11 research outputs found

    Timeline of the Malay Jawi Works: A Revisit to the Oldest Known Malay Manuscript

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    The paper examines the dating of writings on Islam originating in the Malay world in the form of either treatise (risālah) or book (kitāb) as there are disagreements on the date of the advent of Islam in the region. The researchers revisit the polemic of the topic of the oldest known Malay manuscript between the „Aqā‟id al-Nasafī by anonymous author dated 1590 A.D and the Baḥr alLāhūt of Shaykh ʿAbdullah ʿArif which was said to have been written in 12th century A.D., is 400 years older than the former. In order to lit light on this issue, the researchers employ the qualitative methodology in which the linguistic, textual and comparative analysis are applied on the manuscripts and material related to both treatises. Finding reveals that there are some methodological issues that need to be resolved in comparing both treatises

    Buku panduan amalan pendidikan berimpak tinggi (High-Impact Educational Practices-HIEPs) dalam matapelajaran pengajian umum

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    Dokumen ini disediakan sebagai rujukan pelaksanaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran kursus Matapelajaran Pengajian Umum (MPU) berasaskan Amalan Pendidikan Berimpak Tinggi atau High-Impact Educational Practices (HIEPs) untuk semua tenaga pengajar MPU di Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi. Dokumen ini juga adalah merupakan hasil Bengkel Master Trainer HIEPs kursus MPU yang telah diadakan bersama wakil Universiti Awam dan Institut Pendidikan Tinggi Swasta di dalam dua siri bengkel iaitu pada Mac dan April 2018 di Kuala Lumpur dan Puchong, Selangor. Penggunaaan amalan HIEPs di dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran adalah selari dengan hasrat Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2015-2025 (Pendidikan Tinggi), Lonjakan 1 berkaitan pemantapan kurikulum di mana penekanan perlu diberikan oleh IPT di dalam merekabentuk kurikulum yang holistik, bersepadu dan dijajarkan secara konstruktif dengan menekankan penggunaan Amalan Pendidikan Berimpak Tinggi (HIEPs) yang merangkumi kejelasan kognitif dan konsep, kemahiran keusahawanan serta pembelajaran melalui pengalaman dan inovasi. Sehubungan dengan itu, pelaksanaan HIEPs di dalam kursus-kursus umum di IPT khususnya dapat menyokong usaha Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (Pendidikan Tinggi) untuk membangunkan graduan yang holistik, berciri keusahawanan dan seimbang sejajar dengan Falsafah Pendidikan Tinggi Kebangsaan. Graduan tersebut akan mempunyai ilmu yang relevan dan bersesuaian, berakhlak, serta dilengkapi penetapan minda, tingkah laku dan beradab. Terima kasih diucapkan kepada Fasilitator Bengkel Master Trainer HIEPs kursus MPU dan semua peserta bengkel ini yang telah memberikan kerjasama sewajarnya di dalam penerbitan bahan rujukan ini

    The contribution of Malay scholars to the Islamic civilisation

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    Creativity in Malay commentary works: a special reference to Shaykh Dawud al-Fatani’s Ward al-Zawāhir = Kreativiti dalam komentari melayu: satu kajian terhadap karya Shaykh Dawud al Fatani, Ward al zawahir

