36 research outputs found

    Waterway Agenda Information System

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    Informatisation of the public administration of the Slovak Republic aims to create a functional architecture of the integrated information system. This system also includes the development of Agenda information systems that provide electronic services in the most automated mode, according to the principle all at once. In the field of water transport, there is currently no fully functional agenda information system. Creating an Agenda Information System (AIS) will allow multi-channel electronic access to public transport services in water transport. The complex information solution of the water transport agenda will be digitalized for individual applications and submissions. Part of the Waterway Agenda Information System will also be the establishment of a client zone, an online tool that will provide online information for users and providers. This tool will allow personalized client notifications that simplify the process for all parties involved (public administration, entrepreneurs, or individuals)

    Technological and Educational Requirements for Inland Navigation Simulator in the Danube Region

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    Education and practical training of the crew members in water transport have been directed towards harmonisation within the EU. One of the basic goals of the project HINT (Harmonized Inland Navigation Transport through education and information technology) is the implementation of inland navigation simulators into the educational process. They might become an alternative way for practical training of crew members in near future. In this article we analyse the requirements for the functions and complexity of an inland navigation simulator in the educational process within the Danube region. The analysis comes from the research that was carried out by the organisations that work in Inland Water Transport (IWT) in the Danube region in October 2013


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    Vnútrozemská vodná doprava vsadila jednoznačne na využívanie dvojpalivových systémov nafta – LNG. Širšiemu uplatneniu tohto paliva v doprave predchádza potreba vytvorenia fungujúceho trhu s čím úzko súvisí vyriešenie množstva problémov s logistikou nie len v rámci regiónu, ale aj vzhľadom na regióny produkcie ako aj na fyzikálne vlastnosti LNG súvisiace s jeho prepravou na veľké vzdialenosti. V súčasnosti platná legislatíva týkajúca sa prepravy nebezpečných tovarov (ADN) umožňuje na prepravu LNG po vnútrozemských vodných cestách využívať LNG tankery vybavené špeciálnymi zásobníkmi - nádržami na uchovávanie kryogénnych plynov. Podobné nádrže je možné využiť aj na dlhodobé skladovanie v centrálnych termináloch. Aj keď táto technológia nie je nová, s jej aplikáciou vo vnútrozemských plavidlách sú minimálne skúsenosti. Pri konštrukcii a umiestňovaní nádrží na existujúce plavidla je potrebné hľadať kompromisy zohľadňujúce jednak tvar nádrže a množstvo uskladneného plynu, ako aj izolačné a pevnostné vlastnosti.Inland water transport has clearly bent on the use of dual-fuel systems diesel - LNG. The wider use of this fuel in transport is preceded by the need to create a functioning market with the closest connection to solving many logistical problems not only within the region but also in terms of production regions as well as the physical properties of LNG related to its long-range transport. The current legislation on the transport of dangerous goods (ADN) allows the use of LNG tankers equipped with special containers - cryogenic storage tanks for the transport of LNG by inland waterways. Similar tanks can also be used for long-term storage at central terminals. Although this technology is not new, its application to inland vessels is on very low level. When constructing and placing tanks on existing vessels, it is necessary to seek compromises taking into account both the shape of the tank and the amount of stored gas, as well as the insulation and strength characteristics


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    Automakers often use the services of logistics operators who provide comprehensive solutions for the implementation of transport for the company. These services can be provided only with existence of transport and logistics infrastructure and human capital. The quality of infrastructure and human capital proportionally depends on the quality of services provided. Logistics operator in process of choosing transport mode for export-import transactions take into account transaction costs and total delivery time of delivery

    Proposal of an Enhanced Safety System on Board of the Inland Vessel

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    The share of human factor in the occurrence of navigation accidents represents a high proportion of the total accident rate. Elimination of the human factor responsible for the occurrence of navigational accidents would contribute to the overall safety of navigation on inland waterways. The main causes of human-induced navigation accidents include inattention, fatigue or poor concentration on vessel control. The design of the system for increasing navigation safety consists of a system for monitoring the life functions of a crew member as well as a position of the vessel towards the fairway / shore. The first level focuses on tracking the life function of the vessel's crew / boat master. The second level addresses the position of the vessel and the possibility of increasing safety by cooperating with the data provided by Automatic Identification System - AIS. The proposal of the system represents interconnection of both levels and brings high degree of control of the vessel in extraordinary situations

    Environmental Impacts of Introducing LNG as Alternative Fuel for Urban Buses – Case Study in Slovakia

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    The aim of the paper is to assess the possibility of decreasing the chosen environmental indicators like energy consumption, greenhouse gas (GHG) production and other exhaust pollutants in the selected region in Slovakia by introducing Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) buses into bus transport. The assessment is carried out by comparing the consumption and emissions of current buses (EURO 2) in real operation, with potential buses (EURO 6) and with pilot LNG buses testing on the same lines. Comparison took place under the same conditions over the same period. The study measures the energy consumption and GHG production per bus. The research paper also compares two methodologies of calculation. The first calculation is according to the European Standard EN 16258: 2012 which specifies the general methodology for evaluation and declaration of energy consumption and GHG emissions (all services - cargo, passengers or both). The second calculation is according to the Handbook of Emission Factors for Road Transport (HBEFA). The results of the calculation are compared by both methods, and the most suitable version of the bus in terms of GHG emissions is proposed


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    Bezpečnosť vnútrozemskej vodnej dopravy predstavuje komplex vzájomne prepojených systémov riadenia plavby a prevádzky vodných ciest. Sledovanie a hodnotenie kvality vodných ciest je závislé predovšetkým od množstva plavebných nehôd a obmedzení, ktoré bránia plynulému dopravnému procesu. Nárast plavebných výkonov má priamy vplyv na zvýšenie rizika vzniku plavebných nehôd. Sledovanie a hodnotenie kvality vnútrozemských vodných ciest je jedným z nástrojom ako reagovať na zmeny v dopravných výkonoch, ako aj impulzom k prijatiu nevyhnutných bezpečnostných opatrení.The safety of inland waterway transport is a complex of interconnected navigation and waterway management systems. Tracking and assessing the quality of waterways depends, in particular, on the amount of shipping accidents and limitations that hinder the smooth transport process. The increase in navigation volumes has a direct effect on increasing the risk of navigation accidents. Tracking and assessing the quality of inland waterways is one of the tools to respond to changes in transport performance as well as an impulse to take the necessary safety measures

    Environmental Comparison of Different Transport Modes

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    The paper describes the energy consumption and GHG production comparison of three transport modes – road, rail and waterborne. The calculations are done according to the legislation in force – standard EN 16 258:2012 Methodology for calculation and declaration of energy consumption and GHG emissions of transport services (freight and passengers). The results have high informative value because they take into account energy consumption and emissions from primary and secondary consideration. The calculation is done by real fuel consumption values (road and waterborne) and by simulation of energy consumption (railway). The energy and emission coefficients from the standard EN were used for estimating the results according to the well-to-wheels and tank-to-wheels principles

    Hodnotenie kvality služieb pre kúpeľnú destináciu

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    The bachelor thesis is focused on the quality of provided services at Slovakian spa destinations. The main aim of this work is to identify the factors influencing the perception of the service quality and to determine their significane for the spa customer. The results obtained from the questionnaire are interpreted and statistically evaluated, and on their bases are proposed recommendations for service providers in spa destinations