253 research outputs found

    A liquidus phase diagram for a primitive shergottite

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    To see if there is any relationship between primitive shergottites such as Eg and evolved shergottites such as Shergotty and Zagami, we performed one-bar experiments on the Eg composition. Broadly, our experimental results compare favorably with prediction. Our inferred phase diagram and comparison to Shergotty and Zagami melting experiments of Stolper and McSween are given. It does not appear possible to derive bulk Shergotty or Zagami by either equilibrium or fractional crystallization of Eg. However, if Shergotty and Zagami are cumulates, it may be possible to derive the inferred interstitial liquid from a composition such as Eg

    Angrite LEW87051: Are the olivines pheno's or xeno's? A continuing story

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    The achondrite LEW87051 is a porphyritic basalt consisting of large subhedral to euhedral zoned olivines in a finer-grained groundmass. The texture of this groundmass looks remarkably like a quenched melt. However, although the rock is clearly igneous, its exact origins and history are under dispute. From petrographic observations, Prinz felt that the large olivines were xenocrysts and that the zoning reflected interaction with an unrelated, CAI-enriched melt. McKay et al. was able to model the olivines as phenocrysts, whose zoning was the result of a parent melt that changed in composition as material crystallized, e.g., fractional crystallization in a closed system, and calculated a parent melt composition. Jurewicz and McKay compared the calculated parent melt composition with actual partial melts from CV and CM chondrites. They showed that the calculated melt was substantially different from equilibrium melts of these chondrites; however, the LEW87051 groundmass composition was similar to some of the low temperature partial melts, although slightly enriched in AN (or depleted in OL) components. This study presents the results of an independent petrologic look at other olivines in LEW87051 and the preliminary results of a quantitative model for the major zoning in these olivines as diffusive-exchange with an olivine-saturated, low temperature angritic melt

    The future of Genesis science

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    Solar abundances are important to planetary science since the prevalent model assumes that the composition of the solar photosphere is that of the solar nebula from which planetary materials formed. Thus, solar abundances are a baseline for planetary science. Previously, solar abundances have only been available through spectroscopy or by proxy (CI). The Genesis spacecraft collected and returned samples of the solar wind for laboratory analyses. Elemental and isotopic abundances in solar wind from Genesis samples have been successfully measured despite the crash of the re‐entry capsule. Here we present science rationales for a set of 12 important (and feasible postcrash) Science and Measurement Objectives as goals for the future (Table 1). We also review progress in Genesis sample analyses since the last major review (Burnett 2013). Considerable progress has been made toward understanding elemental fractionation during the extraction of the solar wind from the photosphere, a necessary step in determining true solar abundances from solar wind composition. The suitability of Genesis collectors for specific analyses is also assessed. Thus far, the prevalent model remains viable despite large isotopic variations in a number of volatile elements, but its validity and limitations can be further checked by several Objectives

    Partial melting of the St. Severin (LL) and Lost City (H) ordinary chondrites: One step backwards and two steps forward

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    This study looks at partial melting in H and LL chondrites at nearly one atmosphere of total pressure as part of a continuing study of the origins of basaltic achondrites. Previously, melting experiments on anhydrous CM and CV chondrites showed that, near its solidus, the CM chondrite produced melts having major element chemistries similar to the Sioux County eucrite; but, the pyroxenes in the residuum were too iron-rich to form diogenites. Our preliminary results from melting experiments on ordinary (H, LL) chondrites suggested that, although the melts did not look like any known eucrites, pyroxenes from these charges bracketed the compositional range of pyroxenes found in diogenites. We had used the Fe/Mg exchange coefficients calculated for olivine, pyroxene, and melt in these charges to evaluate the approach to equilibrium, which appeared to be excellent. Unfortunately, mass balance calculations later indicated to us that, unlike our CM and CV charges, the LL and H experimental charges had lost significant amounts of iron to their (Pt or PtRh) supports. Apparently, pyroxene stability in chondritic systems is quite sensitive to the amount of FeO, and it was this unrecognized change in the bulk iron content which had stabilized the high temperature, highly magnesian pyroxenes. Accordingly, this work reinvestigates the phase equilibria of ordinary chondrites, eliminating iron and nickel loss, and reports significant differences. It also looks closely at how the iron and sodium in the bulk charge affect the stability of pyroxene, and it comments on how these new results apply to the problems of diogenite and eucrite petrogenesis

