18 research outputs found

    Restoration of X-Ray Images with Geometric Blur

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    Cieľom tejto práce je porovnať rôzne metódy zaostrovania rentgenových snímkov. V riešení sú použité metódy, ktoré na zostrovanie používajú konvolučné jadro.   Výsledky sú experimentálne porovnané a vyhodnotené kvantitatívnymi metódami.This thesis aims to compare various image restoration methods on x-ray images. These methods use point spread function to remove blur introduced in images. These methods are experimentally compared.

    Total antioxidant status of bitches before and after ovariectomy

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    Svaki kirurški zahvat narušava homeostazu organizma, koja se očituje u imunološkim, neuroendokrinim i metaboličkim promjenama u organizmu. Pretpostavlja se da jačina odgovora organizma ovisi i o jačini traume tijekom operativnih zahvata. Cilj istraživanja je bio utvrditi antioksidacijski status kuja prije i poslije ovarijektomije. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno petnaest kuja pacijenata Klinike za porodništvo i reprodukciju Veterinarskog fakulteta u Zagrebu u kojih je učinjena elektivna ovarijektomija u svrhu kastracije. Kujama je krv vađena prije operacije te poslije prvog, trećeg i sedmog postoperativnog dana kako bi se izmjerio ukupni antioksidacijski status. Svim kujama je učinjena i kompletna krvna slika, biokemija i C-reaktivni protein (CRP). Ukupan antioksidacijski status određivan je pomoću TAS test kitova. Proizvođač kitova preporučuje svakom laboratoriju standardiziranje referentnih vrijednosti. Zbog toga je učinjena analiza 30 seruma zdravih kuja koje nisu bile operirane te je kao referentna vrijednost korištena njihova srednja vrijednost +/- dvije standardne devijacije. Prosječna referentna vrijednost iznosila je 1,55 mmol/L. Vrijednosti ukupnog antioksidacijskog statusa nakon operacije u svim promatranim razdobljima nisu se statistički znatnije razlikovale. Uspoređujući minimalne i maksimalne vrijednosti u svim promatranim razdobljima, zaključili smo da nije bilo velikih razlika u vrijednostima ukupnog antiosksidacijskog statusa u operiranih kuja. Na temelju naših rezultata možemo zaključiti da ovarijektomija nije prouzročila oksidacijski stres.Surgery impairs homeostasis, which is manifested in immunological, neuroendocrine, and metabolic changes in the organism. It is assumed that the response of the organism is proportional to the extent of the operative injury. Accordingly, the aim of this study was to determine the antioxidant status of bitches before and after ovariectomy. Fifteen bitches were presented to the Clinic for Reproduction and Obstetrics, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Zagreb, for elective ovariectomy due to castration. Blood sampling was performed on Day 0 (before surgery) and on Days 1, 3 and 7 after surgery to measure total antioxidant status (TAS), complete blood count, biochemistry and CRP. Total antioxidant capacity was determined using TAS test kits. For the purpose of standardisation of reference values of TAS in laboratory, 30 serum samples of healthy, intact bitches were also analysed and the mean value +/- two standard deviations was used as the reference value. The average reference value was 1.55 mmol/L. The values of total antioxidant capacity after surgery on all sampling days did not differ significantly. Comparing the minimum and maximum values on all sampling days, there were no statistical differences in the values of the total antioxidant capacity in ovariectomised bitches. Based on these results, it can be concluded that ovariectomy did not cause oxidative stress

    Endovascular stenting in malignant obstruction of superior vena cava

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    Introduction: Superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) is obstruction of blood flow through the SVC. It is a medical emergency and most often manifests in patients with a malignant disease process within the thorax. A patient with SVCS requires immediate diagnostic evaluation and therapy. Presentation of case: A 33-years-old woman presented with complaints of dyspnoea and chest pain. Computer tomography revealed a large mass in the anterior mediastinum. This mass compressed surrounding structures. Stenting was indicated for early symptoms of SVCS. The diagnosis of Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) was confirmed with biopsy. The patient’s stage II HL has been subsequently treated with six cycles of chemotherapy with doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine, dacarbazine (ABVD), followed by radiotherapy. Presently she is doing well. Discussion: Although lymphomas are a common cause of SVCS but almost always SVCS is caused by non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL). HL despite its common presentation with mediastinal lymphadenopathy rarely causes SVCS. Conclusion: Lymphomas are a common cause of SVCS in young age. HL may present as SVCS. Pathological confirmation of diagnosis should be done before initiating therapy while dealing with a case of SVCS. SVC stenting is effective and has few complications in patients with SVCS

