21 research outputs found

    SWOT Analysis on the Development of Modern Ecological Landscape Agriculture: A Case Study of Baiquan Ecological Park

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    With Baiquan Ecological Park in Yi County as the case, the basic conditions are analyzed from the aspects of area, population, natural resources, socio-economic and industrial development. SWOT analysis of the development of modern ecological landscape agriculture is carried out. It is pointed out that for developing modern ecological landscape agriculture in Western Qing Tombs region, it is necessary to give priority to protecting the ecological environment, highlight the characteristics and style of modern agriculture, consider the existing landscape elements, and comprehensively develop the integrated pattern of ecology, landscape and modern agriculture

    De Novo Analysis of the Transcriptome of Meloidogyne enterolobii to Uncover Potential Target Genes for Biological Control

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    Meloidogyne enterolobii is one of the obligate biotrophic root-knot nematodes that has the ability to reproduce on many economically-important crops. We carried out de novo sequencing of the transcriptome of M. enterolobii using Roche GS FLX and obtained 408,663 good quality reads that were assembled into 8193 contigs and 31,860 singletons. We compared the transcripts in different nematodes that were potential targets for biological control. These included the transcripts that putatively coded for CAZymes, kinases, neuropeptide genes and secretory proteins and those that were involved in the RNAi pathway and immune signaling. Typically, 75 non-membrane secretory proteins with signal peptides secreted from esophageal gland cells were identified as putative effectors, three of which were preliminarily examined using a PVX (pGR107)-based high-throughput transient plant expression system in Nicotiana benthamiana (N. benthamiana). Results showed that these candidate proteins suppressed the programmed cell death (PCD) triggered by the pro-apoptosis protein BAX, and one protein also caused necrosis, suggesting that they might suppress plant immune responses to promote pathogenicity. In conclusion, the current study provides comprehensive insight into the transcriptome of M. enterolobii for the first time and lays a foundation for further investigation and biological control strategies

    Field and laboratory screening of anthurium cultivars for resistance to foliar bacterial blight and the induced activities of defence-related enzymes

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    Bacterial blight (BB) caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. dieffenbachiae (Xad) is the most destructive disease of ornamental anthurium. In the present study, foliar resistance of 21 anthurium cultivars were assessed under shaded field and laboratory conditions by injection inoculation of 3 × 108 cfu/ml Xad; disease severity was evaluated using a pretransformed rating scale after symptoms survey. Then six selected cultivars with different resistance levels were evaluated for the induced activities of six defence-related enzymes. The obtained results indicated that the same cultivar shared identical resistance under both conditions, but there was a great variation among the cultivars. Anthurium cv. Pink Champion and Manaka showed the highest resistance, and five other cultivars were highly susceptible. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), ascorbate peroxidase (APX), peroxidase (POD) and phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) in the resistant cultivars increased much faster and reached much higher peak levels than those in susceptible cultivars. Further analyses revealed that the relative resistance index (RRI) significantly positively correlated with the activities of SOD, APX, POD and PAL, but not with catalase (CAT) and polyphenol oxidase (PPO), suggesting that early rapid accumulation of SOD, APX, PAL and POD might be an important mechanism of defence against Xad and could serve as one of the valuable physiological indices for the prediction of BB resistance in anthurium germplasm. Consequently, the identified resistant cultivars and the induced defence enzymes will facilitate the phytopathological research and enhance blight resistance selection in future breeding

    Effect of BSMV-HIGS of <i>Ha-annexin</i> on infection of wheat roots by <i>H</i>. <i>avenae</i>.

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    <p>(A) At 7 dpi, the expression of <i>Ha-annexin</i> in nematodes recovered from wheat inoculated by BSMV:<i>annexin</i> was not detected by qPCR with BSMV:00 and BSMV:<i>eGFP</i> as positive controls. Nematode infection of wheat inoculated by BSMV:<i>annexin</i> compared to the blank negative control BSMV:00 and the negative control BSMV:<i>eGFP</i> showed a highly significant reduction in the number of juveniles/plant at 7 dpi (B) and females/plant at 40 dpi (C) by Duncan test (<i>P</i><0.01). Each column represents the mean with standard deviation.</p

    Ha-ANNEXIN suppresses flg22-triggered upregulation of PTI marker genes in <i>Nicotiana benthamiana</i>.

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    <p>The upregulation of three PTI marker genes—<i>NbPti5</i>, <i>NbAcre31</i> and <i>NbGras2</i>—after flg22 treatment in <i>N</i>. <i>benthamiana</i> leaf tissues expressing Ha-ANNEXIN or the negative control eGFP was compared using qPCR, respectively. Each column represents the mean with standard deviation. The column with asterisks indicate a highly statistically significant difference compared with the eGFP negative control by t-test (<i>P</i><0.01).</p

    Multiple alignment of annexins from <i>Heterodera avenae</i> and some other plant-parasitic nematodes.

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    <p>In the consensus, residues in the black background are totally identical; boxed areas are four conserved annexin domains predicted by the NCBI Conserved Domain Search Service; signal peptides of <i>H</i>. <i>schachtii</i> and <i>H</i>. <i>glycines</i> analyzed by Signal P 4.0 are underlined. SP, signal peptide; Gp, <i>Globodera pallida</i>; Bx, <i>Bursaphelenchus xylophilus</i>; Hs, <i>H</i>. <i>schachtii</i>; Hg, <i>H</i>. <i>glycines</i>.</p

    Subcellular localization of Ha-ANNEXIN in the plant cell.

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    <p>(A) pUC35S:ANNEXIN:GFP fusion construct and pUC35S:GFP control construct were transformed into onion epidermal cells by bombardment. Scale bar = 100 μm. (B) <i>Agrobacterium tumefaciens</i> cells carrying pCamv35S:ANNEXIN:GFP fusion and pCamv35S:GFP were transiently expressed in <i>Nicotiana benthamiana</i> cells. Scale bar = 20 μm. Western blotting of <i>N</i>. <i>benthamiana</i> leaves infiltrated with pCamv35SGFP-annexin showed expected size of annexin-GFP fusion, which is larger than GFP control. In both (A) and (B), GFP signals were observed in the whole transformed cells for annexin-GFP fusion, which is the same as GFP control.</p

    Experimental Test and Field Observations of an Electric Potential Monitoring Device for Dynamic Hazards during Mining Activities

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    The EP (electric potential) signals can be generated during the deformation and fracture process of coal and rock mass. Meanwhile, the EP response is closely related to its stress state and damage evolution, which is expected to be used in monitoring and coal and rock dynamic disaster hazards. Based on this, this paper developed an EP monitoring device for mining to continuously monitor the temporal response characteristics and spatial distribution of coal seam internal EP signals in real time. Further, the experimental tests were carried out, whose results showed that the device has high monitoring sensitivity and little error for the EP signals and can reveal the loading state and damage degree of the coal and rock specimens during the deformation and fracture process. Moreover, the tests and application of EP monitoring were carried out during mining activities in the field. The results showed that the EP signals fluctuate during the coal mining stage and remain relatively stable during the maintenance stage. When the abnormal mining stress or the coal cannon phenomenon occurs, the intensity of EP signals increases rapidly and fluctuates violently, which has precursory response information for the hazards of dynamic disasters. Considering the advantages of sensitive response and nearly non-destructive monitoring, the study results can provide key monitoring equipment and research basis for field testing the EP signals during the mining process, to monitor and forecast the hazards of coal and rock dynamic disasters