43,381 research outputs found

    Long-Time Evolution of Gas-Free Disc Galaxies in Binary Systems

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    We present the results of several detailed numerical N-body simulations of the dynamical interactions of two equal mass disc galaxies. Both galaxies are embedded in spherical halos of dark matter and contain central bulges. Our analysis of the dynamical evolution of the binary system focuses on the morphological evolution of the stellar distribution of the discs. The satellite galaxy has coplanar or polar disc orientation in relation to the disc of the primary galaxy and their initial orbits are prograde eccentric (e=0.1e=0.1, e=0.4e=0.4 or e=0.7e=0.7). Both galaxies have mass and size comparable to the Milky Way. We show that the merger of the two disc galaxies, depending on the relative orientation of the discs, can yield either a disc or lenticular remnant, instead of an elliptical one. These are the first simulations in the literature to show the formation of S0-like galaxies from protracted binary galaxy interactions. Additionally, we demonstrate that the time to merger increases linearly with the initial apocentric distance between the galaxies, and decreases with the initial orbital eccentricity. We also show that the tidal forces of the discs excite transient m=1m=1 and m=2m=2 wave modes, i.e., lopsidedness, spiral arms, and bars. However, after the merging of the discs, such instabilities fade completely, and the remnant is thicker and bigger than the original discs. The maximum relative amplitude of these waves is at most about 15 times greater compared to the control case. of these two wave modes. Finally, the disc settles down quickly, after the merger, in less than one outer disc rotation period.Comment: 23 pages, 3 tables and 16 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    The Disks of Galaxies with Seyfert and Starburst Nuclei: II. Near-Infrared Structural Properties

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    We have derived the near-infrared structural components of a sample of Seyfert and starburst (SBN) host galaxies by fitting the images of Hunt et al. (1997,ApJS,108,229) with a new two-dimensional decomposition algorithm. An analysis of the fitted parameters shows that Seyfert 1 and SBN bulges resemble normal early-type bulges in structure and color, with (J-K)^c_b about 0.1 mag redder than disk (J-K)^c_d. Seyfert 2 bulges, instead, are bluer than normal with (J-K)^c_b ~ (J-K)^c_d. Seyfert disks (especially Type 1), but not those of SBNs, are abnormally bright (in surface brightness), significantly more so than even the brightest normal disks. Seyfert disks are also compact, but similar to those in normal early-type spirals. For a given mass, Seyferts and especially SBNs are abnormally rich in neutral hydrogen, and there is strong, albeit indirect, evidence for lower mass-to-light (M/L) ratios in Seyfert and SBN disks, but for normal M/Ls in their bulges. In Seyferts and SBNs, HI mass fractions and M/L ratios are anticorrelated, and we attribute the high gas mass fractions and low M/Ls in SBNs and several Seyferts to ongoing star formation. Such abundant gas in Seyferts would be expected to inhibit bar formation, which may explain why active galaxies are not always barred.Comment: 25 pgs (two-column, single-spaced) including 8 incorporated figures and 2 tables (aas2pp4, amssym, epsfig). Accepted for publication in Ap

    A Photometric Method for Quantifying Asymmetries in Disk Galaxies

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    A photometric method for quantifying deviations from axisymmetry in optical images of disk galaxies is applied to a sample of 32 face-on and nearly face-on spirals. The method involves comparing the relative fluxes contained within trapezoidal sectors arranged symmetrically about the galaxy center of light, excluding the bulge and/or barred regions. Such a method has several advantages over others, especially when quantifying asymmetry in flocculent galaxies. Specifically, the averaging of large regions improves the signal-to-noise in the measurements; the method is not strongly affected by the presence of spiral arms; and it identifies the kinds of asymmetry that are likely to be dynamically important. Application of this "method of sectors" to R-band images of 32 disk galaxies indicates that about 30% of spirals show deviations from axisymmetry at the 5-sigma level.Comment: 17 pages, 2 tables and 6 figures, uses psfig and AAS LaTex; to appear in A

