5 research outputs found

    Estudi quantitatiu del risc d’esllavissades a la carretera N-634 entre les localitats de Zarautz i Zumaia

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    En aquesta tesina es realitza una anàlisi qualitativa i quantitativa del risc d’esllavissades a la carretera N-634, també coneguda com a Carretera de la Costa, entre les localitats de Zarautz i Zumaia, a la província de Guipúscoa

    Nova carretera de TĂ©rmens a MenĂ rguens

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    El present Projecte Final de Carrera té per objecte justificar la necessitat de la construcció de la Nova carretera de Térmens a Menàrguens (La Noguera), realitzar un estudi d’alternatives i finalment desenvolupar l’alternativa escollida a nivell de projecte constructiu

    Estudi quantitatiu del risc d’esllavissades a la carretera N-634 entre les localitats de Zarautz i Zumaia

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    En aquesta tesina es realitza una anàlisi qualitativa i quantitativa del risc d’esllavissades a la carretera N-634, també coneguda com a Carretera de la Costa, entre les localitats de Zarautz i Zumaia, a la província de Guipúscoa

    Rockfall and debris flow hazard assessment of the coastal road of Gipuzkoa (Northern Spain)

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    The coastal roads of the Gipuzkoa province, Basque Country, Northern Spain, suffer frequent damage and blockage as a consequence of the instability of slopes. In 2006 the Gipuzkoa Road Conservation Service promoted a study aiming at identifying the locations showing the highest risk and prioritizing actions for road stabilization and protection. In this communication the results obtained with the Rockfall Hazard Rating System (RHRS) modified by Budetta (Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci. Euro Geosci Union, 4:71-81, 2004), which has been adapted to the specificities of the study road, are presented. First, the index has been normalized by the length of the sections analyzed to allow their comparison. Second, rockfall volume and frequency have been modified to accommodate local conditions of the cut-slopes and their hazard level. Finally, the RHRS has been adapted to account for the occurrence of small-size debris flow events. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

    Rockfall and debris flow hazard assessment of the coastal road of Gipuzkoa (Northern Spain)

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    The coastal roads of the Gipuzkoa province, Basque Country, Northern Spain, suffer frequent damage and blockage as a consequence of the instability of slopes. In 2006 the Gipuzkoa Road Conservation Service promoted a study aiming at identifying the locations showing the highest risk and prioritizing actions for road stabilization and protection. In this communication the results obtained with the Rockfall Hazard Rating System (RHRS) modified by Budetta (Nat Hazards Earth Syst Sci. Euro Geosci Union, 4:71-81, 2004), which has been adapted to the specificities of the study road, are presented. First, the index has been normalized by the length of the sections analyzed to allow their comparison. Second, rockfall volume and frequency have been modified to accommodate local conditions of the cut-slopes and their hazard level. Finally, the RHRS has been adapted to account for the occurrence of small-size debris flow events. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013