281 research outputs found

    FOREWORD BY THE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dwellings from Prehistory to the Early Middle Ages

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    Dvadeseti svezak časopisa Međunarodnog istraživačkog centra za arheologiju, Brijuni-Medulin, Centra za arheoloÅ”ka istraživanja Instituta druÅ”tvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar posvećen je civilizacijski značajnoj temi Ā«Nastambe i stanovanje od prapovijesti do srednjeg vijekaĀ».The 20th volume of the review of the International Research Centre for Archaeology Brijuni ā€“ Medulin which forms part of the Centre for Archaeological Research of the Institute for Social Sciences Ivo Pilar is dedicated to an important topic for our civilisation: Dwellings from Prehistory to the Early Middle Ages

    Agripinin portret u odnosu prema rimskim ženskim portretima s pulskog i nezakcijskog agera

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    During protective archaeological researches performed in 1987-1988, on the Forum of ColoniaPola marble head was found representing Agrippina, wife of Claudius and mother of Nero. Threeinscriptions mentioning Claudius and Nero had been discovered before on the Pula Forum. SinceAgrippina had great infl uence on Claudiusā€™ political actions, her portraits were usually put in placeswhere homage could be paid to the Emperor and his family. In addition to the Agrippinaā€™s portraitfrom Colonia Pola, there are some more female portraits resembling to her.Za vrijeme zaÅ”titnog arheoloÅ”kog istraživanja (1987.-1988.) na forumu u Puli (Colonia Pola)otkrivena je mramorna ženska glava za koju se pretpostavlja da je portret Agripine Mlađe, ženecara Klaudija i majke cara Nerona. Skulptura je originalno vjerojatno bila postavljena na zidanojbazi u sjeveroistočnom zidu luksuzne prostorije popločene mramorom i ukraÅ”ene Å”tukaturama nazidu kojega je baza bila ukraÅ”ena mramorom i Å”tukom. Tri natpisa otkrivena u blizini tzv. Agripininekuće spominju careve Klaudija i Nerona. Prvi napis datira se u razdoblje od 37. do 41. g. i odnosi sena Klaudija kao konzula sufekta (consul suff ectus); drugi natpis se datira u 45. g., kad je već na vlasti,a treći je posvećen caru Neronu kao adoptivnom sinu Klaudija, koji je već bio oženjen AgripinomMlađom.Budući su Agripina Mlađa kao i njezina majka Agripina Starija imale velik utjecaj na vlast,a posebno Mlađa na Klaudijevo političko djelovanje, njezini su portreti često inspirirali modui ponaÅ”anje žena toga razdoblja, pa tako i umjetničku obradu njihovih likova na nadgrobnimspomenicima u Istri.Na pulskom i nezakcijskom ageru nalazimo nekoliko ženskih likova s frizurama u stilu tzv. ā€œdvijuAgripinaā€, posebno Agripine Mlađe. To su nadgrobne stele Obelije Maksime, djevojke s perlama izGaližane, mlađe žene s fragmentarne četvrtaste edikule iz Pule, obitelji Rufelija Rufa iz Malih VareÅ”kikraj Nezakcija te portreta bračnog para u okruglim medaljonima iz Val Sudige kod Galežane i lika ženeu lovorovom vijencu sa zabata iz Nezakcija. Svi ovi portreti nose na sebi biljeg mode i izraza sredineprvog stoljeća

    (Non) Singing During The COVID-19 Pandemic - Opinions and Emotional Experience of Students From 5th to 8th Grade of Primary Schools in The Republic of Croatia

