353 research outputs found

    Inference of Sample Complier Average Causal Effects in Completely Randomized Experiments

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    In randomized experiments with non-compliance scholars have argued that the complier average causal effect (CACE) ought to be the main causal estimand. The literature on inference of the complier average treatment effect (CACE) has focused on inference about the population CACE. However, in general individuals in the experiments are volunteers. This means that there is a risk that individuals partaking in a given experiment differ in important ways from a population of interest. It is thus of interest to focus on the sample at hand and have easy to use and correct procedures for inference about the sample CACE. We consider a more general setting than in the previous literature and construct a confidence interval based on the Wald estimator in the form of a finite closed interval that is familiar to practitioners. Furthermore, with the access of pre-treatment covariates, we propose a new regression adjustment estimator and associated methods for constructing confidence intervals. Finite sample performance of the methods is examined through a Monte Carlo simulation and the methods are used in an application to a job training experiment

    A digital service related to positive pedagogy as a tool for a pre-school teacher in pre-school education

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää esiopetuksen opettajien kokemuksia positiiviseen pedagogiikkaan liittyvän digitaalisen palvelun käytöstä esiopetuksessa. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys muodostui esiopetuksen ja positiivisen pedagogiikan kuvaamisesta. Lisäksi siinä tarkasteltiin mitä yhteneväisyyksiä löytyy esiopetuksen opetussuunnitelman ja positiivisen pedagogiikan sisällöistä. Tarkentavina käsitteinä esiteltiin luonteenvahvuudet ja vahvuuspedagogiikka, sekä myönteinen palaute. Viitekehys tarkentui vielä hyvinvoinnin ja pedagogisen dokumentoinnin käsitteiden määrittelyillä sekä digitaalisten palvelujen kuvaamisella. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen haastattelututkimus, joka perustuu fenomenologiseen analyysiin. Haastattelut toteutettiin yksilöhaastatteluina etänä Microsoft Teamsin avulla. Haastateltavina oli yhteensä kolme varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaa. Haastateltavat osallistuivat Espoon kau-pungin varhaiskasvatuksen ja Positive Learning Oy:n yhteiskehittämishankkeeseen. Hankkeessa oli muun muassa tarkoituksena opettaa lapsille luonteenvahvuuksia digitaalisen palvelun avulla, sekä auttaa heitä tunnistamaan niitä. Tutkimustulosten mukaan opettajilla oli pääosin myönteisiä kokemuksia Huomaa Hyvä! -työkalun käytöstä esiopetuksessa. Se toimi heidän mielestään hyvin lasten vahvuuksien tunnistamisen tukemisessa. Opettajat kokivat myös itse oppineensa tunnistamaan lasten vahvuuksia eri tavalla, kuin aiemmin ja ymmärsivät että jokin asia lasten toiminnassa minkä he olivat ennen kokeneet negatiiviseksi voikin olla oikeassa tilanteessa lapsen vahvuus. Lisäksi he havaitsivat, että kun he asettivat tavoitteeksi jonkin vahvuuden, se lisääntyi ryhmässä huomattavasti. Työkalu toimi opettajien mukaan hyvin myös myönteisen palautteenannon välineenä. He kokivat, että myönteinen palaute kannusti lapsia pohtimaan omia vahvuuksiaan ja näin he oppivat myös tunnistamaan niitä. Opettajien mukaan Huomaa hyvä! -työkalu toimi hyvin pedagogisen dokumentoinnin välineenä. He kokivat tärkeäksi, että koettuihin onnistumisen hetkiin voidaan työkalun avulla myöhemmin palata ja käsitellä niitä yhdessä lasten kanssa. Työkalu tuki myös heidän työtään ja esiopetuksen eri prosesseja kuten toiminnan suunnittelua, toteuttamista ja arviointia. He kokivat, että digitaalisen palvelun käytön aloittaminen vaikutti heidän toimintatapaansa kokonaisuudessaan.The purpose of this research was to find out the experiences of pre-school teachers in the use of digital service related to positive pedagogy in pre-school education. The theoretical framework of the study consisted of description of pre-school education and positive pedagogy. In addition, it examined what similarities can be found in the contents of the pre-school education curriculum and positive pedagogy. Character strengths and strength pedagogy, as well as positive feedback, were presented as more specific concepts. The framework was further specified by defining the concepts of well-being, pedagogical documentation, and digital services. The research is a qualitative interview survey based on phenomenological analysis. The interviews were executed as individual interviews remotely using Microsoft Teams. A total of three early childhood education teachers were interviewed. Interviewees participated in the City of Espoo Early Childhood Education and Positive Learning Oy joint development project. Among other things, the project aimed to teach children strengths in character through a digital service, as well as help them identify them. According to the research results, the teachers had mainly positive experiences to Huomaa hyvä! tool in pre-school education. They thought it worked well in supporting children's identification of strengths. Teachers themselves felt that they had learned to identify children's strengths differently than before and understood that something in children's activities that they had previously experienced as negative could be the child's strength in the right situation. In addition, they found that when they set a goal for some strength, it increased significantly in the group. According to the teachers, the tool also worked well as a tool for positive feedback. They felt that the positive feedback encouraged the children to reflect on their own strengths and thus they also learned to recognize them. According to teachers Huomaa hyvä! the tool served well as a tool for pedagogical documentation. They felt it was important to be able to return to the moments of success they experienced later and deal with them together with the children. The tool also supported their work and various pre-teaching processes such as action planning, implementation and evaluation. They felt that the introduction of the digital service affected their way of working as a whole

