32 research outputs found
Management of Construction and Real Estate Under Conditions of Market Instability
Monograph deals with significant theoretical and practical issues on construction and real estate market fluctuations, their determinants and crisis management measures. It discusses real estate markets fluctuations in Lithuania and abroad, their consequences and problem-solving experiences. Significance of construction and real estate market in the economy in emphasised. The monograph is interdisciplinary in nature; studies of the authors can be linked to construction, economics and management fields. Monograph contains a detailed analysis of the construction and real estate market, and the results are relevant not only in the academic context, but significant for all stakeholders of construction and real estate markets. The presented data, the theoretical and practical insights can be useful for real estate appraisers, developers, construction businesses, public authorities, as well as master and PhD students. Monograph consists of three coherent chapters and aims to analyse fluctuations in different construction and real estate market segments in detail. Furthermore, determinants of crises and consequences as well as possible measures for construction and real estate management under conditions of market instability presented.
The publication of monograph was funded by European Social Fund according to project No. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-07-K-02-060 Development and Implementation of Joint Master’s Study Programme “Sustainable Development of the Built Environment”
Climate Change and Behavior Patterns of Urban Residents
The aim of the study is to identify patterns of consumer’s behaviour related to climate change. Research method: sociological survey. The authors conducted sociological surveys among the architecture students of the National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (NRU MGSU) concerning their attitude to the climate change and the sense of personal responsibility for the current events. The results converged with the results of the European Sociological Survey (2017-2018), and discrepancies were insignificant. Drawing on the findings the authors identified behaviour models with regard for the climate change. They concluded that consumer behaviour is influenced by numerous factors, including the system of traditional values, the attitude to nature, to its resources, the government policy in respect of the climate change, as well as the effort to promote pro-environmental behaviors. Author s expanded the scope of the research and analyzed the opinions of the architecture students about the regard for climate-related factors in architectural design. The conclusion is that the problem is not well clear to the students of the civil engineering university. Although 100% of the respondents acknowledged the need to take account of the climate-related factors in the course of urban design and construction, only 21.4% of respondents listed some elements of architecture capable of protecting the climate. The reasons for the unawareness include poor climate education, information unavailability and an overall lack of climatic culture
Methods for multivariant analysis of optional modules used in teaching process
A lot of decision making methods used in various human activity spheres are currently developed in the world. Different countries scientists in their works did not analyze such research object as the author: tutoring process, participating stakeholders (student, lector, institution, employee) and tutoring external environment (economical, social, demographical, legal, technological, and cultural, etc.), as a whole. In this article optional subjects (modules) multiply criterion proportional evaluation and multiply criterion alternative projecting methods applicable for tutoring process are reviewed.
Mokymo procese naudojamų pasirenkamųjų modulių daugiavariantės analizės metodai
Šiuo metu pasaulyje sukurta nemažai sprendimų priėmimo metodų, taikomų įvairiose žmogaus veiklos srityse. Įvairių šalių mokslininkai, savo darbuose nagrinėdami daugiavariantės analizės metodus, neanalizavo tokio tyrimo objekto kaip autoriai: mokymo proceso, jame dalyvaujančių suinteresuotų grupių (studentas, dėstytojas, institucija, darbdavys) ir mokymo proceso efektyvumą veikiančios išorinės aplinkos (ekonominės, socialinės, demografinės, teisinės, technologinės, kultūrinės ir kt.) kaip vienos visumos. Šiame straipsnyje apžvelgiami mokymo proceso pasirenkamųjų dalykų (modulių) daugiavariantės analizės metodai.
