33 research outputs found

    A Study of Above-Surface Carbon Storage in the Post-Coal Mining AREA of PT Bukit Asam

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    Both biotic and abiotic natural resources are the capital of the biosphere that may be exploited to meet human needs and promote human welfare. Global warming is a consequence of increasing environmental degradation. During photosynthesis, trees may collect carbon from the atmosphere, separate carbon from oxygen, and release oxygen back into the atmosphere. This investigation was conducted on post-coal mining reclamation land that PT. Bukit Asam (BA) restored in 2009, 2012, and 2015. This study employs a quantitative approach with a purposive sampling methodology. The utilized sampling intensities were 1%, 2.5%, and 5%. The plot chosen is a 20-by-20-meter rectangle. Carbon storage for the 2009 planting time averaged 40.57 tons per hectare over a total area of 32.89 ha. Carbon storage for the planting year of 2012 with a total area of 5.73 hectares and an average carbon storage of 26.37 tons per hectare. Carbon sequestration in 2015 with a total area of 3.90 hectares and an average carbon storage of 20.86 tons per hectare

    Implementation of Social Forestry Policy Around the Meranti Sungai Merah Protection Forest Area

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    One of the concrete efforts made by the Indonesian government is through social forestry policy as a trigger for land conflicts. One area that has implemented a pattern of social forestry is a forest area located in the management area of the Regional Technical Implementation Unit(UPTD) KPHRegion I Meranti located in Musi Banyuasin Regency. Only 3 social forestry scheme permits have been issued. So the aims of this study was to find out and analyze the process of implementing social forestry policy and analyze the factors that influence. The study was conducted in Pangkalan Bulian and Lubuk Bintialo Villages, Batang Hari Leko District, Musi Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province. Used descriptive method combined (mixed methods) from two different approaches namely quantitative or qualitative approaches. Funding and staff resources (human resources) are still lacking. The process of collective action between actors is running well with the existence of a committed PPS Working Group. Technical rules are clear with the existence of SOPs that are derived from the rules of government and local government.Communication goes well between communities (Forest farmer groups and cooperative members) - local government and facilitators, but not so well between government structures (village heads and apparatus and local government.The Social forestry policy in Musi Banyuasin District, South Sumatra has been effectively implemented from the perspective of policy accuracy in resolving forestry problems and environmental accuracy in accepting policies

    Estimation of Carbon Stock in Sungai Merah Protection Forest, Musi Banyuasin Regency of South Sumatra Province

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    Calculation and estimation of carbon stocks in various types of forests and ecosystems in Indonesia has been widely practiced. However, the availability of carbon stock information for some locations in the remaining forest area in South Sumatra Province is still very limited. This study aim to measuring the carbon storage potential and the ratio between the carbon storage value derived from the interpretation of satellite imagery and the storage of carbon stock from the field calculation. The method used is to calculate the estimation of carbon stock through satellite imagery interpretation and field measurement. The largest estimation of carbon stock through satellite image interpretation was found in secondary forest cover type with yield 896,234 ton/c/ha, followed by plantation land type with a yield of 147.104 ton/c/Ha and the smallest is open land cover with value yield of 2.883 tons/c/ha. While carbon stocks through field measurement yield 429,181 ton/c/ha of secondary forest cover type, followed by plantation land type with 41,169 ton/c/ha and 4,283 ton/c/ha for open land type. A comparison of carbon stock estimates of the two approaches used, yielding a reference value of 220%. These comparative values can be used to assist in carrying out initial estimates of carbon stocks in some types of land cover, especially for lowland forest types


