445 research outputs found

    Studies on the fatty acid composition of human serum with special reference to the influence of hormones and other agents

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    A modified technique for separation of serum free fatty acids (FFA), t riglycerides, phospholipids and cholesterol esters by adsorption chromatography on a system of two columns, silicic acid and Florisil, has been elaborated for preparing samples for gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of serum lipid fatty acids.An attempt was made to study the changes in fatty acid composition of the various lipids in response to factors influencing fatty acid mobilisation. The following stimuli of fatty acid mobilisation were investigated: thyroid hormone, human growth hormone (HGH),noradrenaline, prolonged fasting, and acute and chronic ischaemic heart disease.The effects of thyroid hormones were studied 1) after administration of LT₃ to normal subjects; 2) after thyroid hormone therapy to hypothyroid subjects and 3) after antithyroid therapy to thyrotoxic subjects.The effects of HGH were studied 1) during the daily administration of HGH; 2) hourly after HGH injection; and 3) in patients with acromegaly.The effects of noradrenaline were studied during its infusion.The effects of fasting were studied when an overnight fast was prolonged by 8 hours.The effects of acute ischaemic heart disease were studied on the day of myocardial infarction and on two subsequent consecutive days. The effects of chronic ischaemic heart disease were studied in patients with angina pectoris, and those with a past history of myocardial infarction. One control group consisted of middle aged males, and a second of postmenopausal females.Percentage composition studies have revealed that increased mobilisation of serum FFA due to any of the adipokinetic factors studied was accompanied by statistically significant increases in the percentage composition of serum FFA oleic acid. These increases in oleic acid percentages were mostly accompanied by parallel decreases in the percentage of FFA saturated acids: stearic and palmitic acids. It is proposed that increases in the percentage of FFA oleic acid were due to its higher activity in transportation compared with saturated acids, in the aqueous medium of adipose cells and plasma. This is thought to be due to the physical properties of oleic acid, its greater hydrophilic property and also, possibly, its greater affinity for albumin.The changes in triglyceride fatty acids were not uniform for all the influences studied. Triglyceride oleate was significantly lowered by antithyroid therapy in hyperthyroid subjects, but no significant increases could be proved as a result of thyroid therapy in hypothyroid subjects, thus suggesting that the increased incorporation of oleic acid into triglyceride fatty acids may be inhibited in some subjects. Administration of HGH did not affect triglyceride oleate; observations made during daily administration of HGH, and in the disease of acromegaly, suggest that HGH may promote a higher degree of saturation in triglyceride fatty acids. In subjects with acute myocardial infarction, the triglyceride fatty acid pattern resembled that of hyperthyroid subjects. In chronic ischaemic heart disease, the pattern of triglyceride fatty acids did not differ from normal. The lack of parallel increases in percentages of triglyceride oleate with increases in percentages of FFA oleic acid in patients with chronic ischaemic heart disease suggests that incorporation of oleic acid into triglyceride fatty acids in these patients is possibly lower.In the phospholipid fatty acids, similarly, no common pattern of changes was noted for the different stimuli studied. The percentage of phospholipid palmitate decreased significantly immediately after noradrenaline infusion. Opposite changes were noted after prolonged fasting. Equally high levels were observed shortly after myocardial infarction as in ischaemic patients with hyperphospholipidaemia. The percentage of phospholipid arachidonate increased significantly following thyroid hormone therapy in hypothyroid subjects. Phospholipid arachidonate also showed an immediate rise during noradrenaline infusion. The latter observation supports the concept that thyroid hormone activity may be mediated through the action of endogenous catecholamines.The percentage composition studies on cholesteryl fatty acids suggest that changes in serum FFA concentrations (due to HGH daily dose, thyroid hormone and antithyroid therapy, acute myocardial infarction) produce in most cases directly..related changes in cholesteryl oleate percentages and inversely - related changes in cholesteryl linoleate. It is probable that the increased mobilisation of serum FFA, accompanied by predominant increases in FFA oleic acid, may promote the formation of cholesteryl oleate. Cholesteryl arachidonate was shown to be materially influenced and controlled by thyroid function: a significant increase in the percentage of cholesteryl arachidonate occurred after thyroid hormone therapy in hypothyroid subjects, and a significant decrease occurred after antithyroid therapy in thyrotoxic subjects; the thyrotoxic patients had percentage levels of cholesteryl arachidonate twice as high as those of the hypothyroid patients. The results agree with the suggestion of Ellefson and Mason (1964) that thyroid hormones stimulate an increased synthesis of arachidonic acid from linoleic acid.An attempt was made to discuss the results in relation to certain metabolic studies, and to postulate possible implications of the predominant increase in serum FFA oleic acid percentage at the time when fatty acids are mobilised from the storage sites

