159 research outputs found

    「外省」から「地方」へ : 清末民初の財政構造から見た

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    学位の種別: 課程博士審査委員会委員 : (主査)東京大学教授 川島 真, 東京大学教授 村田 雄二郎, 東京大学准教授 杉山 清彦, 東京大学准教授 吉澤 誠一郎, 東京学芸大学教授 田中 比呂志University of Tokyo(東京大学

    Retroviruses drive the rapid evolution of mammalian APOBEC3 genes

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    APOBEC3 (A3) genes are members of the AID/APOBEC gene family that are found exclusively in mammals. A3 genes encode antiviral proteins that restrict the replication of retroviruses by inducing G-to-A mutations in their genomes and have undergone extensive amplification and diversification during mammalian evolution. Endogenous retroviruses (ERVs) are sequences derived from ancient retroviruses that are widespread mammalian genomes. In this study we characterize the A3 repertoire and use the ERV fossil record to explore the long-term history of coevolutionary interaction between A3s and retroviruses. We examine the genomes of 160 mammalian species and identify 1,420 AID/APOBEC-related genes, including representatives of previously uncharacterized lineages. We show that A3 genes have been amplified in mammals and that amplification is positively correlated with the extent of germline colonization by ERVs. Moreover, we demonstrate that the signatures of A3-mediated mutation can be detected in ERVs found throughout mammalian genomes and show that in mammalian species with expanded A3 repertoires, ERVs are significantly enriched for G-to-A mutations. Finally, we show that A3 amplification occurred concurrently with prominent ERV invasions in primates. Our findings establish that conflict with retroviruses is a major driving force for the rapid evolution of mammalian A3 genes

    Recombination analysis on the receptor switching event of MERS-CoV and its close relatives: implications for the emergence of MERS-CoV

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    Background: PlMERS-CoV is a coronavirus known to cause severe disease in humans, taxonomically classified under the subgenus Merbecovirus. Recent findings showed that the close relatives of MERS-CoV infecting vespertillionid bats (family Vespertillionidae), named NeoCoV and PDF-2180, use their hosts’ ACE2 as their entry receptor, unlike the DPP4 receptor usage of MERS-CoV. Previous research suggests that this difference in receptor usage between these related viruses is a result of recombination. However, the precise location of the recombination breakpoints and the details of the recombination event leading to the change of receptor usage remain unclear. Methods: We used maximum likelihood-based phylogenetics and genetic similarity comparisons to characterise the evolutionary history of all complete Merbecovirus genome sequences. Recombination events were detected by multiple computational methods implemented in the recombination detection program. To verify the influence of recombination, we inferred the phylogenetic relation of the merbecovirus genomes excluding recombinant segments and that of the viruses’ receptor binding domains and examined the level of congruency between the phylogenies. Finally, the geographic distribution of the genomes was inspected to identify the possible location where the recombination event occurred. Results: Similarity plot analysis and the recombination-partitioned phylogenetic inference showed that MERS-CoV is highly similar to NeoCoV (and PDF-2180) across its whole genome except for the spike-encoding region. This is confirmed to be due to recombination by confidently detecting a recombination event between the proximal ancestor of MERS-CoV and a currently unsampled merbecovirus clade. Notably, the upstream recombination breakpoint was detected in the N-terminal domain and the downstream breakpoint at the S2 subunit of spike, indicating that the acquired recombined fragment includes the receptor-binding domain. A tanglegram comparison further confirmed that the receptor binding domain-encoding region of MERS-CoV was acquired via recombination. Geographic mapping analysis on sampling sites suggests the possibility that the recombination event occurred in Africa. Conclusion: Together, our results suggest that recombination can lead to receptor switching of merbecoviruses during circulation in bats. These results are useful for future epidemiological assessments and surveillance to understand the spillover risk of bat coronaviruses to the human population

    Comparative Description of the Expression Profile of Interferon-Stimulated Genes in Multiple Cell Lineages Targeted by HIV-1 Infection

