2 research outputs found

    The Breathing Garment : Exploring Breathing-Based Interactions through Deep Touch Pressure

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    Deep touch pressure is used to treat sensory processing difficulties by applying a firm touch to the body to stimulate the nervous system and soothe anxiety. I conducted a long-term exploration of deep touch pressure from a first-person perspective, using shape-changing pneumatic actuators, breathing and ECG sensors to investigate whether deep touch pressure can guide users to engage in semi-autonomous interactions with their breathing and encourage greater introspection and body awareness. Based on an initial collaborative material exploration, I designed the breathing garment- a wearable vest used to guide the wearer through deep breathing techniques. The breathing garment presents a new use case of deep touch pressure as a modality for hapticbreathing feedback, which showed potential in supporting interoceptive awareness and relaxation. It allowed me to engage in a dialogue with my body, serving as a constant reminder to turn inwards and attend to my somatic experience. By pushing my torso forward, the actuators were able to engage my entire body while responding to my breath, creating a sense of intimacy, of being safe and taken care of. This work addresses a gap in HCI research around deep touch pressure and biosensing technology concerning the subjective experience of their emotional and cognitive impact. The longterm, felt engagement with different breathing techniques opened up a rich design space around pressure-based actuation in the context of breathing. This rendered a number of experiential qualities and affordances of the shape-changing pneumatic actuators, such as: applying subtle, slowly changing pressure to draw attention to specific body parts, but also disrupting the habitual way of breathing with asynchronous and asymmetric actuation patterns; taking on a leading or following role in the interaction, at times both simultaneously; and acting as a comforting companion or as a communication channel between two people as well as between one person and their soma.Djuptrycksterapi (Deep Touch Pressure, DTP) anvĂ€nds för att behandla personer som har problem med att processa sensoriska upplevelser. Detta genom att applicera ett fast tryck pĂ„ kroppen för att aktivera nervsystemet och lindra Ă„ngest. Jag genomförde en lĂ„ngtidsutforskning av DTP ur ett första-persons-perspektiv, med hjĂ€lp av formförĂ€ndrande tryckluftsaktuatorer, andnings sensorer och EKG-elektroder. Dess syfte var att undersöka ifall DTP kan guida anvĂ€ndare till att engageras i semiautonoma interaktioner med sin andning och frĂ€mja en större introspektion och kroppsmedvetenhet. Baserat pĂ„ ett initialt samarbete kring undersökning av olika material, designade jag “the breathing garment” - en bĂ€rbar vĂ€st som guidar anvĂ€ndaren genom djupandningstekniker. AndningsvĂ€sten visar pĂ„ en ny anvĂ€ndning av DTP som en modalitet av haptisk andningsfeedback, och den möjliggör ett stödjande av interoceptisk medvetenhet och avslappning. AndningsvĂ€sten tillĂ€t mig att delta i en dialog med min egen kropp, och fungerade som en stĂ€ndig pĂ„minnelse att vĂ€nda mig inĂ„t och uppmĂ€rksamma mina somatiska upplevelser. Genom att trycka min bröstkorg framĂ„t kunde aktuatorerna engagera hela min kropp nĂ€r de svarade mot min andning, vilket skapade en kĂ€nsla av intimitet, trygghet och att vara omhĂ€ndertagen. Detta examensarbete uppmĂ€rksammar ett omrĂ„de som tidigare varit outforskat inom HCI av djuptrycksterapi och biosensorteknik kring den subjektiva upplevelsen av dess emotionella och kognitiva pĂ„verkan. Det lĂ„ngvariga engagemanget med aktivt upplevande av olika andningstekniker öppnade upp en stor designrymd kring tryckbaserade aktuatorer i en kontext av andning. Det visar pĂ„ ett flertal experimentella kvaliteter och affordances av de formförĂ€ndrande tryckluftsaktuatorerna, sĂ„som: att applicera ett gradvis ökande och markant tryck för att dra uppmĂ€rksamheten till specifika kroppsdelar, men ocksĂ„ för att bryta det vanliga andningsmönstret genom asynkron och asymmetrisk mönsterpĂ„verkan; att ta en ledande eller följande roll i interaktionen, ibland bĂ„da samtidigt; och att agera som en tröstande följeslagare, eller som en kommunikationskanal mellan tvĂ„ mĂ€nniskor, likvĂ€l som mellan en person och hennes soma

    Exploring Awareness of Breathing through Deep Touch Pressure

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    Deep Pressure Therapy relies on exerting firm touch to help individuals with sensory sensitivity. We performed first-person explorations of deep pressure enabled by shape-changing actuation driven by breathing sensing. This revealed a novel design space with rich, evocative, aesthetically interesting interactions that can help increase breathing awareness and appreciation through: (1) applying symmetrical as well as asymmetrical pressure on the torso; (2) using pressure to direct attention to muscles or bone structure involved in different breathing patterns; (3) apply synchronous as well as asynchronous feedback following or opposing the user’s breathing rhythm through applying rhythmic pressure. Taken together these explorations led us to design (4) breathing correspondence interactions – a balance point right between leading and following users’ breathing patterns by first applying deep pressure – almost to the point of being unpleasant – and then releasing in rhythmic flow.QC 20210521</p