3,271 research outputs found

    Historical Perspective of the Role of Technology in Economic Development

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    The focus of this paper is to investigate technology changes and influence on economies since the First Industrial Revolution. The First Industrial Revolution was the first point in time when both increase of GDP per capita and population occurred at the same time (avoiding the Malthusian trap). Thus the selected point in time. Furthermore, developments of the late 18th and 19th centuries have some common properties with development of new technologies today. Even though the process of technological change changed during this time, there are still some lessons to be learned from distant and near history on how to gauge policies for fostering successful technological advances. Changes that occurred are relevant for respective economies, industries, companies and individuals. On all these levels changes occurred that were unprecedented in history before the First Industrial Revolution. It is not suggested that technological progress of centuries before the First Industrial Revolution was insignificant, but it certainly did not have such a profound impact in all areas of human life and existence.development, economic history, technology

    Proteins of intrinsically disordered structure and their interactions using p53 protein as an example

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    Intrinzično neuređeni proteini čine veliki dio proteoma stanice. Ovdje je opisan samo mali dio strukture, funkcije i interakcija jednog od mnoštva proteina s intrinzično neuređenim dijelovima koji imaju ključne uloge u životu stanice. Suvremena istraživanja daju nam realniji uvid u stanične procese na molekularnoj razini, te mijenjaju sliku proteinskih interakcija. Tek smo na početku i još mnogo posla čeka buduće strukturne biologe u karakterizaciji intrinzične neuređenosti. Naš koncept funkcionalnog proteina kao statičnog entiteta se mijenja u jedan vrlo dinamični i kompleksni. Također fleksibilnost neuređenih struktura zahtijeva razvoj novih eksperimentalnih pristupa za karakterizaciji ponašanja takvih konformacijskih sklopovina. Kao primjer u radu je poslužio protein p53, ali on ne predstavlja nikakvu iznimku. Isti koncepti se mogu primijeniti i na sve ostale intrinzično neuređene proteine s vrlo važnim ulogama u stanici i u patogenezi. Definitivno se polje strukturne biologije usmjerava na proučavanje intrinzične neuređenosti proteina, i gotovo je sigurno da će u bliskoj budućnosti nestrukturna biologija zauzeti većinski dio tematike u udžbenicima molekularne biologije i biokemije.Intrinsically unstructured proteins make up a large part of cell's proteome. Here is described only small part of structure, function and interactions of only one of many proteins with intrinsically unstructured segments that have crucial roles in the cells life. Modern discoveries give us insight into a more realistic picture of cell processes on molecular level and change the concept of protein-protein interactions. We are still at the beginning of the new era of structural biology and lot of work is ahead to fully characterize intrinsic disorder in proteins. Our concept of functional protein changes from a static entity to a very complex and dynamic ensemble. Also, flexibility of disordered structures demands development of new experimental approaches for further characterization of those ensembles. Here, p53 was an example, but it is not an exception. The same concepts are applicable on all the others proteins with unconstructed parts of structure that can be important participants in cell life and pathogenesis. Today, field of structural biology is directed to studying protein disorder, and it is almost certain that in the near future, nonstructural biology will occupy most of the subjects in molecular biology and biochemistry textbooks

    Creation and Transfer of Technology in CEE Countries

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    This paper gives an insight into the role of technology in economic development in transition countries of Central and East Europe (CEE). The study analyses nature and type of relationships among different measures of technology (R&D) and output, and technology transfer possibilities through influence of foreign direct investment on output. The analysis uses unbalanced panel with fixed effects and first differencing methods on the sample of selected CEE economies

    Povezivanje računalne animacije i digitalne snimke

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    Povezivanje videa (eng. Video Compositing) je postupak kombiniranja digitalnih sadržaja poput digitalnog videa i animacije. Postupak se temelji na principima na kojima se temelji postupak Chroma key. Kod snimanja digitalnih videomaterijala, izrade 3D modela i animacije važno je poštovati pravila koja se tiču svakog od navedenih područja, jer iako materijali podliježu kasnijoj manipulaciji tijekom povezivanja oni moraju biti pripremljeni tako da su samostalni finalni proizvodi. Osim samog postupka povezivanja detaljno je opisan postupak snimanja digitalnog videa, izrada i teksturiranje 3D modela te animacija istih uz dodavanje rasvjete. Postupci su objašnjeni i prikazani u programima AutoDesk Maya, Adobe Premiere Pro (CS6) te Blenderu

    Surgical Procedures for Lifting the Floor of the Sinus (Sinus Lifting) by the Insertion of an Implant in the Area of the Upper Jaw