    Pomiar efektywności banków w Polsce z wykorzystaniem stochastycznej analizy granicznej

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    The aim of the paper was to estimate the level of efficiency of commercial banks operating in Poland. In order to do that, authors evaluated the level of development of the polish banking system and with the use of the parametric Stochastic Frontier Approach (SFA) the average inefficiency was estimated (for 34 banks between 2005 and 2011). The intermediation approach was applied to determine the inputs and outputs of banks. In the analyzed period the average efficiency level was increasing. Significant impact on technical efficiency had the financial crisis. Home field advantage hypothesis  and global advantage hypothesis were also verified. The crisis decreased efficiency. The work has the following structure: in the first part the characteristics of the polish banking system were presented. In the second part the authors showed the results of the most important works on efficiency for Polish banking sector, than the research method, data and results were presented. In the last part the most important conclusions were pointed out.Celem niniejszego opracowania jest określenie stopnia efektywności banków komercyjnych działających w Polsce. Autorzy dokonali oceny stopnia rozwoju sektora bankowego oraz wykorzystując parametryczny model stochastycznej analizy granicznej  (Stochastic Frontier Aproach - SFA) wyznaczyli średnie poziomy efektywności dla 34 banków działających w Polsce w latach 2005-2011. W opracowaniu przyjęto definicję banku działającego jako pośrednik finansowy , co pozwoliło na określenia nakładów i ich wyników. W badanym okresie zaobserwowano zwiększający się poziom efektywności banków komercyjnych w Polsce. Ponadto, zweryfikowano hipotezę dotyczącą wyższej efektywności banków z dominującym udziałem kapitału zagranicznego nad bankami z przewagą kapitału krajowego. Co więcej, zwrócono uwagę na istotny wpływ globalnego kryzysu finansowego na efektywność instytucji finansowych. W okresie 2008-2009  zaobserwowano znaczący spadek efektywności kosztowej większości banków

    Natural Products Containing ‘Rare’ Organophosphorus Functional Groups

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    Phosphorous-containing molecules are essential constituents of all living cells. While the phosphate functional group is very common in small molecule natural products, nucleic acids, and as chemical modification in protein and peptides, phosphorous can form P-N (phosphoramidate), P-S (phosphorothioate), and P-C (e.g., phosphonate and phosphinate) linkages. While rare, these moieties play critical roles in many processes and in all forms of life. In this review we thoroughly categorize P-N, P-S, and P-C natural organophosphorus compounds. Information on biological source, biological activity, and biosynthesis is included, if known. This review also summarizes the role of phosphorylation on unusual amino acids in proteins (N- and S-phosphorylation) and reviews the natural phosphorothioate (P-S) and phosphoramidate (P-N) modifications of DNA and nucleotides with an emphasis on their role in the metabolism of the cell. We challenge the commonly held notion that nonphosphate organophosphorus functional groups are an oddity of biochemistry, with no central role in the metabolism of the cell. We postulate that the extent of utilization of some phosphorus groups by life, especially those containing P-N bonds, is likely severely underestimated and has been largely overlooked, mainly due to the technological limitations in their detection and analysis. Keywords: P–N bond; phosphoramidate; N-phosphorylation; P–S bond; phosphorothioate; S-phosphorylation; P–C bond; phosphonate; phosphinate; phosphin

