7 research outputs found

    Life on the Ottoman Border: Essays in Honour of Nenad Moačanin

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    The articles written by friends, colleagues, former students, and one current doctoral student collected in this celebratory volume dedicated to the doyen of Ottoman studies in Croatia, Professor Nenad Moačanin, are divided into three main chapters entitled ā€œOttoman Bosnia, Turkish Croatia, and Turkey in Europe,ā€ ā€œDistant Borders and Regions,ā€ and ā€œGlimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnik.ā€ The first section consists of the articles predominantly dedicated to the main fields of interests of Nenad Moačanin, namely social and economic history of the Ottoman Empire, with special focus on Ottoman Bosnia, the Balkans and Central Europe, as well as the Ottoman borderland in Croatia. The second section entitled ā€œDistant Borders and Regionsā€ brings three articles which are geographically remote from the Western Balkans and Central Europe, such as Crimea, Syria, and Palestine, but nevertheless fit well into the conception of the volume by offering a possibility for comparison of distant regions. The third section ā€œGlimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnikā€ contains five articles which provide an important insight into the situation on ā€œthe other side.ā€ The volume also includes a biographical overview of Professor Moačaninā€™s scientific and educational career at the beginning, and the bibliography at the end of the volume .The articles written by friends, colleagues, former students, and one current doctoral student collected in this celebratory volume dedicated to the doyen of Ottoman studies in Croatia, Professor Nenad Moačanin, are divided into three main chapters entitled ā€œOttoman Bosnia, Turkish Croatia, and Turkey in Europe,ā€ ā€œDistant Borders and Regions,ā€ and ā€œGlimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnik.ā€ The first section consists of the articles predominantly dedicated to the main fields of interests of Nenad Moačanin, namely social and economic history of the Ottoman Empire, with special focus on Ottoman Bosnia, the Balkans and Central Europe, as well as the Ottoman borderland in Croatia. The second section entitled ā€œDistant Borders and Regionsā€ brings three articles which are geographically remote from the Western Balkans and Central Europe, such as Crimea, Syria, and Palestine, but nevertheless fit well into the conception of the volume by offering a possibility for comparison of distant regions. The third section ā€œGlimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnikā€ contains five articles which provide an important insight into the situation on ā€œthe other side.ā€ The volume also includes a biographical overview of Professor Moačaninā€™s scientific and educational career at the beginning, and the bibliography at the end of the volume

    Life on the Ottoman Border: Essays in Honour of Nenad Moačanin

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    The articles written by friends, colleagues, former students, and one current doctoral student collected in this celebratory volume dedicated to the doyen of Ottoman studies in Croatia, Professor Nenad Moačanin, are divided into three main chapters entitled ā€œOttoman Bosnia, Turkish Croatia, and Turkey in Europe,ā€ ā€œDistant Borders and Regions,ā€ and ā€œGlimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnik.ā€ The first section consists of the articles predominantly dedicated to the main fields of interests of Nenad Moačanin, namely social and economic history of the Ottoman Empire, with special focus on Ottoman Bosnia, the Balkans and Central Europe, as well as the Ottoman borderland in Croatia. The second section entitled ā€œDistant Borders and Regionsā€ brings three articles which are geographically remote from the Western Balkans and Central Europe, such as Crimea, Syria, and Palestine, but nevertheless fit well into the conception of the volume by offering a possibility for comparison of distant regions. The third section ā€œGlimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnikā€ contains five articles which provide an important insight into the situation on ā€œthe other side.ā€ The volume also includes a biographical overview of Professor Moačaninā€™s scientific and educational career at the beginning, and the bibliography at the end of the volume .The articles written by friends, colleagues, former students, and one current doctoral student collected in this celebratory volume dedicated to the doyen of Ottoman studies in Croatia, Professor Nenad Moačanin, are divided into three main chapters entitled ā€œOttoman Bosnia, Turkish Croatia, and Turkey in Europe,ā€ ā€œDistant Borders and Regions,ā€ and ā€œGlimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnik.ā€ The first section consists of the articles predominantly dedicated to the main fields of interests of Nenad Moačanin, namely social and economic history of the Ottoman Empire, with special focus on Ottoman Bosnia, the Balkans and Central Europe, as well as the Ottoman borderland in Croatia. The second section entitled ā€œDistant Borders and Regionsā€ brings three articles which are geographically remote from the Western Balkans and Central Europe, such as Crimea, Syria, and Palestine, but nevertheless fit well into the conception of the volume by offering a possibility for comparison of distant regions. The third section ā€œGlimpses Beyond the Ottoman Border: Habsburg Croatia and the Republic of Dubrovnikā€ contains five articles which provide an important insight into the situation on ā€œthe other side.ā€ The volume also includes a biographical overview of Professor Moačaninā€™s scientific and educational career at the beginning, and the bibliography at the end of the volume

