11 research outputs found

    Combination of Fetal Fraction Estimators Based on Fragment Lengths and Fragment Counts in Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing

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    The reliability of non-invasive prenatal testing is highly dependent on accurate estimation of fetal fraction. Several methods have been proposed up to date, utilizing different attributes of analyzed genomic material, for example length and genomic location of sequenced DNA fragments. These two sources of information are relatively unrelated, but so far, there have been no published attempts to combine them to get an improved predictor. We collected 2454 single euploid male fetus samples from women undergoing NIPT testing. Fetal fractions were calculated using several proposed predictors and the state-of-the-art SeqFF method. Predictions were compared with the reference Y-based method. We demonstrate that prediction based on length of sequenced DNA fragments may achieve nearly the same precision as the state-of-the-art methods based on their genomic locations. We also show that combination of several sample attributes leads to a predictor that has superior prediction accuracy over any single approach. Finally, appropriate weighting of samples in the training process may achieve higher accuracy for samples with low fetal fraction and so allow more reliability for subsequent testing for genomic aberrations. We propose several improvements in fetal fraction estimation with a special focus on the samples most prone to wrong conclusion

    Insights into non-informative results from non-invasive prenatal screening through gestational age, maternal BMI, and age analyses.

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    The discovery of cell-free fetal DNA fragments in the maternal plasma initiated a novel testing method in prenatal care, called non-invasive prenatal screening (NIPS). One of the limitations of NIPS is the necessity for a sufficient proportion of fetal fragments in the analyzed circulating DNA mixture (fetal fraction), otherwise, the sample is uninterpretable. We present the effect of gestational age, maternal body mass index (BMI), and maternal age on the fetal fraction (FF) of the sample. We retrospectively analyzed data from 5543 pregnant women with a single male fetus who underwent NIPS from which 189 samples received a repeat testing due to an insufficient FF. We showed the relationship between the failure rate of the samples after the repeated analysis, the FF, and the gestational age at the first sampling. Next, we found that different maternal BMI categories affect the FF and thus the chance of an informative redraw. A better understanding of the factors affecting the FF will reduce the number of non-informative calls from repeated analyzes. In this study, we provide helpful information to clinicians on how to approach non-informative analyses

    Validated WGS and WES protocols proved saliva-derived gDNA as an equivalent to blood-derived gDNA for clinical and population genomic analyses

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    Abstract Background Whole exome sequencing (WES) and whole genome sequencing (WGS) have become standard methods in human clinical diagnostics as well as in population genomics (POPGEN). Blood-derived genomic DNA (gDNA) is routinely used in the clinical environment. Conversely, many POPGEN studies and commercial tests benefit from easy saliva sampling. Here, we evaluated the quality of variant call sets and the level of genotype concordance of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and small insertions and deletions (indels) for WES and WGS using paired blood- and saliva-derived gDNA isolates employing genomic reference-based validated protocols. Methods The genomic reference standard Coriell NA12878 was repeatedly analyzed using optimized WES and WGS protocols, and data calls were compared with the truth dataset published by the Genome in a Bottle Consortium. gDNA was extracted from the paired blood and saliva samples of 10 participants and processed using the same protocols. A comparison of paired blood–saliva call sets was performed in the context of WGS and WES genomic reference-based technical validation results. Results The quality pattern of called variants obtained from genomic-reference-based technical replicates correlates with data calls of paired blood–saliva-derived samples in all levels of tested examinations despite a higher rate of non-human contamination found in the saliva samples. The F1 score of 10 blood-to-saliva-derived comparisons ranged between 0.8030–0.9998 for SNVs and between 0.8883–0.9991 for small-indels in the case of the WGS protocol, and between 0.8643–0.999 for SNVs and between 0.7781–1.000 for small-indels in the case of the WES protocol. Conclusion Saliva may be considered an equivalent material to blood for genetic analysis for both WGS and WES under strict protocol conditions. The accuracy of sequencing metrics and variant-detection accuracy is not affected by choosing saliva as the gDNA source instead of blood but much more significantly by the genomic context, variant types, and the sequencing technology used

    Evaluation and limitations of different approaches among COVID-19 fatal cases using whole-exome sequencing data

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    Abstract Background COVID-19 caused by the SARS-CoV-2 infection may result in various disease symptoms and severity, ranging from asymptomatic, through mildly symptomatic, up to very severe and even fatal cases. Although environmental, clinical, and social factors play important roles in both susceptibility to the SARS-CoV-2 infection and progress of COVID-19 disease, it is becoming evident that both pathogen and host genetic factors are important too. In this study, we report findings from whole-exome sequencing (WES) of 27 individuals who died due to COVID-19, especially focusing on frequencies of DNA variants in genes previously associated with the SARS-CoV-2 infection and the severity of COVID-19. Results We selected the risk DNA variants/alleles or target genes using four different approaches: 1) aggregated GWAS results from the GWAS Catalog; 2) selected publications from PubMed; 3) the aggregated results of the Host Genetics Initiative database; and 4) a commercial DNA variant annotation/interpretation tool providing its own knowledgebase. We divided these variants/genes into those reported to influence the susceptibility to the SARS-CoV-2 infection and those influencing the severity of COVID-19. Based on the above, we compared the frequencies of alleles found in the fatal COVID-19 cases to the frequencies identified in two population control datasets (non-Finnish European population from the gnomAD database and genomic frequencies specific for the Slovak population from our own database). When compared to both control population datasets, our analyses indicated a trend of higher frequencies of severe COVID-19 associated risk alleles among fatal COVID-19 cases. This trend reached statistical significance specifically when using the HGI-derived variant list. We also analysed other approaches to WES data evaluation, demonstrating its utility as well as limitations. Conclusions Although our results proved the likely involvement of host genetic factors pointed out by previous studies looking into severity of COVID-19 disease, careful considerations of the molecular-testing strategies and the evaluated genomic positions may have a strong impact on the utility of genomic testing