63 research outputs found


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    The objective of this study was to determine bread slice medium part properties in relation to quality parameters with a focus on gluten strength. Since sensory evaluation of bread is time consuming, expensive and subjective in nature, computerized image analysis was applied as objective method of bread crumb quality evaluation. Gluten Index method was applied as fast and reliable tool for defining gluten strength of wheat. Significant (P90) Ana, Demetra, Klara, Srpanjka and Divana have shown trend to give unequal and bigger crumb grains while cultivars Golubica, Barbara, Žitarka, Kata and Sana with optimal gluten strength (GI= 60-90) have shown finer and uniform crumb grain.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi povezanost parametara izgleda sredine kruha i kakvoće pÅ”enice, s naglaskom na jačinu glutena. Budući da je senzorska procjena kruha vremenski zahtjevna, skupa i relativno subjektivna, u procjeni izgleda sredine kruha koriÅ”tena je računalna analiza slike kao objektivna metoda. Jačina glutena pÅ”enice određena je brzom i pouzdanom gluten indeks metodom. Statistički značajna (p90), Anu, Demetru, Klaru, Srpanjku i Divanu, karakterizira neujednačena poroznost sredine kruha s velikim Å”upljinama, za razliku od kultivara Golubice, Barbare, Žitarke, Kate i Sane s optimalnom vrijednoŔću gluten indeksa (GI= 60-90), čija je poroznost, s obzirom na manje Å”upljine, bila ujednačenija


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    High-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) composition was analyzed by sodium-dodecyl-sulfat-polyacrilamid-gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), while the quantitative determination of total HMW-GS was obtained by reversed phase- high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). Considering HMW-GS composition, the most frequent subunits at Glu-A1 locus were N, at Glu-B1 locus 7+9 and at Glu-D1 locus 2+12. The cultivars with the GS 5+10 at Glu-D1 locus have shown better technological characteristics in contrast to cultivars with the GS 2+12. The cultivars Žitarka, Srpanjka, Barbara, Klara and Golubica in spite of presence HMW-GS 2+12 have shown very good and good technological properties because they had optimal proportions (>10%) of total HMW-GS. The results of the linear correlation analysis between quality parameters and HMW-GS composition have shown significant (P10%) ukupnih HMW-GS. Rezultati linearne korelacije između parametara kakvoće i sastava HMW-GS pokazali su značajan (p<0,05) pozitivan utjecaj HMW-GS (Glu-1 bodovi) na sedimentacijsku vrijednost (r=0,55), gluten indeks (r=0,72), energiju tijesta (r=0,61), maksimalni otpor (r=0,64), te omjera otpora i rastezljivosti tijesta (r=0,58). U odnosu na sastav HMW-GS, njihovi udjeli pokazuju značajniji utjecaj na udio proteina (r=0,82), vrijeme razvoja tijesta (r=0,70), stupanj omekÅ”anja (r=-0,90), energiju tijesta (r=0,74) i na volumen kruha (r=0,65)