    Turkologu u čast! Zbornik radova povodom 70. rođendana Ekrema ČauÅ”evića

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    Few professions are so closely associated with a specific individual. Few individuals are so attached to their vocations that it is impossible to observe them separately. In Croatia the word turkologist has become almost synonymous with Professor Ekrem ČauÅ”ević, a scholar known world-wide, who established the first university program in Turkish studies in the countryā€”hence the title for the collection of essays dedicated to the Professor on the occasion of his 70th birthday. This volume contains twenty-five papers, mostly from the realm of Turkish studies, authored by the Professorā€™s colleagues, friends and associates. There are many links in it to the honoreeā€”dedications, acknowledgments, and references to his worksā€”eloquent reminders of the influence of his research accomplishments and longstanding successful collaboration with scholars in Turkish studies, Croatian studies, historians and linguists. Contributions authored by junior colleagues in Turkish studies are proof of the Professorā€™s determination to encourage the most competent students to engage in research. The diverse topics in this volume reflect the extensive research interests of Ekrem ČauÅ”ević. The first part, ā€œPhilologyā€, is focused on the area ČauÅ”ević contributed to the most. The second part, ā€œHistoryā€, contains contributions that do not belong to the research interests of Ekrem ČauÅ”ević in the narrower sense. However, historiography still presents a relevant and valuable framework for his linguistic works which include a diachronic perspective as well.Malo je struka i zanimanja čiji spomen izaziva asocijacije na točno određenu osobu. Malo je i pojedinaca koji toliko srastu sa svojim životnim pozivom da ih je nemoguće odvojeno promatrati. U Hrvatskoj se riječ turkolog gotovo kao sinonim vezuje uz ime profesora Ekrema ČauÅ”evića, znanstvenika svjetskoga glasa i utemeljitelja prvog sveučiliÅ”nog studija turkologije u Hrvatskoj. Otud i naslov ovoga zbornika koji mu darujemo za 70. rođendan. Zbornik sadrži dvadeset pet većinom turkoloÅ”kih radova profesorovih kolega, prijatelja i suradnika. Mnogo je u njemu poveznica sa slavljenikom ā€“ posveta, zahvala i pozivanja na njegove radove ā€“ rječitih podsjetnika na utjecaj njegovih znanstvenih postignuća i dugogodiÅ”nju uspjeÅ”nu suradnju s turkolozima, kroatistima, povjesničarima, lingvistima i drugim istraživačima. Prilozi autora mlađega naraÅ”taja hrvatskih turkologa potvrda su uspjeha profesorovih nastojanja da najvrsnije studente potakne na bavljenje znanoŔću. Tematska raznolikost ovdje okupljenih radova odražava obuhvatnost istraživačkih interesa Ekrema ČauÅ”evića. Prva cjelina, ā€œFilologijaā€œ, posvećena je području u kojemu je dao najveći doprinos. Druga cjelina, ā€žPovijestā€œ, obuhvaća priloge koji ne pripadaju najužem istraživačkom polju Ekrema ČauÅ”evića, no historiografija je važan okvir njegovih jezikoslovnih radova s dijakronijskom dimenzijom

    Turkologu u čast! Zbornik radova povodom 70. rođendana Ekrema ČauÅ”evića

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    Few professions are so closely associated with a specific individual. Few individuals are so attached to their vocations that it is impossible to observe them separately. In Croatia the word turkologist has become almost synonymous with Professor Ekrem ČauÅ”ević, a scholar known world-wide, who established the first university program in Turkish studies in the countryā€”hence the title for the collection of essays dedicated to the Professor on the occasion of his 70th birthday. This volume contains twenty-five papers, mostly from the realm of Turkish studies, authored by the Professorā€™s colleagues, friends and associates. There are many links in it to the honoreeā€”dedications, acknowledgments, and references to his worksā€”eloquent reminders of the influence of his research accomplishments and longstanding successful collaboration with scholars in Turkish studies, Croatian studies, historians and linguists. Contributions authored by junior colleagues in Turkish studies are proof of the Professorā€™s determination to encourage the most competent students to engage in research. The diverse topics in this volume reflect the extensive research interests of Ekrem ČauÅ”ević. The first part, ā€œPhilologyā€, is focused on the area ČauÅ”ević contributed to the most. The second part, ā€œHistoryā€, contains contributions that do not belong to the research interests of Ekrem ČauÅ”ević in the narrower sense. However, historiography still presents a relevant and valuable framework for his linguistic works which include a diachronic perspective as well.Malo je struka i zanimanja čiji spomen izaziva asocijacije na točno određenu osobu. Malo je i pojedinaca koji toliko srastu sa svojim životnim pozivom da ih je nemoguće odvojeno promatrati. U Hrvatskoj se riječ turkolog gotovo kao sinonim vezuje uz ime profesora Ekrema ČauÅ”evića, znanstvenika svjetskoga glasa i utemeljitelja prvog sveučiliÅ”nog studija turkologije u Hrvatskoj. Otud i naslov ovoga zbornika koji mu darujemo za 70. rođendan. Zbornik sadrži dvadeset pet većinom turkoloÅ”kih radova profesorovih kolega, prijatelja i suradnika. Mnogo je u njemu poveznica sa slavljenikom ā€“ posveta, zahvala i pozivanja na njegove radove ā€“ rječitih podsjetnika na utjecaj njegovih znanstvenih postignuća i dugogodiÅ”nju uspjeÅ”nu suradnju s turkolozima, kroatistima, povjesničarima, lingvistima i drugim istraživačima. Prilozi autora mlađega naraÅ”taja hrvatskih turkologa potvrda su uspjeha profesorovih nastojanja da najvrsnije studente potakne na bavljenje znanoŔću. Tematska raznolikost ovdje okupljenih radova odražava obuhvatnost istraživačkih interesa Ekrema ČauÅ”evića. Prva cjelina, ā€œFilologijaā€œ, posvećena je području u kojemu je dao najveći doprinos. Druga cjelina, ā€žPovijestā€œ, obuhvaća priloge koji ne pripadaju najužem istraživačkom polju Ekrema ČauÅ”evića, no historiografija je važan okvir njegovih jezikoslovnih radova s dijakronijskom dimenzijom