    Interaction Between Direct Factor Xa Inhibitors and Digoxin

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    Evaluating Thromboprophylaxis Strategies for High-Risk Pregnancy: A Current Perspective

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    Venous thromboembolism (VTE) represents one of the leading causes of death during pregnancy. The greatest risk for it is the presence of medical or family history of VTE, stillbirth, cesarean section and selected thrombophilia. Appropriate thromboprophylaxis has the potential to decrease the risk of VTE in at-risk pregnant patients by 60–70%. Based on this, the authors reviewed the PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus databases to identify the possibilities of thromboprophylaxis in pregnant patients with a high risk of VTE. Moreover, they summarized its management in specific situations, such as cesarean delivery or neuraxial blockade. Currently, low-molecular-weight heparins (LMWH) are the preferred drugs for anticoagulant thromboprophylaxis in the course of pregnancy and postpartum due to easy administration and a lower rate of adverse events

    Outcomes of Patients with Newly Diagnosed Cardiac Myxoma: A Retrospective Multicentric Study

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    The patient database at the First Department of Internal Medicine in Martin, the Central Slovak Institute for Cardiac and Vascular Diseases in Banska Bystrica, and the National Slovak Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases in Bratislava was searched to identify patients with benign tumors of the heart seen during the 5-year period between 2011 and 2016. Forty-one patients with primary cardiac myxomas were identified and their medical records were reviewed for details pertaining to presenting symptoms, staging modalities, treatment approaches, and outcomes. Most of the studied patients were diagnosed with echocardiography (n=35, 85%). The occurrence of the tumor was higher in the female population (n=25, 61%). The most common presenting symptoms were dyspnoea (n=17, 42%), chest pain (n=3, 7%), or pain and paraesthesia of the limbs (n=2, 5%). Acute embolic event due to embolization of tumor fragments resulted in cerebral stroke (n=5, 12%). All patients were treated by resection. Only one comorbid patient died due to multiple-organ dysfunction syndrome two weeks after the resection. The most common postoperative complication was bleeding (n=2, 5%) and infection (n=2, 5%). The early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are often curative, with very low risk of recurrence. Postoperative survival is high

    Platelet miRNA Expression in Patients with Sticky Platelet Syndrome

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    Sticky platelet syndrome (SPS) is a disorder with familial occurrence and autosomal dominant trait characterized by platelet hyperaggregability in response to a low concentration of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and/or epinephrine (EPI). The etiology of SPS may be associated with platelet microRNAs (miRNAs), which are considered as potential biomarkers of platelet function and antiplatelet therapy. We were monitoring the expression of platelet miRNAs in patients with laboratory diagnosed SPS and healthy controls. We have found a statistically significant increased expression of both miR-423-5p and miR-338-3p as well as a statistically significant decreased expression of miR-425-5p between the group of patients with diagnosed SPS type II and the group of healthy controls, which seems to be an interesting issue for a further research

    Identification of Two Novel Fibrinogen Bβ Chain Mutations in Two Slovak Families with Quantitative Fibrinogen Disorders

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    Congenital fibrinogen disorders are caused by mutations in one of the three fibrinogen genes that affect the synthesis, assembly, intracellular processing, stability or secretion of fibrinogen. Functional studies of mutant Bβ-chains revealed the importance of individual residues as well as three-dimensional structures for fibrinogen assembly and secretion. This study describes two novel homozygous fibrinogen Bβ chain mutations in two Slovak families with afibrinogenemia and hypofibrinogenemia. Peripheral blood samples were collected from all subjects with the aim of identifying the causative mutation. Coagulation-related tests and rotational thromboelastometry were performed. All exons and exon–intron boundaries of the fibrinogen genes (FGA, FGB and FGG) were amplified by PCR followed by direct sequencing. Sequence analysis of the three fibrinogen genes allowed us to identify two novel homozygous mutations in the FGB gene. A novel Bβ chain truncation (BβGln180Stop) was detected in a 28-year-old afibrinogenemic man with bleeding episodes including repeated haemorrhaging into muscles, joints, and soft tissues, and mucocutaneous bleeding and a novel Bβ missense mutation (BβTyr368His) was found in a 62-year-old hypofibrinogenemic man with recurrent deep and superficial venous thromboses of the lower extremities. The novel missense mutation was confirmed by molecular modelling. Both studying the molecular anomalies and the modelling of fibrinogenic mutants help us to understand the extremely complex machinery of fibrinogen biosynthesis and finally better assess its correlation with the patient’s clinical course