7 research outputs found

    Usefulness of acidity and temperature of the rumen and abomasum in diagnosing SARA in dairy cows after calving

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    The aim of the research was to determine the relationship between the acidity and temperature of the contents of the reticulorumen and abomasum in the first 10 days after calving and to evaluate these factors as predictive traits for the diagnosis of subclinical acidosis. The acidity and temperature of the contents of the reticulorumen and abomasum were measured using specific smaXtec boluses manufactured for animal care. According to the directions of the manufacturer, the boluses were inserted into the reticulorumen of the cows researched with the help of a specific tool. The boluses were inserted into the abomasa by way of surgery, laparotomy and abomasotomy through the right flank. The readings of 7 cows were taken on a total of 10 days, twice a day (at 9 a.m. and at 9 p.m.). In total, 140 measurements were taken. The acidity of the reticulorumen is associated with the acidity of the abomasum. The acidity of the rumen increases, if the acidity of the reticulorumen increases also. A negative correlation was observed between the pH of the contents of the abomasum and this temperature. The increase in the acidity (decrease of pH) of the contents of the reticulorumen increases its temperature and also increases the temperature of the contents of the abomasum. There is a positive statistically significant dependence between the reticulorumen content temperature and the rectal temperature. Through measurement of the ruminoreticular temperature, it is possible to predict the health status of a cow’s stomach in regard to acidosis

    Changes in reticulorumen content temperature and pH according to time of day and yearly seasons

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    The monitoring of rumen content temperature can be useful for the evaluation of cow health condition and heat. The aim of this research was to evaluate the influence of the circadian rhythm (time of day) and season on reticulorumen acidity (pH) and temperatures (RT) in lactating dairy cows. The research was performed on ten 2nd – lactation, clinically healthy Lithuanian Black and White fresh dairy cows (up to 1 day after calving). The cows were milked twice daily at 05:00 and 17:00. The cows were kept in a loose housing system, and were fed a feed ration throughout the year at the same time, balanced according to their physiological needs. Cow feeding took place every day at 06:00 and 18:00. The pH and temperature of the contents of cow reticulorumens were measured using specific smaXtec boluses manufactured for animal care. The temperature starts rising 6 hours after the evening feeding and milking, whereas 1 hour after the morning milking, it starts decreasing. The lowest temperature observed in the springtime was 38.81±0.001, and the highest was in autumn 39.17±0.001. The pH starts decreasing 3 hours after the morning feed, whereas 4 hours after the evening feed, it starts increasing. The lowest pH was observed in the summertime – 5.99±0.001, and the highest was in autumn and springtime – 6.18±0.001. In conclusion the reticulorumen temperature in lactating cows was found to be influenced by the circadian rhythm and season. The acidity of the reticulorumen content changes similar to the temperature. The pH of the reticulorumen contents was also found to be influenced by the circadian rhythm and season

    Effect of somatic cell count on milk yield and composition of first and second lactation dairy cows

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    WOS: 000351716800014This study was carried out to investigate the effect of somatic cell count (SCC) on milk yield and milk composition in first and second lactation Holstein dairy cows. Thirty cows in first lactation and 49 cows in second lactation were used in the study. Animals were 15 +/- 9.87 days in milk. Individual milk samples were collected monthly from June 2009 to March 2010, and somatic cell counts, milk protein, milk fat, lactose and milk urea-N were determined. Four SCC groups were formed for determining effect of SCC on milk yield and composition. These groups were as follows: = 1.000x10(3) cell/mL. It was observed that SCC had a high significant effect on milk yield, milk protein, milk lactose (P0.05). This study indicates that high SCC negatively affects not only milk yield but also milk composition and quality.Department of Scientific Research Projects, Nigde University [99/14]the authors would like to thank the Department of Scientific Research Projects, Nigde University, for funding the project (Project Number: 99/14) and the Ek-Ta Meat and Milk Products Company for animal support