10 research outputs found

    The Meaning of Political Messages of Regional Head Candidate (Voters’ Perceptionsin the Election of Governor and Vice Governor of Riau in 2018)

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    Abstract. Direct Regional Election (Pilkada) is a process of recruitment of leaders inthe area that places the community as the subject of the assessor and the candidate ofthe Regional Head (candidate) as the object that is assessed and chosen. Objectsassessed include all political activities or candidate political messages in the form ofverbal or nonverbal. The candidate's political message is conveyed during the campaignthrough props prepared by the General Election Commission such as billboards(outdoor media). In the election of the Governor and Vice Governor of Riau in 2018,the candidate's political message on the billboards was responded by the community invarious ways as they wished. Based on this phenomenon, a study was carried out onthe 'Meaning of Political Messages ofRegional Head Candidates (Voters’ Perceptionsin the Election of Governor and Vice Governor ofRiau in 2018)'. This study aims toexplain people's perceptions about the political messages of Riau Governor and ViceGovernor, 2018. The theoretical foundation used was the perception and theory of rockhead audiences. The research approach used was qualitativethrough interviews anddocumentation as a data collection tool. Research subjects were voters, while theobjects were candidates' political messages stated in billboards. The results of the studyrevealed that voters’ perceptions of the political messages of candidate pair Syamsuar-Edy Nasution contained in the Billboards had four information, namely thecharacteristics/candidates' identities; political promises; inviting voters; and candidatepair jargon. The political messages of candidate pair Lukman Edy-Hardianto containedin the billboard had three information, namely the characteristics/identity of thecandidate; political promises; and inviting voters. The political messages of thecandidate pair Firdaus-Rusli Effendi contained in the billboard had five information,namely the characteristics/identity of the candidate; political promises; inviting voters;candidate pair jargon; and information on the voting schedule. Last, the politicalmessages of candidate pair Arsyadjuliandi Rahman-Suyatnocontained in the billboardhad three information, namely the characteristics/candidate identity; political promises;and inviting voters

    Islam Wasathiyah dalam Perspektif Muhammadiyah Ditinjau dari Aspek Komunikasi Politik

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    Agama secara hakikinya sangat berhubungan erat dengan politik. Keduanya tidak dapat dipisahkan. Salah satu konsep Islam yang berkaitan dengan politik ialah Islam Wasathiyah. Konsep Islam Wasatiyyat berhubungan kuat dengan ajaran Islam secara keseluruhan dan merupakan salah satu ajaran sentral dalam Islam untuk pembentukan kepribadian dan karakter Muslim, baik individual ataupun kolektif. Keragaman umat Islam yang terdiri dari tiga tiga kelompok seperti kelompok moderat, kelompok garis keras dan kelompok garis keras ekstrem menjadikan Islam di negara Indonesia banyak melahirkan organisasi-organisasi Islam. Keragamaan kelompok keagamaan dalam Islam menyebabkan menguatnya ekstremitas (tindakan melewati batas). Kondisi yang menjadi salah satu dari sekian banyak permasalahan bangsa. Pergeseran wajah Islam ke arah yang militan, keras dan ekstream manjadi dasar untuk mengulas kembali tentang Islam sebagai agama yang wasathiyah. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis Islam Wasathiyah dalam perspektif Muhammadiyah ditinjau dari aspek komunikasi politik


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    Kajian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan makna kampanye menurut pemilih dan mengidentifikasi penyebab politik uang pada Pilkada Serentak di Provinsi Riau tahun 2015. Kampanye merupakan ruang yang mesti dipergunakan pemilih untuk menilai visi, misi dan program peserta pemilu. Namun realitasnya masa kampanye cenderung dimanfaatkan untuk melakukan politik uang. Untuk memahaminya, peneliti menggunakan teori interaksi simbolik dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Kajian dilakukan di Kabupaten Rokan Hulu dan Kota Dumai yang menggunakan wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi sebagai alat pengumpul data. Hasil penelitian adalah kampanye dimaknai tidak hanya sebagai ruang untuk menilai visi, misi dan program peserta pemilu. Namun juga sebagai ruang bagi pemilih untuk melakukan negosiasi atau transaksi suara (politik uang). Pemilih melakukan politik uang disebabkan faktor ekonomi dan kebiasaan