    Toward a List of Molecules as Potential Biosignature Gases for the Search for Life on Exoplanets and Applications to Terrestrial Biochemistry

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    Thousands of exoplanets are known to orbit nearby stars. Plans for the next generation of space-based and ground-based telescopes are fueling the anticipation that a precious few habitable planets can be identified in the coming decade. Even more highly anticipated is the chance to find signs of life on these habitable planets by way of biosignature gases. But which gases should we search for? Although a few biosignature gases are prominent in Earth's atmospheric spectrum (O2, CH4, N2O), others have been considered as being produced at or able to accumulate to higher levels on exo-Earths (e.g., dimethyl sulfide and CH3Cl). Life on Earth produces thousands of different gases (although most in very small quantities). Some might be produced and/or accumulate in an exo-Earth atmosphere to high levels, depending on the exo-Earth ecology and surface and atmospheric chemistry. To maximize our chances of recognizing biosignature gases, we promote the concept that all stable and potentially volatile molecules should initially be considered as viable biosignature gases. We present a new approach to the subject of biosignature gases by systematically constructing lists of volatile molecules in different categories. An exhaustive list up to six non-H atoms is presented, totaling about 14,000 molecules. About 2500 of these are CNOPSH compounds. An approach for extending the list to larger molecules is described. We further show that about one-fourth of CNOPSH molecules (again, up to N = 6 non-H atoms) are known to be produced by life on Earth. The list can be used to study classes of chemicals that might be potential biosignature gases, considering their accumulation and possible false positives on exoplanets with atmospheres and surface environments different from Earth's. The list can also be used for terrestrial biochemistry applications, some examples of which are provided. We provide an online community usage database to serve as a registry for volatile molecules including biogenic compounds. Key Words: Astrobiology—Atmospheric gases—Biosignatures—Exoplanets

    Energy and emissions intensity analysis of sectors of the Polish economy in the years 1996-2015

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    Praca ma na celu zidentyfikowanie podstawowych trendów zachodzących w obszarze wskaźników energochłonności i emisyjności sektorów gospodarki w latach 1996-2015. W badaniu wykorzystano metody znane z analizy input-output oraz metody statystyczne. Głównym źródłem danych statystycznych są Gospodarka paliwowo-energetyczna, Tablica input-output w cenach stałych z roku 2010 oraz Roczniki statystyczne przemysłu publikowane przez GUS. Dane zostały zgromadzone w zunifikowanej bazie danych, w układzie 15 nośników energii na 32 sektory gospodarki (+ gospodarstwa domowe), łączącej dane sporządzone w układzie klasyfikacji PKD 2004 oraz PKD 2007. Przeprowadzone badanie wykazało na ogół malejący poziom wskaźników energochłonności i emisyjności sektorów polskiej gospodarki.The aim of the paper is to identify basic trends, which occurred in the area of energy intensity and emissions intensity ratios of sectors of the Polish economy in the years 1996-2015. In the research, input-output and statistical methods have been utilized. Main data sources include: Energy statistics, Input-output tables in constant prices from the year 2010 and Statistical yearbook of industry, all published by the Central Statistical Office (GUS). Data have been gathered in a unified database, in the layout of 15 energy sources by 32 sectors (+ households). A database connects the data, organized in a different classification of activities - PKD 2004 and PKD 2007. The conducted research found that the level of energy intensity and emissions intensity ratios of sectors of the Polish economy generally decreased

    Exploring the Seed Bank Dynamics of Red Brome: Longevity, Density, and Relationship to Fire