    Towards Accurate One-Stage Object Detection with AP-Loss

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    One-stage object detectors are trained by optimizing classification-loss and localization-loss simultaneously, with the former suffering much from extreme foreground-background class imbalance issue due to the large number of anchors. This paper alleviates this issue by proposing a novel framework to replace the classification task in one-stage detectors with a ranking task, and adopting the Average-Precision loss (AP-loss) for the ranking problem. Due to its non-differentiability and non-convexity, the AP-loss cannot be optimized directly. For this purpose, we develop a novel optimization algorithm, which seamlessly combines the error-driven update scheme in perceptron learning and backpropagation algorithm in deep networks. We verify good convergence property of the proposed algorithm theoretically and empirically. Experimental results demonstrate notable performance improvement in state-of-the-art one-stage detectors based on AP-loss over different kinds of classification-losses on various benchmarks, without changing the network architectures. Code is available at https://github.com/cccorn/AP-loss.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables, main paper + supplementary material, accepted to CVPR 201

    Personality and Depression : Relationship Between Five-Factor Personality Traits and Depressive Symptoms

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    Background: Depression is one of the most prevalent disabling mental disorders worldwide. Its relation to the personality of the patient has been a topic of interest both in history and modern research. Understanding the relationship between personality traits and depression will help to develop suitable models of treatment for depression. The Five-Factor Personality Model (FFM, a.k.a. Big Five) is one of the most established scientific personality models, with its traits, namely neuroticism, extraversion, openness, conscientiousness and agreeableness. Connection between neuroticism and depression as well as between extraversion and depression is well known in modern scholarship, but no unambiguous results of connections between other traits and depression exist. High neuroticism seems to function as a risk factor that has a strong connection with Major Depression Episodes, but the moderating effects of the other personality traits are to be studied more deeply. In addition, there have been diverse results whether sex/gender has or has not a trait-independent role in predicting the severity of depression. Aims: Thus, the present study strives for answering the following questions: 1. What is the correlation between individual five-factor personality traits and depression? 2. How does neuroticism trait function as a risk factor for depression? 3. How does sex/gender covariate with the depression? Methods: The data of the present study has been obtained from The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns study (Lasten Sepelvaltimotautien Riskitekijät, LASERI). The project has begun in 1980 and its 27-year follow-up was performed in 2007, when five-factor personality traits and depression score were measured as well. Personality traits and the depression score from 1,714 of the original 3,596 subjects were measured with NEO-FFI-M and BDI II. The participants were divided into four groups on the basis of the median values of neuroticism and extraversion traits. Results and conclusions: High neuroticism has a strong connection with depression, but high extraversion has a moderate opposite influence. No connection between the other traits and depression was found. Women tend to have higher scores of depression than men, but the sex influence is mediated by higher neuroticism among women. Further research is needed on possible trait-independent gender influence. Cross-sectional studies based on population data bring forth valuable information about links between gender, personality and depression, but they do not permit possible changes in personality or causal relations to be studied. Therefore, more profound research in longitudinal paradigm is needed.Johdanto: Masennus on yksi yleisimmistä mielenterveyden häiriöistä, jotka aiheuttavat työkyvyttömyyttä. Sen suhde persoonallisuuteen on ollut kiinnostuksenkohteena sekä historiassa että modernissa tutkimuksessa. Tieto persoonallisuuspiirteiden ja masennuksen välisestä yhteydestä auttaa kehittämään sopivia malleja masennuksen hoitamiseen. "Viiden suuren" persoonallisuuspiirteen malli (the Five-Factor Personality Model, FFM, ns. Big Five) on yksi vakiintuneimmista persoonallisuusteorioista. Sen mukaan persoonallisuus koostuu viidestä piirteestä – neuroottisuudesta, ekstraversiosta, avoimuudesta, tunnollisuudesta ja myöntyvyydestä. Neuroottisuuden ja ekstraversion yhteys depressioon tunnetaan hyvin nykyisessä tutkimuksessa, mutta muiden piirteiden ja depression yhteydestä ei ole yhdensuuntaisia tuloksia. Korkea neuroottisuus vaikuttaisi olevan masennusjaksojen taustalla oleva riskitekijä, mutta muiden persoonallisuuspiirteiden lieventäviä vaikutuksia tulisi tarkastella syvemmin. Lisäksi on saatu vaihtelevia tuloksia siitä, onko sukupuolella piirteistä riippumatonta vaikutusta masennukseen. Tavoitteet: Käsillä oleva tutkimus pyrkii vastaamaan seuraaviin kysymyksiin: 1. Mikä on viiden suuren persoonallisuuspiirteen yhteys depressioon? 2. Miten neuroottisuus toimii depression riskitekijänä? 3. Millaista persoonallisuuspiirteistä riippumatonta vaikutusta sukupuolella on depressioon? Menetelmät: Tutkimusaineisto on tuotettu Lasten Sepelvaltimotautien Riskitekijät (LASERI, The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns) -hankkeessa, joka on alkanut vuonna 1980. Hankkeen 27. vuoden seuranta toteutettiin vuonna 2007, jolloin osallistujilta mitattiin persoonallisuuspiirteet sekä masennusaste. Tulokset saatiin 1 714 henkilöltä tutkimuksessa alun perin mukana olleilta 3 596 henkilöltä. Persoonallisuuspiirteet mitattiin NEO-FFM-M-testillä ja masennustason mittaamisessa käytettiin BDI II -testiä. Tutkittavat jaettiin neljään ryhmään neuroottisuuden ja ekstraversion mediaaniarvojen perusteella. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset: Korkean neuroottisuuden ja masennuksen välillä on vahva yhteys, mutta korkea ekstraversio vaikuttaa maltillisesti toiseen suuntaan. Muiden persoonallisuuspiirteiden ja masennuksen välillä ei löytynyt yhteyttä. Naisten masennusaste on miesten vastaavaa korkeampi, ja sukupuolen vaikutusta välittää naisten korkeampi neuroottisuus. Siitä, onko sukupuolella persoonallisuudesta riippumatonta vaikutusta, tarvitaan lisää tutkimusta. Väestöaineistoon perustuvat poikkileikkaustutkimukset antavat arvokasta tietoa sukupuolen, persoonallisuuden ja masennuksen välisistä yhteyksistä, mutta ne eivät mahdollista persoonallisuuden mahdollisten muutosten ja kausaalisuhteiden tutkimista. Tämän vuoksi tutkimusta tulee tehdä pitkittäisessä tutkimusasetelmassa

