202 research outputs found

    Preliminary Test of Affective Virtual Reality Scenes with Head Mount Display for Emotion Elicitation Experiment

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    Emotion elicitation experiments are conducted to collect biological signals from a subject who is in a state of emotion. The recorded signals are used as training/test dataset for constructing an emotion recognition system by means of machine learning. In conventional emotion elicitation experiments, affective images or videos were provided for a subject to draw out an emotion from them. However, the authors have concerns about the effectiveness. To surely evoke a specific emotion from subjects, we have produced several Virtual Reality (VR) scenes and provided the subjects with the scenes through a Head Mount Display (HMD) in emotion elicitation experiments. Usability and effectiveness of the VR scenes with the HMD for emotion elicitation were experimentally verified. It was confirmed that experience of the VR scenes with the HMD was effective in evoking emotions, but we have to improve how subjects learn a way of playing VR scenes and provide measures against VR sickness at any cost. Moreover, Support Vector Machine classifiers as an emotion recognition system were constructed using the biological signals measured from the subjects in the emotion elicitation experiments.2017 17th International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2017), Oct. 18-21, 2017, Ramada Plaza, Jeju, Kore

    Enrichment of r-process elements in dwarf spheroidal galaxies in chemo-dynamical evolution model

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    The rapid neutron-capture process (r-process) is a major process to synthesize elements heavier than iron, but the astrophysical site(s) of r-process is not identified yet. Neutron star mergers (NSMs) are suggested to be a major r-process site from nucleosynthesis studies. Previous chemical evolution studies however require unlikely short merger time of NSMs to reproduce the observed large star-to-star scatters in the abundance ratios of r-process elements relative to iron, [Eu/Fe], of extremely metal-poor stars in the Milky Way (MW) halo. This problem can be solved by considering chemical evolution in dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) which would be building blocks of the MW and have lower star formation efficiencies than the MW halo. We demonstrate that enrichment of r-process elements in dSphs by NSMs using an N-body/smoothed particle hydrodynamics code. Our high-resolution model reproduces the observed [Eu/Fe] by NSMs with a merger time of 100 Myr when the effect of metal mixing is taken into account. This is because metallicity is not correlated with time up to ~ 300 Myr from the start of the simulation due to low star formation efficiency in dSphs. We also confirm that this model is consistent with observed properties of dSphs such as radial profiles and metallicity distribution. The merger time and the Galactic rate of NSMs are suggested to be <~ 300 Myr and ~ 10−410^{-4} yr−1^{-1}, which are consistent with the values suggested by population synthesis and nucleosynthesis studies. This study supports that NSMs are the major astrophysical site of r-process.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Dark matter sterile neutrinos in stellar collapse: alteration of energy/lepton number transport and a mechanism for supernova explosion enhancement

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    We investigate matter-enhanced Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein (MSW) active-sterile neutrino conversion in the νe⇌νs\nu_e \rightleftharpoons \nu_s channel in the collapse of the iron core of a pre-supernova star. For values of sterile neutrino rest mass msm_s and vacuum mixing angle θ\theta (specifically, 0.5keV5×10−120.5 {\rm keV} 5\times{10}^{-12}) which include those required for viable sterile neutrino dark matter, our one-zone in-fall phase collapse calculations show a significant reduction in core lepton fraction. This would result in a smaller homologous core and therefore a smaller initial shock energy, disfavoring successful shock re-heating and the prospects for an explosion. However, these calculations also suggest that the MSW resonance energy can exhibit a minimum located between the center and surface of the core. In turn, this suggests a post-core-bounce mechanism to enhance neutrino transport and neutrino luminosities at the core surface and thereby augment shock re-heating: (1) scattering-induced or coherent MSW νe→νs\nu_e\to\nu_s conversion occurs deep in the core, at the first MSW resonance, where νe\nu_e energies are large (∼150\sim 150 MeV); (2) the high energy νs\nu_s stream outward at near light speed; (3) they deposit their energy when they encounter the second MSW resonance νs→νe\nu_s\to\nu_e just below the proto-neutron star surface.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Sterile Neutrino-Enhanced Supernova Explosions

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    We investigate the enhancement of lepton number, energy, and entropy transport resulting from active-sterile neutrino conversion νe→νs\nu_e\to\nu_s deep in the post-bounce supernova core followed by re-conversion νs→νe\nu_s\to\nu_e further out, near the neutrino sphere. We explicitly take account of shock wave and neutrino heating modification of the active neutrino forward scattering potential which governs sterile neutrino production. We find that the νe\nu_e luminosity at the neutrino sphere could be increased by between ∼10\sim 10 % and ∼100\sim 100 % during the crucial shock re-heating epoch if the sterile neutrino has a rest mass and vacuum mixing parameters in ranges which include those required for viable sterile neutrino dark matter. We also find sterile neutrino transport-enhanced entropy deposition ahead of the shock. This `` pre-heating\rq\rq can help melt heavy nuclei and thereby reduce the nuclear photo-dissociation burden on the shock. Both neutrino luminosity enhancement and pre-heating could increase the likelihood of a successful core collapse supernova explosion.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    A connectionist account of ontological boundary shifting

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    Abstract. Previous research on children&apos;s categorizations has suggested that children use perceptual and conceptual knowledge to generalize object names. Especially, the relation between ontological categories and linguistic categories appears to be a critical cue to learning object categories. However, its underlying mechanism remains unclear. In this paper, we propose a connectionist model that can acquire ontological knowledge by learning linguistic categories of entities. The results suggest that linguistic cues help children attend to specific perceptual properties
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