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    Singing is an important factor in the teaching of Music Culture and, in addition to the compulsory content, an activity that is carried out the most. The scientific literature confirms that singing sparks positive emotional reactions in students to a great extent. With the proclamation of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, almost all singing activities have been suspended for a long time. The aim of the study was to determine whether there is a difference in the perception of dissatisfaction with the suspension of singing depending on whether the students were actively and intensively engaged in singing compared to those who were not engaged in the activity or were only slightly involved in it prior to the pandemic. The first problem was to research whether there was a difference in personal dissatisfaction (happiness) and the perception of dissatisfaction with the suspension of singing depending on whether the students were actively singing before the pandemic or not and whether they continued singing online during the pandemic or if they have completely stopped active singing. Hypotheses have been confirmed that students who are members of choirs and/or ensembles feel more intense lack and personal dissatisfaction with the suspension of musical activities during the pandemic than those who actively sang only in Music Culture classes as well as that students who played music online are more satisfied and show more positive emotions compared to those who have stopped playing music. Another problem was to research whether there is a difference in the perception of singing in-person and singing in a virtual environment. It has been confirmed that students who have experienced both in-person singing and singing online believe that singing in-person has a greater effect than singing in a virtual environment. The results confirm that singing has a positive effect on the singer and that restricting singing intensifies personal dissatisfaction

    The length of hospitalisation of patients that underwent inguinal hernia repair

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    Cilj istraživanja: Ispitati koliko je prosječno trajanje hospitalizacije pacijenata podvrgnutih ingvinalnoj hernioplastaici u OB Nova GradiÅ”ka od 2008. do 2018. godine i ispitati postoji li razlika u duljini hospitalizacije s obzirom na spol te postoji li povezanost duljine hospitalizacije i dobi. Nacrt studije: Istraživanje je ustrojeno kao presječna studija. Ispitanici i metode: U studiju su uključeni pacijenti podvrgnuti ingvinalnoj hernioplastici, a podatci su prikupljeni pregledom operacijskih protokola, medicinske dokumentacije i bolničkog informacijskog sustava. Varijable za analizu uključivale su: spol, dob, duljinu hospitalizacije i stranu tijela na kojoj se nalazila preponska hernija. Rezultati: Analiziran je 701 pacijent. Medijan broja dana hospitalizacije je 5 dana s granicama interkvartilnog raspona od 4 do 6 dana. S obzirom na stranu koja je operirana, najviÅ”e ispitanika je operiralo desnu stranu, njih 431 (61 %), a lijevu stranu 270 (39 %) ispitanika. S obzirom na spol 642 (92 %) pacijenata su muÅ”karci, a 59 (8 % ) su žene. Medijan dobi ispitanika je 61 godinu, s granicama interkvartilnog raspona od 50 do 73 godine Zaključak: Medijan broja dana hospitalizacije je 5 dana s granicama interkvartilnog raspona od 4 do 6 dana. Nema značajnih razlika u duljini hospitalizacije u odnosu na spol ispitanika. Postoji značajna pozitivna veza dobi ispitanika s hospitalizacijom, odnosno mlađi ispitanici imaju kraću hospitalizaciju od starijih ispitanikaObjectives: The aim of this study was to research the average length of the hospital stay for patients who underwent inguinal henira repair in General Hospital Nova GradiÅ”ka from 2008 to 2018, to research whether there is difference in the length of the hospital stay between sexes and connection between age and the length hospital stay. Study Design: The research was organised as a cross ā€“ sectional study. Patients and Methods: The study included patients who underwent inguinal hernia repair. The data were collected by researching operative protocols for the above ā€“ mentioned period, medical records and hospital information system. Variables for analysis included gender, age, the length of hospital stay and the side of the body where the hernia is located. Results: 701 patients were analysed. The average length of the hospital stay had median of 5 days ( interquartile range 4 ā€“ 6 days). Most patients, 431 of them (61 %) underwent inguinal hernia repair on the right side and 270 patient (39 %) underwent inguinal hernia hernia repair on the left side. 642 (92 %) were male and 59 (8 %) were female. Median age was 61 years ( interquartile range 50 ā€“ 73). Conclusion: The median length of the hospital stay in General Hospital Nova GradiÅ”ka is 5 days with interquartile range from 4 to 6 days. There is no significant difference in the length of hospital stay between sexes. There is significant positive connection between age and the length of hospital stay where younger patients have shorter duration of hospitalisation than older patients

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