22 research outputs found

    Comparable Research of Energy and Ecology Parameters of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Generation Biofuels for Compression Ignition Engines

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    Paper provides the summarized results of high-speed and direct-injection compression ignition engines (further diesel engines) VALMET 320 DMG (ship gen-set) and Audi 1Z (passenger vehicle) performance research, which was carried out using different kinds and types of biofuel. Main attention focused on energy and environmental characteristics of diesel engine performance using 1st, 2nd and 3rd generation alcohol, fatty acid methyl and butyl esters blends with conventional diesel fuel (EN 590). Results of biofuel blends use instead diesel fuel showed that the efficiency of energy use increases 1–4%; at practically unchanged NOX concentration unburned product (CO, CH) concentration decreases up to 20% and exhaust gas smokiness – 55–85%

    Dyzelinių variklių, dirbančių antros kartos biodegalų mišiniais, eksploatacinių charakteristikų tyrimai

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    Disertacijos tyrimų aktualumą lemia energijos panaudojimo efektyvumo didinimas bei aplinkos taršos mažinimas transporto sektoriuje. Darbe sprendžiami eksperimentiniai, matematinio modeliavimo ir metodologiniai uždaviniai, siekiant kompleksiškai ištirti dyzelinių variklių, dirbančių II kartos RRME, alkoholio ir dyzelino mišiniais, eksploatacinius darbo rodiklius. Disertacijoje analizuotas ir įvertintas degalų mišinių panaudojimo lengvųjų automobilių ir pagalbiniame laivo dyzeliniuose varikliuose efektas. Tiriamojo darbo problematika, tikslas, uždaviniai suformuoti išanalizavus transporto sektoriaus sandarą, svarbą oro taršos ir energijos sunaudojimo srityse bei ES strateginius planus. Laboratorijos bei eksploatacijos sąlygomis ištirti I, II kartos biodegalų ir dyzelino mišiniai. Tyrimams panaudotuose varikliuose išbandyti butanolio ir metanolio su rapso metil/butilesteriais bei dyzelino 2 ir 3 komponentų mišiniai. Išbandyti II kartos RRME mišiniai: Sėjamosios judros (lot. Camelina sativa) kartu su kiaulienos RRME ir mikro dumblių (lot. Clorella sp.). Atlikti dyzelino ir mišinių palyginamieji variklinių savybių tyrimai. Panau-dojant mišinius, energijos panaudojimo efektyvumas didėja ~1–4 %; esant šiek tiek išaugusiai NOX koncentracijai, CO, CH koncentracijos sumažėjimas siekia iki 20 %, o deginių dūmingumas – 55–85 %. Įvertinti terminės ir mechaninės apkrovos kriterijai, indikuojantys variklio konstrukcinį patikimumą dirbant dyzelinu ir degalų mišiniais. Ištirta biodyzelinų oksidacinės degradacijos įtaka variklio darbo para-metrams, dirbant I kartos rapso ir II Camelina sativa metilesterių B30 miši-niais. Efektyviam dyzelinio variklio darbui B30 mišiniais nustatytas Camelina sativa (8 mėn.) ir rapso RRME (14 mėn.) saugojimo laikotarpis. Panaudojant AVL Boost, Impuls modelius sukurta metodika, kuri, esant ribotam eksperimentinių duomenų kiekiui, leidžia modeliuoti dyzelinio variklio darbo parametrus, charakteristikas. Metodikos pagrindą sudaro atvirkštinis šilumos išsiskyrimo charakteristikos pagal slėgio cilindre duomenis nustatymo uždavinio sprendimas. Sprendimui, pagal numatytą metodiką, yra būtini šilumos išsiskyrimo parametrai m ir φz. Jų nustatymui pakeičiama esama T. Bulaty ir W. Glanzman metodika. Nustatant m ir φz netiesioginiu būdu, o tai supaprastina eksperimentus, panaudota atvirkštinė pa-keista metodika, skirtingomis apkrovomis dirbančio 1,9 TDI 1Z variklio išmetimo vamzdžio temperatūros santykinis pokytis bei G. Woschni bei F. Anisits metodika. Eksperimentais paremto skaičiavimo būdu įvertintas mišinių panaudojimo pasirinktame Lietuvos žvejybinių laivų segmente energetinis ir aplinkosauginis efektyvumas, dyzeliną pakeičiant B30 ir B50 mišiniais