    Financial constraints, migration and inequality

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    Although the self-selection of emigrants is determined by di¤erences in the returns to education, according to the celebrated Roy model, empirical evidence suggests that migrants tend to be favorably selected. This paper argues that financial con- straints might be useful to explain this controversy. These constraints might impose positive correlations between (i) wealth and education, and (ii) wealth and migra- tion, implying a positive bias in the empirical results. We also show that high levels of migration premium and return to education in the source country explain the migration of middle-class individuals, a situation in which migration increases in- equality in the home country.migration, financial constraints, self-selection, human capital

    A new model for gravitational potential perturbations in disks of spiral galaxies. An application to our Galaxy

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    We propose a new, more realistic, description of the perturbed gravitational potential of spiral galaxies, with spiral arms having Gaussian-shaped groove profiles. We investigate the stable stellar orbits in galactic disks, using the new perturbed potential. The influence of the bulge mass on the stellar orbits in the inner regions of a disk is also investigated. The new description offers the advantage of easy control of the parameters of the Gaussian profile of its potential. We find a range of values for the perturbation amplitude from 400 to 800 km^2 s^{-2} kpc^{-1} which implies a maximum ratio of the tangential force to the axisymmetric force between 3% and 6%, approximately. Good self-consistency of arm shapes is obtained between the Inner Lindblad resonance (ILR) and the 4:1 resonance. Near the 4:1 resonance the response density starts to deviate from the imposed logarithmic spiral form. This creates bifurcations that appear as short arms. Therefore the deviation from a perfect logarithmic spiral in galaxies can be understood as a natural effect of the 4:1 resonance. Beyond the 4:1 resonance we find closed orbits which have similarities with the arms observed in our Galaxy. In regions near the center, in the presence of a massive bulge, elongated stellar orbits appear naturally, without imposing any bar-shaped potential, but only extending the spiral perturbation a little inward of the ILR. This suggests that a bar is formed with a half-size around 3 kpc by a mechanism similar to that of the spiral arms. The potential energy perturbation that we adopted represents an important step in the direction of self-consistency, compared to previous sine function descriptions of the potential. Our model produces a realistic description of the spiral structure, able to explain several details that were not yet understood.Comment: 12 pag., 11 fig. Accepted for publication in A&A, 2012 December 1

    Modelling resonances and orbital chaos in disk galaxies. Application to a Milky Way spiral model

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    Context: Resonances in the stellar orbital motion under perturbations from spiral arms structure play an important role in the evolution of the disks of spiral galaxies. The epicyclic approximation allows the determination of the corresponding resonant radii on the equatorial plane (for nearly circular orbits), but is not suitable in general. Aims: We expand the study of resonant orbits by analysing stellar motions perturbed by spiral arms with Gaussian-shaped profiles without any restriction on the stellar orbital configurations, and we expand the concept of Lindblad (epicyclic) resonances for orbits with large radial excursions. Methods: We define a representative plane of initial conditions, which covers the whole phase space of the system. Dynamical maps on representative planes are constructed numerically, in order to characterize the phase-space structure and identify the precise location of resonances. The study is complemented by the construction of dynamical power spectra, which provide the identification of fundamental oscillatory patterns in the stellar motion. Results: Our approach allows a precise description of the resonance chains in the whole phase space, giving a broader view of the dynamics of the system when compared to the classical epicyclic approach, even for objects in retrograde motion. The analysis of the solar neighbourhood shows that, depending on the current azimuthal phase of the Sun with respect to the spiral arms, a star with solar kinematic parameters may evolve either inside the stable co-rotation resonance or in a chaotic zone. Conclusions: Our approach contributes to quantifying the domains of resonant orbits and the degree of chaos in the whole Galactic phase-space structure. It may serve as a starting point to apply these techniques to the investigation of clumps in the distribution of stars in the Galaxy, such as kinematic moving groups.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures. Matches accepted version in A&

    A new method for estimating the pattern speed of spiral structure in the Milky Way