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    Immediately after viral infections, innate immune sensors recognize viruses and lead to the production of type I interferon (IFN-I). IFN-I upregulates various genes, referred to as IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs), and some ISGs inhibit viral replication. HIV-1, the causative agent of AIDS, mainly infects CD4+ T cells and macrophages and triggers the IFN-I-mediated signaling cascade. Certain ISGs are subsequently upregulated by IFN-I stimulus and potently suppress HIV-1 replication. HIV-1 cell biology has shed light on the molecular understanding of the IFN-I production triggered by HIV-1 infection and the antiviral roles of ISGs. However, the differences in the gene expression patterns following IFN-I stimulus among HIV-1 target cell types are poorly understood. In this study, we hypothesize that the expression profiles of ISGs are different among HIV-1 target cells and address this question by utilizing public transcriptome datasets and bioinformatic techniques. We focus on three cell types intrinsically targeted by HIV-1, including CD4+ T cells, monocytes, and macrophages, and comprehensively compare the expression patterns of ISGs among these cell types. Furthermore, we use the datasets of the differentially expressed genes by HIV-1 infection and the evolutionarily conserved ISGs in mammals and perform comparative transcriptome analyses. We defined 104 ‘common ISGs’ that were upregulated by IFN-I stimulus in CD4+ T cells, monocytes, and macrophages. The ISG expression patterns were different among these three cell types, and intriguingly, both the numbers and the magnitudes of upregulated ISGs by IFN-I stimulus were greatest in macrophages. We also found that the upregulated genes by HIV-1 infection included most ‘common ISGs.’ Moreover, we determined that the ‘common ISGs,’ particularly those with antiviral activity, were evolutionarily conserved in mammals. To our knowledge, this study is the first investigation to comprehensively describe (i) the different expression patterns of ISGs among HIV-1 target cells, (ii) the overlap in the genes modulated by IFN-I stimulus and HIV-1 infection and (iii) the evolutionary conservation in mammals of the antiviral ISGs that are expressed in HIV-1 target cells. Our results will be useful for deeply understanding the relationship of the effect of IFN-I and the modulated gene expression by HIV-1 infection

    Multiomics Investigation Revealing the Characteristics of HIV-1-Infected Cells In Vivo

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    For eradication of HIV-1 infection, it is important to elucidate the detailed features and heterogeneity of HIV-1-infected cells in vivo. To reveal multiple characteristics of HIV-1-producing cells in vivo, we use a hematopoietic-stem-cell-transplanted humanized mouse model infected with GFP-encoding replication-competent HIV-1. We perform multiomics experiments using recently developed technology to identify the features of HIV-1-infected cells. Genome-wide HIV-1 integration-site analysis reveals that productive HIV-1 infection tends to occur in cells with viral integration into transcriptionally active genomic regions. Bulk transcriptome analysis reveals that a high level of viral mRNA is transcribed in HIV-1-infected cells. Moreover, single-cell transcriptome analysis shows the heterogeneity of HIV-1-infected cells, including CXCL13high cells and a subpopulation with low expression of interferon-stimulated genes, which can contribute to efficient viral spread in vivo. Our findings describe multiple characteristics of HIV-1-producing cells in vivo, which could provide clues for the development of an HIV-1 cure

    Comprehensive Investigation on the Interplay between Feline APOBEC3Z3 Proteins and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus Vif Proteins

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    As the hosts of lentiviruses, almost 40 species of felids (family Felidae) are distributed around the world, and more than 20 feline species test positive for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), a lineage of lentiviruses. These observations suggest that FIVs globally infected a variety of feline species through multiple cross-species transmission events during a million-year history. Cellular restriction factors potentially inhibit lentiviral replication and limit cross-species lentiviral transmission, and cellular APOBEC3 deaminases are known as a potent restriction factor. In contrast, lentiviruses have evolutionary-acquired viral infectivity factor (Vif) to neutralize the APOBEC3-mediated antiviral effect. Because the APOBEC3-Vif interaction is strictly specific for viruses and their hosts, a comprehensive investigation focusing on Vif-APOBEC3 interplay can provide clues that will elucidate the roles of this virus-host interplay on cross-species transmission of lentiviruses. Here, we performed a comprehensive investigation with 144 patterns of a round robin test using 18 feline APOBEC3Z3 genes, an antiviral APOBEC3 gene in felid, and 8 FIV Vifs and derived a matrix showing the interplay between feline APOBEC3Z3 and FIV Vif. We particularly focused on the interplay between the APOBEC3Z3 of three felids (domestic cat, ocelot, and Asian golden cat) and an FIV Vif (strain Petaluma), and revealed that residues 65 and 66 of the APOBEC3Z3 protein of multiple felids are responsible for the counteraction triggered by FIV Petaluma Vif. Altogether, our findings can be a clue to elucidate not only the scenarios of the cross-species transmissions of FIVs in felids but also the evolutionary interaction between mammals and lentiviruses