    An overview of Natural Gas Use in Ships: Necessity and Engine Supply

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    The article consists of analysis of existing and planned air pollution from ships control and prevention tools such Marpol 73/78 Annex VI, Energy Efficiency Design Index, Energy efficiency operational indicator, Ship energy efficiency management plan, Regulation on the Monitoring Reporting and Verification of shipping emissions, Carbon tax, Maritime emission trading scheme. Norms of these control and prevention tools are difficult to ensue using traditional marine fuels. Pollution rates getting tighter and alternatives have to be used, and some of them have long been known and are not widely used due to objective reasons. Such alternative is natural gas, and its use in ship power plants could reduce concentrations of nitrogen, sulphur, carbon compounds and other pollutants in engine exhaust gas up to acceptable level. The part of maritime sector choosing gas or dual-fuel engines due to tighter pollution rates, and the supply of these engines analyzed in last part of article

    Optimization of lubricating oil change intervals for marine internal combustion engines: algorithm research and design

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    This study investigates an algorithm for optimal oil change intervals in the marine engine fleet, which reduces the costs due to the recommendations of ship engine manufacturers, which may have a large margin of error. At the same time, the algorithm provides measures to avoid exceeding the limits of sustainable operation of the installation. The main objective of the algorithm is to reasonably extend the service life of the lubricating oil in accordance with the recommendations of the engine manufacturers and while maintaining a reminiscent operating condition of the machinery. The variation of lubricating oil quality parameters during engine operation is a very important factor which, if ignored, can lead to high costs associated with ship idling. The obtained theoretical algorithm can be applied in the optimization process, but it is necessary to check and compare it with the results of the laboratory experiments and, if necessary, make corrections to the algorithm. These published results of the algorithm research and design are the first phase of the optimization of the lubrication oil change intervals for marine internal combustion engines, which must be verified by the results of applied research, mathematical analysis and, if necessary, adjusted as needed

    Comparative investigations into energetic and ecological parameters of camelina-based biofuel used in the 1Z diesel engine

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    The paper presents the findings of comparative investigations into the operation of Audi 80 1.9l 4 cylinder diesel engine, TDI, type 1Z, 66 kW powered by new FAME (fatty acid methyl esters) mixtures of spring (SCME) and winter (WCME) camelina-based biofuel and mineral diesel. The article assesses the principles of operating electronic control over the diesel engine (ECS) and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) and looks at a positive impact of the system on energetic (be, ηe) and ecological (CH, NOx, CO2, SM) parameters. The ECS of the average and maximal power of the engine improve in-cylinder air injection that has an impact on an increase in ηe by approximately 30% and reduces the emission of the harmful components from incomplete combustion. It is accepted that in case diesel fuel is replaced by FAME biofuels (RME – rapeseed methyl ester; SCME – spring camelina methyl ester; WCME – winter camelina methyl ester), ECS control parameters shall not be retrofitted or additionally optimized. The properties of camelina-based biofuel mixtures B30 (SCME) and B30 (WCME) and diesel fuel are similar to the properties of the standard mixtures of RME biofuel B30 (RME). If compared to diesel fuel, the use of camelina-based biofuel mixtures B30 (SCME) and B30 (WCME) enables lower emissions of harmful components from exhaust gases, which makes approximately 15% of CH and 20÷25% of SM

    Research of characteristics of working cycle of high-speed diesel engine operating on biofuels RME–E and D–RME–E. Part 2. Indicators and characteristics of heat release in diesel cylinder

