BC) at the CRG site show a strong correlation with PM1 and give an average BC/DPM ratio of 52% from diesel rail emissions. Our measurements of PM2.5 show that living close to the rail lines significantly increases PM2.5 exposure. For the one month of measurements at the Seattle site, the average PM2.5 concentration was 6.8ÎŒg/m3 higher near the rail lines compared to the average from several background locations. Because the excess PM2.5 exposure for residents living near the rail lines is likely to be linearly related to the diesel rail traffic density, a 50% increase in rail traffic may put these residents over the new U.S. National Ambient Air Quality Standards, an annual average of 12ÎŒg/m3

    Spectra of random Hermitian matrices with a small-rank external source: supercritical and subcritical regimes

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    Random Hermitian matrices with a source term arise, for instance, in the study of non-intersecting Brownian walkers \cite{Adler:2009a, Daems:2007} and sample covariance matrices \cite{Baik:2005}. We consider the case when the n×nn\times n external source matrix has two distinct real eigenvalues: aa with multiplicity rr and zero with multiplicity n−rn-r. The source is small in the sense that rr is finite or r=O(nγ)r=\mathcal O(n^\gamma), for 0<γ<10< \gamma<1. For a Gaussian potential, P\'ech\'e \cite{Peche:2006} showed that for ∣a∣|a| sufficiently small (the subcritical regime) the external source has no leading-order effect on the eigenvalues, while for ∣a∣|a| sufficiently large (the supercritical regime) rr eigenvalues exit the bulk of the spectrum and behave as the eigenvalues of r×rr\times r Gaussian unitary ensemble (GUE). We establish the universality of these results for a general class of analytic potentials in the supercritical and subcritical regimes.Comment: 41 pages, 4 figure

    Locomotor conditioning by amphetamine requires cyclin-dependent kinase 5 signaling in the nucleus accumbens

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    Intermittent systemic exposure to psychostimulants such as amphetamine leads to several forms of long-lasting behavioral plasticity including non-associative sensitization and associative conditioning. In the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), the protein serine/threonine kinase cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (Cdk5) and its phosphorylation target, the guanine-nucleotide exchange factor kalirin-7 (Kal7), may contribute to the neuroadaptations underlying each of these forms of plasticity. Pharmacological inhibition of Cdk5 in the NAcc prevents the increases in dendritic spine density in this site and enhances the locomotor sensitization normally observed following repeated cocaine. Mice lacking the Kal7 gene display similar phenotypes suggesting that locomotor sensitization and increased NAcc spine density need not be positively correlated. As increases in spine density may relate to the formation of associative memories and both Cdk5 and Kal7 regulate the generation of spines following repeated drug exposure, we hypothesized that either inhibiting Cdk5 or preventing its phosphorylation of Kal7 in the NAcc may prevent the induction of drug conditioning. In the present experiments, blockade in rats of NAcc Cdk5 activity with roscovitine (40 nmol/0.5”l/side) prior to each of 4 injections of amphetamine (1.5 mg/kg; i.p.) prevented the accrual of contextual locomotor conditioning but spared the induction of locomotor sensitization as revealed on tests conducted one week later. Similarly, transient viral expression in the NAcc exclusively during amphetamine exposure of a threonine-alanine mutant form of Kal7 [mKal7(T1590A)] that is not phosphorylated by Cdk5 also prevented the accrual of contextual conditioning and spared the induction of sensitization. These results indicate that Cdk5 phosphorylation of Kal7 in the NAcc is necessary for the formation of context-drug associations potentially through the modulation of dendritic spine dynamics in this site

    Serial monitoring of genomic alterations in circulating tumor cells of ER-positive/HER2-negative advanced breast cancer: feasibility of precision oncology biomarker detection.

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    Nearly all estrogen receptor (ER)-positive (POS) metastatic breast cancers become refractory to endocrine (ET) and other therapies, leading to lethal disease presumably due to evolving genomic alterations. Timely monitoring of the molecular events associated with response/progression by serial tissue biopsies is logistically difficult. Use of liquid biopsies, including circulating tumor cells (CTC) and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA), might provide highly informative, yet easily obtainable, evidence for better precision oncology care. Although ctDNA profiling has been well investigated, the CTC precision oncology genomic landscape and the advantages it may offer over ctDNA in ER-POS breast cancer remain largely unexplored. Whole-blood (WB) specimens were collected at serial time points from patients with advanced ER-POS/HER2-negative (NEG) advanced breast cancer in a phase I trial of AZD9496, an oral selective ER degrader (SERD) ET. Individual CTC were isolated from WB using tandem CellSearchÂź /DEPArrayℱ technologies and genomically profiled by targeted single-cell DNA next-generation sequencing (scNGS). High-quality CTC (n = 123) from 12 patients profiled by scNGS showed 100% concordance with ctDNA detection of driver estrogen receptor α (ESR1) mutations. We developed a novel CTC-based framework for precision medicine actionability reporting (MI-CTCseq) that incorporates novel features, such as clonal predominance and zygosity of targetable alterations, both unambiguously identifiable in CTC compared to ctDNA. Thus, we nominated opportunities for targeted therapies in 73% of patients, directed at alterations in phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate 3-kinase catalytic subunit alpha (PIK3CA), fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 (FGFR2), and KIT proto-oncogene, receptor tyrosine kinase (KIT). Intrapatient, inter-CTC genomic heterogeneity was observed, at times between time points, in subclonal alterations. Our analysis suggests that serial monitoring of the CTC genome is feasible and should enable real-time tracking of tumor evolution during progression, permitting more combination precision medicine interventions

    Vms1 and ANKZF1 peptidyl-tRNA hydrolases release nascent chains from stalled ribosomes

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    Ribosomal surveillance pathways scan for ribosomes that are transiently paused or terminally stalled owing to structural elements in mRNAs or nascent chain sequences. Some stalls in budding yeast are sensed by the GTPase Hbs1, which loads Dom34, a catalytically inactive member of the archaeo-eukaryotic release factor 1 superfamily. Hbs1–Dom34 and the ATPase Rli1 dissociate stalled ribosomes into 40S and 60S subunits. However, the 60S subunits retain the peptidyl-tRNA nascent chains, which recruit the ribosome quality control complex that consists of Rqc1–Rqc2–Ltn1–Cdc48–Ufd1–Npl4. Nascent chains ubiquitylated by the E3 ubiquitin ligase Ltn1 are extracted from the 60S subunit by the ATPase Cdc48–Ufd1–Npl4 and presented to the 26S proteasome for degradation. Failure to degrade the nascent chains leads to protein aggregation and proteotoxic stress in yeast and neurodegeneration in mice. Despite intensive investigations on the ribosome quality control pathway, it is not known how the tRNA is hydrolysed from the ubiquitylated nascent chain before its degradation. Here we show that the Cdc48 adaptor Vms1 is a peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase. Similar to classical eukaryotic release factor 1, Vms1 activity is dependent on a conserved catalytic glutamine. Evolutionary analysis indicates that yeast Vms1 is the founding member of a clade of eukaryotic release factor 1 homologues that we designate the Vms1-like release factor 1 clade
