44 research outputs found

    PatofizioloŔki mehanizmi nastanka radikularnih cista vilice

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    The radicular cysts are result of inflammatory process in the periapical tissues associated with necrotic and infected pulps. Humoral and cellular immune responses play a central role in the pathogenesis of these lesions. The most important role in the growth of these lesion have proinflammatore cytokine TNF-Ī±, IL-1 and IL-6. Cytokine can be secreted by macrophages, monocytes and other cells of the immune system and can participate in skeletal homeostasis including osteoclastic formation, and bone resorption in maxillofacial region. The aim of this study is to give a concise review for mechanism of growth of maxilofacial radicular cysts, indicated of clinical aspect, as well as explained role of cytokine in this pathophysiology process.Radikularne ciste su inflamatorne patoloÅ”ke lezije koje se razvijaju na vrhu korena avitalnog zuba cističnom transformacijom prethodno formiranog epitelnog granuloma. Humoralni i celularni imunitet imaju važnu ulogu u mehanizmu nastanka ovih lezija. Najvažniji medijatori u razvoju periapikalnih lezija su proinflamatorni citokini TNF- Ī± (faktor nekroze tumora-Ī±), IL-1(interleukin-1) i IL- 6 (Interleukin-6). Proizvode ih kako odbrambene ćelije, tako i ćelije lokalnog tkiva u različitom stepenu. Svi ovi citokini učestvuju u koÅ”tanoj homeostazi, uključ ujući i koÅ”tanu resorpciju u maksilofacijalnom skeletu. Cilj ovog rada je da pokaže osnovne mehanizme nastanka radikularnih cista vilice, ukaže na klinič ki značaj kao da se pojasni ulogu citokina u patofizioloÅ” kim procesima

    Histological and morphometric aspects of ridge preservation with a moldable, in situ hardening bone graft substitute

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    Biphasic calcium phosphates (BCP) are widely used in alveolar ridge regeneration as a porous scaffold for new bone formation. The aim of this case series was to evaluate the regenerative effect of the combination of BCP and polylactide-co-glycolide (PLGA) which can serve as a barrier membrane during bone regeneration. The study included five patients. Four months into the healing period, bone samples were collected for histological and morphometric analyses. The results of morphometric analysis showed that newly formed bone represented 32.2 Ā± 6.8% of the tissue, 31.9 Ā± 8.9% was occupied by residual graft and 35.9 Ā± 13.5% by soft tissue. Active osteogenesis was seen around the particles of the graft. The particles were occupied mostly by immature woven bone and connective tissue. The quality and quantity of newly formed bone, after the use of BCP/PLGA for ridge preservation, can be adequate for successful implant therapy after tooth extraction

    NezaÅ”tićeni koÅ”tani autotransplantati u prednjem segmentu gornje vilice - stepen resorpcije i klinički rezultati