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    Tren kebakaran hutan terbesar yang terjadi di Indonesia terjadi pada tahun 1997, 2006 dan 2015. Salah satu daerah yang menjadi pusat kebakaran hutan tersebut terletak di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI). Hal ini terjadi karena adanya lahan basah khususnya gambut yang mendominasi wilayah ini. Proses rehabilitasi terhadap lahan pasca terbakar tahun 2006 telah dilakukan dan tidak diberikan perlakuan serupa pada lahan pasca terbakar tahun 2015. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat perbedaan proses suksesi pada lahan gambut bekas terbakar. Penelitian dilakukan pada tahun 2017 di Desa Kedaton, Kecamatan Kayuagung, OKI, Sumatera Selatan. Metode penelitian menggunakan analisis vegetasi, analisis kekayaan jenis Margelaf dan analisis indeks keanekaragaman jenis Shannon-Weinner yang mencakup strata pertumbuhan semai/tumbuhan bawah, pancang, tiang dan pohon. Nilai INP tertinggi sehingga mengominasi yaitu kumpai (Hymenachine amplexicaulis rudge) pada lahan terbakar 2015 dengan indeks kekayaan jenis tinggi dan pakis (Stenochlaena Palustris) untuk lahan terbakar tahun 2006 dengan indeks kekayaan jenis sedang. Indeks Keanekaragaman kedua lahan termasuk kriteria sedang namun nilai kemerataan jenis relatif rendah. Sudah adanya proses suksesi alami tingkat pertama pada lahan gambut pasca terbakar tahun 2015 dan pada pada lahan gambut pasca terbkar tahun 2006 yang sudah dilakukan kegiatan rehabilitasi dan revegetasi daya hidup pohon yang ditanam antara 82-97 % dan penutupan tajuk pepohonan meningkat dari 0 % menjadi 50-70 %. Jenis tanaman dengan kerapatan tertinggi adalah kumpai pada lahan terbakar tahun 2006 dan pakis udang pada lahan terbakar tahun 2015 The biggest forest fire trends in Indonesia occurred in 1997, 2006 and 2015. One of the areas that became the center of the forest fires was located in Ogan Komering Ilir (OKI) Regency. This is due to the presence of wetlands, especially peat which dominate in this region. The rehabilitation process for post-burnt land in 2006 was carried out and was not given a similar treatment on post-burnt land in 2015. The purpose of this study was to see the differences in the succession process that occurred on burnt peat land. The research was conducted in 2017 in Kedaton Village, Kayuagung District, OKI, South Sumatra. The research method uses vegetation analysis, analysis of species wealth (Margelaf) and analysis of species diversity index by Shannon-Weinner which includes seedling/seedling growth stems, saplings, poles and trees. The highest INP value that dominates is kumpai (Hymenachine amplexicaulis rudge) in land burned 2015 with high species richness index and pakis (Stenochlaena Palustris) on land burned in 2006 with the species richness index in the medium category. The diversity index of the two lands is in the medium criteria but the species evenness is relatively low. There has been a first-degree natural succession process on peatland after burning in 2015 and on post-burnt peatland in 2006 the rehabilitation and revegetation activities of planted trees between 82-97% and canopy cover increased from 0% to 50 -70%. The highest density of plants is "kumpai" (on land burned in 2006) and "shrimp ferns" (on burned land in 2015


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    Produksi kokon di Kelurahan Walennae dapat merepresentasikan tingkat produksi Kabupaten Wajo. Tingkat produksi kokon di Kelurahan Walennae berfluktuasi setiap tahunnya. Tingkat produksi cenderung meningkat di tahun 2013 dan menurun secara drastis pada tahun 2014. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai dan menganalisa status kelayakan usaha persuteraan alam saat ini secara holistik. Berdasarkan analisis finansial, usaha persuteraan alam layak dilaksanakan. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi usaha persuteraan alam adalah kualitas bibit/telur ulat sutera, kondisi iklim, ketersediaan sumber pakan (daun murbei), tenaga kerja dan harga jual produk. Faktor-faktor tersebut harus dikendalikan secara intensif sehingga dibutuhkan lembaga khusus yang menangani, merumuskan strategi-strategi yang sesuai dan menjalankannya untuk pengembangan usaha persuteraan alam di Kabupaten Wajo