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    In the last few decades many efforts have been made to understand the effect of spiral arms on the gas and stellar dynamics in the Milky Way disc. One of the fundamental parameters of the spiral structure is its angular velocity, or pattern speed Ωp\Omega_p, which determines the location of resonances in the disc and the spirals' radial extent. The most direct method for estimating the pattern speed relies on backward integration techniques, trying to locate the stellar birthplace of open clusters. Here we propose a new method based on the interaction between the spiral arms and the stars in the disc. Using a sample of around 500 open clusters from the {\it New Catalogue of Optically Visible Open Clusters and Candidates}, and a sample of 500 giant stars observed by APOGEE, we find Ωp=23.0±0.5\Omega_p = 23.0\pm0.5 km s1^{-1} kpc1^{-1}, for a local standard of rest rotation V0=220V_0=220~km s1^{-1} and solar radius R0=8.0R_0=8.0~kpc. Exploring a range in V0V_0 and R0R_0 within the acceptable values, 200-240 km s1^{-1} and 7.5-8.5 kpc, respectively, results only in a small change in our estimate of Ωp\Omega_p, that is within the error. Our result is in close agreement with a number of studies which suggest values in the range 20-25 km s1^{-1} kpc1^{-1}. An advantage of our method is that we do not need knowledge of the stellar age, unlike in the case of the birthplace method, which allows us to use data from large Galactic surveys. The precision of our method will be improved once larger samples of disk stars with spectroscopic information will become available thanks to future surveys such as 4MOST.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Comparison of the solophenyl-red polarization method and the immunohistochemical analysis for collagen type III

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    In the present study, we have compared the staining pattern of the Solophenyl-Red 3 BL-method for the visualization of collagen type III with the immunohistochemical staining in serial sections from 7 skin wounds (wound age 3 days up to 4 weeks) to elucidate the specifity of the histochemical staining method. Large amounts of collagen type III were clearly detectable in the investigated wounds using the immunohistochemical technique. In the sections stained with Solophenyl-Red, however, only 3 out of 7 skin lesions showed a significant positive red staining at the wound margin or in the granulation tissue, while the adjacent normal connective tissue revealed a typical intensive staining. Using polarization microscopy no characteristic bright green fibrils, as reported for collagen type 111, could be seen in the wound areas without positive Solophenyl-Red staining. Since the localization of collagen type III detected by immunohistochemistry and the presumed distribution of this collagen type by the Solophenyl-Red method was not identical, the histochemical polarization method has to be regarded as non-specific for visualization of this collagen type

    Bimodal chemical evolution of the Galactic disk and the Barium abundance of Cepheids

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    In order to understand the Barium abundance distribution in the Galactic disk based on Cepheids, one must first be aware of important effects of the corotation resonance, situated a little beyond the solar orbit. The thin disk of the Galaxy is divided in two regions that are separated by a barrier situated at that radius. Since the gas cannot get across that barrier, the chemical evolution is independent on the two sides of it. The barrier is caused by the opposite directions of flows of gas, on the two sides, in addition to a Cassini-like ring void of HI (caused itself by the flows). A step in the metallicity gradient developed at corotation, due to the difference in the average star formation rate on the two sides, and to this lack of communication between them. In connection with this, a proof that the spiral arms of our Galaxy are long-lived (a few billion years) is the existence of this step. When one studies the abundance gradients by means of stars which span a range of ages, like the Cepheids, one has to take into account that stars, contrary to the gas, have the possibility of crossing the corotation barrier. A few stars born on the high metallicity side are seen on the low metallicity one, and vice-versa. In the present work we re-discuss the data on Barium abundance in Cepheids as a function of Galactic radius, taking into account the scenario described above. The [Ba/H] ratio, plotted as a function of Galactic radius, apparently presents a distribution with two branches in the external region (beyond corotation). One can re-interpret the data and attribute the upper branch to the stars that were born on the high metallicity side. The lower branch, analyzed separately, indicates that the stars born beyond corotation have a rising Barium metallicity as a function of Galactic radius.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings of IAU Symposium 29