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    Implantoprotetska rehabilitacija u gornjoj čeljusti u velikom je broju slučajeva otežana jer nastaje opsežna resorbcija kosti kao posljedica pneumatizacije maksilarnoga sinusa nakon gubitka zubi. Operativna tehnika podizanja dna sinusa sastoji u tome da se podigne sinusno dno prema kranijalno i nadogradi koštani defekt kako bi se stvorila dovoljna visina i širina alveolarnoga grebena za ugradnju usatka. Materijal kojim se nadograđuje koštani defekt jest kombinacija autologne kosti s heterolognom kosti, u ovom je slučaju neproteinizirana goveđa kost (Bio-Oss) u granulama. Omjer miješanja autologne i heterologne kosti u odnosu 20:80 pokazuju dobre kliničke rezultate. Izbor tehnike podizanja dna sinusa određuje visina alveolarnoga grebena, odnosno dna sinusa. Ako je visina koštanoga grebena <4 mm, biramo bočni pristup u sinus kroz trepanacijski otvor, s podizanjem bočne koštane lamele u sinus i nadogradnjom koštanoga defekta, te odgođenom implantacijom nakon 6-9 mjeseci. Visina koštanoga grebena >4 mm određuje bočni pristup u sinus s nadogradnjom koštanoga defekta i istodobnom implantacijom. U oba postupka bočnoga pristupa sinusnoj šupljini koštani se defekt pokriva bioresorptivnom kolagen membranom (Bio-Gide). U slučaju visine koštanoga grebena > 6-7 mm, primjenjuje se tzv. ostetom tehnika podizanja dna sinusa kroz ležište usatka i istodobnom implantacijom. Ta je metoda unutarnja, za razliku od ostalih koje su vanjske. Kirurškim metodama podizanja dna sinusa postiže se povećani čeljusni greben u gornjoj čeljusti. Dovoljno dugački i široki usadci ugrađeni u takvu kost sposobni su izdržati jake žvačne sile toga područja i vratiti pacijentu funkcionalnost te fonetski i estetski nedostatak uzrokovan gubitkom stražnjh zuba gornje čeljusti.In a great number of cases implantoprosthetic rehabilitation in the upper jaw is difficult, as extensive resorption of bone occurs as a consequence of pneumatisation of the maxillary sinus following the loss of teeth. The surgical technique of lifting the sinus floor consists of the elevation of the sinus floor cranially and reinforcement of the bone defect in order to create sufficient height and width of the alveolar ridge for implant insertion. Material used for reinforcement of the bone defect is a combination of autologous bone with heterologous bone, in this case non proteinised beefbone (Bio-Oss) in granules. The ratio of mixingautologous and heterologous bones 20 : 80 shows good clinical results. The choice of technique for sinus floor lifting is determined by the height of the alveolar ridge, i.e. sinus floor, If the height of the bone ridge is < 4 mm, we apply lateral approach into the sinus through the trepanation opening, with lifting of lateral bone lamella in the sinus and reinforcement of the bone defect and delayed implantation after 6-9 months. The height of the bone ridge > 4 mm determines the lateral approach into the sinus with reinforcement of the bone defect and simultaneous implantation. In both cases of lateral approach to the sinal cavity the bone defect is covered by bio-resorptive collagen membrane (Bio-Gide). In the case of bone ridge height > 6-7 mm, socalled osteotomy technique is applied with lifting of the floor of the sinus through the implant support and simultaneous implantation. This method is internal, as opposed to the others, which are external. Surgical methods for lifting the floor of the sinus achieve an enlarged jaw ridge in the upper jaw. Sufficiently long and wide implants inserted in such bone are capable of withstanding the powerful masticatory forces of this area and restoring functionality, and overcoming the phonetic and aesthetic defects caused by the loss of posterior teeth in the upper jaw

    Projektiranje i upravljanje sustava kuglice na kotaču

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    Kroz završni rad opisana je ideja i izvedba sustava kuglice na kotaču. Najprije je izveden dinamički model sustava primjenom odgovarajućih jednadžbi i izvršena njegova pretvorba u prostor stanja. Provedena je sinteza LQR regulatora te izvršena i objašnjena simulacija sustava u Simulink programskom okruženju. Slijedi prikaz konstruiranja same konstrukcije te tijek njene izrade. Objašnjavaju se komponente upravljačkog i mjernog dijela sustava. Komentirane su njihove karakteristike i prikazana njihova aplikacija na samom sustavu. Prikazan je razvijeni regulacijski algoritam koji je napisan u Arduino IDE programskom okruženju. Regulacijski algoritmi testirani su i na samoj izrađenoj maketi te su komentirani dobiveni rezultati. Svrha ovog rada bila je izraditi nastavnu maketu koja objašnjava načine regulacije nestabilnih sustava te iskoristiti i primijeniti što više znanja i vještina stečenih do sada na fakultetu. Kroz rad su korišteni razni programski paketi i alati za obradu te je realizirani sustav ogledni primjer mehatroničkog sustava; fuzija strojarstva, elektronike i računarstva