    TEM Characterization of Solar Wind Effects on Genesis Mission Silicon Collectors

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    The Genesis Discovery Mission passively allowed solar wind (SW) to implant into substrates during exposure times up to ~853 days from 2001 to 2004. The spacecraft then returned the SW to Earth for analysis. Substrates included semiconductor wafers (silicon, sapphire, and germanium), as well as a number of thin films supported by either silicon or sapphire wafers. During flight, subsets of the SW collectors were exposed to one of 4 SW regimes: bulk solar wind, coronal hole solar wind (CH, high speed), interstream solar wind (IS, low speed) or coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Each SW regime had a different composition and range of ion speeds and, during their collection, uniquely changed their host SW collector. This study focuses on bulk vs IS SW effects on CZ silicon

    Technical Update: Johnson Space Center system using a solid electrolytic cell in a remote location to measure oxygen fugacities in CO/CO2 controlled-atmosphere furnaces

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    Details are given for the design and application of a (one atmosphere) redox-control system. This system differs from that given in NASA Technical Memorandum 58234 in that it uses a single solid-electrolytic cell in a remote location to measure the oxygen fugacities of multiple CO/CO2 controlled-atmosphere furnaces. This remote measurement extends the range of sample-furnace conditions that can be measured using a solid-electrolytic cell, and cuts costs by extending the life of the sensors and by minimizing the number of sensors in use. The system consists of a reference furnace and an exhaust-gas manifold. The reference furnace is designed according to the redox control system of NASA Technical Memorandum 58234, and any number of CO/CO2 controlled-atmosphere furnaces can be attached to the exhaust-gas manifold. Using the manifold, the exhaust gas from individual CO/CO2 controlled atmosphere furnaces can be diverted through the reference furnace, where a solid-electrolyte cell is used to read the ambient oxygen fugacity. The oxygen fugacity measured in the reference furnace can then be used to calculate the oxygen fugacity in the individual CO/CO2 controlled-atmosphere furnace. A BASIC computer program was developed to expedite this calculation

    Development of Chemical and Mechanical Cleaning Procedures for Genesis Solar Wind Samples

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    The Genesis mission was the only mission returning pristine solar material to Earth since the Apollo program. Unfortunately, the return of the spacecraft on September 8, 2004 resulted in a crash landing shattering the solar wind collectors into smaller fragments and exposing them to desert soil and other debris. Thorough surface cleaning is required for almost all fragments to allow for subsequent analysis of solar wind material embedded within. However, each collector fragment calls for an individual cleaning approach, as contamination not only varies by collector material but also by sample itself

    Three Proposed Compendia for Genesis Solar Wind Samples: Science Results, Collector Materials Characterization and Cleaning Techniques

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    Final Paper and not the abstract is attached. Introduction: Planetary material and cosmochemistry research using Genesis solar wind samples (including the development and implementation of cleaning and analytical techniques) has matured sufficiently that compilations on several topics, if made publically accessible, would be beneficial for researchers and reviewers. We propose here three compendia based on content, organization and source of documents (e.g. published peer-reviewed, published, internal memos, archives). For planning purposes, suggestions are solicited from potential users of Genesis solar wind samples for the type of science content and/or organizational style that would be most useful to them. These compendia are proposed as living documents, periodically updated. Similar to the existing compendia described below, the curation compendia are like library or archival finding aids, they are guides to published or archival documents and should not be cited as primary sources

    Fractionation of MG Isotopes between the Sun’s Photosphere and the Solar Wind

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    The Genesis mission goal is to precisely determine the elemental and isotopic composition of the solar photosphere through measurements of solar wind; the photospheric composition being a proxy for the early solar nebula. So, how elements and isotopes are fractionated (or not) when accelerated out of the photosphere is fundamental to interpreting Genesis data

    Catastrophic Impact of Silicon on Silicon: Unraveling the Genesis Impact Using Sample 61881

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    The Genesis mission collected solar wind and brought it back to Earth in order to provide precise knowledge of solar isotopic and elemental compositions. The ions in the solar wind were stopped in the collectors at depths on the order of 10 to a few hundred nanometers. This shallow implantation layer is critical for scientific analysis of the composition of the solar wind and must be preserved throughout sample handling, cleaning, processing, distribution, preparation and analysis. The current work is motivated by the need to understand the interaction of the Genesis payload with contamination during the crash in the Utah desert. Silicon contamination has been found to be notoriously difficult to remove from silicon samples despite multiple cleanings with multiple techniques. However, the question has been posed, "Does the silicon really need to be removed for large area analyses?." If the recalcitrant silicon contamination is all pure silicon from fractured collectors, only a very tiny fraction of that bulk material will contain solar wind, which could skew the analyses. This could be complicated if the silicon trapped other materials and/or gases as it impacted the surface