1,312 research outputs found

    Omalovažavanje ili vrijeđanje policijskih službenika

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    Omalovažavanje ili vrijeđanje policijskih službenik

    Legal aspect of institutional thesis repositories in the Republic of Croatia

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    Universities, colleges, and polytechnic schools in Croatia are obligated by law to publish student theses. At the same time, every student has a legal right to decide autonomously whether or not to allow the publication of thesis as it constitutes his or her intellectual property. Given the significant role of institutional repositories, here we propose several solutions to this legal problem, including changes to legislation, publication agreements (contract) between institutions of higher education and student authors, and inclusion of student author’s consent in the terms and conditions of study

    Uncovering of rootkits and detection of spyware

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    Bakalářská práce nastiňuje problematiku odhalování rootkitů a detekci spywaru. Popisuje základní druhy známého spywaru a rootkitů. U spywaru se jedná převážně o popis činnosti jednotlivých druhů. V případě rootkitů se jedná hlavně o popis módů a způsobu jejich infekce. Jsou zde také nastíněny pokusy o legální použití rootkitů. Dále jsou zde shrnuty základní metody detekce spywaru a rootkitů, které se dnes běžně používají v různých detekčních programech. Součástí práce je také praktická realizace (program) jedné z metod detekce spywaru. Program je navržen tak, aby byl schopen odhalit jednoduchý vzorek spywaru, který je uložený v jeho databázi. Jako metoda pro detekci je zvolena metoda detekce podle vzorku kódu. Pomocí uživatelského prostředí programu je možné si vybrat jednotkou, která má být testována.Bachelor’s thesis is about uncovering of rootkit and detection of spyware. It describes the basic types of known spyware and rootkits. Section dealing with spyware is especially about a description of each species. In case of rootkit the thesis is mainly about description of modes and the manner of their infection. There are also outlined attempts to use legal rootkit. In other case there are summarized the basic methods of rootkit and spyware detection, which are commonly used in various detection programs. The second part of thesis is practical implementation (the program) of one of the methods of spyware detection. The program is designed to be able to detect a simple pattern of spyware, which is stored in its database. The program uses the file signature detection. It contains also the graphical user interface, where is possible to choose a unit that user want to test.

    The crime of perjury in the legislation of the Republic of Croatia

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    Objective: The paper aims to provide a description and analysis of perjury in the legislation of the Republic of Croatia, the standpoints of legal theory, and perjury charges and prosecution in practice. Methods: This paper presents an analysis of legal provisions concerning the crime of perjury in Croatia, statistical data on perjury charges and conviction rates, perspectives of other authors, and relevant judicial practice. Results: The legislator has established criminal liability for perjury on the part of any witness, expert, translator, or interpreter who provides false testimony in a procedure. On the other hand, parties other than the defendant are liable for perjury if the final decision in the procedure was based on their false testimony. Legal theory and judicial practice agree that the crime is committed as soon as the person has finished testifying, that a prescribed format should be observed when testifying, that perjury may also be committed by withholding a decisive fact, as well as that in general, a retrial of a proceeding in which the perjury allegedly occurred is permissible only if based on a final judgment against the perjurer. An exceedingly large percentage of suspended sentences may fail to advance either general or specific deterrence. Regarding the contentious issue of necessary conditions for initiating perjury proceedings, the author argues that the conditions are met immediately upon providing false testimony. Conclusion: The legislator has criminalized perjury because providing false testimony constitutes a willful and intentional obstruction of the process of proving facts in issue in proceedings before competent authorities. The judicial sentencing policy is not consistent regarding the application of prescribed punishment. By stipulating criminal liability of a party only if their testimony was instrumental for the judgment, the party unjustifiably enjoys a more favorable position in relation to witnesses, experts, interpreters, and translators


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    Diabetes is a complex metabolic disorder, of which high blood glucose concentration is the primary hallmark. Type I diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is characterized by the lack of insulin production, due to a poorly understood autoinflammatory cascade. In the words of historian Barnett “Diabetes may no longer be a death sentence, but for more and more people in the 21st century, it will become a life sentence”, making it the focal point of many research groups. It is estimated that around 20 million individuals worldwide live with T1DM. Effects of long-term chronically elevated blood glucose are not only seen in micro/macro-vascular diseases, retinopathy, peripheral neuropathy, and liver disease but also in the brain as people with T1DM show decreased mental speed and flexibility. Despite these clinical observations, the brain’s role in hyperglycemia remains to be elucidated and could be key to identifying potential insulin-independent interventions to alleviate these effects. In recent years, insulin-independent mechanisms involved in glucose homeostasis have been discovered, most notably the brain’s capacity to regulate blood glucose. The brainstem dorsal vagal complex (DVC) is the main neuronal center responsible for parasympathetic visceral regulation and has been identified as a microcircuit that is important for the regulation of blood glucose. The present work, utilizing a designer receptor exclusively activated by the designer drug (DREADDs) system to selectively activate GABA neurons within hindbrain circuitry in vivo, demonstrates hindbrain inhibitory microcircuitry as a key mediator of whole-body glucose levels, indicating the role of the parasympathetic nervous system. Neuronal function is affected by the brain metabolome, especially as glucose metabolism is highly heterogeneous among brain regions. To accurately capture physiological brain metabolome we developed a method utilizing a high-power focused microwave to euthanize animals, and fix and preserve metabolites. To understand how hyperglycemia modulates the central carbon metabolism of several brain regions (neocortex, hippocampus, and dorsal vagal complex) we employed gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy. Utilizing untargeted metabolomics we found that glucose concentration was significantly elevated across all regions but glycogen and glucose-6-phosphate remained unchanged with hyperglycemia only in DVC. Interestingly pyruvate and lactate were unchanged across all regions indicating that hyperglycemia does not affect anaerobic cellular respiration. Intermediates of the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) malate and fumarate are significantly decreased with hyperglycemia only in DVC, suggesting that hyperglycemia in DVC preferentially affects TCA cycle. Furthermore, we observed a significant decrease in glutamate across all regions while glutamine and GABA were unchanged, suggesting neurotransmitter regulation disturbance. Stable isotopic tracing of uniformly labeled 13C6 glucose was employed to assess carbon flux in different brain regions perturbed by T1DM to understand its effect on glycolysis, tricarboxylic acid cycle, and neurotransmitter synthesis. We found that hyperglycemia results in metabolic reprogramming with a significant decrease in glucose utilization and we demonstrated decrease in immunofluorescent labeling of GLUT2, a neuronal glucose transporter, as well as enzymes pyruvate dehydrogenase and pyruvate carboxylase, responsible for anaplerosis of TCA cycle intermediates, indicating glucose hypometabolism phenotype. This work is the first of its kind to demonstrate the effects of hyperglycemia not on the brain as a whole but rather on specific regions; neocortex, hippocampus and DVC. We shown heterogeneous effects of hyperglycemia on the central carbon metabolism pathways in the brain, where TCA cycle and neurotransmitter regulation are selectively affected in the DVC. Collectively, these data demonstrate that peripheral hyperglycemia results in glucose hypometabolism in the brain and will serve as a starting point in understanding the brain’s metabolic adaptations during hyperglycemia