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    This research explores several untested aspects of the seed bank characteristics of red brome (Bromus rubens), an invasive annual grass in southwestern United States arid lands. Red brome is a formidable competitor to native plant species, both annual and perennial alike, and produces many seeds that germinate easily. The stalks of red brome contribute continuous-cover fuel loads that facilitate wildfires destructive to mature native Mojave Desert plant communities. This makes it a priority species for land managers, particularly when dealing with recovery after fire. This project addressed questions related to the longevity of red brome seeds in soil seed banks and the dynamics of seed densities after wildfires. After being experimentally buried, proportions of viable seeds in the soil were substantially reduced over time. Only six percent of seeds remained viable after one year of burial and 2.6 percent of seeds remained viable after two years of burial. Greater proportions of seeds lost their viability at greater burial depths. Soil seed bank density patterns of red brome were spatially variable across a 31-year time-since-fire chronosequence, and generally were not related to time-since-fire. However, some fires showed significant differences between microsites in burned and unburned areas. While fire disturbances did not necessarily promote greater seed densities of red brome over time in all burned areas, the youngest fire sites sampled in this study (six years after burning) exhibited little difference between burned and unburned areas. This study confirmed that, when red brome is a major component of above-ground vegetation, the species dominates the desert soil seed bank. Future research should consider longevity of seeds beyond two years, as well as comparing above-ground growth of red brome with seed densities observed in the greenhouse emergence study

    Mineralised wood from Saudi Arabia and Northern Czech Republic

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    In this study two samples of silicified wood were examined. One sample was found on a desert in Saudi Arabia, and the second one was taken in the Czech Republic. The first sample represents the Cretaceous period (Wasia), and the second one - Carboniferous. Both specimens were subjected to the macroscopic inspection, microscopic analysis (in the transmitted light and the scanning microscope). Some point analyses were also carried out, and in the case of the first sample the X-ray analysis was made. In the mineralised wood from Saudi Arabia polluting with organic compounds was detected, as well as presence of calcite and admixtures of clay minerals, and cryptocrystalline pigment of dark brown colour (probably haematite). The sample from the Czech Republic (an outcrop near Trutnov) is strongly silicified. The quartz and chalcedony observed in it are effects of this process. This allows for a conclusion about the presence of two generations of the silica in the sample. The first, earlier generation is represented by quartz; and the later, second generation of silica is the chalcedony. In the case of this sample concentration of fine-grained pigment of brown-red colour is also visible on surfaces of quartz or chalcedony

    Phosphine as a Biosignature Gas in Exoplanet Atmospheres

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    A long-term goal of exoplanet studies is the identification and detection of biosignature gases. Beyond the most discussed biosignature gas O₂, only a handful of gases have been considered in detail. In this study, we evaluate phosphine (PH₃). On Earth, PH₃ is associated with anaerobic ecosystems, and as such, it is a potential biosignature gas in anoxic exoplanets. We simulate the atmospheres of habitable terrestrial planets with CO₂- and H₂-dominated atmospheres and find that PH₃ can accumulate to detectable concentrations on planets with surface production fluxes of 10¹⁰ to 10¹⁴ cm⁻² s⁻¹ (corresponding to surface concentrations of 10s of ppb to 100s of ppm), depending on atmospheric composition and ultraviolet (UV) irradiation. While high, the surface flux values are comparable to the global terrestrial production rate of methane or CH₄ (10¹¹ cm⁻² s⁻¹) and below the maximum local terrestrial PH₃ production rate (10¹⁴ cm⁻² s⁻¹). As with other gases, PH₃ can more readily accumulate on low-UV planets, for example, planets orbiting quiet M dwarfs or with a photochemically generated UV shield. PH₃ has three strong spectral features such that in any atmosphere scenario one of the three will be unique compared with other dominant spectroscopic molecules. Phosphine's weakness as a biosignature gas is its high reactivity, requiring high outgassing rates for detectability. We calculate that tens of hours of JWST (James Webb Space Telescope) time are required for a potential detection of PH₃. Yet, because PH₃ is spectrally active in the same wavelength regions as other atmospherically important molecules (such as H₂O and CH₄), searches for PH₃ can be carried out at no additional observational cost to searches for other molecular species relevant to characterizing exoplanet habitability. Phosphine is a promising biosignature gas, as it has no known abiotic false positives on terrestrial planets from any source that could generate the high fluxes required for detection