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    Background/Aim. The use of autogenous bone grafts for augmentation of the resorbed alveolar ridge is still considered the gold standard in implant dentistry. The aim of this study was to analyze the resorption rate of autogenous bone block grafts from the retromolar region placed in the frontal segment of the upper jaw unprotected by barrier membranes, to assess the stability of implants placed into the grafted bone, as well as to monitor its changes during the healing period. Methods. The study included 18 patients with a total of 20 grafted sites. The residual alveolar ridge was measured before and after the augmentation and prior to implant placement. All implants were restored with provisional crowns within 48 hours after the placement. Implant stability was assessed using resonance frequency analysis. Results. The average period from ridge augmentation to reentry was 5.4 months (range 4-6 months) . At reentry the healed alveolar ridge had a mean width of 6.1 Ā± 1.27 mm. The mean calculated width gain was 3.04 Ā± 1.22 mm. The overall surface resorption of block grafts was 0.68 Ā± 0.69 mm (18.85%). At the time of implant placement the mean value of implant stability quotient (ISQ) was 71.25 Ā± 5.77. The lowest ISQ values were noted after three weeks of healing, followed by a gradual increase until week 12. After 12 weeks implants showed significantly higher ISQ values compared to primary stability (p lt 0.05 Wilcoxon signed ranks test). During the 3-years followup period no cases of implant loss were recorded. Conclusion. Despite a significant resorption of bone grafts, it was possible to place implants in all the cases and to use the immediate loading protocol without affecting implant survival rate.Uvod/cilj. Primena autogenih koÅ”tanih graftova (implantata) za uvećavanje smanjenog (resorbovanog) alvelarnog grebena joÅ” uvek se smatra zlatnim standardom u implantologiji. Cilj ove studije bio je analiza stepena resorpcije autolognih koÅ”tanih blok transplantata nezaÅ”tićenih barijernim mebranama, uzetih iz retromolarnog predela mandibule i postavljenih u frontalni segment gornje vilice, procena stabilnosti implantata ugrađenih u povećanu regiju, kao i praćenje promene implantne stabilnosti tokom perioda oseointegracije. Metode. U studiju je bilo uključeno 18 pacijenata sa ukupno 20 autotransplantata. Å irina rezidualnog alveolarnog grebena merena je pre i posle postavljanja transplantata, kao i neposredno pre ugradnje implantata. Svi implantati su opterećeni privremenim nadoknadama 48 sati nakon ugradnje. Stabilnost implantata procenjivana je primenom analize rezonantne frekvencije. Rezultati. Srednje vreme između uvećavanja grebena i ugradnje implantata iznosilo je 5,4 (4-6) meseci. Pre ugradnje implantata srednja vrednost Å”irine grebena iznosila je 6,1 Ā± 1,27 mm, a povećanja Å”irine grebena u odnosu na vrednosti pre uvećanja 3,04 Ā± 1,22 mm. PovrÅ”inska resoprcija grafta iznosila je 18,85% (0,68 Ā± 0,69 mm). Srednja vrednost koeficijenta implantne stabilnosti (ISQ) u momentu ugradnje iznosila je 71,25 Ā± 5,77. Najniže vrednosti ISQ zabeležene su u trećoj nedelji nakon ugradnje, Å”to je bilo praćeno postepenim porastom do dvanaeste nedelje zarastanja. Nakon dvanaest nedelja vrednosti ISQ bile su statitički značajno viÅ”e od vrednosti u momentu ugradnje (p lt 0,05 Wilcoxon test). Tokom trogodiÅ”njeg perioda praćenja nije bilo izgubljenih implantata. Zaključak. Bez obzira na značajan stepen resorpcije autotransplantata, kod svih pacijenata bilo je moguće ugraditi implantate u uvećani greben, kao i primeniti protokol ranog opterećenja bez uticaja na stepen preživljavanja implantata

    Stanje tvrdog i mekog periimplantnog tkiva u estetskoj regiji gornje vilice posle prezervacije alveolarnog grebena beta-trikalcijum fosfatom sa kolagenom tip I - studija sa jednogodiÅ”njim periodom praćenja

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    Background/Aim. Alveolar ridge dimensional alterations following tooth extraction in the anterior maxilla often result in an inadequate bone volume for a correct implant placement. In order to obtain optimal bone volume various bone graft substitutes have become commercially available and widely used for socket grafting. The aim of this study was to examine and compare long-term clinical outcomes of dental implant therapy in the maxillary esthetic zone, after socket grafting with beta-tricalcium phosphate (TCP) combined with collagen type I, either with or without barrier membrane and flap surgery, after a 12-month follow-up. Methods. Twenty healthy patients were allocated to either C group (beta-TCP and type I collagen without mucoperiosteal flap coverage) or C+M group (beta-TCP and type I collagen barrier membrane with mucoperiosteal flap coverage). Following clinical parameters were assessed: implant stability (evaluated by a resonance frequency analysis - RFA), periimplant soft tissue stability (sulcus bleeding index - SBI, Mombelli sulcus bleeding index - MBI, periimplant sulcus depth, keratinized gingiva width, gingival level) and marginal bone level at the retroalveolar radiograms. Results. Within C+M group, RFA values significantly increased 12 weeks after implant installation compared to primary RFA values. Comparison between investigated groups showed a significantly reduced keratinized gingiva width in the C+M group compared to the C group after 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. Comparison between groups revealed significantly lower gingival level values in the C+M group at 9th and 12th month when compared to the C group. Conclusion. Implant treatment in the anterior maxilla could be effective when using a 9 months alveolar ridge preservation healing with combined treatment with beta-tricalcium phosphate and type I collagen, with regard to the peri-implant soft and hard tissue stability.Uvod/Cilj. Posle ekstrakcije zuba, dimenzionalne promene alveolarnog grebena u estetskoj regiji gornje vilice za posledicu često imaju nedovoljnu količinu kosti za ugradnju zubnih implanata. U vezi sa tim, primenjuju se različiti koÅ”tani zamenici sa ciljem očuvanja dimenzija alveolarnog grebena posle ekstrakcije zuba. Cilj rada bio je da se, posle prezervacije alveolarnog grebena beta-trikalcijum fosfatom (TCP) sa kolagenom tip 1, sa barijernom membranom i mukoperiostalnim režnjem i bez nje, ispitaju i uporede klinički ishodi zarastanja posle ugradnje zubnih implanata u estetskoj regiji gornje vilice, tokom jednogodiÅ”njeg perioda praćenja. Metode. Dvadeset zdravih bolesnika podeljeno je u dve grupe: C (beta TCP/kolagen tip 1 bez barijerne membrane i mukoperiostalnog režnja) i C+M (beta TCP/kolagen tip 1 sa barijernom membranom i mukoperiostalnim režnjem). Praćeni su uobičajeni klinički parametri ishoda terapije: implantna stabilnost (analiza rezonantne frekvence), stanje mekih tkiva (indeks krvarenja, plak indeks, Å”irina pripojne mukoze, recesija gingive) i nivo periimplantnog koÅ”tanog tkiva na retroalveolarnom radiogramu. Rezultati. U C+M grupi, implantna stabilnost posle 12 nedelja bila je značajno veća u odnosu na primarnu stabilnost. U C+M grupi, Å”irina keratinizovane gingive bila je značajno manja posle 3, 6, 9 i 12 meseci u odnosu na C grupu. Recesija gingive bila je značajno veća u C+M grupi u odnosu na C grupu posle 9 i 12 meseci. Zaključak. Razmatrajući stabilnost mekog i tvrdog periimplantnog tkiva, terapija zubnim implantima može biti uspeÅ”na prilikom ugradnje u estetskoj regiji gornje vilice


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    Uporaba geostatističkih interpolacijskih metoda predstavlja značajan napredak u opisivanju i praćenju prostorne varijabilnosti svojstava tla. Odabirom interpolacijskih metoda možemo proizvesti predikacijske karte značajne točnosti, te smanjiti potreban broj uzoraka za opisivanje i determinaciju nekog tla. Na primjeru prikupljenih neporuÅ”enih uzoraka s eksperimentalnog polja ā€žPotok 2ā€œ, geostatističkom obradom podataka i odabirom običnog kriginga kao interpolacijskog modela izrađene su prostorne karte za pojedina fizikalna svojstva pseudogleja na zaravni. U radu se prikazuje primjenjivost tehnike obični kriging za karakterizaciju prostorne varijacije fizikalnih svojstava tla na bazi 48 neporuÅ”enih uzoraka (0-20 cm) prikupljenih s povrÅ”ine 2.8 ha poljoprivrednog zemljiÅ”ta na kojemu prevladava tip tla pseudoglej na zaravni, jako antropogenizirani. Istraživanje ukazuje na korisnost geostatističkih tehnika analiza prostornih distribucija pojedinih fizikalnih svojstava tla. Utvrđeni rezultati u obliku predikcijskih karata i njihovih pridruženih varijanci, ukazuju na mogućnost koriÅ”tenja geostatističkih analiza za razvoj i provedbu daljnjeg koriÅ”tenja zemljiÅ”ta i planovima za očuvanje tla u istraživanom području.The u se o f g eostatistical interpolation methods represents a significant progress in describing and monitoring the spatial variability of soil properties. With selection of interpolation methods we can produce prediction maps with significant accuracy, and reduce the required number of samples to describe and determin a soil. On an example of undisturbed samples collected from experimental field ā€žPotok 2ā€œ, with geostatistical data analysis and selection the ordinary kriging as interpolation model spatial maps have been generated for individual physical characteristics of plain pseudogley. This paper demonstrates the applicability of ordinary kriging techniques to characterize the spatial variation of soil physical properties on the basis of 48 undisturbed samples (0-20 cm) collected from 2.8 ha of plain pseudogley, strongly anthropogenized. Present research supports the usefulness of geostatistical techniques to analyze spatial distribution of some soil physical properties. Provided results in the form of predictive maps and their associated variance, indicate the possibility of using geostatistical analysis for the development and implementation of any further land management and plans for soil conservation in the study area

    Uporedna klinička procena dve tehnike lokalne anestezije u bočnom segmentu mandibule primenom 4% artikaina sa 1:100.000 adrenalinom

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    Background/Aim. Local infiltration anaesthesia (LIA) is significantly simpler compared to the inferior alveolar nerve block (IAB) and less unpleasant for patients. However, it is not efficient if used in posterior region of the mandible, at least with traditional local anaesthetics. The aim of this study was to compare anaesthetic efficacy of two techniques the LIA in the posterior segment of the mandible, and the IAB, using 4% articaine with 1 : 100,000 adrenaline and to note possible changes in haemodynamic parameters caused by these two techniques. Methods. Sixty pre-informed patients were divided into two study groups. Both groups received 1.8 mL of the same anaesthetic solution, 4% articaine with adrenaline 1 : 100,000, with two different techniques of local anaesthesia. The first group received the LIA in projection of root apex of the first lower molar; the second group received the IAB. The examined parameters were: changes in tooth sensitivity after 5 and 30 minutes in relation to the value recorded before administering the anaesthetics, onset of anaesthesia, width of anaesthetic field, and duration of anaesthesia. Also, the impact of the applied techniques on cardiovascular parameters was noticed. Results. The LIA group had a statistically significant decrease in sensitivity 5 minutes after application of the local anaesthetic. The decreasing trend continued between 5 and 30 minutes, although without statistical significance. There was no statistically significant difference in sensitivity changes between two groups for the first molar and the first and second premolars. However, there was a statistically significant difference in duration of local anaesthesia in favour of the IAB, while the width of anaesthetic fields was significantly higher after the LIA. Significant changes in hemodynamic parameters were not recorded within the two groups. Conclusion. The effect of the LIA on tooth sensitivity of premolars and first molar is quite satisfactory. The IAB was more effective for canine and second molar. None of the tested techniques had any significant effect on the cardiovascular parameters.Uvod/Cilj. Lokalna infiltraciona anestezija (LIA) mnogo je jednostavnija u poređenju sa mandibularnom alveolarnom blok anestezijom (MA), a i prijatnija je za pacijente. Međutim, ona nije efikasna ukoliko se daje u posteriorni deo mandibule koriŔćenjem tradicionalnih lokalnih anestetika. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se uporedi efikasnost dve tehnike anestezije, LIA u bočnom segmentu mandibule, i mandibularne anestezije primenom 4% artikaina sa 1 : 100 000 adrenalina, i uoče eventualne promene hemodinamskih parametara koje ove tehnike mogu da prouzrokuju. Metode. Å ezdeset prethodno informisanih pacijenata bilo je podeljeno u dve studijske grupe. Obe grupe su dobile 1,8 mL istog anestetika, 4% artikain sa adrenalinom 1 : 100 000, primenom dve tehnike anestezije. Prva grupa ispitanika primila je lokalnu infiltracionu anesteziju u projekciji vrhova korenova prvog donjeg molara. Druga grupa ispitanika primila je mandibularnu anesteziju. Ispitivani parametri bili su: promene u osetljivosti zuba nakon pet i 30 minuta u odnosu na vrednosti zabeležene pre davanja anestetika, početak dejstva anestezije, Å”irina anestetičkog polja i trajanje anestezije. Takođe, zabeležen je i uticaj primenjenih tehnika na kardiovaskularne parametre. Rezultati. Grupa ispitanika LIA imala je statistički značajno smanjenje osetljivosti zuba pet minuta nakon primene LIA. Trend smanjenja postojao je i dalje, između pet i 30 minuta, iako bez statističke značajnosti. Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike u promenama osetljivosti između dve grupe na prvom molaru i prvom i drugom premolaru. Postojala je statistički značajna razlika u trajanju anestezije u korist MA, dok je Å”irina anestetičkog polja bila značajno veća u LIA grupi. Klinički značajne promene hemodinamskih parametara nisu zabeležene ni u jednoj studijskoj grupi. Zaključak. Učinak LIA bio je zadovoljavajući kada su u pitanju premolari i prvi molar. Za anesteziju očnjaka i drugog molara uspeÅ”nija je bila MA. Nijedna od ispitivanih tehnika nije imala značajan uticaj na kardiovaskularne parametare

    Nitrate-Nitrogen Content in Soil and Lysimeter Water under Different Nitrogen Fertilization Levels in Crop Production

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    Production of biomass for energy, food or biomaterials requires certain agricultural practices. The increasing nitrogen loading due to inorganic fertilizers used in conventional agriculture is one of the major global environmental challenges. This research was conducted in central part of Croatia near Park of nature Lonjsko polje, on experimental field which was established 17 years ago in order to determine influence of mineral nitrogen fertilization on nitrate leaching. The soil type of trial site is drained distric Stagnosols and four different nitrogen fertilization levels are taken into consideration: 1. N0+P+K, 2. N100+P+K, 3. N200+P+K, 4. N300+P+K (kg N ha-1). Water samples were taken in periods with lysimeters discharge. Soil sampling (0-0.25 m) was carried out four times in the investigated period from June 2007 to June 2008 during the vegetation of maize and winter wheat. Research results indicate that the soil NO3-N content significantly varied (27.3 kg haā€“1 to 338.2 kg ha ā€“1) depending on the treatment and sampling time. Compare to the winter sampling time (November 2007 and February 2008) significantly higher content of soil NO3-N was determined in the summer sampling (June 2007 and June 2008). Regarding to the water samples, results revealed that the total nitrate-nitrogen losses were in the range from 5.97 kg NO3-N ha-1 to 112.3 kg NO3-N ha-1. Lysimeter discharge varied in dependence on precipitation and crop type. Total amounts of precipitation during the investigation were 652.5 mm and 34.6 % of them were recorded in lysimeters. Average NO3-N concentration in lysimeter water varied from 2.4 mg L-1 (0 kg N ha-1) up to 54.5 mg L-1 (300 kg N ha-1)

    Comparison of Methods for Soil Sampling and Carbon Content Determination

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    In this paper methods for sampling and analysis of total carbon in soil were compared. Soil sampling was done by sampling scheme according to agricultural soil monitoring recommendations. Soil samples were collected as single (four individual probe patterns) and composite soil samples (16 individual probe patterns) from agriculture soil. In soil samples mass ratio of total soil carbon was analyzed by dry combustion method (according to Dumas; HRN ISO 10694:2004) in Analytical Laboratory of Department of General Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture University of Zagreb (FAZ) and by oxidation method with chromium sulfuric acid (modified HRN ISO 14235:2004) in Analytical laboratory of Croatian Center for Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Department of Soil and Land Conservation (ZZT). The observed data showed very strong correlation (r = 0.8943; n = 42) between two studied methods of analysis. Very strong correlation was also noted between different sampling procedures for single and composite samples in both laboratories, and coefficients of correlation were 0.9697 and 0.9950 (n = 8), respectively

    Visual Evoked Potential Can Be Used to Detect a Prediabetic Form of Diabetic Retinopathy in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type I

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of visual evoked potential (VEP) testing in detecting retinal ganglion cell damage in patients with Diabetes Mellitus type I (DMI). VEP arise before diabetic retinopathy signs become ophthalmoscopically detectable. VEP testing was performed in 45 patients divided into three groups; 15 children with recently discovered DMI, 15 children with long-lasting DMI, and 15 healthy children as the control group. A statistically significant difference in VEP P100 wave amplitudes (Z=4.02, p<0.001) and latencies (Z=ā€“4.66, p<0.001) was found between children with established DMI and those with recently discovered DMI. Amplitude values decrease progressively and latency values increase progressively in children with DMI as the years pass. Progressive increases in VEP latency values are a direct sign of retinal ganglion cell damage, which takes place even before the first ophthalmoscopically detectable signs of diabetic retinopathy arise. Therefore, VEP should be considered as a valid method for detecting prediabetic retinopathy, which could contribute greatly to the prevention of diabetic retinopathy complications