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    This paper presents material about using two-component RME–E and three-component D–RME–E biodiesels in high-speed diesel engines. The results of the analysis of fuel injection parameters described in Part I of this scientific paper – Research of characteristics of working cycle of high-speed diesel engine operating on biofuels RME–E and D–RME–E. Part 1. Indicators of fuel injection system and indicative process – allow conducting a coherent research of heat release in the cylinder of diesel engines transferred from operation on mineral diesel D to mixed biodiesels containing E. Effects of increased ethanol E in the biodiesel of 1A41 diesel engine have been analysed in a wide range of loads, ranging from 0.25 to 1.0 Penom. It was found that the result of the transfer from two-phase heat release to one-phase heat release is an increase in the fuel's economy of the engine for every 10% increase of E in the fuel (increase of indicative process efficiency makes up 0.4÷0.5%). Dependency of heat release and nitrogen oxide emissions in the exhaust gases remains the same for mineral diesel, RME–E and D–RME–E. Indicators of cyclic stability of the diesel engine, operating on biodiesels containing E ≤ 30%, did not exceed those that are common for diesel engines operating on mineral diesel


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    For the purpose to evaluate the performance characteristics of engine running on biofuels During 2009-2014 the 10 engine tests (4stand test and 6 in field conditions) were carried out with other researchers. The energy and environmental properties of 1st and 2ndbiofuels mixtures tested and compared with fossil diesel. The changes were observed and in general case the average values was:emissions of: nitrogen oxides increased 3 ÷ 5%; smokiness and carbon monoxide decreased respectively 20 ÷ 30% and 5 ÷ 16%;unburned hydrocarbons changes in a range of -15 ÷ +32%. The break specific fuel consumption increased by 3 ÷ 8%, the effetenessof energy use increased by 2 ÷ 4%.KEY WORDS: Diesel engine, biofuels, biodiesels, motor properties

    Development and validation of heat release characteristics identification method of diesel engine under operating conditions

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    The decarbonisation of maritime transport in connection with the European Union and International Maritime Organisation directives is mainly associated with renewable and low-carbon fuel use. For optimisation of energy indicators of ship power plants in operation on renewable and low-carbon fuel, it is rational to use numerical research methods. The purpose of this research is to devise methodological solutions for determining the heat release characteristics, m and φz parameters of Wiebe model that can be applied to mathematical models of diesel engines under operating conditions. Innovative solutions are proposed, which in contrast with the methods used in practice, are not related to experimental registration of combustion cycle parameters. These registration techniques were replaced by the proposed exhaust gas temperature or exhaust manifold surface temperature registration method. The acceptable accuracy of results validates the methodological solutions for solving practical tasks: according to the Wiebe model, the error of determining m and φz compared with experimental data does not exceed 3–4%. The proposed method was implemented by simulating the energy indicators of two diesel engines, car engine 1Z 1.9 TDI (Pe = 66 kW; n = 4000 RPM) and multipurpose 8V396TC4 (Pe = 380–600 kW; n = 1850 RPM), in a single-zone model. The variation in experimental data when the engines operated on both diesel and rapeseed methyl ester (a biodiesel fuel), was approximately 1%. The authors anticipate further development of completed solutions with their direct application to ship power plants in real operating conditions

    Ship air pollution estimation by AIS data: case port of Klaipeda

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    Ships operating on fossil fuel release pollutant emissions into the atmosphere. Released pollutants have a negative effect on the environment and human health, especially in port cities. For this reason, it is very important to properly evaluate these emissions so they can be managed. The current and most common methodologies for shipping pollution evaluation are used for whole port areas or larger terminals over a long period of time and are not analyzed in terms of detailed activity, which may lead to underestimations in certain areas. This study aims to evaluate emissions from ships in port by combining ships’ technical, AIS and EMEP data that allow us to evaluate emissions in port, not as a singular area source but enables individual ship emissions evaluation at any given point in time. To achieve this emission calculation, an algorithm was compiled by using EMEP/EEA Tier 3 methodology. The developed method presents a way to evaluate emissions in a detailed manner not only for groups of ships but also for individual ships if that is required. This method also lets us analyze shipping emissions’ intensity throughout all port territory and identify the most excessive pollution sources. However, the method adds additional work for researchers because of the huge data arrays required for complex calculations