First Published Online: 21 Oct 2010
Reikšminiai žodžiai: sprendimų parama, daugiavariantė analizė, variantinis projektavimas, rodiklių sistema, nekilnojamasis turtas, statyba
Multi-Criteria Decision Support System of Intelligent Ambient Assisted Living Environment
A lot of complicated optimisation tasks are solved with the help of computer technologies in the information age. It is necessary to solve the task of a multi-criteria selection and optimisation in order to reach the optimal selection and inter-coordination of the elements of Intelligent Ambient Assisted Built-up Living (in technological, as well as economic aspects) Environment. The article describes the method of the above mentioned problem by using the established multi-criteria decision support system
Facilitating the housing bargaining with the help of the bargaining decision support system
More than 90 percent home buyers today rely on the Internet as one of their primary research sources and real estate related searches continually grows. Internet helps buyers to find and select bigger number of right homes for sale in a shorter time, so provides more alternatives for bargaining. The bargaining is an inseparable part of the home buying and selling process. However, housing bargaining mostly is conducted face-to face, so there is a growing need for facilitating the housing bargaining and conducting such bargaining on the Web with the help of the systems. The article describes the developed Real-Time Housing Multiple Criteria Bargaining Decision Support System, based on multiple-criteria mathematical methods, which helps to improve the efficiency of bargaining through the following functions: search for housing alternatives; formulation of the initial comparative table of alternatives; multiple criteria analysis of housing alternatives and negotiation tactics; determination of the most useful home option for buying; presentation of recommendations and real-time determination of a home's market value; e-bargaining using templates of bargaining e-mails generated by the system
Sustainable development of real estate: decision support model and recommendations for the period of crisis
The aim of this paper is to propose a decision support model for real estate development and recommendations that could help Lithuania during economic crises. Research, theoretical and practical tasks of sustainable real estate development process were revised, particular examples presented. Different models and methods for analysis of real estate development discussed. Decision support model, encompassing extensive analysis of the global trends, best crisis management practices, assessment of the factual situation and provision of recommendations for different stakeholders under conditions of market instability presented. According to proposed model, the research was performed by studying the expertise of advanced industrial economies and by adapting such to Lithuania while taking into consideration its specific history, development level, needs and traditions. Basing on these findings, accumulated know-how, the results of previous scientific studies and practical insights of the other authors, specific recommendations to avoid crisis and minimize its consequences in macro-, meso- and micro- levels were provided. Recommendations illustrate holistic point of view and assumption that real estate development consists of creativity, research and art
Multiple criteria assessment of apartment building performance for refurbishment purposes
The selection of buildings for refurbishment is a multi-objective problem and it should be based on integrated assessment of the current performance of the buildings. Accurate assessment allows the development of strategies for the optimisation of building performance and the selection of appropriate and most efficient refurbishment measures. This paper presents a computer-based integrated building performance assessment methodology based on the multiple-criteria approach. A case study from the Šiauliai district, Lithuania, illustrates the proposed methodology in use. The assessment results indicate what are the worst performing buildings and help with the selection of appropriate refurbishment measures and estimation of possible outcomes
Lietuvos būsto sektoriaus analizė
This paper presents a study of housing supply, rental market data, housing stock and the number of dwellings found in each of Lithuania's ten counties. Afler proclaiming its independence from the Soviet Union, Lithuanians focused on the restitution of Lithuania as a state and this occurred on U March 1990. Furthermore, the Government restructured many legal, financial and institutional entities to create an infrastructure that would support the housing sector. New organizations have been created to meet the needs of developing housing markets, private real estate companies, mortgage brokers, the State Land Cadastre and Register and the Central Mortgage Office, etc
Virtual 3D Tour Assistance in Real Estate Management
Over the past decades, more efficient real estate management opportunities have significantly expanded and improved. Complex methods, innovative techniques, and a constantly evolving spectrum of information technology have become readily available for common use. When managing real estate for short-term or medium-term rentals, planning, servicing, and ensuring accommodation quality are inseparable aspects, as is providing suitable housing. This process begins at the very first step when potential tenants request a viewing of the preferred property. The situation of the past few years demonstrated that the real estate business was one of the most affected economic sectors by the COVID-19 pandemic. Potential buyers or tenants could no longer physically visit and experience the space as before. Faced with this new reality, there was a need to find a tool to enhance the real estate management strategy by presenting the property. One such tool became the 360-degree photography and virtual tour. The aim of this study is to assess the practical applicability of 3D video tours and evaluate the advantages and drawbacks in short- and medium-term rental business