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    The rapid development of television stations in Indonesia has influenced various aspects of people's lives such as among school students like in SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru. Various aspects influenced include social, cultural, religious, health and service quality. Social reality or the negative impact of the presence of mass media especially television does get the attention of parents and teachers. Media literacy education is one of the efforts to develop skills in selecting and watching critically the programs presented by the media. Media education or media literacy is an activity that can help people to have the competence, ability, or skill needed to not reactive in a negative sense, but proactive in understanding the messages conveyed by the media. Educators are the right audience for media literacy education. In an effort to provide understanding to school students in choosing, understanding and sorting media messages, especially television media. For that done community service activities in the form of Media Literacy Education For Teachers in SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru. The results of this activity, teachers in SMK Muhammadiyah 2 become more familiar about media literacy, and able to provide direction and understanding of the contents of the media so that learners become critical and creative. Keywords: media literacy, teachers, SMK Muhammadiyah 2 &nbsp


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    Masjid Hikmah yang terletak di Jalan Melati gang Hikmah Kelurahan Sukajadi,Kecamatan Sukajadi Pekanbaru merupakan salah satu masjid yang memiliki IkatanRemaja Masjid yang bernama REHIS (Remaja Masjid Hikmah dan Sekitarnya) danperkumpulan ibu-ibu pengajian dengan nama Peswajiramah (Persatuan Wanita JiranMasjid Hikmah). Remaja yang tergabung dalam REHIS biasanya menjadi pembawaacara dalam Santapan Rohani Ramadhan yang dilaksanakan sebelum sholat tarawih.Ibu-ibu di lingkungan Masjid Hikmah juga secara bergiliran menjadi pembawa acarawirid. Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana menjadi pembawa acara keagamaan yangterampil, memiliki pengetahuan agama, dan percaya diri? Untuk itu dilakukan kegiatanpengabdian kepada masyarakat yang bertujuan agar remaja Masjid Hikmah dan ibu-ibupengajian Masjid Hikmah memiliki keterampilan, pengetahuan, dan kepercayaan diriuntuk menjadi pembawa acara keagamaan. Materi yang disampaikan tentang publicspeaking, teknik menjadi pembawa acara kegiatan keagamaan, dan komunikasi dakwah.Metode yang dilakukan dengan ceramah, diskusi, tanya jawab dan praktik. Hasilkegiatan ini, remaja masjid dan ibu-ibu pengajian menjadi lebih mengerti tentangpersiapan untuk menjadi seorang pembawa acara yang terampil dan komunikatif.Dengan bertambahnya pemahaman tentang pembawa acara, maka remaja dan ibu-ibupengajian menjadi mampu dan percaya diri untuk menjadi pembawa acara dalamkegiatan keagamaan


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    In today's digital era, teaching staff have many choices of interactive learning media that can support the learning process. One application that can help teachers realize effective communication between students and teachers is google classroom. The Google Classroom is a mixed learning platform that is intended for every educational scope that is intended to find a way out of the difficulties in making, sharing and classifying each paperless assignment. For this reason, there is a need for knowledge and skills about how effective communication can be done through innovative learning media based on Blended Learning (Google Classroom), so that the quality of teaching can be better. Therefore, dedication activities are carried out in MAN 2 Model on "Effective Communication Training through Blended-Learning (Google Classroom) Innovative Learning Media for Teachers in MAN 2 Model Pekanbaru". The material presented included effective communication, innovative learning media based on Blended Learning, and the use of google classroom as a medium to support innovative and communicative learnin

    PERCEPTIVITY OF CAMPAIGN BY VOTERS IN UNISON ELECTIONS IN THE PROVINCE OF RIAU 2015 (Case Study: The Unison Elections In Rokan Hulu and Dumai District)

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    The research aimed to describe the meaning of the campaign by voters and identify the cause of political money for simultaneously election in the Riau, 2015. The campaign is the space that should be used to assess the voters' vision, mission and programs participating in the election. But in reality the campaign period tends to be used for money politics. To analyze, researchers used the theory of symbolic interaction with descriptive qualitative approach. The study was conducted in Rokan Hulu and Dumai are using in-depth interviews and documentation as a means of collecting data. The research result is a campaign meant not only as a space to assess the vision, mission and programs participating in the election. But also as a space for the voter to negotiate or voice transactions (money politics). Voters money politics due to economic factors and habits. Keywords: campaign, money politics, voters, election participant