    Preliminary findings on the experiences of care for parents who suffered perinatal bereavement during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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    BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic poses an unprecedented risk to the global population. Maternity care in the UK was subject to many iterations of guidance on how best to reconfigure services to keep women, their families and babies, and healthcare professionals safe. Parents who experience a pregnancy loss or perinatal death require particular care and support. PUDDLES is an international collaboration investigating the experiences of recently bereaved parents who suffered a late miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal death during the global COVID-19 pandemic, in seven countries. In this study, we aim to present early findings from qualitative work undertaken with recently bereaved parents in the United Kingdom about how access to healthcare and support services was negotiated during the pandemic. METHODS: In-depth semi-structured interviews were undertaken with parents (Nā€‰=ā€‰24) who had suffered a late miscarriage (nā€‰=ā€‰5; all mothers), stillbirth (nā€‰=ā€‰16; 13 mothers, 1 father, 1 joint interview involving both parents), or neonatal death (nā€‰=ā€‰3; all mothers). Data were analysed using a template analysis with the aim of investigating bereaved parents' access to services, care, and networks of support, during the pandemic after their bereavement. RESULTS: All parents had experience of utilising reconfigured maternity and/or neonatal, and bereavement care services during the pandemic. The themes utilised in the template analysis were: 1) The Shock & Confusion Associated with Necessary Restrictions to Daily Life; 2) Fragmented Care and Far Away Families; 3) Keeping Safe by Staying Away; and 4) Impersonal Care and Support Through a Screen. Results suggest access to maternity, neonatal, and bereavement care services were all significantly reduced, and parents' experiences were notably affected by service reconfigurations. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings, whilst preliminary, are important to document now, to help inform care and service provision as the pandemic continues and to provide learning for ongoing and future health system shocks. We draw conclusions on how to enable development of safe and appropriate services during this pandemic and any future health crises, to best support parents who experience a pregnancy loss or whose babies die

    Strontium Dependence of the Lattice Constants of Barites from the Kresevo Area in Central Bosnia (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

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    The lattice constants of a synthetic BaSO4 and fourteen natural barite samples from the Kresevo area (Central Bosnia) were determined by X-ray powder diffraction. The natural samples contained from 0.3-17.6 mole % SrSO4, and negligible concentrations of Ca and Pb (<0.03 and 0.02 wt. %, respectively), thus representing almost pure (Ba,Sr)SO4 solid solutions. The diffraction lines of most natural samples were broadened in relation to those of synthetic BaSO4. This results from obvious compositional heterogeneity, e.g. the heterogeneous distribution of strontium, as is clearly observed from Sr variation patterns across a surface of the barite obtained by proton microprobe analysis. Nevertheless, the present values of unit-cell parameters are in agreement with those of synthetic (Ba,Sr)SO4 solid solutions documented in the literature. It has been proven that the interplanar spacing d004 may be used for determination of the Sr content of natural barites; the absolute error varies from Ā±0.3 mole % SrSO4 (for homogeneous samples having the diffraction line 004 clearly resolved in spectral doublet components) up to Ā±0.5 mole % SrSO4 (for the samples with compositional heterogeneity having a broadened and relative poorly defined diffraction line 004)

    The machinability of nickel-based alloys in high-pressure jet assisted (HPJA) turning

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    Due to their mechanical, thermal and chemical properties, nickel-based alloys are generally included among materials that are hard to machine. An experimental study has been performed to investigate the capabilities of conventional and high-pressure jet assisted (HPJA) turning of hard-to-machine materials, namely Inconel 718. The capabilities of different hard turning procedures are compared by means of chip breakability. The obtained results show that HPJA method offers a significant increase in chip breakability, under the same cutting conditions (cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut)

    Preliminary findings on the experiences of care for parents who suffered perinatal bereavement during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic poses an unprecedented risk to the global population. Maternity care in the UK was subject to many iterations of guidance on how best to reconfigure services to keep women, their families and babies, and healthcare professionals safe. Parents who experience a pregnancy loss or perinatal death require particular care and support. PUDDLES is an international collaboration investigating the experiences of recently bereaved parents who suffered a late miscarriage, stillbirth, or neonatal death during the global COVID-19 pandemic, in seven countries. In this study, we aim to present early findings from qualitative work undertaken with recently bereaved parents in the United Kingdom about how access to healthcare and support services was negotiated during the pandemic. Methods: In-depth semi-structured interviews were undertaken with parents (N = 24) who had suffered a late miscarriage (n = 5; all mothers), stillbirth (n = 16; 13 mothers, 1 father, 1 joint interview involving both parents), or neonatal death (n = 3; all mothers). Data were analysed using a template analysis with the aim of investigating bereaved parentsā€™ access to services, care, and networks of support, during the pandemic after their bereavement. Results: All parents had experience of utilising reconfigured maternity and/or neonatal, and bereavement care services during the pandemic. The themes utilised in the template analysis were: 1) The Shock & Confusion Associated with Necessary Restrictions to Daily Life; 2) Fragmented Care and Far Away Families; 3) Keeping Safe by Staying Away; and 4) Impersonal Care and Support Through a Screen. Results suggest access to maternity, neonatal, and bereavement care services were all significantly reduced, and parentsā€™ experiences were notably affected by service reconfigurations. Conclusions: Our findings, whilst preliminary, are important to document now, to help inform care and service provision as the pandemic continues and to provide learning for ongoing and future health system shocks. We draw conclusions on how to enable development of safe and appropriate services during this pandemic and any future health crises, to best support parents who experience a pregnancy loss or whose babies die