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    Kebakaran di hutan gambut telah mengubah karakteristik lahan tersebut. Ironisnya, saat ini perhatian berupa riset terhadap sifat fisik dan kimia lahan gambut yang mengalami perubahan tersebut masih sangat rendah. Padahal sifat fisik dan kimia gambut merupakan faktor penting yang mempengaruhi kemampuan tanah untuk berproses. Sehingga tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk kondisi fisik dan kimia tanah pada lahan gambut pasca kebakaran tahun 2006 dan 2015. Studi ini dilakukan pada tahun 2017 di Kebun Konservasi Plasma Nutfah, Indonesia dan analisis dilakukan di Laboratorium Ilmu Tanah, Universitas Sriwijaya dan Balai Riset Standarisasi Industri Palembang (Baristand). Berdasarkan analisis uji lanjutan Beda Nyata Jujur (BNJ) pada sifat fisika tanah menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan nyata terhadap perubahan kadar air dan bulk density di lahan pasca terbakar tahun 2015 dan lahan pasca terbakar tahun 2006 yang sudah dilakukan kegiatan rehabilitasi. Pada sifat kimia, pH, C-Organik, Phospor, dan Kalium menunjukkan adanya perubahan nyata terhadap kebakaran di lahan gambut pasca terbakar tahun 2006 dan di lahan gambut pasca terbakar tahun 2015, akan tetapi terhadap N-total adanya perubahan akan tetapi tidak terlalu nyata di kedua lokasi. Masih dibutuhkan informasi lebih komprehensif terhadap unsur fisika dan kimia lainnya serta  sifat biologi tanah sehingga dapat menjadi acuan yang lebih presisi. Fires in peat forests have changed the characteristics of the land. Ironically, current attention includes research on the physical and chemical properties of peatlands that have changed is still scarce. Though the physical and chemical properties of peatlands is an essential factor affecting the ability of the soil to process. So, the purpose of this research is to analyze the physical and chemical properties of soil on peatlands after burning in 2006 and 2015. This study was conducted in 2017 at the Kebun Konservasi Plasma Nutfah (Germplasm Conservation Garden), Indonesia and analysis were carried out at the Soil Science Laboratory, Sriwijaya University and the Palembang Industrial Standardization Research Center (Baristand). Based on further analysis of Honest Significant Difference (BNJ) on the physical properties of soil shows that there are significant differences in changes of water content and bulk density in post-burnt land in 2015 and post-burnt land in 2006 that have been carried out rehabilitation activities. In the analysis of chemical properties consisting of analysis of pH, C-Organic, Phosphor, and Potassium showed a real change in fires in peatlands after burning in 2006 and peatlands after burning in 2015. However, at the N-total values, changes occurred but not too real in both locations. More comprehensive information is still needed on other physical and chemical elements as well as soil biological characteristics so that they can become more precise references

    Three Generations of Forest Peoples’ Empowerment in Indonesia: Process Towards Sustainable and Equitable Forest Management

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    Human activities that alter land cover have destroyed natural ecosystems and caused conflict. In Indonesia, community-based forest management (CBFM) policies implemented by the government seek to empower communities, ameliorate forest conversion, and reduce environmental conflict. This article critically assesses contemporary CBFM policy in Indonesia by analyzing its history and outcomes through policy analysis. To systematically review previous literature on CBFM, this research uses the PRISMA method. It finds that communities are often able to manage forest areas sustainably through sociocultural systems that combine management customs and culture. Empowerment through CBFM policy therefore promises to promote community subsistence, equity, and security regarding forest management. However, granting total resource rights to communities can result in land conversion unless managerial safeguards are in place. Many studies find that the clarity of land boundaries, the consistency of regulation, and the partiality of land governance drive CBFM program success. To facilitate land governance for the successful implementation of Indonesian social forestry, communities need access rights, authority to manage forests, and sufficient knowledge transfer to participate in formal forest management. In contrast to previous iterations of CBFM in Indonesia, current social forestry policy acknowledges these governance needs and seeks to implement them


