53,087 research outputs found

    Kernelizing LSPE λ

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    We propose the use of kernel-based methods as underlying function approximator in the least-squares based policy evaluation framework of LSPE(λ) and LSTD(λ). In particular we present the ‘kernelization’ of model-free LSPE(λ). The ‘kernelization’ is computationally made possible by using the subset of regressors approximation, which approximates the kernel using a vastly reduced number of basis functions. The core of our proposed solution is an efficient recursive implementation with automatic supervised selection of the relevant basis functions. The LSPE method is well-suited for optimistic policy iteration and can thus be used in the context of online reinforcement learning. We use the high-dimensional Octopus benchmark to demonstrate this

    Primordial Lepton Family Asymmtries in Seesaw Model

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    In leptogenesis scenario, the decays of heavy Majorana neutrinos generate lepton family asymmetries, Ye,YμY_e, Y_{\mu} and YτY_{\tau}. They are sensitive to CP violating phases in seesaw models. The time evolution of the lepton family asymmetries are derived by solving Boltzmann equations. By taking a minimal seesaw model, we show how each family asymmetry varies with a CP violating phase. For instance, we find the case that the lepton asymmetry is dominated by YμY_{\mu} or YτY_{\tau} depending on the choice of the CP violating phase. We also find the case that the signs of lepton family asymmetries YμY_{\mu} and YτY_{\tau} are opposite each other. Their absolute values can be larger than the total lepton asymmetry and the baryon asymmetry may result from the cancellation of the lepton family asymmetries.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures, ptp.styl

    Extraction of information about periodic orbits from scattering functions

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    As a contribution to the inverse scattering problem for classical chaotic systems, we show that one can select sequences of intervals of continuity, each of which yields the information about period, eigenvalue and symmetry of one unstable periodic orbit.Comment: LaTeX, 13 pages (includes 5 eps-figures

    Universal Ratios of Characteristic Lengths in Semidilute Polymer Solutions

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    We use experimental and simulation data from the literature to infer five characteristic lengths, denoted ξs\xi_s, ξf\xi_f, ξΠ\xi_\Pi, ξϕ\xi_\phi, and ξD\xi_D of a semidilute polymer solution. The first two of these are defined in terms of scattering from the solution, the third is defined in terms of osmotic pressure, the fourth by the spatial monomer concentration profile, and the last by co-operative diffusion. In a given solution the ratios of any of these five lengths are expected to be universal constants. Knowing these constants thus allows one to use one measured property of a solution as a means of inferring others. We calculate these ratios and estimate their uncertainties for solutions in theta as well as good-solvent conditions. The analysis is strengthened by use of scattering properties of isolated polymers inferred from computer simulations.Comment: 15 pages(pdf), to be submitted to Macromolecules or J. Chem. Phy

    Three undescribed pathogenic Phytophthora taxa from the south-west of Western Australia

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    The Phytophthora culture collection of the Vegetation Health Service of the Department of Environment and Conservation of Western Australia (WA) has been re-evaluated using DNA sequencing (Burgess et al., 2009). This has revealed many undescribed taxa previously classified as known morpho-species, one of which has recently been described as P. multivora (Scott et al., 2009). The aim of this study was to describe three of these taxa, all of which occur in WA native ecosystems. They were compared with both the morphological species to which they are most similar and their closest phylogenetic relatives. In addition, the pathogenicity of these taxa was assessed in glasshouse trials