    Histone H3.3 sub-variant H3mm7 is required for normal skeletal muscle regeneration

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    Regulation of gene expression requires selective incorporation of histone H3 variant H3.3 into chromatin. Histone H3.3 has several subsidiary variants but their functions are unclear. Here we characterize the function of histone H3.3 sub-variant, H3mm7, which is expressed in skeletal muscle satellite cells. H3mm7 knockout mice demonstrate an essential role of H3mm7 in skeletal muscle regeneration. Chromatin analysis reveals that H3mm7 facilitates transcription by forming an open chromatin structure around promoter regions including those of myogenic genes. The crystal structure of the nucleosome containing H3mm7 reveals that, unlike the S57 residue of other H3 proteins, the H3mm7-specific A57 residue cannot form a hydrogen bond with the R40 residue of the cognate H4 molecule. Consequently, the H3mm7 nucleosome is unstable in vitro and exhibited higher mobility in vivo compared with the H3.3 nucleosome. We conclude that the unstable H3mm7 nucleosome may be required for proper skeletal muscle differentiation

    H4K20me1 and H3K27me3 are concurrently loaded onto the inactive X chromosome but dispensabe for inducing gene silencing

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    © 2021 EMBO. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.During X chromosome inactivation (XCI), in female placental mammals, gene silencing is initiated by the Xist long non-coding RNA. Xist accumulation at the X leads to enrichment of specific chromatin marks, including PRC2-dependent H3K27me3 and SETD8-dependent H4K20me1. However, the dynamics of this process in relation to Xist RNA accumulation remains unknown as is the involvement of H4K20me1 in initiating gene silencing. To follow XCI dynamics in living cells, we developed a genetically encoded, H3K27me3-specific intracellular antibody or H3K27me3-mintbody. By combining live-cell imaging of H3K27me3, H4K20me1, the X chromosome and Xist RNA, with ChIP-seq analysis we uncover concurrent accumulation of both marks during XCI, albeit with distinct genomic distributions. Furthermore, using a Xist B and C repeat mutant, which still shows gene silencing on the X but not H3K27me3 deposition, we also find a complete lack of H4K20me1 enrichment. This demonstrates that H4K20me1 is dispensable for the initiation of gene silencing, although it may have a role in the chromatin compaction that characterises facultative heterochromatin.This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (S.T.d.R), project grants PTDC/BIA‐ MOL/29320/2017 IC&DT (A. C. R. & S.T.d.R), CEECUIND/01234/207 (S.T.d.R), and SFRH/BD/137099/2018 (A.C.R.), by an ERC Advanced Investigator award ERC‐ADG‐2014 671027 attributed to E.H., Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship (J.J.Z.), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science KAKENHI grants (JP17KK0143 and JP20K06484 to Y.S., JP19H04970, JP19H03158 and JP20H05393 to K.M., JP17K17719 to T.H., JP18H05534 to H.Ku, JP18H05527 and JP20H00456 to Y.O., JP17H01417 and JP18H05527 to H.Ki), and Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) CREST JPMJCR16G1 to T.K., H.Ku, Y.O. and H.Ki, PREST JPMJPR2026 to K.M., and ERATO JPMJER1901 to H.Ku. J.J.Z. is supported by core funding of The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Biology (Novo Nordisk Foundation grant number NNF17CC0027852). Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio