463 research outputs found

    The frontoviki: soviet soldier-poets

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    This word refers to those who experienced the front, more specifically the front lines of the “Great Patriotic War” (the Soviet and then Russian name for the Second World War), whether they took part in the fights or accompanied the army as correspondents. Within the immense flow of texts which take the war as subject, we can thus distinguish the ones which, independently from their form (news reports, fiction, poetry), are legitimized by personal experience and for which their authors expose..

    L’indicible : outil d’analyse ou objet esthétique

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    L’article propose une réflexion sur la notion d’indicible dans son acception moderne, telle qu’elle apparaît dans les travaux sur la littérature du témoignage. Il s’interroge sur la manière dont cette notion permet de contourner le constat de l’impossibilité de mise en récit des expériences extrêmes et d’étudier les stratégies narratives mobilisées par ces textes. Pour cela, il tente une brève « histoire » de l’indicible dans les littératures modernistes à partir de Mallarmé, notamment dans la littérature russe, où s’élabore au début du xxe siècle une figure de la lacune, qui permettra plus tard aux témoins du Goulag de mettre en scène un résidu muet inhérent à leur expérience.The paper “The unutterable: an instrument of analysis or aesthetic item?” proposes a reflexion about the modern meaning (sense) of this notion as it appears in some works about witness literature. It examines the manner in which this notion permits one to state the impossibility to narrate extreme experiences and to study narrative strategies mobilized by these texts. The author tries to construct a brief “history” of this notion in modernistic literature since Mallarmé, especially in Russian literature in which appears in the early 20th century a figure of the gap, later permitting witnesses of the Gulag to stage a silent residue inherent in their experience

    La mort dans les camps de concentration

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    Après avoir analysé les processus de mise à mort et de destruction (ou enterrement anonyme) des corps dans les camps nazis et soviétiques, on examinera les rites élaborés au sein de la société concentrationnaire autour des mourants et des cadavres ainsi que l’état physique et psychologique particulier entre la vie et la mort qui fait l’objet de constructions narratives complexes dans les récits des survivants. On interrogera les stratégies visant à représenter ces états-limite et à reconstituer les espaces conçus pour produire du néant. On tentera de montrer que le texte du témoignage, au-delà de son objectif explicite – transmettre l’expérience – est un texte agissant investi de fonction de sépulture.After analyzing the processes of killing and destroying (anonymous burial) of bodies in Nazi and Soviet camps, this paper examines the rites created in the concentration camp communities around the dying, the cadavers, and the particular physical and psychological states between life and death that become the object of complex narrative constructions in the stories of survivors. We will investigate the strategies used to represent these limit-states and those used to reconstitute spaces designed to produce a void. We will attempt to show that the witness story, beyond its explicit objective – recounting an experience – is a living text invested with a sepulture function

    Similarity Renormalization Group Evolution of Many-Body Forces in a One-Dimensional Model

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    A one-dimensional system of bosons with short-range repulsion and mid-range attraction is used as a laboratory to explore the evolution of many-body forces by the Similarity Renormalization Group (SRG). The free-space SRG is implemented for few-body systems in a symmetrized harmonic oscillator basis using a recursive construction analogous to no-core shell model implementations. This approach, which can be directly generalized to three-dimensional nuclei, is fully unitary up to induced A-body forces when applied with an A-particle basis (e.g., A-body bound-state energies are exactly preserved). The oscillator matrix elements for a given A can then be used in larger systems. Errors from omitted induced many-body forces show a hierarchy of decreasing contribution to binding energies. An analysis of individual contributions to the growth of many-body forces demonstrates such a hierarchy and provides an understanding of its origins.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures, Changed section on analysis of three-body runnin

    Supplementary spelling activities for grade four.

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston Universit

    Applications of the Similarity Renormalization Group to the Nuclear Interaction

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    The Similarity Renormalization Group (SRG) is investigated as a powerful yet practical method to modify nuclear potentials so as to reduce computational requirements for calculations of observables. The key feature of SRG transformations that leads to computational benefits is the decoupling of low-energy nuclear physics from high-energy details of the inter-nucleon interaction. We examine decoupling quantitatively for two-body observables and few-body binding energies. The universal nature of this decoupling is illustrated and errors from suppressing high-momentum modes above the decoupling scale are shown to be perturbatively small. To explore the SRG evolution of many-body forces, we use as a laboratory a one-dimensional system of bosons with short-range repulsion and mid-range attraction, which emulates realistic nuclear forces. The free-space SRG is implemented for few-body systems in a symmetrized harmonic oscillator basis using a recursive construction analogous to no-core shell model implementations. Building on one-dimensional results we performed the first practical evolution of three-dimensional many-body forces within the No-Core Shell Model basis. Results for the 3H binding energy are consistent with previous calculations involving momentum-space evolution of only two-body forces, and validate expectations from calculations in the one-dimensional oscillator basis. When applied to 4He calculations, the two- and three-body oscillator matrix elements yield rapid convergence of the ground-state energy with a small net contribution of the induced four-body force. The radius of light nuclei is also explored in the three-dimensional basis.Comment: PhD thesis - 209 pages, 93 figures, 9 table

    Virtual Communities Don’t Exist: Avoiding Digital Dualism in Studying Collaboration

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    Effective collaboration in communities requires information sharing. Though digital media may have certain affordances that encourage us to communicate differently than in the past, the communities these media facilitate are no less real than communities bound together by voice or text. In this paper, we argue that idea of “virtual communities” is misleading. Communities and collaboration occur not in some virtual world or a new, cyber, space, but instead they are part of one reality influenced simultaneously by materiality and the various flows of information—digital included. In light of this argument, we implore researchers to take serious the influence of digitality, and, specific to this conference, those looking primarily at digitality to take seriously the materiality, bodies, history, and politics not separate from but deeply interpenetrating the digital. The changes in community organization brought about by digital media should not be thought of or called “virtual” (e.g., “virtual teams” as opposed to real ones), but instead part of one augmented communit

    Evolving Nuclear Many-Body Forces with the Similarity Renormalization Group

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    In recent years, the Similarity Renormalization Group has provided a powerful and versatile means to soften interactions for ab initio nuclear calculations. The substantial contribution of both induced and initial three-body forces to the nuclear interaction has required the consistent evolution of free-space Hamiltonians in the three-particle space. We present the most recent progress on this work, extending the calculational capability to the p-shell nuclei and showing that the hierarchy of induced many-body forces is consistent with previous estimates. Calculations over a range of the flow parameter for 6Li, including fully evolved NN+3N interactions, show moderate contributions due to induced four-body forces and display the same improved convergence properties as in lighter nuclei. A systematic analysis provides further evidence that the hierarchy of many-body forces is preserved.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figures, and 5 table
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