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    For generations, Dawud al-Fatani’s works have been considered among the reputable and reliable references in the literature of the Malay Archipelago. Among his authoritative works are: Munyat al-MusallÊ, Durr al-ThamÊn, FurË’ al-Masa’il, Minhaj al-‘Óbidin and al-Manhal al-Safi which have been praised for their lucid exposition of the issues addressed by al-Fatani in his writing. The hallmark of his scholarship is undoubtably his creativity and innovation, representing a key characteristic of the Islamic literature of the era and showcasing his gift for elucidating the primary texts of al-Qur’an and al-Hadith. This paper attempts to illustrate al-Fatani’s unique approach employed in his magnificent work entitled Ward al-Zawahir. The research reveals that among the techniques used by al-Fatani to enhance his writing, and which contributed so much to the Malay classical literature of the times are: Bilingualism, faedah (benefit point) and tanbih (admonishing point) etc. This paper is an exposure to the works of al-Fatani that will certainly benefit new generations of authors, enabling them to appreciate and draw inspiration from the literary heritage left to them by their predecessors. Selama bertahun-tahun karya Shaykh Dawud al-FaÏÉni telah dianggap sebagai rujukan yang paling penting dan amat disegani dalam kesusasteraan Melayu Jawi di alam Melayu. Antara karya-karyanya yang paling berwibawa ialah: Munyat al-MuÎallÊ, Durr al-ThamÊn, FurË al-MasÉ'il, MinhÉj al-'ÓbidÊn dan al-Manhal al-ØÉfÊ yang telah diangkat tinggi oleh para ilmuwan kerana perbahasan dan huraian yang tertera dalamnya amat jelas dan mendalam. Keistimewaan yang terdapat dalam karya-karya beliau dari segi keilmuwan dan kreativiti menepati ciri-ciri kesusasteraan Islam yang utama dan mempamerkan kedalaman ilmu beliau dalam menjelaskan perbendaharaan ilmu yang bersumberkan al-Qur'an dan al-Hadith. Makalah ini cuba untuk membawa pembaca meneliti beberapa pendekatan unik al-FatÉni yang digunakan dalam karya agungnya yang berjudul Ward al-ZawÉhir. Ia juga mendedahkan bahawa antara teknik yang digunakan oleh al-FatÉni dalam penulisannya dan sekaligus menyumbang kepada kesusasteraan klasik Melayu pada masa itu ialah: dwibahasa, faedah dan tanbih dan lain-lain. Pendedahan pendekatan yang digunakan dalam karya-karya al-FatÉni pasti akan memberikan manfaat kepada generasi baru dengan harapan agar membolehkan mereka menghargai warisan kusasteraan Jawi yang ditinggalkan oleh generasi yang terdahulu

    The notion of interpretation and commentary in Islam: projecting a true and guided meaning of texts

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    One of today’s predicaments in Islamic society is when interpretation is no longer guided as though it is merely one’s right to interpret anything according to one’s whims and passions and that is in contradiction with the spirit of Islam. The notion of interpretation or commentary in Islamic scholarship has played a great and significant role in shaping the Muslims’ way of thinking for so long. Interpreting and commenting on texts started with the interpretation of primary references in Islam, i.e. al-Qur’an and al-Hadith, followed by other reliable and authentic sources such as texts (mutun), commentaries and glosses (hawashi and syuruh) of renowned and notable scholars to name but a few like Imam Abi al Hassan al-Ash’ari (d. c. 935/936,) in Creed of Islam, Imam Idris al Shafi’i (d. 150/204) in Jurisprudence and Imam al-Ghazzali (d. 1058-1111) in ethics, etc. The processes of interpreting and commenting are paramount since unscrupulous understanding of certain works could lead to deviant teachings that by all means disturb the dissemination of the true meaning of Islam. Thus, in giving interpretation and commentary on certain texts, one should follow the methodology which has been applied by the majority of scholars from the early period of Islam until the present time. Producing one’s work in free and unbound rules of interpretation could jeopardize the meaning and simultaneously yield to misinterpretation in many sorts. This paper shall embark on the importance of correct methodology in explaining religious texts vice versa to expose the tradition of interpretation and commentary applied in Islam which has been successfully guided a true meaning of the text

    Al-Qur'an as a true report and source of knowledge in the early Malay intellectual tradition

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    This paper aims to highlight the scholarly discussion in a few early Malay kitab on one of the most allusive epistemological issues of ‘how do we know what we know” and to expound its paramount importance and bearing in our contemporary life. It attempts to analyze the holistic approach towards the Qur’an as a source of knowledge by firstly addressing, rather than avoiding, the more fundamental and prior issue of the causes or means of knowledge and establishing it as being the most indubitable true report. By so doing, the paper hopes to be able to suggest and insist that this approach be revived in order to equip Muslims with the right defensive knowledge and boost their confidence in facing the growing confused and skeptical world of today

    The basic concept and classification of knowledge according to Malay manuscript: a study on MSS 2906 (B) Tibyān Al-Marām = Konsep asas dan pembahagian ilmu menurut manuskrip Melayu: suatu penelitian terhadap MSS 2906 (B) Tibyān Al-Marām

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    The article discusses on issues regarding the basic concept of knowledge and its classification according to Malay manuscript, which is MSS 2906 (B) Tibyān al-Marām Ṭalibah al-Ṭalabah. According to codicological analysis, the manuscript is originated from Aceh and it was written at the end of 18th century or early 19th century. The manuscript is in the collection of National Center of Malay Manuscript, National Library of Malaysia. It was translated from Arabic entitled Ṭalibah al-Ṭalabah fī Ṭarīq al-‘Ilm li man Ṭalabah written by Sadīd al-Dīn Muḥammad al-Kāshgharī (d.705H/1305M) into Malay language with Jawi alphabet. Based on content analysis method, there are two important aspects which are the focus of this article. Firstly, the basic concept of knowledge while the second aspect is regarding the classification of knowledge a well as its preference in education. The discussion on these two aspects is important in order to understand the concept of knowledge according to the Malay manuscript in Islamic education, especially based on Tibyān al-Marām, which is the only extensive manuscript on knowledge and education. By understanding the concept and the classification of knowledge, it will give a proper direction for the transformation of education and the efforts on integration of knowledge particularly at the higher level of education. ***************************************************************************** Makalah ini membincangkan persoalan konsep asas ilmu dan pembahagiannya menurut manuskrip Melayu, iaitu naskhah MSS 2906 (B) kitab Tibyān al-Marām Ṭalibah al-Ṭalabah.Berdasarkan analisis kodikologi, manuskrip ini berasal daripada Aceh dan ditulis antara akhir abad ke-18 atau awal abad ke-19. Manuskrip ini berada dalam koleksi Pusat Kebangsaan Manuskrip Melayu, Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia. Ia merupakan sebuah karya terjemahan berserta komentar ringkas ke dalam bahasa Melayu aksara Jawi daripada karya berbahasa Arab bertajuk Ṭalibah al-Ṭalabah fī Ṭarīq al-‘Ilm li man Ṭalabah tulisan Sadīd al-DīnMuḥammad al-Kāshgharī (m.705H/1305M). Dengan mengaplikasi metode analisis kandungan, terdapat dua aspek penting yang menjadi fokus utama penulisan makalah ini. Pertama, mengenai konsep asas dan hakikat ilmu, manakala aspek kedua ialah berkaitan pembahagian ilmu serta pemilihannya. Perbincangan tentang kedua-dua aspek ini amat penting dalam memahami konsep ilmu menurut karya tradisional pendidikan Islam masyarakat Melayu, khususnya berdasarkan kitab Tibyān al-Marām yang merupakan satu-satunya manuskrip yangekstensif berkaitan ilmu dan pendidikan. Dengan memahami konsep dan hakikat sebenar ilmu serta pembahagiannya, hal ini akan memberi panduan yang tepat kepada usaha transformasi pendidikan dan usaha-usaha integrasi ilmu khususnya pada peringkat pengajian tinggi

    Timeline of the Malay jawi works: a revisit to the oldest known Malay manuscript

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    The paper examines the dating of writings on Islam originating in the Malay world in the form of either treatise (risālah) or book (kitāb) as there are disagreements on the date of the advent of Islam in the region. The researchers revisit the polemic of the topic of the oldest known Malay manuscript between the ‘Aqā’id al-Nasafī by anonymous author dated 1590 A.D and the Baḥr al-Lāhūt of Shaykh ʿAbdullah ʿArif which was said to have been written in 12th century A.D., is 400 years older than the former. In order to lit light on this issue, the researchers employ the qualitative methodology in which the linguistic, textual and comparative analysis are applied on the manuscripts and material related to both treatises. Finding reveals that there are some methodological issues that need to be resolved in comparing both treatises

    Exploring the views of mosque committee members on mosque religious education programs in Gombak

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    There is a multitude of social problems characterized by the growth of crime rate of violence, religious disintegration, hatred, religious disunity, and tension. Such problems have raised serious attention from various parties as they lead to social disintegration and eventually harm social security. The phenomena could be attributed to, inter alia, the lack of religious understanding; a critical factor in constructing the moral behavior of human beings. A study has been conducted to obtain feedback from mosque committee members in Malaysia on the nature of the mosque religious education curriculum. Focus Group Discussions had been conducted by engaging relevant stakeholders of mosques to identify the views of mosque committee members on the mosque religious education curriculum in the district of Gombak, a district in the state of Selangor, Malaysia. The findings have been analyzed using thematic analysis. The findings show that mosque committee members highlighted several issues which concern mosque religious education structure, education resources, participants’ content of curriculum, teaching and learning approaches, and their expected outcomes. The findings increase the understanding of the roles of mosque as strategic center for community members to acquire knowledge, important for the community sustainable development. The information can be used as basis for the development of the Mosque Religious Education Curriculum