    Persepsi Remaja di Jemaat Bersehati Adean tentang Profesi Pendeta

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    Theological schools are institutions that prepare prospective pastors in the church. The curriculum and other resources are directed to produce qualified prospective pastors according to the church's needs. The problem is that theological schools and churches generally face low interest from teenagers in the faculty or study program of theology, which is very likely influenced by their perception of the pastor's profession. This study aims to determine adolescents' perceptions of the pastor's profession at the Banggai Laut Protestant Church, Bersehati Adean Congregation, one of the churches in Banggai Laut district, Central Sulawesi Province. The method used was a survey with descriptive problem formulation. Data was collected using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. There were 30 respondents involved. The results showed that respondents had a positive perception of the pastor's profession, namely that the pastor is a profession that lives in God's blessing, is respected, and is useful for many people. Respondents also negatively perceive the pastor's profession, namely that thepastor is too constrained, too holy, too heavy, and does not promise a prosperous life. Negative perceptions show harmony with the behavior of teenagers who want to live freely and do not want to be restrained

    NCGNN: Node-level Capsule Graph Neural Network

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    Message passing has evolved as an effective tool for designing Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). However, most existing works naively sum or average all the neighboring features to update node representations, which suffers from the following limitations: (1) lack of interpretability to identify crucial node features for GNN's prediction; (2) over-smoothing issue where repeated averaging aggregates excessive noise, making features of nodes in different classes over-mixed and thus indistinguishable. In this paper, we propose the Node-level Capsule Graph Neural Network (NCGNN) to address these issues with an improved message passing scheme. Specifically, NCGNN represents nodes as groups of capsules, in which each capsule extracts distinctive features of its corresponding node. For each node-level capsule, a novel dynamic routing procedure is developed to adaptively select appropriate capsules for aggregation from a subgraph identified by the designed graph filter. Consequently, as only the advantageous capsules are aggregated and harmful noise is restrained, over-mixing features of interacting nodes in different classes tends to be avoided to relieve the over-smoothing issue. Furthermore, since the graph filter and the dynamic routing identify a subgraph and a subset of node features that are most influential for the prediction of the model, NCGNN is inherently interpretable and exempt from complex post-hoc explanations. Extensive experiments on six node classification benchmarks demonstrate that NCGNN can well address the over-smoothing issue and outperforms the state of the arts by producing better node embeddings for classification