    Emotional experiences of women who access early pregnancy assessment units: a qualitative investigation

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    Purpose: Early pregnancy complications are common and often result in pregnancy loss, which can be emotionally challenging for women. Research on the emotional experiences of those attending Early Pregnancy Assessment Units [EPAUs] is scarce. This analysis explored the emotions which women spontaneously reported when being interviewed about their experiences of using EPAU services. Materials and methods: Semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of 38 women. Using Thematic Framework Analysis, we identified six unique emotional typologies which mapped onto womenā€™s clinical journeys. Results: Women with ongoing pregnancies were characterized as having: ā€œAnxious Presentationā€ or ā€œSustained Anxiety due to Diagnostic Uncertaintyā€, dependent on whether their initial scan result was inconclusive. Women with pregnancy loss had one of four emotional typologies, varying by diagnostic timing and required interventions: ā€œAnxious-Upsetā€; ā€œAnxious-Upset after Diagnostic Uncertaintyā€; ā€œAnxious-Upset with Procedural Uncertaintyā€; ā€œAnxious with Sustained Uncertaintyā€. Conclusions: We provide insights into the distinct emotions associated with different clinical pathways through EPAU services. Our findings could be used to facilitate wider recognition of womenā€™s emotional journeys through early pregnancy complications and stimulate research into how best to support women and their partners, in these difficult times

    Womenā€™s experiences of early pregnancy loss services during the pandemic: A qualitative investigation

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    Problem Early pregnancy losses [EPL] are common, varied, and require different courses of management and care. Background In the UK, women who suspect or suffer a pregnancy loss are usually provided specialist care in early pregnancy assessment units [EPAUs]. Their configuration has recently been evaluated, but recommendations for change in-line with best practice for optimum outcomes were unable to be implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic health system shock. Aim To compare womenā€™s experiences of EPAUs during the pandemic to themes previously found in qualitative work undertaken with women who utilised EPAUs before the pandemic. Methods We conducted semi-structured virtual interviews, with women (N = 32) who suffered an early pregnancy loss during the pandemic; analysing transcripts using Template Analysis, based on findings about womenā€™s (pre-pandemic) experiences of EPAU from The VESPA Study. Findings We report on seven key themes: Barriers to Accessing Services; Communication & Information; Retention of Relational Care; Involvement in Care Decisions; Staffsā€™ Attitude or Approach; Efficiency of Service Delivery; Sensitive Patient Management. Discussion Sensitive patient management and woman-staff interactions in EPAU settings remain a fundamental issue. Women also reported their experiences of EPAUs were comparatively worse during the pandemic. Conclusions Women valued the care provided by EPAUs and found services to be efficient, despite pandemic-related restrictions. However, psychological recognition surrounding EPL and appropriate, sensitive, relational care and support continue to be areas in need of improvement. Our recommendation is to implement the improvements suggested by VESPA as a priority to ameliorate present sub-optimal experiences and prevent further deterioration. Abbreviations NHS National Health Service PPIE Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement SARS-CoV-2 Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (a.k.a. COVID-19) UK United Kingdo
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