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    Pelaksanaan pembangunan kehutanan dibidang persuteraan alam sampai sejauh ini masih belum optimal. Berdasarkan data, produksi benang belum mampu mencukupi kebutuhan industri pertenunan dalam negeri dan kualitas benang yang dihasilkan masih rendah. Kajian aspek teknis dan teknologi perlu dilakukan sebagai data dasar dalam kajian yang lebih komprehensif. Penelitian dilakukan di Kelurahan Walennae, Kecamatan Sabbangparu, Kabupaten Wajo, Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode quisioner dan wawancara mendalam (Indepth interview). Beberapa indikator yang dikaji adalah lokasi usaha, ketersediaan sumberdaya dan penerapan teknologi. Usaha persuteraan alam di Desa Walennae adalah usaha pemeliharaan ulat sutera dan pemintalan benang. Faktor utama yang mempengaruhi produksi adalah ketersediaan pakan berupa daun murbei dan kualitas bibit ulat sutera. Ketersediaan tanaman murbei dipengaruhi oleh faktor iklim dan persaingan dengan jenis tanaman lainnya. Faktor iklim yang sangat berpengaruh adalah kelembaban dan curah hujan. Teknis pemeliharaan secara umum telah mengikuti standar setiap tahap pemeliharaan secara teratur. Kemampuan petani didapatkan secara turun temurun antar generasi dan akan ada penyaluran informasi serta inovasi baru yang dilakukan oleh penyuluh lapang. Teknologi berupa alat dan bahan yang digunakan oleh petani masih tergolong sederhana dan tradisional. Berdasarkan kondisi teknis dan teknologi usaha persuteraan alam masih layak dikembangkan dengan syarat adanya perbaikan pada kualitas bibit ulat sutera dan pemberian insentif terhadap petani sehingga gairah petani untuk memelihara ulat sutera tetap terjaga

    Sorbitol-Based Biodegradable Plastics from Rubberized Cassava Starch and Tofu Dregs Starch

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    In daily life, the use of plastic is widespread, causing serious problems with plastic waste. Moreover, as the population continues to grow, the amount of waste will also increase. Therefore, immediate action is to switch from plastic made from petroleum, which is difficult to decompose, to plastic made from biodegradable materials. In this study, biodegradable plastic was made from rubberized cassava starch and tofu dregs with the addition of sorbitol as a plasticizer. This research aimed to determine the effect of the plasticizer composition of sorbitol, rubber cassava starch, and tofu dregs starch for making biodegradable plastics and to determine the characteristics of the plastic products.The production of biodegradable plastic using rubber cassava starch and tofu dregs starch added with sorbitol as a plasticizer was divided intothree stages, namely producing flour from rubberizedcassava starch and tofu dregs starch, making biodegradable plastic and analyzing biodegradable plastic samples. The best results from various sample analyses were a tensile strength value of 4291.9 kPa, an elongation percentage of 35%, a water absorption capacity of 41.94%, and a biodegradation test of ± 2 weeks had decomposed around 80% in the soil

    Assessing the Sustainability of NTFP-Based Community Enterprises: A Viable Business Model for Indonesian Rural Forested Areas

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    Indonesia’s vast forested areas have the potential to serve as a crucial source of livelihood for local communities. However, the current contributions of these forests to community livelihoods are significantly underutilized in comparison to their potential. This study evaluates the financial performance and sustainability of community forest-based businesses operating around the forest management area of the Lakitan-Bukit Cogong forest management unit (LBC FMU). Data were collected through semi-structured and in-depth interviews with the key informants through purposive sampling. Financial viability analysis and a qualitative approach were used to assess the feasibility of the businesses. The findings revealed that all businesses show positive values for all financial indicators. From profit estimation and value-added distribution, all products are shown to be feasible. Concerning the value and supply chain, the rubber-processing industry has a remarkable flow. Moreover, small forest enterprises (SFEs) highlight natural capital optimization through multitudinous derivatives of products that could support a substantial regenerative economy, including citronella essential oil, native honeybees, rubber-based product, biochar, skewers, and liquid smoke. In addition, the multidimensional scaling and rapid appraisal for forest (MDS-RAPForest) approach generates a result based on multiple dimensions (ecology, economics, social and human resources, and institutional and administrative dimensions) showing that overall, SFEs are categorized as sufficient/quite sustainable. Furthermore, mainstreaming adaptable forest-based enterprises, jurisdiction approaches, and cross-production system strategies are also discussed. Our findings suggest that sustainable NTFP-based activities within a community context can be facilitated through interconnected market systems, appropriate price regulations, and support from stakeholders and legal frameworks